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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Dark Desires - Episode 39 & 40



Dark Desires - Episode 39 & 40

{Ãccîdéñtally in løve with you.....}

THEME: Making her bend over

TAGS: Supernatural,romance, college, Mafia, CEO,betrayal, friendship, jealousy,love triangles...etc

© Maavy  A.

  。♡......♡。...... 。♡......♡。......。♡......♡。......

"Calm down Opelia, I will get you out of here soon and we can go ahead with plan B" piper smirked...... 

"Being cursed to stay in the wood is not nice piper, and I really need to get out of this place"Ophelia yelled

"Why are you acting so paranoid, I just told you I will get you out of here right"piper yelled back at her

"Seems you are still stuck dreaming piper, do you think the deties will just wait and do nothing while everyone trying to destroy the world huh?, I can feel Diana, she is very strong though she might not be the strongest of all among the saviour but she must not be messed with, someone can only defeat Audrey when Daina is asleep "Ophelia muttered

"Then that shouldn't be a problem, that stupid Daina loves sleeping though "piper groaned.

"You don't seem to get it"Ophelia snapped

"What do you mean "piper frowned her brows.

"I can feel it, just as Audrey bad days have begin, her good days have also"Ophelia muttered

"Can you quit being this way, just stop talking in fucking parables "piper snapped

"Enthan might mate with her soon and if that happens, you have no chance with my son, dracula will recognize Audrey as his mate, trust me Azrael will sit and watch Jerry being close to Audrey, it is very strong and more stubborn than Dracula "Ophelia said.

"That demon of his caused me a severe pain when I tried to get him first, but it's still want just Audrey as it's mate"piper said inwardly

"Audrey will be 19 soon, she will get more powerful, you know what I mean by that right? "Ophelia said

"Gosh why can't I just fucking end her already"Piper mumbled

"you can't kill her, even maleficent can't kill her but one person can "Ophelia groaned

"Who? "Piper raised her brows

"The destruction, I'm sure maleficent is already bringing her back to life"Ophelia said

"Who are you taking about "pipier muttered

"Do you think maleficent has just one daughter, task you all no nothing "Ophelia laughed

"Maleficent has another child apart from Audrey? "Piper eyes widened

"Yes, Maleficent birthed twins, one is destruction and the other is the savoir, just the destruction can kill Audrey "Ophelia laughed

"Actura"Ophelia said and immediately the thunder groaned and heavy wind started.

Piper eyes widened as she felt threatened by the power of just her name.

"What is she" 

piper managed to say.

"she is the goddess of death and destruction, a powerful witch just like maleficent, she is Audrey's end"Ophelia said

"But why is she not around yet " piper said

"You have no idea what can happen if she decides to show up huh, she is Audrey's twin sister and a cruel fate made them have the same mate, you won't have a slight chance with Enthan if maleficent manage to bring her back from death" Ophelia snapped

"What? " Piper eyes widened

"There are two things you must stop, you must not let Audrey and Enthan mate with eachother and if you can stop maleficent from bringing her other favourite daughter back to life, Enthan will be yours but if you can't can't stop this two things, you might end up loosing your life " Ophelia said

"And why will I loose my life? "Piper mumbled

"you messed with one of Enthan's demon by making it's your mate, once azreal finds it way with Audrey, Dracula won't spare you!!! " Ophelia said

"what?, We can't let that happen, we have to do something "piper said in a rush

"Hmmm, just listen to me and do whatever I tell you now"Opelia laughed

"I can help you mess with fate a bit"she added while laughing.




                     Enthan's mansion

Enthan keep on groaning as he sleeps, he is craving for something badly and he wonder what it is he is craving for 

"*Can't sleep huh*" Azrael teased and laughed a bit.

"*Do you know what's going on with me, or are you responsible for me not having a nice night*" Enthan muttered

"*He is not the reason*" dracula groaned

"*Then what is it?, Why am I craving badly for something, I feel hot , I just feel so hot*" Enthan said

"*You are not a fucking virgin right?, So you should know what's going on with you*" Azrael teased

"*I don't trust you azreal, I only trust dracula*" Enthan groaned.

"*You are feeling hot because azreal is craving for his mate*" Dracula mumbled

"*Hey, what do you mean I'm craving for it, you are also craving for her right, I know you are, I can feel it, you are craving for Audrey as much as I am craving for her, that silly mate you suddenly grow fond of that we haven't seen, you feel nothing for her, our heart is connected and even the silly Enthan has something for my Audrey*" Azrael said

"*Your Audrey?, Gosh there is no way I'm going to have anything to do with peach*" Enthan blurnt

"*Peach??*"dracula groaned

"*You feel nothing for her huh?, How come you got a nickname for her*" Azrael laughed

"*F+ck*"Enthan groaned again.

He is really feeling hot right now, and he can't handle it.

"*Hmmm mate will be 19 soon, you will feel this more often Enthan, you can't fight it, the more you try to stay away, the more you will keep hurting yourself*" azreal said calmly

"*Will your rival be feeling the same way right now*" Enthan frowned

"*Tsssk that's I'm not telling you, figure it's out yourself*" azreal snapped

"*He is a........*"Dracula made to talk but somehow azreal stopped him from talking.

"*Why did you suddenly stop talking dracula, he is what?, Does he have demons just like me*" Enthan asked

"*I thought you don't give a damn right, you don't like my mate right*"Azrael said.

"*I was asking dracula and not you Azrael*" Enthan said 

"*Tsssk you think dracula can overpower me?, I might be a talkative but I'm the darkest side of you Enthan, and I will surely make you pay for making mate cry*"Azrael said and dracula sighed.

Enthan sighed also and begin to think about what Jerry could be?

Is he a demon?

Does he feel the way he is feeling right now?

The thought of Jerry being close is kind of hurting him and he can't help but frown at the fact Audrey kissing Jerry or making out with him.

"That's can't happen"he shook his head

"*Thought you don't like her*" dracula teased this time and Enthan scoffed.

He made to talk but the suddenly open the door to his room .

Enthan looked up to see who it was and saw Finn staring at him.

"The f+ck,who the hell are you talking to in here " Finn said and Enthan frowned

Enthan made to talk but he stopped himself, what can he say though.

He has two demon inside of him or what?

He has a mate?, Hell no he has two mate.

Is he even human

Those thoughts keep on driving him insane as he thinks of it.

"Are you okay Enthan?" Finn asked again and that made him snapped out of his thoughts.

"I should be asking you that, I heard hazel turn you down" Enthan said and Finn frowned.

Finn made his way close to Enthan and lay down on his bed.

"It's just a simply crush, I'm sure I will get over it soon" Finn said

"Hmm it's so nice you can get over a crush that soon "Enthan said

"Is when did you become so chatty, is that cold weird girl changing you perhaps "Finn asked

"who is the weird chatting girl" Finn asked

"The sliver hair girl, I thought you guys are close but I saw her close to Jerry" Finn said

"Not my problem" Ethan said coldly

"Don't tell me you are not over piper yet, gosh brother are you really sure you loved that cunning girl or you were just blinding being pitful and you thought it's love "Finn said

"Trust me I have never seen you smile genuinely even when you were with her, she didn't manage to turn off your cold attitude, she couldn't warm you up" Finn added.

And that made Enthan frown a bit, there is sense in what Finn is saying.

Piper couldn't bring him true happiness, all he was doing was to make her happy, but was he happy when he was with her?, Is Finn right?

"Gosh bro, move on already, or you might end up being a priest" Finn said and azreal chuckled

"*Gosh I love your brother, he is more sensible, no wonder his lucky to have someone who truly loves him despite the fact they might have a cruel fate*" Azrael said and Enthan frowned

"*What do you mean by that?*" Enthan asked inwardly

"*You have to find answers to your questions yourself, by that you must work with the savoir clan*" dracula answered this time

"*Savoir clan?*" Enthan mumbled.

"What are you busy mumbling to yourself" Finn asked

"Nothing just thinking" Enthan replied

"I think purple and black hair fit her more than sliver though, she is so pretty, I mean Audrey" Finn gushed

"Are you hitting on her right now" Enthan frowned

"Who knows?, I might since you being too slow gosh" Finn rolled his eyes.

Azrael laughed this time

"*Aren't you angry*" Enthan asked

"*And why will I be upset, it's obvious he is helping me idiot*" azreal laughed.

Enthan frowned and remembered how he talked to Audrey.

"F+ck I was too harsh" he groaned.

"Will still punish you though, pray my rival won't make a move to my mate or else I will make you pay more*" azreal snapped .




Next morning


The students suddenly started mumuring so early immediately they entered the school.

Some student are scared at the viee right in the front of them.

It's actually dead sunny, looking so horrible and , she was killed in such a way someone will definitely know it's not a human who killed her.

"What the hell is this"

"Isn't that the new students"

"Gosh she is dead"

"Someone died again?, Is this school really cursed"

Lisa and Audrey happened to walk into the school that moment.

Not long after, Charlotte, Odessa and Catherine followed.

"What is going on " Lisa groaned.

"The f+ck!!!, Guys look up" Catherine said.

The girls looked up immediately, they saw sunny's dead body hanging right on the wall of the school

"F+ck !!!" Lisa cursed.

"Do you think maleficent did this? "Lisa asked.

"No, it's not Mali, it's someone else "Odessa said.

"We need to call a meeting for the savoir clan, we need to talk to everyone that has to be in the clan "Charlotte said

"Gaia.... I saw Gaia in my dream, she told my my bad days has started, is that why someone died "Audrey asked

"she is not close to you, I told thing you are the reason she died, I don't know why I can't see what actually happened to her, that why I said we need to call a meeting "Charlotte said

"Hazel said her aunty will put us through, let just wait for her"Odessa said

" I know but, I smell war, innocent blood will be shed"Charlotte muttered and Audrey eyes widened.

"I .... I can't let that happen, I think I will have to start spending time with any of my mates"Audrey muttered

"You know your mates now? "Catherine asked

"Yes, Daina told me about it"Audrey said

"Daina? "They all shouted at once.

"Did she tell you anything about your mom? "Charlotte asked

"No... My mom is dead, so why will ask her about it"Audrey said

Charlotte and Odessa exchanged glances and sighed out.

"Is there something I should know? "Audrey asked.

"hmm no, actually I have a class right now"Odessa said and ran off 

"But someone died, can't they be a break or something "Lisa groaned

"you are such a lazy type, but I think there will be a break, at least a week, gosh I hope our camp out won't get cancelled "Catherine said.

The girls continue talking but Audrey can't help but feel the girls are hiding so something important from her.

But what is it?.

"*You will find out soon Audrey, so pls let me sleep okay*" Diana groaned.




Odessa keep on running as she made her wat to the class but bumped into Leo.

"I'm so sorry "Odessa apologize.

Leo made to talk but someone got in between them anyway.

It's turned out to be Sofia.

"I need to talk to you"she said to Odessa

"I don't think we are close enough to talk brat"Odessa said and walked out.

"Gosh how am I going to explain to her I keep on having weird dreams about working with her and her friends "Sofia said inwardly.

Leo made to walk out but Sofia pulled him back.

"You both are close right?, Can you please help me find a way I can talk to her"Sofia talked 

Leo blinked twices and wonder if it's actually Sofia the spoilt brat who is talking.

" Did you hit your head huh? "Leo asked and Sofia frowned.

"yes I think I'm going crazy due to dream, I keep on having weird dreams "Sofia said.

"I think you shouldn't be talking to me though, don't want your boyfriend problem "Leo said and walked out.

"Gosh who will I talk to , f+ck now I know it's doesn't pay to be f+cking rude"sofia groaned

A shadow who have been watching Sofia come out and smirked evily.

"Hmm I should start with this one "the person laughed.




Jovita and minnie keep on pacing around.

"F+ck, how come she is dead, I wanted to use her just to join us since she is interested in Enthan, now how the fuck are we going to kill someone from the savoir clan without me making the deadly Poison of three witch "Jovita yelled.

"calm down Jovita, I know you badly want to hurt them , I also want to kill that bi+ch called my twin sister, but didn't you saw the witch clan has its own clan too, how come none of them are showing up"Minnie said

"We are much but we are kinda more powerful, I just need one more person with hatred in her to join us"Jovita said

"I can help you"someone suddenly said and they both of them then turned out to see who it is.

"I'm a dark witch just like you both, f+ck I hate the fact I have been pretending I can't talk "The person said

It's actually turned out to be.....Maggie.... 


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