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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 61 & 62




Chronicles Of Ravenwood - Episode 61 & 62
( Fierce And Furry... ) 

Genres: Fantasy/ Werewolves/ Erotica. 

Tags: Mates,Vampires,Witches,Special Abilities,Demons,Pack,Rejected Mates,Forbidden Love,Control,Revenge,Betrayal,Obsession,Steamy,Love Triangle,Secrets. 


"We have an unfinished business" She said and before Thane could react,her lips already landed on his own. 

It wasn't a peck or a soft kiss,it was a hard one,that her tongue slides into Thane's mouth even before he could push her away. 

"What the f+ck are you doing?!" Thane yelled angrily and wiped his lips. 

"Are you trying to avoid it? Or trying to reject me?" Thelma glared. 

"What I do is none of your business...."

"It is my business" She snapped and Thane raised his brows. 

"Whatever you do is going to affect me either negatively or positively so I have the right to know whatever you're planning. You can't deny or escape the fact that I'm your mate, stop running away from the truth" Thelma said. 

"Are you that desperate? Is that why you kissed me without my permission?"

"Now I need permission to kiss my mate?" 

Thane sighed and run his fingers into his hair in frustration. 

"It's not my fault okay? You should question the deity not me,,I didn't come here for you Thane,but the moment I saw you,I knew it. Just how you felt" Thelma muttered. 

"Listen,stay away from me..."

"I can't!! You're my mate!! I'm not here to cause any trouble,,I tried talking to your other girl but she choose to snub me,I don't mind being friends with her,that's if she doesn't hate me. But I don't care,,as much as she needs you,I need you as well. It won't be fair if you only care about her and not me too" Thelma said. 

Thane said nothing and walked away. 

Thelma rolled her eyes and took her lips in. 




Genny was sitting down on the floor,hugging her legs to herself as flood of tears continue to pour out of her eyes. What she feared,her greatest fear just happened,she felt so helpless,she was greatly confused. 

*So you think crying is the next step? You bore me!* Tonith yelled at her angrily. 

*So what am I supposed to do? Fight her? You heard her,she's his demon mate,I'm just his wolf mate,I can't tell Thane to reject her* Genny cried. 

*So you are ready to share with her??* Tonith asked. 

*That hurts,I don't want to* Genny replied. 

*Running away every single time will make that happen before you know it...this is the time you have to prove to our mate that you're more worthy to be the future Luna and he doesn't need someone else...you should focus on how to keep him by your side and how you can get stronger,that bitch got power,she's strong. And you know a Luna must be at least half as strong as the alpha,think about all that and stop these annoying tears of yours genny,get to work already* Tonith said. 

*I feel so weak* Genny said. 

*Then let's do it together* Tonith replied and Genny smiled before getting up. 

She wiped her tears and immediately could feel more energy inside her body,she opened her palms and her claws grew out long from her fingers,her eyes turned bright yellow and just her gaze on the sword from afar,the sword landed on her palm and she unshealth it right away. 

*I love this* She chuckled. 

*What will you do without me?* Tonith scoffed. 

Right now Genny is an half wolf and half human body,she just trained alone,flying from one angle to another,swinging her sword like she was fighting someone. 

*You can imagine Indigo in front of you,I still hate that bitch* Tonith scoffed and Genny laughed. 

*I will imagine the so called demon mate instead of Indigo...or maybe both of them* Genny replied and Tonith gave her a go ahead. 




"Honestly Thane, you're suffocating me" Odessa said as Thane hugged her tightly on the bed,she had wanted to get up when he suddenly appeared in the room but Thane didn't even give her the chance to do so. 

"I feel like I'm dying" Thane groaned,burying his face in her chest. 

"So do I look like Genny right now?" Odessa asked. 

Thane said nothing. 

"Tell me what exactly is going on and stop trying to kill me with this tight hug" Odessa groaned and Thane finally broke the hug,,they both say down on the bed,facing each other. 

"She's here" Thane said and Odessa raised her brows of confusion. 


"Second mate" Thane grumbled and Odessa's eyes widened. 

"What the heck?! So you didn't get to tell Genny before she arrived?" She asked and Thane shook his head. 

"So now what?...."

"Genny heard us talking*

"What do you mean us? You and who?"

"The new girl knows Dessa,,she fucking told me she can feel me just the same way I feel her too...Genny heard us talking and now I can't even bring myself to face her,,Thorne isn't talking to me either,I'm helpless,you're the only one I have right now,I just want to disappear. Now I wish I don't have a mate,I wish I'm not Thane,I just...."

"That wish can't come to pass,if you're not Thane,how will you be my brother?! Did you omit me out of your plan?!" Odessa yelled. 

"I'm sorry" Thane mumbled. 

"And who's the girl? I need to know who she is" Odessa rolled her eyes. 

"I don't want her" Thane sighed. 

"What else are you supposed to do? You wanna reject her?" She questioned. 

"The seer said it's dangerous for her" Thane replied. 

"Yeah I guess it's because your demon want her...you need to convince him first,you can't just reject her" Odessa scoffed and Thane nodded. 

"I wonder how Genny is feeling right now" She groaned. 

"Sad" Thane touched his chest. 

"You still need to talk to her you know?" 

"Yeah,but let me just hide here for now" Thane groaned and lie down on the bed,he pulled Odessa close as well. 

"Stay here so I can sleep well....I've not gotten any peaceful sleep for like one week now" He muttered. 

"It's okay,you can sleep now" Odessa kissed his hair and Thane closed his eyes. 

Odessa continue stroking his hair,ignoring his tight grip around her waist. 

"It's not as if I'm running away" She scoffed but then smiled. 


By the time Thane woke up,it was already dark outside,he checked the time and it was 8:50pm,dinner time passed. 

He let out a sleepy sigh and run his hand into his fluffy scattered hair as he stared at Odessa who was still fast asleep,he touched her cheek and placed a kiss on her hair before getting down from the bed,he dialed Orion's number on his way out and he answered right away. 

Orion: Yes Prince.

Thane: Tell the maids to serve Dessa dinner in her room. 

Orion: Okay...anything else? You don't want me to call Genny for you?

Thane: No,,that's all. 

He hung up and sighed. 

He's not ready to speak with Genny now,,he needs Thorne first to give him courage,He's too weak right now,he felt so empty without Thorne. 


Odessa was already awake when Orion arrived with the maids who came to drop her dinner,she just finished taking her night bath and was sitting in front of the dressing mirror,applying some cream on her face. 

"Hi" She smiled at Orion who replied with a nod. 

The maids dropped the food and left the room right away. 

"I was wondering where you were the whole day" Orion sighed. 

"Why? You miss me?" Odesaa grinned and got up. 

"I won't deny that" Orion replied. 

Odessa hugged him and he held her waist,closing his eyes as he inhaled her scent. 



"Do you love me like I do?" She asked and there was silence. 

"Orion" Odessa broke the hug and cupped his face in her palms. 

"Answer my question" She demanded. 

"Are you doubting me?" Orion asked. 

"You've never said those words to me.. It's always me who...."

"I love you Odessa,a lot. And I pray everyday for the moon goddess to give you to me as a mate,I want you badly,as much as you want me...even more than you do" He confessed and Odessa blushed. 

She went on her toes and slammed her lips on his own in a deep kiss which Orion reciprocated at once. 




Atticus adjusted his glasses and continue drawing whatever comes to his hand,the breeze blowing was making loud sounds but he didn't move from where he was sitting. 

"You might catch a cold" Maren said and sat down beside him. 

"I don't want to go inside" Atticus replied and looked at her. 

"Why are you drawing?" She asked. 

"I don't know....." Atticus paused when he noticed he's been drawing Maren all along,he immediately closed the book. 

"Nothing important" he said and Maren raised her brows. 

"You're not hiding anything right?"

"I'm not" Atticus scoffed. 

"Do you think it's possible for some souls to be trapped in the institute?" She asked and Atticus creased his brows. 

"What do you mean?" He blinked. 

"I just kind of....felt some hopeless and sad souls earlier....I think there's something wrong,I just don't know,I...."

"Don't think about anything" Atticus cut in an Maren sighed. 

"Don't be bothered also,I don't like that look on you" Atticus said. 

"What's that" She chuckled and pushed his arm playfully,her cheeks a ton of red and pink. 

Atticus smiled and pecked her lips. 

"Continue being cute this way" He added. 

Maren gulped with wide eyes and touched her lips. 

"You just...."

Atticus kissed her again and she froze,her heart was already malfunctioning,so she moved away from him and ran off. 

Atticus's eyes followed her till she was totally gone. 




Sage came out of the bathroom and met Beorn already fast asleep,he walked closer and sat bent beside the bed,staring at Beorn's face like a movie,he was smiling. 

"Cute" he muttered and touched his full eyelashes,then his nose and then his lips. 

He bite his own lips and didn't waste a second before pecking him right on the lips. 

Beorn opened his eyes and Sage immediately moved away. 

"Why are you running?" Beorn asked. 

"What are you talking about?" Sage muttered. 

Beorn sat up and continue looking at him. 

"You kissed me..."

"Because you were so cute when you sleep,sorry" Sage said and Beorn chuckled. 

"I'm planning to tell my parents...." 

Sage immediately covered his mouth and Beorn frowned. 

"What?" Sage's eyes widened. 


"Oh" Sage released his mouth. 

"Are you planning to keep hiding?" Beorn asked. 

"No...but not now. What if they separate us. Shouldn't we at least have fun before facing problems? I won't survive it if they separate us,,we don't even know what they are going to say about us" Sage said. 

"You're more scared than I am" Beorn sighed and lay back on the bed. 

"I'm sorry,I just don't want to lose you" Sage mumbled and Beorn nodded slowly. 




Ever since he got to his room,he haven't stopped speaking to Thorne,even though he never replied but she wasn't planning to stop any time soon. 

Until Thorne replies,no matter how long it takes. 

Then all of a sudden,he heard Thorne's silent growl which made his eyes widened. 


*I'm here,always* Thorne replied. 

*Liar,always? What shit* Thane scoffed. 

*What do you expect me to do? Everything is messed up* Thorne said. 

*What do you think I can do?* Thane sighed. 

*For me....Genny is my only mate* Thorne said. 

*Obviously* Fylia scoffed also in Thane's head. 

*Shut up,I'm talking here. I've never interrupted you remember? Don't make me mad* Thorne snapped and there was silence. 

Thane sighed out in relief,,he was beginning to imagine Fylia overpowering Thorne,but now he's relieved. 

Thorne continued. 

*You should go to the pack tomorrow,I'm going to talk to the alpha by myself, that's the only way to come out of this,just do as I say* 

Thane nodded. 

*I was already thinking of visiting father anyway,so tomorrow* He said. 

*I miss my mate,,I need to spend some time with her...right now* Thorne growled. 

*Me too* Thane smiled. 

He immediately linked up with Orion to bring Genny,he decided not to communicate with Genny that way since she's still mad at him. 

*I hope she comes* Thane sighed. 

*If she doesn't,then we'll go to her* Thorne replied. 




Thane was sitting on one of the chairs beside the pool,resting his back while waiting for Genny and just then she appeared. 

Thane immediately smiled as he stared at her coming gracefully,but somehow he felt strange. 

"Genny" Thane weave the feeling off and smiled. 

Genny smiled and sat down on his laps. 

"You're not mad at me?" He asked. 

*This is not my mate* Thorne groaned and Thane was confused. 

*What do you mean? I can smell her....*

*She's not my mate* Thorne repeated and Thane stared at the person sitting on his laps. 

Instantly,the face changed and turned to Thelma. 

"What the heck!!" Thane shouted. 

"So I don't deserve you too?!! You ignored me all day,I was missing you! I told you I can feel the mate bond as well" Thelma snapped and Thane stared at her in shock. 

"What....what in the world are you trying to do? You're....."

Thelma started unbuttoning his shirt. 

"Hey!! Are you hungry for sex or what?!" Thane shouted. 

"Yes I am! Now what!!" Thelma shouted back. 

Thane tried pushing her off but she cling unto his neck tightly. 

He stood up with her still hugging him. 

"I don't want to hurt you...."

"Of course you can't,,we have a bond anyway,you're just being unfair here" Thelma said. 

Thane sighed. 

"Can you please then....please I'm begging you...."

"Let's make out" Thelma muttered.


"You heard me" Thelma said and touched his lips. 

"You must really think I'm that easy" Thane chuckled and threw her off his body,she landed on her butt. 

"Stay away from me" He glared at her and went in,getting into the bedroom he met Genny. 

"Babe" Thane immediately called. 

Genny ran over to him and jumped on him,,smashing her lips on his own instantly. 

Thane immediately reciprocated,in an hungry kiss. 



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