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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Symphony Of Hearts - Episode 47 & 48




Symphony Of Hearts - Episode 47 & 48

   { ....The Sparks Within .... }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.

Genre: Romance

Tags: Highschool, Fantasy, Musical, K-pop, S£x, Comedy, Love Triangle, Drama, Heartbreak, Secrets, Love At First Sight, Jealousy, Suspense, Bullying.

 © Ariel Mirabel

 ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧   ✧༺✰༻✧

                      ✰{ 𝓘 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 }✰

Goosebumps immediately travelled through Lucia's whole body as she stared at the girl who stared back at her.

"You... You're the K-pop Lucia"

Lucia stood frozen on her spot as she stared at her the girl who looked like her. More like she looked like the girl. The girl looked back at her with a surprised look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Kpop Lucia finally spoke, sending shivers down her spine.

"I have questions to ask you... How did we switch bodies? What am I doing in your body?" Lucia made to touch her but a strong wind suddenly began blowin her away from the girl 

"No, wait! I need to ask you questions!" Lucia screamed as she felt herself getting pulled further and further away.

K-pop Lucia just stared at her as she was being blown away by a strong force.


Lucia's eyes suddenly snapped wide open. She looked around to see Jackson and the girls looking down at her with a worried expression on their faces.

"She's awake" Becky breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Lucia?" Lucia sat up, looking around frantically. She was laying inside her bedroom.

She looked at her hands. It was all just a dream? No, it felt to real to be just a dream. Did she got herself teleported to a spirit realm?

No... Such things isn't real right?

"What's wrong Lucia? We heard something breaking in the kitchen and rushed there to see you unconscious. Are you sure you're okay?" Eva asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Lucia stared at them with guilt in her heart. Sooner or later, she has to come clean to them and let them know the truth.

"I.. I need to tell you something" Lucia said.

"It can wait, just have a good night rest. Tomorrow we have our first ever performance. You need to be in good shape" Scarlett said.

Lucia stared at them then slowly nodded..

"We'll allow you to rest now. If you need something, my room is the closest to yours okay?" Eva said and Lucia nodded before they exited the room.

Lucia laid back down on the bed as she stared into space. Kingsley suddenly popped in her mind and she sighed, tomorrow he'll be getting engaged.

She picked her phone that was laying next to her before she went to look at Kingsley's message. 



"I love this dress!" Quinn pointed at a pink gown. She released Finley's hand and went to grab the dress before bringing it back to Finley.

"How does it look on me? Do you think I should try it out?" She asked and Finley nodded.

She immediately rushed into one of the dressing cabinet to try the dress on. After she was done, she walked out and twirled around.

"What do you think?" She smiled.

"Looks cute on you" He smiled

Quinn turned to face the mirror and she pouted as she stared at her chest. In the gown, there's a spacing where the breast rested but hers was so small that the gown felt loose on her chest area.

She looked at Finley who was busy pressing his phone then at her chest.

"What if he likes it big?" She murmured and pouted even more.

Almost all her friends looks really s+xy with full chest but her, she still looked like a kid. 

"Umm babe? On second thoughts I don't like the gown" Quinn said and went in to change.

She placed back the gown where she found it.

"Let's look for another" She held Finley's arm and they began walking.

Finley chuckled. "Yunno, the less bigger it is the less chance of having back pains so don't feel bad" Finley said and Quinn immediately blushed

"You... You saw me?" Quinn bit her lips

"Yeah, don't worry too much. I don't like my things in excess" Finley whispered to her ears and Quinn's face reddened even more.

"Don't say that!" Quinn hit his arm playfully and Finley chuckled.



"And five, six, seven, eight and five, six, seven, eight" The choreographer recited as the girls rephrased their song for tonight.

Tonight's going to be their first music show performance and they wanted to give it their best.

"Great! Now you're good to go" The choreographer smiled to them

"Gosh! I'm so nervous!" Scarlett bit her fingernails.

"Lucia what's wrong? You kept missing some dance steps which was unlike you" Becky asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Today is the engagement day" Scarlett said

"No, it's not because of that!" Lucia immediately retorted and sighed when she saw the girls weren't buying any of her words.

"I need to use the restroom" She said and grabbed her phone then left the room.

She suddenly bumped onto someone as she made her way to the restroom and the person turned out to be none other than Maggie.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you. Was on my way to see my fiance" Maggie said, adding more emphasis on the word “fiance”

Lucia made to take the other way but Maggie still blocked the way with a smirk on her face.

"How does it feels to be looser?" She asked with a scornful look on her face.

"You should be thankful. It's because of me you're getting what you always wanted. No matter what you'll always be an option to Kingsley" Lucia smirked.

She could see the change in the look on Maggie's face but Maggie quickly masked it with a smirk.

"Well at least I had my ways to achieve it. All it took was some few tears for my mom to threaten you. What about you huh? You're a loser, all on your own. No parents, nothing" Maggie said and chuckled.

"Well to proof to you I'm not that heartless as you think I'll be generous enough to invite you as one of my bridesmaids when the time comes. Have a lovely and lonely life" Maggie winked before walking away

Lucia folded her fists tightly.


Kingsley was seen sitting on his swivel chair inside his office as he watched a video on his lap top. It was a video his spy sent to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined the girl in the video to he Avery but here it is, the proof was right before his eyes.

He still had a tough time decided on what to do with the video. Should he just publish it? No, he needs a reason behind it. He needs to talk to Avery and know why the video was edited to make it look like Lucia.

A message popped up on his phone and he picked it then checked. A smirk curved up his lips as he stared at it.

Almost immediately, Maggie barged in the office with a bright smile on her lips.

"Babe!" She exclaimed and sat on Kingsley's thigh then made to kiss his lips but Kingsley turned his face away

Maggie felt hurt by his action but she managed to keep the smile on her face.

"I just came to check up on you. How are you preparing for tonight's engagement party. Our family will be there together with some reputed figures" Maggie said.

"Maggie I want to make this clear to you. I will never love you" Kingsley said

"It's okay, my love is enough for the two of us" She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.



The music show has started and some other groups were performing on stage while the others were getting ready to perform.

The girls were seated in their assigned room as the make-up artist and stylist worked on them. Lucia stared at her reflection on the mirror with a passive look on her face.

The make-up artist really did a good job on her, the make-up really brought out her feminine beauty and she was wearing a black and pink outfit, just like the girls, her hair fell freely on her back, it was curled up with some pink shiny details adorned to it.

A stylist was helping Scarlett fix the head worn microphone on her. She looked really gorgeous, like a goddess and her some extensions were added to her short hair making it longer.

Eva was busy rehearsing her lines, she was already dressed and set.

Becky snuck out of the room, heading to the room assigned to ECSTASY. They were also going to perform tonight too, immediately after them.

She got there and walked into see the stylists working on them. Andrew was busy getting his make-up done while Jayden was practicing the high notes he was going to sing


Becky immediately turned when she heard a voice behind her. Her gaze met with Kyle who smiled at her.

"What are you doing here? Did you forget your way around?"

"Oh no! I came to.. to wish you good luck" She said and Kyle smiled even more.

"Thanks" He said and Becky nodded.

"I have to go back to my group now" Becky said and made to leave but Kyle grabbed her wrist.

He looked around to make sure no one had their attention on them.

"I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to get it off my mind if I don't do it" He said and before Becky could understand what he meant, she felt him press his lips on hers

Her eyes widened like never before as she stared at him. Kyle pulled away almost immediately, he smiled at her.

"See you later" He said but before he could turn and leave, Becky dragged him to a secluded alley.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his face really close to her, taking Kyle by surprise.

"If you're gonna steal my first kiss, do it the right way" Becky said and with that she slammed her lips hungrily against his.

Kyle didn't even give room for over thinking. He immediately held her waist possessively, reciprocating the kiss.

He pinned her to the wall as their lips moved in a steady pace. He bit her lower lips and nibbled sensually on it.

Becky let out a cute sound from her lips. Kyle broke the kiss resting his forehead against hers.

"It's almost time for you guys to perform. Don't worry we'll continue from where we stopped" He whispered to her ears and Becky giggled as his breath tickled her neck.


Shouts rented the hall as a girl group finish performing their songs. Some fans were seen waving their light stick in the air.

"And now, give up for... Pinky Pixies!" The emcee said and the fans began screaming

Though some just kept quiet, the majority screamed happily.

The stage began rising from beneath as the spotlight shun on the girls faces. The screams even increased when the girls came to view.

"Wassup Pinkies!" Eva exclaimed on her mic. “Pinkies” was their fandom name

"Are you ready for tonight?" Becky smiled out.

Lucia looked completely absent minded


"Wait" Lucia cut Scarlett off.

The crowd went mute due to that.

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to say is out of topic, but I don't think I will bear it if I miss this occasion" Lucia said then took a deep breath, whatever happens to her after this she doesn't care.

"King, I know that I'm a fool and a coward who can't even fight for what she want but I'm not sure I'll handle it. Please don't marry her King, I.. I love you too" Lucia said at the verge of tears.

The crowd gasped loudly in shock. Who was the King she was referring too? Eva and the girls looked surprised too.

The shock was short lived as the crowd began gushing and screaming louder for them.



The party hall was decorated luxuriously. Only people from elite family were there. The guests wore expensive gowns and suits, chatting amongst themselves.

"They have arrived" A guard and opened the door for them to walk in

Maggie was holding onto Kingsley arm as they walked down the red carpet with the guests clapping for them. She was wearing a red expensive gown while Kingsley was clad in a black suit. They both looked gorgeous.

They walked up to center were a white cushion rested with their engagement ring on it.

"First of all the couples are going to exchange some words to each other." The coordinator said and handed the mic to Maggie who collected it

She looked up at Maggie and smiled. "King, ever since we were kids I've always loved you. You don't know how happy I am to be standing before you right now, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you and to love you in many ways as possible." Maggie said and the guests clapped for them

Kingsley took the microphone.

"Before I say anything, I will urge everyone here to watch this video" Kingsley gestured to the big screen before them

Thomas looked confused while Jade's smile slowly fell.

The screen switched on and Maggie's face paled down when the video of how Jade ordered Lucia to be kidnapped, how she threatened Lucia, and many more things.

The displeased murmurs from the guests immediately began.

👥 What nonsense is this?

👥 Threatening a minor. How cheap!

👥 I thought Jade was more than this. So disappointed

"With this, everyone agrees that it'll be a disgrace to marry into this family. Without further ado, this engagement party is a huge fiasco" Kingsley said and dropped the mic down

Jade's eyes remained wide as she looked at all the guests who looked at her with disgusted look. She looked front to see Kingsley approaching her. Her blood immediately began boiling

"If only you decided to just stop, I wouldn't have resorted to tarnish your reputation. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and watch my love's performance." Kingsley smirked and began walking away

"King! No, you can't do this to me. I love you!" Maggie ran after him.

Her heel broke and she fell down. "Kingsley!!"

             💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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