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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Clash Of Love - Episode 2




Mother vs Daughter

Clash Of Love - Episode 2

Written by Chidinma Ihemenandu

Can you imagine this kind of idiots and future less people in this house setting me back ward, I know that fool needs shaking and I'm gonna so shake him with divorce if he fails to comply and listen to me this time around, he is a manager in a very big organization, he works like an ant and yet they pays him like he does nothing, oh my gosh! I regret ever marrying such a  dumb a$s and coward of a man for husband, his just a pain to me and nothing more. 

Just imagine me, a whole jewel and breath taking lady in a very high standard, me a beauty queen that every man is dying to be with, and I am here wasting my time with this wretched man while women of my standard are flexing and enjoying life.... Hmm I totally disagree this time is either he agrees with me or I disagree with him! 

(Jude returns home) 

Hi honey what's cooking you ain't looking bright at all, did you have a stressful day? 

**Jude was asking his wife who deliberately ignored him, instead of responding she gave a long hiss and walked out on her husband **

Hi dad you are welcome, how was work today hope not too stressful?

muuaah sweety, work is always stressful and tiring as always but that's least important my angel of light, what's wrong with your mum I came home and greeted her but she wasn't looking happy and friendly at all, she didn't bother to respond to my greetings rather she just hissed and walked away, did you do anything to displease her today? 

Oh come on dad, you just came back from work and you need a warm bath and good food, just go and freshen up and I'm gonna set the table for you in a jiffy... 

Delight my little girl, you are growing up very fast, but remember that we are families and we have to carry each other's burden and try to make them happy when they are sad, so my wife is not looking okay, let's try out some thing to make her happy.

Dad nothing is wrong with mum, you knows how she is trying to always draw unnecessary attention to herself but all I'm gonna tell you as a daughter is that you should not listen to mum when it comes to doing wrong, just do the right things okay dad, well lemme go drop your briefcase and your suit jacket, then I will set your food in the dining, settle with your wife then after which, you come and eat, alright I will be in my room because I have got to finish the story I'm reading in Chidinma Ihemenandu Inspirations Titled *It Wasn't Lust* is very interesting, dad I wish you will join me to read it, kisses and good night love you dad...

Love you more princess night well...What could be the problem with my wife??

Oh! please spare me that because I ain't gonna back down this time around, alright thanks friend bye. (That was Delight's mum, speaking to one of her 'birds of a feather friend' on phone)

Honey! I have been calling you for a while now

Jude! What sought of rubbish and disgrace are you, now I know that all the school you went to is for nothing, rubbish! 

My love what's wrong with you, how on earth have i offended you? 

When you came into this room was I not on call? yet you was screaming my name as if you are learning to pronounce it, mtcheww please excuse me, coward! 

Oh God, what on earth have i done to deserve all these insult from my wife, I'm I not trying as a man to provide for my wife and family, why is she behaving this way to me, God please intervene.

Wow! Am too excited tonight I can't wait to be free like a bird, this man should just correspond or else ........  




Darling come and join me, I always talk about you because you are such an exceptional good cook..... (Jude beckons his wife)

I have eating and I 'm going to sleep please I wouldn't want any disturbance to night....

 I will join you soon darling when I' m through with this delicious meal OK...

 Suit your self you munchoko. 

Lol women and their wahala hmm! God please help me out. 




My wife, what have I ever done to you, tell me and I will understand and give you anything you want, just tell me as your husband and I will understand please my wife.

Oh gosh! please take away your filthy hands off me this old wretch, since you don't wanna correspond with me on what I told you to do, you are now gonna see the worst side of me because I ain't ready to suffer at my age. 

Bring it on babe, what is it you want me to do?

Are you sure you gonna do it for me this time, just promise.. 

Trust me my love I promise

Now you are talking honeypie.. I have told you a short cut to get wealth in just no time without any one raising an eye brow

So is still the same issue!!....alarmed! do you still mean that I should go and embezzle my companies money? 

Yes honey, people are doing it on daily basis and are still moving around freely without anyone suspecting them, just do it codedly and no body's gonna find out.

Oh shut up please! do you know the level of grievances and disgrace I am gonna go through if am been caught, do you know that I  might even go to life imprisonment or direct execution if am been caught? I thought you love me and this is what you are encouraging me to go and do... Woman you are so impossible!

That's your business man! if you don't wanna do it or get rich quickly just count me off as your wife because I am too young and fresh to suffer, in fact I am filling for a divorce  tomorrow, Coward mtcheww!!

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