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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Destrõy Me - Episode 69 & 70





Destrõy Me - Episode 69 & 70


 By Naomi Cindy B.


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied, or reposted in any form, or by any means without a written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2024



Isobel stood, and with blood still gushing out of her neck, she removed her hairpin and stabbed her palm with it.

"Arrhhh!!!" Twilight cried as the wound appeared on her own palm too.

Isobel tried stabbing herself again, but Elijah made her freeze.

At the same time, Twilight froze too, and when Slade made to carry her, he couldn't. Her feet is gummed to the ground just like Isobel's.

"Now that's a really strong blood link." Elijah said.

"Release her" Slade said, and Elijah did.

Isobel immediately was able to move, and she dropped the bloody hairpin on the ground, lifting her chin.

"You better worship me like a god, cos if I get mad, I'll tear myself on the belly" she said cockily, walking away.

"I love this!!" Imogen shouted, rushing after her.

Echo was laughing as she followed with Ren and Posey.

Elijah removed his ring, giving it to Slade 

"I'm aware your ring lost it's healing ability, so use mine, and don't worry, I won't ask for payback" he winked.

Slade looked at Twilight who's in pains in his arms, and he reluctantly took the ring, wearing it on her finger.

Both the neck stab and palm stab healed up, and Elijah smiled after taking his ring back.

"I knew Aimee was up to something bad, and here we are...I'm never wrong" he said.

"Are you ok, Light?" Slade asked Twilight.

"Yes" Twilight replied, touching her neck gently.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah...I'm fine" she nodded twice.

"Go for your Lectures then" he said, and she looked him in the eye, not wanting to even move.

"I'll text you" he said.


"Rest assured" he replied, and she finally left with her friends.

"Sladie, make sure you hunt Aimee down for this" Onyx told him before leaving too.

"Your three classes?" Uriel asked.

"Cancelled" Slade replied curtly, and Uriel left to take care of them.

A female lecturer suddenly showed up in the hallway.

"Miss Dora? How're you doing today?" Elijah winked.

She ignored him totally, facing Slade.

"The sponsors are waiting at the hall, and Lord Vann will soon be there too" she reported.

Twilight who's still moving away with her friends looked back when she heard the voice, and her eyes blinked slowly when she saw her.

"C'mon Twi-Twi" Rihannon pulled her, taking her away eventually.

"Meeting rescheduled to tonight, I have things to take care of" Slade told the lecturer.

"Sure, I'll relate your message" she smiled, leaving after taking a bow.

"I can boldly say she's the prettiest lady in this town. I mean...look at that backside. Too bad she doesn't like men... heard she's a lesbian" Elijah whispered.

"Cut the crap about your Miss Dora problem, where the hell is Aimee?" Slade asked, looking red.

"Do not kill her, Slade" Elijah got serious too.

"And you expect me to bow my head and go; yes my king?" Slade sneered.

"Aimee is doing all these for you jerk! If you could just take this Isobel girl as your new plaything and kill Twilight once and for all, then everyone will be happy. We all want you to live, dear brother" Elijah replied, touching Slade's shoulder.

"Get your hands off me" Slade grinded.


Slade already gave Elijah a heavy uppercut, and Elijah staggered, his eyes turning and his nose bleeding.

"Stay off my radar throughout today, else I might kill you after killing her" Slade said, going down the hall.

Elijah stood straight, wiping his nose sleazily.

"His darn temper" he smiled, looking around for any sign of Rihannon, but she's gone.

"Oops" he sounded, walking off.



The class is not very full since it already got cancelled, and the next class is not happening till 10.

There are scanty students in the class, including Isobel and the rest.

"Your coming is a blessing trust me. Who knew something like this was possible. I mean..." Imogen laughed.

She hasn't stopped laughing.

Since Twilight's wounds healed, Isobel's wounds healed too, so she's fine now.

"Why does she have my face? That's the most annoying part, and the way Slade looks at her? More annoying" Isobel said.

"You don't have to worry, I'll take you to my personal spa, and you'll be good before tomorrow. Your body is gorgeous than hers, you're fleshier and curvier" Echo said.

"But Twilight's b👀bs are bigger" Ren chirped in.

"Shut up!" Posey and Imogen chorused, and he held his lips 

Echo giggled.

"Should i tear your eyes? Let's make her blind" Imogen said.

"Not yet, I'll wait till tomorrow to explore more" Isobel said.

"What if they find a way to unlink the two of you before tomorrow? Are you underestimating Slade" Echo asked.

"I'm not underestimating him, but I'm not underestimating Aimee either. Slade will end up bowing, trust me" Isobel said, her confidence overflowing.

"Guys...I'm actually planning to announce Ruslan as my boyfriend before weekend in class. Any gift suggestion? You guys are more experienced" Echo said.

Ren, Posey and Imogen exchanged secret glances.

"Cool, buy him perfumes, Ruslan likes them" Imogen said.

"Thank you" Echo appreciated.

Imogen gave her some money instantly, and Echo blinked.

"Get me bananas at the refectory" she said.

"Sure" Echo sheepishly replied, rushing off.

Immediately she left, the three let out the laughter they've been holding, leaving Isobel confused.

"What's going on?" Isobel blinked.

Imogen told her all about the Ruslan's phone stuff, and Isobel had no choice but join in the laughter.

"Is she stupid?" She said.

"She is more than that" Ren said.

"And why did you tell her Ruslan likes perfumes?" Posey asked.

"His mother who abandoned him owned a perfume company, so he hates perfumes to the core. I bet he'd eat Echo raw when she gives him the perfume" Imogen said.

"Now I can't wait" Isobel chuckled.



Twilight and her friends decided to hang out in the busy building before the next class.

As usual, they're sitting around lots of food on their table.

"Open" Onyx said, bringing a fork containing salad to Twilight's lips.

Twilight opened slightly, and Onyx fed her after which she received a thumbs up.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Damien asked worriedly.

"Quit worrying, Mr. President will take care of it" Rihannon said.

"I trust him, but this Isobel witch is crazy. What if she hurts herself again just to hurt you?" Damien asked.

"I'll be fine, at least she won't kill herself" Twilight shrugged, drinking her banana milk.

"Hey buddy!" Elijah suddenly settled with them, and Damien's mood turned sour.

"What are you doing here?"

"Calm down bro, I'm not stealing your wife away" Elijah replied, picking an apple from the fruits.

"And for the last time, I am not his wife!" Rihannon glared.

"But he likes you" Elijah craftily said, and Damien spranged up, pulling him up and pushing him away from the table, causing a small scene.

"Get away from us" he glared.

"Stop taking it too hard, it's not d+ck" Damien smiled, taking a bite from his apple.

He was looking at Rihannon as he took the bite.

"I'll see you around, love" he said, and Damien made to follow him again, but Rihannon held him back.


Elijah left the refectory, and Rihannon grabbed her bag.

"Our class starts in ten minutes. Twi, kitten, we'll see later" she said, pulling Damien out.

"Damien likes Rihannon, a lot" Onyx said freely as she ate broccoli.

"How sure are you?" Twilight asked.

"Ehh...It's obvious, but Rihannon doesn't. She sees him as a friend and nothing more" Onyx replied.

"Really?" Molly said, walking past their table.

"I don't like you" Onyx frowned.

"It's same here if not more." Molly replied flatly.

"Just leave us alone, Molly" Twilight sighed.

"Password to the school WiFi is on the homepage, make sure you stay tuned tonight for an upcoming video" Molly blew her a kiss, walking away.

Her phone rang, and she picked the call, leaving the refectory afterwards.

"She's not good and she's not bad, just in-between" Onyx said, sighting Ruslan at the far end of the cafeteria.

She stood immediately.

"I'd like to talk to him" she said.

"Onyx!" Twilight grabbed her hand.

"Don't worry, I won't attack him. He's not worth my energy wastage anyways" Onyx flaunted her hair and left for Ruslan's table.

Ruslan looked up from his plate of garnished noodles, sighting her.

"Not a good thing to see while eating" he said.

"Are you saying I'm irritating?" She replied, sitting in front of him.

"Whatever rows your boat" he replied, still eating.

"Yunno I can smell good and bad, but you're just like Molly. You're not good and you're not bad, and I hate you because your bad scent is more than the good one" she said, watching him eat.

He didn't reply, so she picked his chicken.

"Wait...are you...drop it!" He glared, and she smiled, tearing the chicken into her oily lips.

"Now we can talk well" she said.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you tormenting me?" He dropped his fork  frustratingly.

"For a start, I'm Onyx the cat" she replied.

Meanwhile... Echo is at one of the refectory stands, trying to buy Imogen's bananas.

She's staring at them, mouth opened.

"What are they talking about?" She muttered.

"Miss, your bananas" a chef gave them to her, and she payed, fuming in anger as she left the refectory.

Twilight is still sitting alone, still drinking from her milk when she sighted the lecturer from the morning.

Miss Dora.

She's at one of the chef stands too.

"I'm here for the president's cake." She said.

Twilight dropped her milk immediately.

"President's cake? He doesn't eat cake from here. He has a special patisserie in town which delivers his cake" the chefs replied.

"But this is different, there's a board meeting tonight, and we should at least entertain him even if he wouldn't eat" Miss Dora smiled.

"Ok, I'll make something clean and expensive, please come back by 5" the chef replied, and Miss Dora left after flashing another smile.

Twilight blinked back to her food, but she lost appetite for the salad already.

Miss Dora is aware that Slade likes cake?


Are they close?



The call at the refectory earlier was from Molly's parents, and when she got back to her room, they're really waiting.

"Mum? Dad?" She smiled, hugging them individually.

The room is already filled with the stuffs they bought for her, and she began checking them out happily.

"So...how is it going with Mr. President?" Mr. Fell asked.

"Are you still on that. Come on" Molly replied, opening another bag.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Fell asked.

"Leave Mr. President alone, we're rich enough" Molly said, and her mother yanked her suddenly.

It was so rough that Molly's blouse button broke.


"You must really think it's a joke, right? We're not rich enough honey, we are not! If you can't get Slade, then get Elijah, is it that hard?" The mother said.

"There's no Elijah option. Slade is the ultimate goal. Do you know how many investments he's got? His estates? His connections? Molly!!" Mr. Fell yelled.

"Leave me alone!!" Molly yanked herself away from them, shocking them.

"What? You sent me to this school despite how scary it is, and you made me stay in this poor tower to humble me, now I have to seduce a man who can never be mine? You both should stop!!" She shouted.

Mrs. Fell slapped her, and Molly gasped as her earring flew off.

"Mum?" She gasped.


"Carry your gifts and leave! Throughout this month ... No...this year, don't visit me. I'll go to my uncle's place during breaks so screw you two! If it's that easy, go and seduce Slade yourself!" Molly spat, bolting out of the room.




"I'm doing the right thing, right mother?" Aimee said blankly, feeding Stella her tonic.

"What did you do?" Stella asked as weakly as usual, her voice barely coming out.

"Something Slade would hate me for, but definitely the right thing. I don't care if he hates me, but he definitely can't undo what I did. I binded the blood link with my heart, so unless he kills me, the link will never break" Aimee replied.

"I told you to stop provoking him, Aimee. I'm still...I'm still seeking his forgiveness and...and you had to do another one?" Stella said.

"What did you do?" Timothy entered.

"Don't even ask me" Aimee glared, standing up.

"What did you do!!!" Timothy grabbed her shoulders 

"You weren't ready to make a move, all you care about is creating new establishments, so I made a move instead " she replied.

"I did more than enough! I am the same person who met Greg and begged him to hack his mind, but at the end of the day, he cut Greg's hand and almost killed me!" He said.

"Well there's a girl... Isobel. She was obsessed with him at the orphanage, same face as the slave. Dead, but I brought her back, then I linked them so he won't be able to hurt her. He can have her and kill the slave" She replied.

"And you think he'd agree? He hates control, don't you get it?" Timothy's eyes widened.

"Which is why I'm gonna leave this house for some days" Aimee replied, leaving the room.

She met Grandpa Cedric by the door.

"You did what?" The old man said.

"You don't have the right to talk. Aren't you the same person pampering the slave? I know about the gift basket you gave her, and you even offered her a card? Really? You're the greatest enemy of this family cos you obviously want Slade dead, and that's why you treat her like your daughter!" Aimee pushed past the man.

"Father, is it true?" Timothy faced Cedric, and the man said nothing.

"I'm so disappointed. Do you know what's gonna happen to this family if Slade dies? My establishments will be ruined, you're really an enemy like Aimee said" Timothy continued.

He eventually left him and rushed after Aimee, but Aimee was already driving out of the island.

Immediately she drove out, Slade's car drove in, but when he saw her car ahead, he reversed, chasing her after her.



Owen is still trying to write something down, but just like White said, Greg's hold on her is too tight cos the pen kept breaking.

White went as far as buying a pack of pen, but everything broke immediately she held it, and the floor is full of broken pencils.

White is sitting in front of her, watching her pitifully.

"You should quit trying" he said, and Owen shook her head.

He stood, walking carefully to her.

He held her head, shutting his eyes and delving into her memories, but he found nothing.

"He's smart, he locked his dark secrets away from your memories too" he said, sitting back.

Owen started crying again.

"I'm well aware that the ritual he did that night is longevity ritual. My mother suspected it before her death. Stella was drawn to the forest by him, and he took the lifeline of one of the triplets, which is Slade" he said.

Owen nodded.

"But if Slade was human, he should have died immediately Greg completed the ritual, but he's still alive till now, meaning..." White drawled.

"He's not human, and even without the ring, he's supposed to be powerful. Greg probably did something" White said.

Owen nodded fast again.

"We're getting somewhere" White sighed, looking out of the window.

Dark clouds are gathering already.

"Seems it's gonna pour" he said.



The unending race between Aimee and Slade is still ongoing, and it would have ended since long ago, but Slade's ring is ruining things.

He has tried using his mind to stop Aimee's car more than twenty times, but his ring is not working.

Does this mean not only the healing ability is gone? Maybe every ability of the ring is gone too.

His veins were threatening to burst out of his skin as he flew the car into another corner that Aimee entered.

She's knowingly taking him round the whole of Glennville, and he's lagging behind mainly because he doesn't wanna kill innocent people on the road.

The tyres screeched aggressively, and he chased Aimee into the second road where he entered a roundabout and crashed into the wares of the people selling snacks by the roadside.

Everyone ran aside for their lives, and Slade's hand tightened on the wheel again as he zoomed over metal chairs, breaking them and jumping over before sliding into the third road where Aimee just drove into.

His phone buzzed on the holder in front of him, and he saw a message on screen from Aimee.

Aimee: The Slade I know wouldn't care about the lives of the idiots on the road. Where is the real Slade Luther?

Aimee: You're better than this, brother. Bring out the rage and ruthlessness. Bring out the fire.

Aimee: I love you more than anything existing, and I'll not allow you fall into abyss cos of a moonslave. Come after me and kick away any obstacle. Don't become useless when you're not!

The third message made something ring inside his head...the monsters.

He made a dangerous U-turn, running into two ladies in the process.

The ladies flew off the road, and when Slade drove forward again, he hit a man, rolling him away before speeding off.

He crashed into two cars, but his phantom was strong enough to take them out of the road.

The drivers of the two cars were already bleeding and unconscious inside their cars, but Slade didn't care 

His eyes glowed, and a dark smirk appeared on his face as he grabbed the steering with an hand, screeching down a bend which led to a bridge.

He tried using his mind again, and it worked this time.

Aimee's car stopped, unable to move again, so she quickly got out and began running.

Slade jumped down from his own car too, snapping his fingers.

Aimee instantly caught fire, but luckily, a big rain started.

The rain wasn't enough to quench the fire, so she climbed the bridge rails, jumping into the river.

Slade instantly jumped with her, but that was a mistake, cos it's like the water drained all his ring energy.

He became powerless in the water, so he removed his ring, deciding to concentrate on his own physical energy, but that was crap too.

It's like everything is gone, and he lost consciousness in the water.

It was Aimee who dragged him out, and they surfaced after thirty minutes.

The rain is heavier now, and she pulled him to a tree in the light forest, resting his back on it.

Her clothes are half-burnt, even her hair, and a small part of her face.

"She's a stupid weakness that needs to be eliminated! Your ring power is depleting because of her! I brought Isobel back cos she has the same face so at least you'll have someone to fûck when you kill that slave! You can kill me for it, but do it after you regain your ring power. I'll be waiting" she said, catching her breaths.

She walked out of the forest, and Slade squinted despite his closed eyes. A growl tore out of his pale lips.

He suddenly grabbed his chest when the heart began trying to beat again.

Without his ring power, it's painful as fûck, threatening to burst out of his chest.

"Christ" he growled.

Despite the fact that he didn't get wounded, he began bleeding on the chest, on the heart spot.

"Holy hell!!!" He roared, shaking the rainy forest.



Tamlin is alone just the way he likes, drinking from a cup of juice as he stared into space.

If everything falls in place, then Twilight will come to him soon.

Lord Vann entered the room, and even without turning, he knew it was him.

"I wanna be alone" he said.

"How are you doing?" Vann asked.

"I wanna be alone" Tamlin insisted.

"I'm only...

"I said...I wanna be alone" he repeated, and Lord Vann sighed.

"I'll come back then" he said, leaving the room.

Ruslan came in next.

"You should see this" he said, showing Tamlin his phone screen.

The trending video on a new site is playing clearly.

"It came out just now" he said.

"Not my headache, it should be yours" Tamlin replied.

"I'd have cared if I was still in love with her,  but nah...thats old nesw. Your sister is a whore" Ruslan replied, leaving the room.



As it usually is by this time of the night, the refectory is so damn noisy, and the rain on the roof is not making it any better.

The gossips were flowing around moderately when suddenly, a student spranged up.

"Oh my goodness!" He screamed.

"Subscribe to the new site now! It's called ImoRen. Subscribe and see what I'm seeing!" He announced.

The gossiper students began subscribing, and within three minutes, everyone is watching the videos.

"Ow shit!"

'Imogen and Ren?"

"This is p0rno!"

"Gawd! I'm hard!"

Students went wild over the videos, watching and rewatching and sharing massively.

Posey's ice cream bag fell from her, and her phone followed, both landing at her feet.

She actually came to get ice cream for the whole gang, and now this?

She got a butter knife from a table, running out of the refectory.

Molly is in a corner, her phone in front of her as she received subscription alerts every minute.

The only thing she's awaiting is the fire that's about to burn. At least, this is enough to cheer her up from her greedy parents saga.

She's Molly Fell after all.

"You did that, right?. The university is going crazy over it" Uriel settled beside her, and she smiled sadly.

"I'm glad y'all are enjoying my porn site" she said.

"You ok?" Uriel asked.

She just stood and walked out.


Twilight is holding an umbrella to her head, covering herself from the rain as she stood in front of the admin office like she's waiting for someone.

Slade promised to text, but as usual, he didn't, and she's still trying to process what's going on since Elijah has no idea too.

She looked up when the person she's awaiting came out 

Miss Dora.

Dora looks indifferent when she saw her.

"How may I help you, Miss Kent?" She asked.

"What's your relationship with Slade?" Twilight asked, straight to the point.

Miss Dora was taken by surprise at first, then she smiled lightly.

"I don't think that has anything to do with you" she replied.

"Tell me what I want to know" Twilight replied insecurely.

"Aren't you crossing the line, Miss Kent?" Miss Dora said, and Twilight moved closer.

"Are you... perhaps... His ex?" Twilight asked, and the lady gasped.

"What the f+ck is wrong with you?" A dominating voice said behind, and Twilight paused, turning around to see Slade approaching.

Suit in hand, all his shirt buttons undone, showcasing his inky chest completely, hair disheveled, and his body wet from the rain 

And his eyes? Bloody.

F+çking bloody.

It scared her, and she held the umbrella handle tighter.

"What right do you have to question her?" He questioned, his steps slower when he got close.

Twilight opened her mouth with a inhale.

"I was....

"Shut the f+ck up and stop being a dunce! Who do you think you are? A queen? You're questioning my staffs now?" Slade cut her off with an insane amount of harshness which left her shaky.

"What? You wanna cry? Cry blood and I'll mix it with my coffee and drink! Why are you suddenly feeling fuçking entitled? You think you own me?" Slade came closer, and the umbrella fell from her.

She has no idea where this harshness is coming from, but as the rain began wetting her too, tears filled her eyes.

"Mr. President... please calm down" Miss Dora intervened, but he's not even hearing anything her as his red eyes spit venom into Twilight's body.

He was unstoppable.

"Never...till the end of the moon. Never question anything about me anymore, or I'll really kill you and send you back to where you came from. You're nothing but a SLAVE, after all" he dropped the last straw, and Twilight's throat shook as he walked past her.

His arm bumped into hers, and she staggered.

"This way, Mr. President" Miss Dora directed, taking his suit to hold.

Slade followed her inside, and Twilight felt a poisonous thorn pricking her heart.

She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she just stood there, lifelessly in the heavy rain.


Next Episode 

Previous Episode 


  1. Next pls, am really curious now oo

  2. Am curious, thumb up sis Naomi

  3. So far so good
    The story is intriguing
    Pls more authoress
    God bless your hands

  4. I'm scared for twi twi

  5. Omg what’s going on 😱next please 🙏
