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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 36




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 36

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


“This is your freaking fault, Marcus. Why didn't you stay away from Allison? What brought you back to that room?” Atlas halted him in the hallway.

Snorting loudly, Marcus turned to him. “What do you mean by that? Who do you think you are to tell me whether I should see her or not.” 

“It seems you're forgetting something, she is my Luna. You don't have any right to see her or say anything to her. It's all your fault that she had to shut me out.” Atlas snapped.

Marcus turned sharply at him. “She's not yet your Luna, and I know that she has feelings for me.”

“Pathetic! Feelings for you? Where the f*** do you get such ideas from?” Atlas scoffed sarcastically.

“I think it's very pointless to be having this conversation with you. She was my mate, and…” 

Atlas cut him off immediately, and said. “Was. Emphasis on ‘was’. She was given a second chance mate, and that happens to be me. I don't care what you think or what you want to say, but I want you to have it, at the back of your mind, that she is mine, and I'm never giving up on her.”

“Well then, let the best man win.” Marcus spoke in between gritted teeth, and they shook hands.

Meanwhile, I struggled up from the bed, I staggered to the bathroom, but the nurse tried to stop me and said. “Miss Allison, are you sure you can go by yourself? Do you want me to help you?”

“Of course not. I'm fine, and I can take care of it. Please leave me alone for a few hours. I just want to be alone.” I replied, and she nodded.

Picking up the tray of medication, she walked out of the room, while I shut the door behind her. I took a deep breath, before proceeding to the bathroom. 

The bathtub was filled with water, so all I had to do was to take off the dress I had on. My body was still aching badly, and that made it take a few more minutes before I was able to take the dress off. 

Dipping my head into the water in the bathtub for a few seconds, I raised my head, and there came the voice of my wolf. 

“Do I sense some love troubles?” 

I rubbed my wet hair backwards, and sighed deeply, and she continued. “I live in your head, you know. I think you like both Alphas.”

“You must be the nosiest wolf around here.” I snapped, and after a second, I continued. “And you're wrong.”

“I just sense strong tension there.” She mocked me.

Without hesitation, I got up from the bathtub and reached for the towel immediately. Wrapping it around my body, I limped out of the bathroom, and replied. “There is tension because I can't stand them, and don't forget…” I paused the moment I noticed a note on my bed.

Staring around the room to check if someone had entered, or if the door was open, I walked reluctantly to the bed, and picked up the envelope. There was a written note in it.

“Who could have dropped this here? And how did this get in here?” I mumbled, and took out the paper from the envelope, and read it out loud. “Hey, pumpkin! Let's meet at the park. You mustn't tell anyone about it, I have something essential to tell you about your family.”

My eyebrows twitched, confused. I couldn't fathom how the envelope got into my room, but I was curious, I really needed to hear what this person had to say. He knows about my family, but how?

I changed into my nighties, and sat on the bed. My mind wasn't at rest because I was unable to stop thinking of the letter I received. Glancing at the wall clock, my heart skipped a beat. “Maybe I should meet him.” I mumbled.

Even though I felt uneasy about going to see the sender, I got even more curious. Immediately, I got up from the bed and staggered out of the room.

It was very dark as I approached the park. The rain had just subsided, so it was cold. I got to the exact spot that I was told, but I saw no one there.

“Where is the mystery man? Where is he?” I didn't speak out so loud, but it was audible enough for someone to hear.

I was about to leave when I saw a shadow walking towards me. Fear gripped me, but I had to get a hold of myself. I had this uneasy feeling like I made the wrong choice coming to the park.

I raised my head immediately, but saw no one. The shadow was approaching me fast, and I started stepping backwards. Honestly, I don't know where I got the courage from, but I spoke up even if my voice was trembling. “Who are you? You coward, show yourself!”

Then, I heard a laughter echoing. The echo was too loud and ear deafening. My leg was still hurting, so I couldn't run. I was limping, and the pain came back.

I opened my mouth to scream, but ended up closing it because words refused to come out of it. 

Then, I heard footsteps and that made me feel better. I turned back, and found out that the figure I saw wasn't there anymore. I was still trembling in fear. 

“Allison? Are you okay?” I recognized the voice immediately. It was Atlas.

He was rushing to me when I suddenly felt something pierced into my chest like a flying arrow. Blood gushed out of my chest. The pain was unbearable… It was a silver bullet.

Atlas rushed to me as I slumped to the ground in the pool of blood.

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