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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 41 & 42




The Billionaire's Heartbeat - Episode 41 & 42

Theme: Blazing affection

By Terri Savage

"I know I'm a slut, I'm cheap but do you have to say it in my face?" she asked and surprisingly tears came out of her eyes.

Myles felt his heart breaking and filled with guilt as he realized the weight of his words, he got carried away by his emotions and he now hurt her. It's rare for people like Jennifer to cry, his words must have sunk deeply into her heart to cause this reaction.

He cursed under his breath as she started crying seriously, she suddenly wiped her tears away.

She stepped back from him.


"You can leave" she cut him off and he swallowed.

"I'm sorry..."

"Get out" she yelled and he almost flinched.

Her eyes were cold and she was giving him this stern look.

He has seen her angry side but he was yet to see this deep angry side of her.

He quietly left the office and she broke into tears, she wouldn't have been moved if what he said to her was said by another person but since it came from her she didn't know why she was so hurt, his words really hurt her.

"I'm cheap, I'm a slut, I wouldn't have kissed him if I wasn't a slut, I'd have controlled myself if I wasn't cheap" she said, moving back till her butt met with the desk.

Tears came out of eyes and she quickly cleaned it but new ones fell again.

"Why am I so much hurt by his words?" she muttered, touching her chest.


Myles was in regret as he walked out of the office, his head was filled up with the scene of the words he said to her, he was feeling so much guilt as he walked into the elevator.

The elevator took him to the down floor and he bumped into someone when he came out.

"Look like someone just got disappointed" the familiar voice said mockingly and he frowned.

"You are speechless?" Kingsley smirked.

"No, I'm only speechless about your dirt" he said.

"What do you mean?" Kingsley asked.

"You will find out soon" Myles replied and walked away.

"What is he talking about?" Kingsley muttered, staring at Myles.


Sloane was in a foul mood as she served in the restaurant, she didn't know what was the reason for her moodiness but she wasn't feeling okay, she was feeling so uneasy and she knew deep within her.

"Are you okay Sloane?" the manager asked.

"I'm fine sir" she replied with a forceful smile.

"You don't look okay to me" he said.

"I'm fine sir" she said, and he nodded while walking away.

She was about to start walking away when someone appeared before her.

"Sloane" Newton called her name, her eyes lit up instantly.

She took his hand and went with him to a silent passway in the restaurant.

She hugged him immediately they got there and his lips parted in surprise.

She broke the hug and bit her lips.

"I'm sorry about the other day, I couldn't say no to her but I'm making it up for you, a drink tonight" he said and she smiled.

"You took time" she said.

"I was delayed by the traffic, I got to the location and I had to wait for ten minutes for the owner of the order" he replied.

"You were missing me?" he asked and she looked away before nodding.

"You are cute" he said and she smiled.

"You are scaring me now, you were always..."

"Don't say it" she placed a finger on lips.

She took the finger away and ran away.

"What.... What is happening, she is pretty" he smiled.


Everest was eating when he suddenly looked up and caught Paige staring at him but she quickly looked away and started eating again.

"I caught you" he said and she looked up.

"Huh!" she blinked innocently.

"I caught you staring" he said and she coughed.

"I don't know what you are saying" she said.

"You suck at lying" he smiled and she bit her lips.

"I'm not lying" she said.

"Really?" he teased.

"Everest!" she pouted and he laughed.

"I'm coming, I will use the restroom" he said and stood up, he walked away.

Paige smiled and continued eating.


In the male restroom, Everest splashed water on his face as he finished using the toilet, he washed his hands and took a towel drying his hands. He came out of the restroom and he was shocked to see Paige there..

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I... You were taking a long time so I came to check up on you" she replied, taking her lips in.

"You are such a baby" he smiled.

"I'm okay, there are no ladies here to protect me from" he said and she chuckled.

She suddenly found herself staring at his lips.

His pinkish small round lips, she swallowed hard staring at his lips.

"Why is everything about him seductive?" she asked inwardly.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she gasped when she saw him standing closer to her, she almost stuttered but she controlled it.

"Can we go now?" he asked with a smile and she bit her lips.

"Sure" she nodded.


Ceres came into the working function room and saw the workers working on the new design idea she stole from Jennifer.

Her secretary was beside her as she inspected the work.

"We are sorry, we can't finish this today" the leader of the team came to her.

"I hope it will be worth the wait?" she asked with a stern tone.

"Yes.. ma'am" the leader replied.

"It better be" she replied and the team leader.

"You will be reeking in billions when you launch the clothes, do you want to see the slides?" her secretary asked.

"Yes" she replied and she took Ceres into the inner room.

She took the remote and started displaying the slides for her.

"OMG!! the suit" Ceres gasped.

"It's classic right?" 

"It....I don't know what to say, Jennifer I'm coming for you" Ceres shouted hyperly.


Jennifer closed her laptop after trying to work but she couldn't.

Myles's words couldn't leave her head and she was hating it seriously, she knew what this was, she knew what was behind the feeling and she was wondering how it happens, this is not the first time someone will say that to her, she had heard it a handful from Ceres but she wasn't bothered.

But hearing it from his mouth she is still feeling hurt.

Kingsley came into the office and she looked up.

"The meeting got rescheduled to 4pm" he said.

"Okay" she said.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, prepare the files for the meeting with Mr Donald" she replied.

"Ok" he said and walked out.

Her mind went to Myles and she sighed.


Jennifer kept a straight face as she came out of the company.

She didn't spare Myles a glance despite seeing him.

She got into the backdoor and he started the car.

He was feeling guilty as he drove out, she didn't say a word to him till they got to her castle, she didn't waste a second in the car, she came out and started walking into the castle.

Myles was staring at her and when he remembered what he said to her, he started feeling guilty again, he didn't know when he called her.

"Jenny" he called and she stopped walking.

She looked back.

"I... goodnight" he said and turned, he started leaving.


Sloane was smiling as she stood at the counter with Newton. They went for a drink like he said.

There were two bottles in front of them.

"Don't get drunk please, I don't have the strength to handle a drunk person" he said and she smiled

"I won't get drunk"she said.

"Michelin, I wish she is here" he smiled.

He expected her to say something but he looked at her to see her playing with her lips.

He took her hand and she looked up.

"I won't talk about anyone again" he said and she smiled.

"You are so beautiful" he said handsomely.

"You are handsome" she bit her lips.

"Wow! Did you just say that, OMG!!!" he almost shouted.

"Stop it" she bit her lips.

"Can you say it again, please?" he said cutely.

"You are handsome" she said slowly and he smiled widely.


Paige was getting ready to leave the office, there was a lot of work in the office so they closed late today.

She was still arranging the files on her table when the door opened and Everest came in.

"Eva" she called and he chuckled.

"That sounds like a girl's name, you are not good at shortening people's names" he said and she smiled.

"I'm leaving, see you tomorrow" he said.

"Ok... Okay" she muttered.

"You don't want me to go?" he asked, looking at her.

"I don't know" she replied and looked away.

"Bye" he smiled and started leaving but before he could get to the door she held him from the back.

She turned him around and their eyes met.

He was about to say something when she pushed him gently to the wall.

She hugged his body instantly, trapping him there, Everest swallowed hard.

"What are you.. doing?" he asked nervously.

She hung her arm around his neck and leaned into his ear.

"I want to see your size.....again, can I?" she whispered with an intoxicating voice.


To be continued.

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