Thē Jãilbīrd - Episode 13&14
It's over...
It's f+çking over...
Where is her d+ck???
The sounds of her heart slamming wildly against her ribcage echoed in her ears, and the ears became hot.
What's she gonna do?
Should she twist and run away?
Nah, it's not even an option cos before she'd take one step, he'd catch her.
She's in his turf anyways, and escape is impossible, so she definitely has to think of something to say to slip out of this situation.
Madden's chilly eyes are still on her, demanding an answer to what he said, and it's so obvious in his eyes that he's getting impatient.
It's now she became conscious of how cold this manor can be, cos the air is seeping into her ears, making it cold in there.
It's messing with her brain a lot, everything is.
"Michael?" His voice came again, and she opened her mouth carefully this time...
"Um..... the thing d+ck is... Always asleep. I'm impotent so it can't stand" she lied and gave herself some accolades immediately.
She's a good lair at least, but she was proved wrong by his next words...
"Even better, I'll suck it back to life."
Her eyes widened once again, and Madden's eyes went to the band of her joggers.
"You want me to help you take off that stupid thing?" He said, his eyes freezing her.
"I... I'll get sick if a gay sucks me I...
"Bullshit, shut the f+ck" Madden glared, grabbing the joggers at each side.
He held it together with her boxers, and he was about to bring it down for real when Adeline raised a punch to his face.
Before it could get there, he caught it and stood, releasing her hand but giving her a punch on the side of her belly.
Adeline staggered back and fell against the mirrored wall, but she spranged up and came back for him, throwing back the punch.
Though it didn't get to him as usual, but the punch got closer than before, and she's surely improving.
He punched her on the belly again, that same spot.
She fell against the mirror for the second time, the sound of her harsh breathings resounding in the room as she stood again, twisting around this time and jumping up.
She touched the wall with right leg then brought her left leg to his face.
Madden saw that move in the die minute, but he was still able to grab her leg by the ankle.
That single grab almost cracked her bone, but he let go, and she fell against the mirror again.
This time, that mirror shattered, and the pieces fell behind her.
Angrily, she picked one of the pieces and came back to him.
Madden saw what was coming and waited for it without moving till she got to him.
She raised it to his neck and brought it down to jam into his vein when Poe came in.
She jumped forward immediately, kicking Adeline away.
Adeline staggered back, the broken mirror falling from her.
"What the f+ck were you doing? No one survives a stab on the neck with a damn broken mirror!" Poe glared at her, and Adeline started calming with heavy breaths, coming back to her senses.
Honestly, two minutes ago, she had no idea what was happening to her.
When Madden threw her down for the third time and broke the mirror, she was thinking about just one thing...
Killing him cos she's her opponent anyways.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking" she muttered.
"Why are you sorry?" Madden intervened, and Adeline looked up.
"The move you made two minutes ago, that's who you really are... You only needed a push. That was your coolest performance so far" he continued, his eyes on her.
"But I could have killed you" Adeline replied, and he smirked.
"How did that sound in your little mouth, Micheal? Killed me? I saw it coming and knowingly waited. I could have stopped it before you stabbed me"
Adeline went silent immediately, and he faced Poe.
"Why are you here and why did you interrupt him, and why the hell is Jinx not with you?"
"She's at the training ground, and I interrupted because I thought he was really gonna get you" Poe said, not daring to look up.
"What do you think of me? Am I a damn joke to you?" He said, and though he didn't make it obvious that he's angry, but Adeline knows he is.
He's not the type to flaunt his emotions, but there's a way his eyes glint whenever he's mad.
Adeline detected it that day at the training ground when he choked her mercilessly ...that same glint is in his eyes right now.
"I'm sorry, Death. Won't repeat it next time" Poe apologized, and he rolled his eyes sharply...
"The third question?"
"I've been trying to mail you the final details about the meeting tomorrow, but your box has been rejecting it, so I brought hardcopies and I dropped them in your office already" Poe replied.
Adeline wondered immediately...
He has an office in this same manor? Just how many rooms are there?
"Good, get someone to replace the broken part mirror. You can leave" Madden said.
"Yes master" Poe bowed and left the room.
"My phone" Adeline said, and Madden gestured at the bedstand where the phone is sitting.
She went for it, feeling his prickling eyes on herself till she took it and stood at tention.
Instead of bowing like Poe, she saluted sillily before rushing out of the room, forgetting to take the balm container.
Madden sat back on the bed, giving the broken mirror a glance and remembering how she crashed into it.
She obviously started the fight to stop him from pulling down her joggers, and he accepted the fight only because he wasn't ready to let her know he's aware of her identity yet.
If that wasn't the case, he would have grabbed the first punch she threw and give it a rough twist before locking her two arms around her neck.
Then he would have done whatever he wanted with her though she might cry, and that's not bad.
Might? Change that to Would.
She would surely cry, though she'd try to fight it viciously.
She might look fragile, but he knows level of her strong will.
The strength of her punches and kicks are poisonous, and her determination is fully loaded.
He's yet to figure out why she decided to come here disguised as a man, and that's because he's not even trying to find.
She's not obviously not a rat, but one thing is for sure...
Is she later turns out to be one, he's killing her himself.
He picked the balm container and smelled it.
Strangely, it smells like purple... Like her.
He closed it and threw it somewhere in the room before exiting, heading to his office.
Adeline literally ran down the mountain, and when she got to the forest, she began sprinting, trying to catch up with Poe who's not even in sight anymore.
She almost gave up when she finally saw her ahead, and she added to her pace till she caught up with her.
"Hey, you're a fast walker" she said, falling in line beside her, but Poe stayed silent.
"Poe" she called.
"Stay quiet" Poe replied harshly, and Adeline stopped.
"What the hell is going on?"
Poe stopped too, facing her.
"Look I dunno what's between you and Death, but it's not making any sense. You're already entering his bedroom? During our training, we never saw even his sitting room for one full year, but this is still your first week and you entered already?"
"Maybe cos I'm a man like him, and he's gay according to him" Adeline replied, and Poe scoffed.
"Bull crap. Apart from Death, you know what his other nickname is?" She said.
Adeline went quiet.
"S+x god, that's it. His s+x stamina is mad like his name, and he goes crazy over any girl he f+cks. That's why he takes time to pick out his bi+çhes. Death has never been gay" Poe replied.
"Why are you telling me this?" Adeline replied.
"Cos I'm not comfortable with your closeness. You're not all that" Poe replied and left, walking down the forest.
Adeline remained standing on her spot, mulling over what she just heard.
He's not gay? Then why did he try to pull down her joggers earlier?
Was he toying with her?
One thing she's sure about is that he doesn't know she's a female, so why did he do that?
She might just go crazy trying to figure hin out, so she decided to leave it for another day.
She left the forest too, jogging out to the compound.
She went straight to the training ground and met Jinx waiting already.
"Did I keep you waiting?" She said.
"Nah, I exercised before you came, and I'm the only one who's gonna be taking you tonight. Poe is not available" Jinx replied, standing up.
"Oh...sure" Adeline replied.
She expected it.
Jinx already set apples at the ten target points, so she gave Adeline a handgun.
"It's yours. Master told me to give you" she said.
"F+ck! Finally" Adeline kissed the gun, threw it up and caught it.
Jinx smiled and stroked her hair.
Adeline quickly left her side, standing at the range point.
"Remember the rules?" Jinx asked, stepping aside.
"The other rules don't matter. The last rule is all I need" Adeline replied sassily, raising the gun.
"Cool" Jinx nodded, watching her intently.
Adeline zeroed her mind on just one person... Corey.
She imagined the apples as Corey's eyes and pulled the trigger on the first one...
Till the last one.
The ten bullets hit the ten apples in the center, splitting everything professionally.
She was shocked at her own performance, and Jinx couldn't believe her eyes too.
"I did it! Jinx! I did it!" Adeline said excitedly.
"Yes you did!" Jinx replied and literally ran to her.
She hugged her, and before Adeline could break it, she kissed her on the cheek.
"Jinx!" She gasped, breaking it.
"Nothing big, I'm sure you know I have a crush on you, and that's why you've been avoiding contacts with me. I get that you must focus on your training but i promise not to disturb you. Just look at me, ok?" Jinx said softly, and Adeline gave her a pathetic look.
'Poor thing... I'm a female like you' she thought before smiling slightly.
"So what's next?" She asked, changing the topic.
"You learn fast, trust me. It took me one week to shoot the ten apples formation perfectly, but you did it within some minutes. At this rate, you're going to the next mission with us" Jinx replied.
"For real? Where's it happening at? What's it about?" Adeline curiously asked.
"Our clan has a property in the south part of this district, but the family of the former Pakhan are claiming it as theirs. We're going there to spill their blood, and the most interesting part, they don't know about the upcoming attack. You're a good shooter so you'll enjoy it" Jinx briefed.
"But... I've never killed...a human" Adeline muttered.
"It's nothing, just prepare, and goodnight" Jinx smiled at her before leaving.
Adeline instantly sat on the ground.
Thankfully, it's not snowing tonight, so the cold is minimal.
Her belly side still aches from Madden's two punches, but it's nothing to her right now.
She's gonna be killing a person soon, and she has to prepare, but how would she prepare for that?
Someone suddenly pointed a scotch bottle to her from the side, and she looked up to see Loud with Nikolai.
"Guys" She smiled, taking the bottle from Loud.
They both sat at each side of her, and she drank from the bottle, frowning her face as the alcohol burned her throat.
"How's it?" Loud asked as she returned the bottle.
"I would have preferred vodka, it's my best alcohol" she replied.
"Next time" he winked, and she smiled.
"Jinx said you're a good sniper, and you might be going to the next mission" he said.
"So I heard, but how do I kill people?" She replied.
"Simple... imagine them as someone you wanna kill and pull the trigger" Loud shrugged, and she nodded.
Cool, so she'd have to imagine them as Corey too.
She sighed, and silence happened for a second, the three of them just staring into space.
She slowly looked at Nikolai who hasn't said a word.
"I can count the number of words you've said to me since I came into this clan. Why don't you ever talk?" She asked.
"That arsehole has a problem with talking, don't mind him" Loud said.
"Shut up" Nikolai replied.
"He could pass for a mute" Loud talked again.
"Shut it, Loud" Nikolai replied.
"He's actually...
Before Loud could finish that statement, Nikolai was already with him, pulling him down and playfully strangling him.
Loud broke free and took over, tickling him.
Nikolai started laughing, telling him to stop.
Adeline couldn't help but smile as she watched them, and then she realized it's the first time she actually heard Nikolai laughing.
He's the total opposite of Loud, and sometimes she wonders if he has always been like this.
Despite the difference, it's obvious that Loud cherishes him, and they treat each other like brothers.
She scooped some sand and threw it at them.
"What the f+ck!" Nikolai cursed.
"Micheal!" Loud spit out some of the sand from his mouth.
"Oh you're dead" Loud stood, and Nikolai followed him as they chased after Adeline till they caught up with her at the end of the place.
The three fell on the ground, laying on their backs and staring at the dark sky.
"That was good" Nikolai talked.
"Yeah" Adeline replied, and Loud grinned.
After the information he got from Erik earlier at the clinic, Igor has been restless.
He has everything in order for the meeting tomorrow already, but he's still not feeling too good, and that's because Madden organized the meeting.
What if he's faster than him like he always does...will happen then?
Will he lose the future Pakhan position to him forever?
He stood from the couch he's sitting on, holding a bottle of vodka which he's downing.
All the buttons on his shirt is undone, leaving his hairy chest out.
He drank from the bottle, then the alarm came.
Must be the female he ordered for.
He needs to f+ck this restlessness out of his own system.
"The door isn't locked" he said, and the door swung open.
He was expecting a female mobster, and it's really a female mobster, but it's not just anyone, it's Kimberly.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He questioned, dropping his vodka.
"You think you're being fair?" Kimberly replied, coming closer with hurtful eyes.
"Get out!" He barked.
"No I won't! I'm not like the rest of the females here Igor! I'm not someone you can sleep with and toss aside! Since we did it on Christmas Eve, you've been sidelining me and it hurts! I see the different girls going in and out of this suite everyday and I always feel like crying! I'm not a pushover and I can't get that night off my head!" She yelled.
"Is that why you've been sneaking up on me like you did last night? I know you hid behind this suite when I was f+çking the bî+ch. Andrei saw you" he replied.
Kimberly went silent, and he closed the space between them, so she looked up as their breaths collided in the thin space.
"I didn't sleep with you, Kimberly. I f+çked you and i only used you to flush my system, and who said I can't use you anyhow I want? So far you're in this compound which is my family have no right to complain cos you're like a damn slave!" He said all at once, and tears rushed out of her eyes
"Master. It's Master Igor" he corrected.
Hurtfully, Kimberly raised her hand to slap him, but Andrei came in immediately and grabbed the hand.
"You know you're automatically dead if you do that" he said.
"Get her out of here and get me a clean girl" Igor breathed, and Andrei dragged Kimberly out.
Kimberly tried breaking free from him, but she couldn't releas herself till they got far from the house, and Andrei sighed.
"I told you, didn't I? I told you not to fall for Igor. Bear the consequences" he told her and walked away, leaving Kimberly to her tears.
Meanwhile, Maya is by her window as usual, watching the two from there with a questioning look on her face.
"What did those two talk about?" She muttered.
She's currently bleeding from the palm__she hurt herself again with the knife.
She watched Andrei go out of sight then returned her gaze to Kimberly who's still crying.
"He didn't break her heart, did he?" She said and smiled.
"Even better"
The time is 5:50PM, and dusk is starting to turn to nighttime, but the meeting is yet to start.
It's starting by 6PM, and almost all the five invited top members are here except one.
As they arrived, they entered the house.
Erik and Klara are already seated regally on the round desk made for everyone, and the four members who're already present are on seat with them too.
The room is hushy with silent chats between everyone.
Igor is already on seat too, and Andrei is behind him.
He attends every meeting with him.
The fifth top member came in, and the other four exchanged respectful pleasantries with him.
He's Stravinsky, Erik's closest friend and the biggest of all the five.
He took his seat at exactly 5:09, looking around.
"I guess Death is not around yet" he said.
"Give him some minutes, lateness to meetings is his thing" Erik replied.
Madden arrived outside the house just now, and he had to do the honours by wearing a fitting suit, just to match with them.
Not like he cares about matching, but he has never really wore a suit to kill before, so he's trying it out tonight.
He arrived with Jinx and Poe, and Adeline is with them this time.
"Stay out, you two" he told the girls.
"And me?" Adeline asked.
"Follow" he replied, and before the two could talk, Adeline followed him in.
"What the heck is happening? Michael again? When did he become his bodyguard? It's annoying" Poe complained.
"Are you jealous of him right now?" Jinx asked.
"Leave jealousy out of this. You think it makes sense that he never allowed us follow him to meetings but now that Micheal is here he's suddenly the closest to him? Don't even try to defend him cos of your crush on him, it's pissing me off" Poe replied hotly.
"Whatever" Jinx said, both standing in position by the door.
Immediately Madden came in with Adeline behind him, Igor let out a scoff, but silence rented the whole place till he got to his seat.
Madden lowered himself to the chair, and Adeline stayed behind him, her handgun intact in her hoister.
"Shall we?" Erik said.
"I thought the issue about the Wild Boars ended. You killed all their messengers at the dock, isn't it?" One of the five members said.
"Yeah, but I found out that someone funded them for that attack, and that someone is in here" Madden replied sharply,his eyes scanning the five of them at once.
The room became tense, and Igor won't stop staring at Madden's face, trying to figure out who he's looking at among the five men.
As expected, Madden left no clue, so he started getting restless again, tapping his shoe incessantly on the ground.
As for Adeline, she's not idle behind Madden too.
Her eyes are scanning the five men just like him, and the five look respectable and decent, but they say the most innocent-looking people are always the baddest, so she's not giving up.
She trusts her master that one of them is the funder, but who?
She'd just have to wait for the gunshot to sound.
"Are you saying one of us betrayed The Pakhan? Who'd have the mind to do that when he's not crazy in the head?" Stravinsky spoke, adjusting his glasses.
"The attacks we've been getting for years came from unexpected sources, and this won't be exceptional" Klara spoke up sternly.
Stravinsky rested back on his chair immediately.
"So do you know the traitor already? Kill him and let's get this over with" another member spoke up.
"That won't be fun" Madden stood tall, walking out of his chair.
"Someone else is here to catch the traitor too, and I'd like to give him a chance" he said, and Igor gritted his teeth.
How did that bastard find out?
Madden started going around the table in circles, each step slower than the last.
"The attack happened on Wednesday, at exactly 7:20pm. During that period, all five of you were with your families, leaving nothing to suspect, but then there's your bank transactions" he said carefully.
Adeline glued her eyes to him immediately, trying to find out the information he's trying to pass with his body languages, but he doesn't even have one.
But then she noticed something...
He has rounded the table three times now, and each time he gets to Stravinsky's chair, his steps turn slower, and his brows inch up.
He placed his arm on the shoulder of the first man...
"A total of five billion left your account last week, for your daughter's wedding" he said simply, leaving him to go to the second one.
He placed his hand on his shoulder too...
"A total of twelve million left yours, for your family upkeep" he said, moving on to Stravinsky who's next on the table.
Adeline placed her hand on her gun immediately, removing it bit by bit...
"Stravinsky, you're my father's favorite man, and an important man in the organization. Of course you spend a lot but it's still so damn impossible to spend 50 billion on your family upkeep for a week. You didn't buy a car, a house nor a land. You transferred that amount to the Wild Boars account. You funded it" He said hoarsely, and Stravinsky spranged up.
He looks unexpectedly caught as he drew his gun out of his suit, but Igor was faster than.
Igor brought out his gun before him, but again, someone else was also faster than Igor cos before Igor could shoot, it happened...
The sound of gunshot came like a crack, and a silver bullet flew to Stravinsky's face, getting him between the eyes just like Madden's style of shooting.
Everyone spranged up, turning shockingly to the shooter's direction at once.
Madden smirked, but the smirk turned to a proud smile almost immediately.
The shooter... It was Adeline!
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