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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Hottie Next Door Season Two Episode 10



 (Extremely Hot )

The Hottie Next Door Season Two Episode 10

GENRE: Romance, Drama, Suspense

©️Authoreres TiFe




"Tell us where his spirit is now?" I yelled in anger making him shiver.

"I trapped it, using the magic of the Hoodie man." He said and Sandra fell to the couch weakly.

"What? Where? Why? How?" I asked.

"I knew if his spirit still roamed about, he would surely find his way back to you and I would lose." He said and at one second I didn't know when I punched him hard on the face making his nose bleed.

"Where did you trap him?" Bennett asked walking close to him.

"Somewhere ugly." He said and Bennett reached for his head shutting her eyes as he began to scream.

After few seconds she yanked her hand off his head breathing heavily.

"His spirit is suffering." She said breathing hard.

"Where is he?" Sandra asked.

"In Enzo's burnt body, under a river." She said and tears rolled down Sandra's face.

"Christian took you as his brother!! And all you could do is trap his soul in your miserable body and let him drown over and over again!!" She yelled and all the candles in the house increased their fire.

"Sandra." I called in shock and the woman also stared at her. She looked very very angry as she stared at him.

"I knew it. I knew it." Bennett said and I furrowed my brows.

"The vision I saw,this is the proof that it is true. She is no ordinary person Kel." She said leaving me damn confused.

"What do you mean by she isn't an ordinary person?" I asked.

"You will get to know when we retrieve Christian's spirit and put it in his body." She said and I stared at Sandra who was still damn angry.

"Wait! You are going to release Christian's spirit?" He asked and we looked at him.

"That is a bad idea. He is going to kill me, us, because he can never be okay again. Not after spending more than three years under water." He said and I give him another punch.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"We should go now. And he is coming with us, we will need his body there." She said packing some candles into her bag.

"Sandra it will be okay." I said hugging when I noticed she kept her eyes on Enzo.

"He is going to pay for what he did to Christian." She said and I nodded.

"Of course he will." Bennett replied heading to the door.

"I will bring him to the car. You go." I said to Sandra.

"I can't leave you alone, what if he tries something stupid?" She asked and I shook my head.

"He won't. He is under a spell." I said and she nodded taking a last look at him before walking out of the house.

I looked at him and walked up to him.

"Aren't you thinking at all?" He asked and I ignored him.

"Shut up!" I said releasing his hand from the chair.

"Can't you see how pained she is about Christian? How eager she is to get him back? Don't you know that once he is back you can never have Sandra again."

"Considering the fact that he didn't leave her but was framed by me. Once he is back, she is going to leave you for her 6 years old relationship, and you are back to nothing." He said and I paused what I was doing, thinking about what he said speechlessly.

"Now you see I am correct. Let me escape and I promise never to show my face again, and then you have Sandra to yourself." He said and I came back to my right senses. 

"Thank you for the offer." I said and I hit his head again, his time harder than ever, making him  fall unconscious.

I got him out of the house and threw him into the boot of the car.  I hopped in the front seat sighing.

"What took you so long?" Bennett asked.

"Nothing. He was just ranting and I had to shut him up." I said looking back to see Sandra staring out of the window deep in thoughts.

"She would be fine." She said and I nodded.

"I know." I said remembering all Enzo said. Could if be true? 

What if she leaves me for innocent Christian? I would lose her forever, Because the way I am seeing this, she is ready to get him back at all cost.


Guys what do you think about this ??? 

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