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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Monarch - Episode 49 & 50




Monarch - Episode 49 & 50

{ Between Love&War... }

Genres: Royalty/ Romance/ Thriller. 

Tags: Power,College,Bullying,S£x,Action, BL, Revenge,Suspense,Alpha Male Lead,Strong FL,Palace,Secrets,Hatred,Betrayal. 


"If Charlotte doesn't slap her,then I'm going to punish her myself,pick one you old fool!" Zayne growled at Lirien. 

Queen Lirien froze. 

Everywhere became silent,all waiting for Charlotte's next action and they were all shocked when she went down on her knees,in front of the king.

Queen Vynessa's brows raised and she moved closer for a nicer view. 

"I'm sorry your majesty,I can't do that. I will gladly take my punishment for disobeying,and please pardon the old queen,it's probably a mistake and I apologize on her.........

"Hold it in" King Zayne flashed her a glare and she buried her face on the floor swiftly. 

Zayne walked over to Lirien who was also surprised about Charlotte's action,he lean closer to her ear. 

"Follow me,old fool" he said,glared,then walked away. 

Nobody moved,not even the guards followed him,Lirien followed with every anger burning dangerously within her soul. 

Samara ran to Charlotte,still on her knees. 

"Aren't you gonna stand up?" She narrowed her eyes questionably. 

Charlotte sighed out and stood up fragily and glanced at queen Vynessa,she bowed and started walking away,Samara followed her as well. 


Queen Lirien stood before the king soundlessly waiting for him to face her and spill out. 

Zayne turned and faced her icely. 

"Lirien" He called her name and Lirien pressed her fingers behind her,she was so done,burning aggressively but she could only feel angry inwardly. 

"This is going to be your last warning,you should lay low now if you love yourself,I'm saying this because you're an old queen" King Zayne said in a husky voice and she glared lightly. 

"Are you threatening me? Your majesty?" She pursued. 

"Threaten? What will I gain from threatening you? I'm telling you the fact which might ruin you later, if you're doing anything behind me, then you should get ready for your downfall too Lirien,because even if I am to go down,then I won't go down alone. I will drag you down with me,how does that sound?" Zayne smirked. 

Lirien flashed a smile. 

"There's nothing like that,I don't know what you're talking about,your majesty" She bowed. 

"You are dismissed" Zayne rolled his eyes. 

Lirien bowed. 

"And one more thing" Zayne raised his finger up. "The next time you try that shit,consider yourself dead. I don't know why Charlotte requested for you to be unpunished,but next time,I won't follow whatever she says. You have no f*+*king right to touch her,no matter what" Zayne told her in a serious tone.

"I understand,your majesty" 


Queen Lirien walked out of the chamber completely. 

Zayne groaned disconcertingly and punched the wall,he entered his room and took a pack of cigars,he took the lighter too and went to the balcony. 

He was already smoking the second stick when Charlotte showed up,Zayne gazed at her and continue smoking without an utterance. 

"I'm sorry about.......

"I don't need it,you may leave" Zayne cut in sharply. 

Charlotte moved closer and took the cigar from him,she disposed it into the wet flower verse. 

Zayne frowned. 

"I am sorry" She repeated. 

"What the fuck is the meaning of this? I said I don't need your apology,what the hell" Zayne snapped. 

"Is that so? Then why have you been neglecting me all day? You didn't visit me,nor did you call for me,even yesterday also,I was up waiting for you to be done with the council,but still nothing happened,why?" Charlotte complained. 

"Are you hungry? I'm about having dinner" Zayne mumbled a response on his way back in. 

"I guess I deserve no answer" Charlotte sighed and sniffs,she turned away from him and wiped her wet eyes. 

Zayne groaned and faced her back. 

"Is this enough to cry for?......

"Then what's enough to cry for!" She yelled. 

"You mentioned everyone in the palace for me not to trust,which means I only have you,or maybe Samara too,but still you are snubbing the hell out of me,you get mad at me for every little thing" She cried. 

"What are you even talking about? When did I get mad at you over little things?" Zayne groaned. 

"Then why are you.......

"I'm not snubbing you Charlotte,I just need some time alone,we can start over tomorrow" Zayne muttered. 

"What do you mean start over tomorrow? Is something going on that I don't know about?" Charlotte glanced at him suspiciously. 

Zayne sighed. 

"You may be right" He said.

"May? Come clean" Charlotte moved closer. 

Zayne sighed. "I'm going to tell you when it's the right time,but you don't have to worry about me no matter what,I have everything in my care" 

Charlotte hugged him. 

"You don't even know how much I miss you" She said under her breath and Zayne rubbed her back. 

"The maids will be here soon,let's eat" He said and broke the hug. 

He smiled at her sweetly and held her hand before they walked in. 

"I got you the swim teacher" He told her. 

"Really?! Thank you" Charlotte gushed. 



Starr opened the door and entered gently,his aim was to enter and go straight upstairs to his room,but the aroma coming from the kitchen convinced him that the guys aren't sleeping like he had thought. 

He changed his route and headed to the kitchen instead,but when he got there,he met only Rocky. 

"Oohh" He pursed. 

Rocky lifted his head from his phone and faced him. 

"Finally,someone's home" He said in a comic voice. 

"Others?" Starr raised his brows. 

Rocky cracked a laughter. "How am I supposed to know?" 

Starr sighed. 

"They never came home or they just left?" 

"How would I know?" Rocky asked again. 

"That's childish of you guys" Starr mumbled and rolled his eyes before leaning on the wall. 

"Hungry or nah?" Rocky glanced at him. 

"Hungry" Starr replied softly. 

"I thought you went to your girlfriend's place,she promised to cook" Rocky said,now checking what he was cooking.

"I left there early,and she did cooked" Starr nods and Rocky faced him. 

"So where were you all day?" 

"Daniel" Starr responded with a sigh. 

"Daniel? Samara's Daniel?" Rocky asked,Starr nodded and he crossed his arms. 

"Since when do you two hang out?" He queried. 

"Since someone left home and it was me alone" Starr rolled his eyes with a scoff. 

Rocky laughed. 

"So you missed me" 

"No" Starr said rather too quick which made Rocky laugh again. 

"But anyway,don't do that again. We were all worried,because you wouldn't answer your calls either,and you shouldn't give the guys attitude,you should apologize rather" Starr said. 

"Okie dokie" Rocky winked. 

Starr smiled. 

"Dinner's ready,just for myself but is enough for the both of us" Rocky said as he started dishing out. 

"Just the both of us? What about.......

"They can take care of themselves" Rocky cut in. 

Starr sighed and nodded. 

He stared at Rocky's muscles flex in his sleeveless top as he do whatever he was doing,he badly wanted to touch it. 

"I know I'm hot and handsome" Rocky faced him and he quickly looked away. 

"I wasn't staring" He snapped. 

"I didn't mention anything like you were staring" Rocky grinned. 

Starr faced him. "Stop the joke,I'm going to my room" 

"Hurry up,you don't like cold food" Rocky called after him as he walked toward the exit. 

"I won't" Starr replied and left. 

Rocky smiled and shook his head. 



Emily stepped into the bedroom and turned majestically in the new dress she was putting on. 

"How do I look?" She glanced at Erica and Suzy. 

"I knew it would look good on you,,just sad we couldn't check out everything yesterday,we were so exhausted" Suzy groaned and shook her head. 

"I know right, I was tired as well" Emily yawned and Suzy laughed. 

"What's with Erica anyway? You've been quiet" Emily gestured at her. 

"Maybe she's thinking of the best way to get Zayne's attention again" Suzy chuckled. 

Erica sighed and ignored their noise. 

"I'm sure you want me to do something for you,isn't that why you approached me? Knowing I'm Charlotte's friend?" Emily sat down on the seat beside the bed. 

Erica frowned. 

"I was planning something,but now you're useless" 

Suzy and Emily exchanged glances. 

"What do you mean by useless?" Emily shifted on her seat. 

"I saw Samara yesterday,at the boutique,and I'm sure she saw you as well" Erica snapped. 

"But, Charlotte and Samara aren't close.........

"She's deceiving you,they are friends now" Erica scoffed. 

Emily blinked. 

"If they are close now,does that mean,you have no chance with Zayne at all?" Suzy asked,her eyes darting all over Erica's face. 

"I can't conclude yet, I already spoke with father,he should be able to bring up the matter whenever they are together. Getting a second queen isn't hard at all,for the royals" Erica uttered. 

"Then you shouldn't worry,just tell me what to do and I will help. You can't just say I'm useless like that" Emily said. 

"Really?" Erica faced her with a smile. "Can you help me kill her?" 


"Yes,coz right now. That's all I need and pray for,it's the best thing that can ever happen to me" Erica smiled. 

Suzy glanced at Emily but she said nothing. 



Daniel was among the waiters who came to serve the person in the VIP lounge,they all entered accordingly, maintaining their composure and impressive attitude till they stopped the the food cart right by the table. 

"Here are your orders sir" They said and bowed before they began setting the table. 

Zayne removed his cap and dropped it on the table. 

Everyone gasped and quickly bowed again. 

"Your majesty" 

"Thanks for the food" Zayne picked up the spoon as he said that. 

He already ate a spoonful of rice when he saw Daniel pouring him wine. 

Daniel saw him staring and bowed again. 

"It's you again" Zayne smiled a little. 

"Yes your majesty" Daniel also smiled. 

The other waiters and waitresses stared in surprise. 

"I'm all good now,you can leave" Zayne gazed at them sharply. 

They immediately turned and left the room,leaving only Daniel. 

"You can join me" Zayne said,not knowing exactly why he said that but that action made Daniel's heart skip beats. 

He didn't find out about him and Samara right? What if he wants him to stay away from her? 

"What are you doing? Eat" Zayne glanced. 


"Don't do what my silly bodyguards did,I was supposed to eat with them after a long day out,but they refused. So don't do that as well" Zayne cut in. 

Daniel chuckled. "Thank you,your majesty" He took a spoon as well. 

The first five minutes was quiet,but Zayne broke the silence. 

"How about your sister?" 

"Her mom came to get her,she left" Daniel answered. 

"Ooh" Zayne nods. 

"I guess it's you who doesn't have parents at all" He added. 

"That's right" Daniel smiled. 

Zayne sighed. 

"I'm sure they don't pay well enough here either" 

"Oh right, Starr told me about the modeling agency,but I was procrastinating........

"Why? You should take the offer,you're handsome anyway,like me" Zayne scoffed and Daniel laughed. 

"No I'm not" He said. 

"Don't pretend young man" Zayne shook his head. 

Daniel smiled. "Then I will gladly take the offer,your majesty" 

"Good, here" Zayne dropped his card on the table for him. 

"You can call me if you need anything" He said and Daniel bat his lashes as he stared at the card in front of him before looking at him.

"If you want to ask me why I'm doing this,I don't know either. But let's just say,I feel concerned. No matter how much I try to ignore,I can't" Zayne stated. 

"I appreciate your concern,your majesty" Daniel bowed. 

Zayne got up and Daniel did the same. 

"Take care" 

He took his phone which began to ring as he walked out of the room. 

"Hey hubby" Charlotte spoke from the other side and Zayne smiled. 

"Yes, wifey?" He whispered into the phone and he heard Charlotte laughing from there. 

"When are you coming? I'm going to cook for you by myself,so hurry up. 

"I can't wait,I will be there soon,I still have two more places to go,I should be back around 9pm" Zayne uttered as he checked the time. 

"I will be waiting,take care,I love you" Charlotte blew him a kiss. 

"Love you too" He responded and hung up. 

Hunter and Lionel bowed as soon as he was out. 

Another person opened the door for him and he entered,soon the cars zoomed off. 

"How did you get to know the king?" 

"You even ate with him" 

The waitresses surrounded Daniel instantly. 

"It's not what you're thinking please" Daniel immediately said to escape their questions but nothing helped. 


"Boss you've got a call" One of Sniper's men came to give him his phone where he was busy working out. 

"Who's that?" Sniper asked. 

"It says H" 

Sniper sighed and took the phone from him,the.answered the call. 

"Plan changed,I can't wait for the feast night anymore. It's obvious the security will be tight,I don't want to lose my chance" The voice disclosed. 

"Then,what's the new plan?" Sniper asked. 

"Tonight....I want it to look more realistic instead,rather than a gun shot,how about something with no suspicion at all?" 

Sniper smiled as he explained further,telling him exactly what to do. 

"I understand,leave the rest to me" 

"Good,I will trust you to do a good job" 

Sniper hung the call up and smirked before returning his phone to the person who brought it. 

"Prepare for tonight" 

"Okay boss,I will inform others" 

Sniper nodded. 



Queen Charlotte stood outside the building which leads to the king's chamber,she was too impatient to wait inside the chamber,she only caught a glimpse of him in the morning as he was leaving the palace. 

She miss him,can't even deny that. 

Right in the same position,someone popped beside him which made her take a sharp turn,coming face to face with Thorin who held a grin on  his lips. 

Charlotte frowned. 

"Oh,your highness are you angry with me?" Thorin asked with a soft voice. 

"Leave,I don't want to have anything to do with you" Charlotte turned away. 

"Why? The king warned you to stay away from me?" Thorin shifted closer again and Charlotte glared at him exasperatedly. 

"What's your problem? Should I call the guards on you?" She snapped. 

"You should start treating me well dear queen" Thorin's voice turned dry and he smirked at her which Charlotte found suspicious. 

"What are you talking about?" She glared heatedly. 

"When I told you I was going to become the king,I was giving you a chance to come over to my side peacefully. I didn't want to force you,but seems you might be leaving me no choice" Thorin gave a sly smile and Charlotte cast a quizzical glance. 

"What the f+ck are you talking about?" She snapped. 

"You will see,dear queen" Thorin whispered,he smiled and walked away. 

Charlotte Immediately brought out her phone and dialed Zayne's number,but it wasn't connecting. 

She wanted to call either Hunter or Lionel,then she realized she doesn't have their contacts. 

"He's going to be fine" She assured herself,she began inhaling and exhaling,counting her fingers and checking the time repeatedly. 

At a point,she started pacing. She was so worried,really worried. 



King Zayne was resting at the backseat,he was exhausted to the bone. 

He opened his eyes partially when suddenly the car stopped. 

"What's going on?" He looked around. 

"I'm sorry your majesty,but we just ran out of gas,we are going to check for extras or you might have to go in another car,we aren't close to a gas station at all" Hunter Explained. 

"Do so,quickly,I promised to be at the palace by nine" Zayne sighed and adjusted tiredly. 

He took his phone when Hunter and the rest went out of the car with the driver as well. 

"Ohh" He mumbled when he discovered that his phone ran out of battery as well. 

"Bad day" he scoffed and dropped the phone on the seat again. 

Outside,Hunter met with Lionel and others. 

"There's no extra anywhere,we should get his majesty into this car" Lionel told Hunter. 

"Alright" Hunter said and started returning to the car. 

He got there and tried opening the door but it was locked,he blinked in confusion and tried opening it again but still couldn't. 

"What's going on?" Lionel moved closer. 

"Ion know,I can't open the door" Hunter glanced at him and tried opening again,same thing. 

Lionel pushed him off gently and also tried. 

Out of the blue,the car started moving forward. 

"What's going on?" Other guards started going after the car. 

Lionel and Hunter exchanged glances then turned back to the car which already went quite a distance with the guards still chasing after it. 

"Everyone!!! Get down!!! Now!!!" Hunter and Lionel roared out at once. 

Immediately the guards obeyed,the car exploded and wrecked instantly,it crashed into pieces with loud noise. 

The guards all got up with wide eyes. 

"His majesty is in there!!!" One of them screamed out. 



Thorin was standing behind a pillar  as he opened the text he just got,from his messager,Sniper. 

He opened the video,it's a video of how Zayne's car exploded and how the guards screamed out. 

A vicious smile appeared on his face and he chuckled a little bit louder,he bit his nails and continue watching the video over and over again. 

"I'm sorry,kid brother" He mumbled and laughed again. 

"Sorry? For what?" A voice behind him asked and he turned swiftly. 

His eyes almost torn when he saw Zayne standing right behind him. 

He swallowed,one he's shocked,secondly he's consumed by rage inwardly,did sniper snitched on him? Is he a fake?

"You said you're sorry,why?" Zayne asked again with an innocent look on his face. 

"I don't think I was referring to you" Thorin faked a smile and walked away from him. 

He stopped somewhere far and dialed Sniper's number. 

He batted his lashes when he heard a phone ringing,he turned and found Zayne standing before him,swinging a phone in his hand with a mischievous smile on his face. 

Thorin's throat first ran dry but he was still confused. 

Until Zayne went ahead and answered the call. 

"I guess you saw the video I sent to you" Zayne said in Sniper's voice and Thorin almost gasped for breath as he trembled,his legs shaking. 

Zayne stared at him blankly,before bursting into a loud laughter,a really loud one. 

"Why aren't you saying anything? You still owe me my balance" he said over the phone again. 

Thorin started peeing in his pant,Right on the spot. 

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