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I Hate You Jace - Episode 53&54




I Hate You Jace - Episode 53&54


By Naomi Cindy B.


"Let it all out, My Big Wolf"  she whispered, dipping her fingers deeper into his scalp go intensify the strokes, and that calmed him down a lot.

"I'm here, you'll be fine" she said, and he opened his eyes, tightening the hug so much.

She smiled widely, and he gently broke the hug.

She held his face and wiped the traces of dried tears, then he leaned in and kissed her nose fondly.

Judging by his personality, that definitely means THANKS, and Jarvis smiled warmly.

They got back in the car, and the drive resumed, then her phone buzzed.

She gasped when she saw the message from Philip.


"My gawd!" 

"What's up?" Jace asked.

"My dress for tomorrow, I haven't gotten it!" She gasped.

"You're competing?" He asked shockingly.

"Wait...I didn't tell you?" She gasped again.

" F+ck, seriously?"

"It must have skipped my mind, don't be grumpy about it" she said.

"I'm not grumping, little cat" he replied.

"I need to go shopping with Dorothy when I get back" she muttered, and Jace suddenly pulled up in front of a boutique.

"What are we doing here?" She faced him with a blink.

"Getting you a dress" he replied.

"No... Jace...no" she said quickly.

"Yes ... Baby... Yes" he replied, pulling her out of the car.

Jarvis couldn't say another word as he dragged her into the building, and the first thing her eyes caught is a beautiful snow globe on display at the center of the boutique.

"That's f*+*king beautiful!" She gushed over it

"First person to get things worth 300 thousand dollars get it" an attendant replied beside them.

"Just 300 thousand dollars?" Jace scoffed.

"JUST?" The attendant blinked.

"Have it wrapped, I'll be spending more than that in here" he said, and they were led into the VIP angle.

The female attendants we're staring lustfully at Jace, but he's barely even seeing them.

Jarvis couldn't hide her shock when she saw the gorgeous gowns and matching shoes on display.

She started checking them out, and Jace just stood behind her, watching her with a small smile as she touched everything.

She's so cute as she smiled at each dress, and he just can't get enough of her happiness. She's so damn  beautiful.

"This!" She suddenly gasped, fishing out a gorgeous purple gown which is obviously floor length.

The straps are in form of a delicate net which formed a bunched V across the front, and the body was decorated with exquisite jewels.

It looks simple but at the same time it's elegant and sophisticated.

She loves it more cos of the purple color. 

"That's a Sophie Lauren's brand, the newest piece" one of the attendants with them said.

"She'll try it out, and that" Jace replied, pointing at a dazzling pair of purple heels.

"What's her shoe size?" An attendant asked.

"The smallest, she has a baby foot" Jace replied, and Jarvis's cheeks flushed as she was taken into the fitting room.

Jace sat with a hot sigh, and one of the attendants came over, smiling seductively. 

"My name is Ella" She said, unbuttoning one of her uniform buttons to give him a view of her b*+*bs.

Jace smirked immediately, if it was two months ago, he'd probably f*+*k her before leaving this place, but not again.

She looks like a potato sac to him for real, and he looked away in disgust.

Jarvis came out of the fitting room, and he couldn't help his insane heart race by her new look.

"F*+*k it" he said under his breath as he stared at his kitten. 

The doesn't need a br@, so Jarvis had to take it off and cover her n*+*ples with pasties to avoid poking.

Her standing br+asts were looking so seductive, showing off in the front V net, and when she saw Jace's intense reaction to it, she couldn't help but blush.

She loves when he stares, she loves the butterflies and goosebumps she gets, she loves how her heart races at the slightest stare from his eyes, she loves his eyes.

She looks like a s+xy princess in the dress, and she feels gorgeous.

"Your girlfriend is a total perfection, the dress was made for her" one of the attendants said.

"She's not my girlfriend" Jace replied, and the smile on Jarvis's face fell on the ground, her heart stopped for a second as the attendants exchanged glances.

"Oh...the bill is 420 thousand dollars" the slutty attendant said excitedly. 

"Here" Jace gave her his card, and Jarvis returned to the fitting room to change back into her clothes.

The dress and shoes were packed into their boxes, and the attendants took it to the car themselves.

Jarvis came out of the fitting room moodily, and she didn't wait for Jace before walking out.

Jace was wondering why as he stood, but then when the slutty attendant appeared.

The second button is down in her uniform right now, so her titties are on full display.

"We can actually have some fun before you leave, I'm free" she said, taking his hand.

She started bringing it to her b*+*bs...

"If my fingers touch those balloons, you'll regret it" he warned with a deadly glare, and she quickly let go of his hand.

"But...the girl is not your...

"She's not my girlfriend...yet" he completed the statement, taking his card from her.

He walked out, joining Jarvis who's already sitting in the car.

"Are you ok?" He asked, but no reply.

"Little cat" he called, but she opened the window and started staring out of if.

"We're not leaving this place if you keep ignoring me" he said.

"Take me back to the hostel, or i might stain your seat, my period came unexpectedly" she lied 

"I don't really care if you pour blood all-over the damn seat, what's going on?" He asked.

"Please... Jace" she faced him with hurtful eyes.

Reluctantly, he drove out of the park.

They arrived at the hostel shortly, and she didn't even wait to take her dress and gift before rushing in.

"Look who's here" Craig said behind, and he turned to see him with Dorothy whose forehead is patched with a small Micky mouse plaster.

"Cool, help me with this" Jace said, and they jointly carried in the boxes. 

They met Jarvis in the room, but she's on her bed, piling the duvet over herself.

"Ok she does this anytime she doesn't wanna see someone" Dorothy said.

"And I'm guessing that someone is me" Jace replied.

"Let's go for now" Craig said, and he took another look at Jarvis before leaving with Craig.

"Now you have to talk to me" Dorothy said, and Jarvis sat up with a red face.

"What's up with you and Jace?" Dorothy sat in front of her.

"Last night...he... yunno..he ate me up and...and I kinda thought we moved forward, but then while at the boutique, he told the attendants I'm not his girlfriend" she replied.

"Are you? Did he say the three magical words already?" Dorothy asked.

"No" Jarvis replied.

"And there it is. Jace is not a regular guy, and getting him to confess to you will be a little bit tough. Girl, you're dealing with a psycho playboy here" Dorothy said.

"What should I do?" Jarvis asked.

"Step one... make him jealous" Dorothy said.


"Tonight is the bonfire right? Don't worry we're in this together" Dorothy replied, and Jarvis smiled eventually, hugging her.

"I love you, what can I do without you"

"I love you too! But first, I need this snow globe, it's so fine!" She took the globe.

"Anything Jace buys for me, sorry I won't share" Jarvis chuckled, and Milo climbed the bed.

The cat climbed her arms, and she carried it as Dorothy opened the dress box.

"OMG bam!" She screamed admiringly, hugging the dress.

Jarvis dropped Milo and came down from the bed to hold Dorothy's face.

"Why is your forehead plastered?" She asked.

"Nicole returned" Dorothy replied, and Jarvis was about to gasp when Scarlett entered the room in tears.

"Scar I swear it we only kissed!" Ronnie said, coming in behind her.

"Just stop talking Ronnie!!! What was her panties doing in your room if it was just a kiss? And why would you even kiss that smelly thing! You're classless!" Scarlett faced him.

"She must have dropped the underwear in my room to cause this, Scar...I love you please...

"Gawd! Someone get him out of this room I'm about to go crazy here!!!" Scarlett screamed, holding her head.

Dorothy and Jarvis held him by each sides, taking him out of the room.

"Scar I never slept with her, Scar!!" 

He was pushed out, and the girls locked the door.

"Come here" Jarvis pulled Scarlett into a hug, and her tears continued.

"I love him a lot, why is he doing this to me? I can't take it anymore"



"Anytime Jace Volkov wears a suit" Craig said.

"There's a problem" Gabby said, and they both laughed as they watched him dress up in the big dressing room.

He didn't reply, all he's thinking about is why Jarvis is being like that, though he has a suspicion, but he's not so sure about it.

"But how come I like Volkov more than Braun?" Craig said.

"Me too" Gabby replied.

"You won't say that if you know who Klaus Volkov is" Jace replied.

"Your dad? How bad is he?" Gabby asked.

"You don't wanna know" Jace replied and started walking out of the room.

"All hail the baddest erotic romance writer of all time!" Gabby shouted.

"Jace Volkov!!!" Craig picked a waiting champagne bottle and popped it loudly.

"Clowns" Jace laughed, walking out of the room, but then it became worse when he stepped on the corridor.

Students screamed madly, almost causing an earthquake in the hostel as they began hailing him.

* Baddest!

* Realest baddie!

* One and only Wolfie!

* Almighty Jace!

*. Greatest School Psycho!

* The daddy who daddied their f*+*king daddies!

* Hottest writer living!

The praises were endless, and girls nearly went bunkers.

 He kept his head high, smiling occasionally with his popular smirk as students flooded after him.

His new car already arrived when he got to the park...his agent delivered it already, it's a black Escalade, new model.

He got in, and students continued screaming after his car as he drove out of the hostel.



Nikki has been unable to come out since the revelation, but the screams from earlier reached his ears in his room as he sat up in bed with his phone in hand.

He's on Jarvis's WhatsApp, staring at her picture on her DP...he's been on it for long, and he can't stop himself.

A text from Esther interrupted his stare, and he clicked on it.


He hissed out and returned to staring at Jarvis, but then his mind suddenly went to his dad's promise.

He dropped the phone and got a pen and paper.

He started making a list of people like he was told.



A sea of reporters is in front of the hall, then multitude of Wet Kisses fans from across the country, waiting for Jace's arrival.

The award givers increased in numbers, and some are even waiting in front of the hall on the red carpet for his arrival.

Jace's car finally drove in, and the fans began screaming madly immediately.

Cameras flashing and multitude going insane.

He hasn't come out of his car when he got a text from Collins.


His face was blank as he typed a reply...


He sent that before coming out of the car, making sure he was smiling as the fans fawned over him.

* He's so hot!!! Help!!!

* I love you Jace Volkov!!!

* Please marry me!!!

* His rings!!!

* He's a damn demigod!!

* His tattoos!! I'm dying!!!

* Season 2 please!!!

* My husband!!!

If anyone told him he'd experience fame like this, he'd deny, but here he is, getting the love he didn't get when he was young.

He wrote the series mainly for this, and his dream just came to pass.

He smiled wider, touching hands with one of them, and that one almost fainted.

The cameras were almost too much for his eyes as he stepped on the red carpet, shaking hands with the big men before stepping into the hall where his awards are already waiting.

Today could pass as his happiest.



It's bonfire and camping out tonight, and different fire spots were already burning with students surrounding it and having fun.

Tents were already so surplus, and there are students inside too, making the best of the night.

Scarlett decided to stay back since she's not in the mood for Bonbon, so it's just Jarvis and Dorothy.

"Philip said we could join his tent, I just have to look for him" Jarvis said, linking arms with Dorothy as they entered the campground.

She hasn't seen Jace since she ignored him in the morning, and though she wants to stay mad at him, but her anger disappeared even before 10am, and she has been missing him since then

She's looking around for any sign of him, but she saw Craig instead.

"Good thing I found you" he smiled, taking Dorothy from her.

"Will you be fine alone? Don't forget the plan!" She shouted as Craig took her away.

"Don't worry, I got this" Jarvis replied as she went out of sight.

She kept staying there, waiting for Philip to appear and searching for Jace with his eyes at the same time.

"Hey, aren't you Jarvis?" A male voice said, and she turned to see three guys. 

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Are you alone? You can join us" the middle one said, licking his lips as he stared at her with a motive.

"I think she's School Psycho's girl" the one on his right whispered in his ear.

"We better go" the one on the left said.

"I don't think so" the middle guy insisted, and Jarvis smiled. Just the tool of jealousy she needs.

She wants to know what'd happen if Jace sees her with them, she has to make him feel jealous according to Dorothy.

She knows he's in the crowd somewhere...

"I'll go with you guys" she said.

"Cool" the middle guy smiled, slipping his right arm on her waist.

Jarvis felt like kicking him immediately, but she has to keep up... Jace has to get jealous.

"You good?" The guy asked, and she nodded with a fake smile as his arm tightened on her waist.

"Cool, let's...

He wasn't able to say GO when someone pulled his hair from behind, separating him from her.

They all turned, and eyes widened when they saw a raging, furious Jace.

He grabbed the guy chokily by the neck, and the remaining two rushed away from the scene in fear if him.

"Who said you could touch her? Motherfûker!" Jace thundered, still choking him as he slammed his back on the ground, then he kicked him in the face, making him roll down the ground.

Students are starting to gather around, and Jarvis was even scared as she witnessed how his eyes reddened.

Not as a result of tears this time but mad anger.

He marched the right hand of the guy, making sure he broke a bone.

"Arggggghhh!!!!" The motherfûker cried with a bloody mouth, and Jace kicked his face again, making him roll forward.

He raised his sneaker to smash his face with, but Jarvis quickly grabbed his hand.

"Stop! " She cautioned, taking him away from the place.

Jace followed till they got into one of the school buildings, and he took her hand this time, pulled her into a dark class and pushed her back gently to the wall.

He raised her arms and trapped them above her head on the wall...

Before she could react, his lips found hers, and she gasped as he kissed her bottom lip fiercely, making her breathless within a minute.

Their hot breaths collided in the dark room when he slowly broke the kiss... 

"I don't wanna get angry today, I'm really trying to keep my mood under control.... little cat. Don't tempt me" he muttered, looking down at her figure with soft eyes.

"You're jealous, Big Wolf" she whispered .

"I'd be insane not to" he replied, his lids moving slowly.

"Jace..." She whispered shockingly when she began hearing his fast heartbeats in her ears.

"If any guy touches you, HE DIES" he whispered, their lips brushing as he said each word.

She rested her palms on the wall, her heart pounding too at the dark tension.

"If you touch any guy, HE DIES" Jace continued, and she looked him dead in the eyes.

"What if I refuse to let you touch me?" She whispered, and he  placed his lips on hers before whispering...



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