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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Mafia's Ruination - Episode 36




The  Mafia's Ruination - Episode 36

Subtitle; {Between Love and War} 

Authoress Rejoice            


Alice's POV

As I turned to find a more comfortable space, I heard the rain on the ceiling. Opening my eyes, I looked around for Alex, but he wasn't in sight. 

To say I'm happy about last night's event would be a major understatement. I am beyond happy—I'm elated. Last night was amazing; it exceeded all my expectations. 

Alexander wasn't the type of guy to seek only his own pleasure. Giving me the pleasure I deserved brought him joy as well. I feel sore in different parts and too tired to get out of bed.

The weather was still bad, and it seemed hopeless to think the rain would stop any time soon. Thunder and lightning followed side by side, urging me to stay cooped up in bed the entire day. 

Making the short trip from Alex's room to mine, I took a quick warm shower and brushed my teeth. After putting on my baggy hoodie and pants, I went downstairs with my phone in hand. 

I wanted to call Alexander after checking if he was in his study or not. I stopped by the kitchen, but didn't see Blair or Elizabeth anywhere in the kitchen or living room.

The familiar cologne wafted into my nose, and I inhaled deeply. Unless you've smelled it, you won't understand - his scent is strong, minty, and musky, and I loved it. 

He wrapped his hand around my waist, his breath warm on the nape of my neck. I turned to him as he demanded, locking eyes. 

"Good morning," he greeted, his childlike smile lighting up his face. "I didn't think you'd come down today, you seemed so cozy under that duvet." 

"Morning. Yes, but now I'm up," I replied before turning away. "I want to make some hot chocolate to warm up. Do you want some?"

"No, I've already had coffee," He said, and I stirred the cup with a spoon as I listened to him. 

"I thought you went to work," I informed, facing him. 

With his hands still on my waist, he lifted me onto the kitchen island, positioning himself between my legs. "You don't like it?" 

"No, I love it when you're at home," I responded, picking up the cup and sipping it slowly. After dropping the cup back next to me on the kitchen island, I used the spoon to take some liquid, putting it in my mouth. 

Alex's lips pressed against mine, taking in the little liquid before licking my lips with his tongue. I stared at him, surprised and happy. 

"I thought you didn't want any."

"Yeah," he said with a shrug, "but it tastes different when you try it." 

"I don't think so," I disagreed, shaking my head. "Let's try it again and see." Taking the spoon from my hand, he scooped out a spoonful of the chocolate drink and fed it to me before kissing me. I bit my bottom lip, and opened my mouth to taste the liquid. "See? Isn't it delicious?" 

I shook my head, smiling. "You're not serious." 

"What do you want to do today, Minx?" he asked, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head and then uncovering it. 

"I can never guess what you will call me next, why?" 

It changes each second and to be honest, I kind of enjoy the series of nicknames he has for me. 

"I like it that way, Kitten," his voice softened as he said it. 

He does it again. I can never guess the next nickname that leaves his lips. 

"See? Why can't I guess it?" I blurted out, feeling kind of sad. 

It was hard to know the next nickname I was going to be called by Alex.

" Don't stress over it, Princess," he consoled, brushing my hair behind my ear. "You might get it one day." 

He is doing it on purpose. 

Locking him in between my legs, I sighed. "Back to your question," he nodded, waiting for my next statement. "Let's stay in bed all day watching movies. What do you say?" 

"Okay," he said. "As long as we don't watch some cheesy romance movies like always." 

What does he have against romantic movies? 

"There is nothing wrong with romance, Alex," I scolded, poking my index finger into his chest. "You need to embrace it for it to come to you." 

"Yeah, sure," he said, sarcasm dripping from those two words. "I don't think that's how it works, Alice." 

Wishes come true, I know it. 

"Well, I do think so," I defended, lifting my head in defiance. 

He flicked his fingers on my forehead, and I winced in pretentious pain. Alex would never do anything to hurt me; I trusted him completely. 

"Think again, darling."

"What if I don't want to think again?" I asked. "You can't take away my love for love."

"I'm not trying to take it away. I love the fact that you believe so strongly in love. I hope it rubs off on me," He said, and, I ruffle his scattered hair with one hand while the other picked up my cup of chocolate.

"Maybe it will one day, you never know. It just happens."

"Forget that," he said, brushing his fingers through his hair before returning his hand to my waist as if it belonged there."There is some bacon and pancakes in the microwave for you. You must be hungry."

"I am," I replied. "I'm starving."

He leaned in, taking my lips in his. I wasn't complaining. Why would I even complain about something so good? I just want to be alerted in time in order not to be taken by surprise. His mouth tasted like my chocolate, a bit of coffee, and syrup.

"Did you eat without me?" I asked, interrupting the kiss. He hesitated before nodding. "That's not fair. You should have woken me up," I insisted. 

"I couldn't. You were sound asleep," he replied, gently stroking my hair. 

"I could still have eaten with you," I protested. "It's not the same," he said. 

"What about the noodles I prepared for you last night? What happened to them?" I asked. 

"The maids threw them out," he said. 

I gasped, shocked. I had wanted to share them with him before everything that happened last night. 

"They were already cold and soggy this morning. They had to," he explained, drumming his fingers on my hips as he held my waist.

If one is to marry Alexander, they must be prepared to take on the roles of both wife and mother, as he is affectionate and enjoys physical closeness—he is clingy. 

"So you didn't eat last night?" I inquired. 

"I did," He responded. 

I was curious about what he might have eaten, and when. 

"What did you eat?" I opted to simply ask him, choosing not to dwell on the possibilities. 

"You," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes, causing my cheeks to flush with shyness. "It was the best meal I have had in my life," he added playfully.

Ah, butterflies. 

Kíll me. Lord, tàke my lifé before this man does. He is planning on kílling me with his words - his appealing, alluring, enticing, inviting and sedúctive words. I don't think last night was a one time event and I'm more than ready to attend the event.

TBC 📖✍️

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