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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Kasarachi - Episode 9





Kasarachi - Episode 9

(Tell it to God)


"I think it's about time you leave this village to the city Kasarachi. That's the only sure way to avoid marrying these village men that are eyeing you" Mama dropped the bombshell in the name of suggestion 

I looked at her wondering if she is the one talking or someone else is talking through her because what she's suggesting to me is sounding funny to my ears

"You're joking right...? Mama I should leave a village I've lived all my life to the city where I don't know anybody. Are you hearing what you're suggesting mama...?" I asked with a slightly sarcastic tone and mama exhaled sadly before responding 

"Kasaramma you know how stubborn and determined your uncle can be. He'll go to any lengths to ensure that he gets what he wants out of our family. So if you must escape his quest and that of the kinsmen to give you out in marriage this early for selfish gains...then you need to stay far past their reach. That's why I'm suggesting that you should leave this village to the city"

After being silent for a while in order to think properly before replying, I chuckled slightly and then I said to mama 

"Mama lets assume I even want to accept what you've suggested. Would I just leave the village and go to the city like that without any solid plans being put in place...? Where would I be staying...? How would I be feeding and surviving...? Mama have you ever stopped to consider all of these things...?" I queried worriedly while paying more attention to hear what she has to say 

"I'm your mother Kasarachi. I won't be foolish to push my daughter from the frying pan into a fire to perish. So to answer your question...yes Kasaramma I thought of all that before making this suggestion and I came up with solutions to help you. I just want you to tell me if you'll agree to leave the village or not" Mama asked looking at me expectantly for an answer 

I swallowed the saliva in my throat feeling confused on which to opt for. 

Is it to stay here in this village and eventually succumb to my uncle's pressure to get married quickly...?
Or to leave for the city where I don't know if what it holds for me is good or if it's bad..?

"I don't know mama. I'm confused. Please let me sleep over it and give you the answer tomorrow. But tell me first mama...what are the plans you've kept in place supposing I agree to go to the city...? I'm asking because I wouldn't want to be stranded and telling me will help determine my answer as well"

Mama loosened the top of the wrapper tied on her waist and then untied a knot there to bring out a small piece of paper. She handed it over to me to open and read what's written on it

I opened it and saw two phone numbers written there alongside a write up that says that a hotel assistance is urgently needed at a location I didn't know. 

I lifted my eyes away from the paper and looked up at mama while curiously waiting for explanations 

"Mummy Osita one of my staunch customers turned friend wrote that for me yesterday at the market. I had complained to her about how I wouldn't want you to further get corrupted by Ekene or other men in this village..." Mama said to me 

I rolled my eyes because I know she is indirectly referring to the lies I told them about being sexually active with Ekene, when truthfully I have never been.

Not knowing what to say as a response, I simply nodded my head without saying anything so she continued talking 

" ...well mummy Osita understood my concerns since she's a mother too and went on to tell me about her sister in the city that owns a hotel. She said that her sister needs an assistant urgently and the specified age is sixteen to twenty years" mama said flippantly and then went completely quiet 

"I'm trying to understand what you are trying to tell me but honestly I don't. What has your friend's sister got to do with me...?" I asked as though I didn't understand where she was driving at but I did. I am just trying to pull her legs so she'll expatiate more on it

" What I'm trying to tell you is that since you are sixteen years old...I don't mind sending you over to the city to work there to avoid all of these issues. Kasarachi she said accommodation and feeding of workers there at the hotel is free and you'll be paid well monthly so it's a good suggestion if you ask me" Mama said shrugging her shoulders 

After listening to everything mama said, I sighed before giving my thoughts on it

"Mama following all you've explained so far...it's not a bad suggestion at all. But then do you trust your friend and her sister that much...? I do hear how wild and dubious people in the city are...that's why I'm asking this" I said shrugging my shoulders as well 

"Kasarachi I had my fears too...that's why I asked mummy Osita to give me her sister's phone number so I could call her myself and talk to her. She wrote her two phone numbers for me and trust your mother to verify things nau. Kasaramma before I returned home today from the market I had taken it to the village call center to phone her to confirm..." Mama said and paused to clear her throat before continuing 

"....we had talked for long and from our conversation she seem to be a very nice lady. She even promised me that because you are being referred by her sister...she is going to take care of you as though you were her junior sister. She also said that she'll help redefine your future as time goes on if you still remain a good girl over there. So if you ask me Kasaramma I think it will be best for you to leave for the city. That way your kinsmen won't be able to reach you. It's better than staying in this village"

I inhaled and exhaled as I looked at mama.

From her facial expression I could tell that she was expecting me to say something since it's been more than a minute she finished talking yet I have been quiet.

"Mama I'm still confused. Like you had said, it needs toughness of heart to leave a place that I've known as home for all my life...to an entirely different far location where I am going to be staying with a total stranger" I said and paused for a while to observe Mama before I continued talking again 

"...it's not an easy decision to make so please mama...allow me to think this through. I'll sleep over it tonight and I promise to give you an answer by tomorrow" I said yawning as I was already feeling very sleepy. It's been such a long night 

"It's okay my daughter. You can go to bed now. I can see you are tired and feeling sleepy. Don't worry about the bench and the door...I'll take care of it. Sleep well and don't forget to think well about what we've just discussed you hear" Mama said patting me soothingly on my back as she usually does whenever I and my siblings are feeling tired or sleepy. Sweet mummy!

"Thank you Mama. Good night and sleep well too" I said smiling as I stood up and made to walk towards the house. 

I had just taken two steps forward when I halted midway as something just came into my mind. I suppose that it's time I tell her the actual truth about Ekene and I.

So I heaved heavily as I turned and walked back to where mama sat. I stood in front of her and said with a very calm voice 

" For the records mama, I lied about something and I think it's about time I come completely clean. It's about Ekene and I. The truth is that we've never had sex before. I lied to you and uncle because I wanted to escape marrying his brother Nonso. I've never been intimate with any man because of the morals you instilled in me" I said to Mama who later chuckled and it got me wondering what was hilarious 

"I'm not a child Kasarachi. I know you very well like the back of my palm and so I can differentiate when you are lying and telling the truth. I knew from the start that you aren't sexually active yet. You may not know how but I had my own way of finding out which I won't tell you right now" Mama said standing up. She smiled at me, I guess probably feeling proud of her daughter

I also smiled back feeling proud of myself such that I had wanted to give mama a hug

But unfortunately my period of smiles were short-lived when someone leaped out from the darkness, clapping his hands and at the same time laughing hysterically 

"I've caught you today and now that you've confessed with your mouth. Kasarachi let me start now to tell you that you go nowhere! You're staying in this village!"

It was uncle Okafor and he was smiling like someone who won a jackpot. 

I looked at mama and right now I'm curious as to what the smile on her face stood for. 

Did she know that uncle Okafor was hiding to hear us...? What exactly are they planning because I don't understand.

I wouldn't be surprised if all she told me about going to the city to stay with her friend's daughter was lies too. 

Well let me hope it isn't true that they are actually in this together because I wouldn't forgive her if it turns out to be so. 

As though it was not enough, a pair of strong hands gripped me from behind telling me that I belong to him now. 

I kept struggling to see who it was since the voice was unfamiliar and also to free myself from his tight grip, not until I was forced to the floor against my wish and then boom the unexpected happened....

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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