Smile For Me - Episode 21
Theme: Last heart break
Subtitle: I can wipe your tears
Tags: Love, tragicomedy, love triangle, romance, betray, secret, death.
"Noooooooooo!!!" Screamed both Roxanne and Mrs Titore.
"My only child, my joy. Who do this to me". Cried Mrs Titore while Roxanne muttered "Jason" .
"Who is Jason Tell me?" She requested.
"Take it easy". Mr Brown comforted.
Everyone cried bitterly as they drove Leonard's corpse out of the ward to the passage. Roxanne walked unsteady to where Leonard's corpse was laid covered with white clothes.
"Leonard Titore you are mean. You are a wicked soul". She said and the nurses tried to pull her away.
"No don't chase me away I know what I'm saying. You promised to wipe my tears you made promise to stay and make my wish True but you lied to me, you are nowhere to be found. If you leave me I gonna die with you please wake, wake up Leooo please wake up now or else I'm gonna die of heart break. I love you you". She cried with tears flowing down freely from her eye, with her last statement the tears dropped on him and he sneezed incessantly and everyone gasped surprisedly.
(He finally wakes) Roxanne hugged him joyfully when he sat. He was drove back to the Ward to receive cordially treatment.
After two weeks of treatment Leonard was discharged from the hospital. Many interrogation went on between him and Roxanne in front of their parents.
"Did you mean Jason was the one that shot you?" Roxanne asked unbelievable.
"I'm deadly serious about it, I saw him clearly with other gangsters he was the one that shot me I swear". He said confidently.
"Okay should we give a report to the police officer*. Asked Mr Brown.
"Yes, he needs to be punish. Jason must pay for this he's murderer ". Said Roxanne.
They reported to the police and the D. P. O who was best friend to Mr Brown ordered for the arrest. Jason and his gang were arrested, they made attempt to run away but morning has come the police caught them. They were charged to court immediately after the arrest.
After many queries and come on this and that day , the case finally comes to an end and the judge read his judgement.
"I hereby sentence you Jason Smith to life imprisonment for the accused of murder and other types of illegal and unlawful activities. And for the other guys I sentence you to life imprisonment without options of fine. " Couuuuuuurrt"
"Ariiiseeeeee". Chorused everyone inside the court room.
Some were happy while some were sad . Roxanne moved to where Leonard stood outface Jason as he lead away by the policemen.
"What do you want Jason".? Roxanne asked
"I'm here to apologize my evil doing. I know this will be the last day we're seeing, I know I wronged you many times but I think you will earn me your forgiveness." He said looking up like forsaken son.
"I forgive you". Leonard said and hugged him.
"Time's up". One of the policemen shouted.
They watched pitifully as the cops led him away.
"Is this how his life gonna end"? Asked Roxanne.
"Apparently". Replied Leonard trying not to cry.
"I love you leo". Said Roxanne.
"I love you and I will always do". Said Leonard and kissed her.
"Wow! What a beautiful scene". Teased Elia.
"I pity Jason". He said.
"We also do". Said Himal.
"Can we go home now"? Asked Roxanne.
"Yes beauty". He replied and they all walked to where their cars was parked.
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