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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 4 & 5




Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 4 & 5

Written by Sadiq infinity

NoticeThis story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Days passed since we saw that corpse, nobody ever talked about it again like it never happened, I also continued with my studies, attending class like everyone else! 

So one Friday morning, I went to class as early as I could, because it was Mrs Linda's class, no one ever dares to miss her class, everyone was present, A few minutes later, She walked into the class, with a moody expression on her face but she looked so hot, she went to the podium and dropped her stuff, She wrote  test on the board and asked everyone to tear a sheet of paper, It was unexpected but we had no choice, She  wrote the questions on the board and so the test started! It wasn't hard besides not if you study a little in ur pass time, so I wrote what I knew, As I was doing my work, Some one poked me, and I turned around to see who it was, Barbara. 

Barbara is one of the most $€xiest, influential and popular girls in the school, She's cunning, deceptive and cold as ice, She doesn't care what happens to anyone and she deals with anyone who stands in her way, It was said that she's a daughter to one senator!  Despite her fame in the school, She's not active in class, but she always likes to party and hangout with cool rich kids! 

And as it so happens, she was completely out of service, she didn't know what to write in Linda's test, so she decided to seek for my help, Beauty with no brains! 

Barbara ➡ Psst, hey pls can you help me out? 

Johnson ➡ What? 

Barbara ➡ Pls, I really have no idea what to write, pls I need ur help! 


Well there was nothing I could do but help her, She looked pitiful and desperate, I showed her my paper and she quickly copied down what she saw, After a few minutes, I submitted my paper and went back to my sit, soon everybody was done with their test, and lecture continued, After the class, Mrs Linda gave us her handout to photocopy and study it. 

I went to the biz cafe place to get my copy of the handout and Barbara came after me to thank me for helping her out. 

Barbara ➡ Man, you saved me! Thanks! 

Johnson ➡ You're welcome! 

Barbara ➡ I've to say you look quite charming, what's ur name? 

Johnson ➡ Johnson Jr, what's urs? 

Barbara ➡ Barbara white but call me Barbie! 

Johnson ➡ Nice to meet you Barbie, I have to say you're gorgeous! 

Barbie ➡  thank eeewww! Come let me treat you to something nice! 

Johnson ➡ No, thank you, I'm okay! 

Barbie ➡ Come on, I insist! 

We went to the school cafeteria and she bought us some nice delicious meals and paid it herself, we sat on our table eating and  talked about lots of things, getting acquainted with each other, Though she might be a cold blooded brat, She's quite interesting! 

Barbie ➡ So  johnny, do you have a girlfriend? 

Johnson ➡ Nope, not yet, but I do sleep with alot of ladies! 

Barbie ➡ Really? So you're a player? 

Johnson ➡ No not at all, the ladies just seem to look at my direction! I can't help it, if they fall for  my charms! 

Barbie ➡ Hmmm, I would really want to know  what attracts ladies towards you! 

Johnson ➡ I can show you if you like and in private! 

Barbie ➡ Really?  that would be fun! 

As we were talking, Vixen and that small attractive girl that Oga James was fucking came to our table, it seems like they are friends with Barbie, as I later found out the little girls name is Sophy or Sophia which ever one it is, and she looked quite young for her age, she was older than I thought, Vixen saw me and hugged me warmly, sitting directly on top of my laps and Sophia sat close to Barbie!. 

Vixen ➡ Hey b, what's up now? 

Barbie ➡ That's my date, you're sitting on! 

Vixen ➡ Johnson! Really? I never knew you were a social guy! I thought you were gay! 

Sophia ➡ So that's his name? 

Johnson ➡ Excuse me, I'm not gay! 

Barbie ➡ So you guys have met? 

Vixen ➡ Yes, his room is close to my banger boyfriend! 

Sophia ➡ We met at James shop at an awkward time, we never got to introduce ourselves! 

Johnson ➡ Vixen, you shouldn't do this, Zombie might see us! 

Vixen ➡ don't worry, he won't mind! 

Barbie ➡ Well, enough talk, Johnny, I'm having a small party tonight, and you're invited, no guests allowed! 

Johnson ➡ Okay, where's the place? 

Barbie ➡ Don't worry V will come and pick you up later! 

After that they left the joint but not before Barbie landed a warm kiss, on my lips, it was good but the taste of her mouth smelled or sounded familiar! 


I went back to the hostel to rest and eat something, this school is crazy, drugs and $€× was rampant here like a plague, I won't be surprised if they say some of the girls are pregnant, its just too much! As I arrived at my door, I heard loud smacks and m+ans coming from Zombie's room, He was busy screwing a girl, well that's his business not mine, I entered my room, dropped my stuff and soaked garri with kuli-kuli as my lunch, after consuming it, I took a small nap and dreamt about Cynthia! 

Later, I was awoken by a knock on my door, I opened it and Zombie walked in wearing a singlet and shorts, He sat on my bed, stretching himself! 

Zombie ➡ Sup John, looks like you enjoyed ur sleep! 

Johnson ➡ Yes oo, So whats up? 

Zombie ➡ Come on, let's go to block A, they're having a PSP game over there! 

Johnson ➡ Really? Let me get dressed! 

I quickly wore my singlet and a baggy shorts and we took off straight to Block A, the place was quite crowdy, almost every room had a PSP game station, Zombie and I entered a particular room, the room was stuffy with the smell of shisha and smoke, they smoked while playing games, the owner of the Room and the game came and shaked Zombie, His name was Billy,. 

Billy was like the radio transmittor of the school, he knows every information in this school about anyone or anything, and people pay him just to get to know something, If you're looking for info about people, he's the guy to look for or consult. He was jovial and a funny guy and so carefree, After he and zombie exchanged pleasantries, he turned towards me! 

Billy ➡ Z, who be this guy? 

Zombie ➡ He's my friend oo, Johnson! 

Billy ➡ Welcome to the gang! 

Johnson ➡ Thanks! 

Billy ➡ So Z, whats his story? Does he have what it takes? 

Zombie ➡ Billy, you dey mad, this guy fucked tight leg Helen's brains out. 

Billy ➡ Really? Cheii, you guys listen to this!. 

Billy announced  to everyone within the hostel about me f+cking Helen and they all shouted! They all hailed and praised me, congratulating me on accomplishing a difficult task, I later found out, Helen never gave any guy the green light except me! 

Billy ➡ Man, that was cool! 

Johnson ➡ Thanks! 

Zombie ➡ Hey, billy, where are the chicks? 

Billy ➡ Easy man, they're coming! 

Johnson ➡ what chicks? Are girls allowed in here? 

Zombie ➡ Yes, its like a tradition here, every time we play games, they come and you know... Relax nobody will talk or report it. 

Some time later, girls came into the hostel, the guys were restless when they came in, even Vixen and Sophia were among, each girl went to her guy, Zombie grabbed his babe, kissing and pressing her, I had no one so I played the PSP, as I was playing, Sophia came and sat on my lap! 

Johnson ➡ Excuse me, what do you think you're doing? 

Sophia ➡ Relax, we're just going to have fun! 

Johnson ➡ with who? You must be sick! 

Sophia ➡ Relax, its just for a while. 

Johnson ➡ Get off me, you skinny bitch! 

Sophia ➡ what's ur problem? Are you D+ckless or gay? 

WTF!!!! 😠, Everyone in the room heard what she said, that was a big insult to my male ego and I couldn't let it slide, 

I grabbed her and pinned her on the floor, I tore her pantry hose and p+nt right off her, I quickly removed my shorts and penetrated her hard! Her c+nt was tight, I pounded her small body, hammering her c+nt, Everyone shouted as they saw us, it was like they were watching a live porn, Soon they too started f+cking their girls, the whole  hostel turned into a $£x arena! 

I continued pounding Sophia, my d+ck was too big for her c+nt, She m+aned and screamed in pain, as I rammed her harder and deeper with my d+ck, her c+nt was too sweet, it was clinging tightly to my d+ck, I continued pounding her c+nt ferociously, she was crying and begging me to stop, but I didn't! Soon her eyes widened and she screamed hard as she came on my d+ck, my d+ck too felt like it was going to blow, after a few thrusts, I came deep into her p+$$y! 

She fainted after I released my c+m into her, Vixen watched with fascination as I fucked Sophia, she too soon came hard on Zombies d+ck, A bit later after the girls left, the whole host was covered  in c+m, the place was a mess! After we helped clean the place, Zombie and I went back to our rooms! 

To be continued...

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