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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Mafia's Ruination - Episode 39




The  Mafia's Ruination - Episode 39

Subtitle; {Between Love and War} 

Authoress Rejoice            


Alice's POV 

It was a chilly afternoon, with the winter air settling in. November marked the transition to winter in Italy, a season I've always adored. I love the way the snow blankets everything, the joy of building snowmen, and engaging in playful snowball fights with my family. Winters are truly delightful.

Alexander and I found ourselves in my studio, each engrossed in our own artistic pursuits. This was our go-to place when there was nothing else to do. 

I was working on a painting of a snow-covered house with children playing outside, and it was turning out quite well. Meanwhile, Alex was skillfully blending various paints on his canvas in a mesmerizing spiral circle, creating a beautiful fusion of colors that resembled a rainbow.

"Once you're finished, can I hang that in my room?" I inquired, standing beside him. He glanced at me with a smirk. 

"What room? You hardly go to your room these days."

"Hmm," I mused playfully. "I wonder who's responsible for that."

Alex dropped his paintbrush, grinning. "Yes, I wonder too."

Oh, Alexander, please.

Alexander is the type of boyfriend who constantly craves physical touch. Whether it's holding me, playing with my hair, kissing me, or playing with my fingers, he always seeks my attention. 

As I closed the distance between us, wrapping my hands around his neck, I asked, "Should I tell you?" 

His gray eyes dilated as he slowly wrapped his hands around my waist. "Hmm, I'm not sure I want to know," he replied. 

I was dressed in joggers and a crop sweater. He let his fingers walk on my bare stomach, and I couldn't help but feel turned on, wanting more. The gleam in his eyes revealed that he knew the effect he had on me and was using it to his advantage. 

However, I also knew I had an effect on him. Leaning in slowly, I whispered in his ear and bit his earlobe. He drew a sharp breath, halting his finger movements on my belly. 

"You nàughty girl," Alex gasped out, gripping me tighter.

Butterflies fluttered violently in my stomach as his hands gripped my waist and his eyes locked onto mine. "I learned from the best," I said. 

"You did, huh?" He dropped my rhetorical question, smirking. "Then, what do you have for your teacher?" His eyes remained fixed on mine, searching for answers. Discreetly, I took the paintbrush he had dropped and quickly stroked it across his face. 

His laughter filled the room, echoing in my ears. "You're a bàd student," he teased. 

I made another stroke on his face, slower this time. "What will you do about it?" My voice was low, my breath steady, and my heart raced. 

With swift speed, he took the paintbrush from me and painted it on my face. I closed my eyes, letting him work on my face. "You are going to pay for that," I informed him, thinking about the best way to get back at him. "Just watch out." 

"Oh no, I'm so scared," he returned sarcastically, pretending to shiver. "What is my cute looking Princess going to do to me?" Alexander questioned, resting his forehead against mine. His hands gently traced my face before he slowly tilted his head to the side, briefly pressing his lips to mine. "What will you do to me?" 

"I will not tell you." I shook my head, feeling uncertain about any plan. All I could think about was the small peck Alex had just given me. 

"Alright," he muttered with a boyish grin. "I can't wait to see what you have in mind for me." 

"You will have to wait, though," I replied.


The warm water from the shower head poured over me, washing the paint off my face. I closed my eyes to prevent the water from blurring my vision and felt a presence behind me in the shower. I knew it was Alexander. 

Since that rainy night when we finally gave in to each other, we have been... Should I call it friends with benefits? I don't know. Alex and I feel like more than friends. Alexander was an expert at giving me pleasure. He knew how to satisfy me and make me feel things I never thought I would feel when having séx. He knew what to do and when to do it. 

"Kitten, can I join you?" he asked, placing his palm on the shower wall behind me. I deliberately turned to face him, my eyes locking with his. His brown hair was wet, his eyes unblinkingly staring into mine. 

"Why ask when you are already in?" I replied, my eyes moving away from his to travel over his nakéd body. 

He took one more unneeded but necessary step toward me, one of his knees in between mine.

He shrugged his shoulder, sliding his hand around my waist while the other remained on the wall. "Because I want to know," he said as the water poured over both of us, pressing me against the wall. 

Know what? What did he want to know that he couldn't wait for me to come out? Did he really expect me to hear anything he had to say while he was nakéd? 

"The other shower is broken," he lied through his teeth. "Can I join this shower?" 

"You're lying," I stated the obvious truth, and he smiled. "What do you want, Alex?" 

His eyes roamed over my body, making me feel more expósed than I already was. They were clouded with adoration and desire. "You," he said.

"Then take me," I commanded, and like the obedient Alexander he was, he complied, causing a thrilling sensation within me. 

Our lips met, our tongues intertwining in a passionate dance. We tasted each other, savored each other. His lips journeyed from mine, tracing a path along my jaw to my neck. I tilted my head to grant him further access to my neck, which he showered with fervent kisses and gentle nips. 

I struggléd for bréath, the intensity of the moment overwhelming me. Alex's fingers wandered to my sénsitive area, sketching abstract patterns as he reveled in the tantalizing game. 

"Alex," I moàned, my voice filled with longing. "Don't..." 

"Don't what?" He queried, feigning ignorance. 

I was too breathless and engrossed in the moment to rebuke him. "Don't stop, kitten?"

"Stop...doing that," I stuttered, managing to force out a sentence. Immediately, he ceased all activity. "You know what I mean, Alexander."

"I don't," he responded, a smirk playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"You do, Alex." Despite my vexation, my voice came out pleading. He smiled, gently caressing my face before leaning in to kiss me.

"You know I love teasing you, right?"

Yes, I knew. I knew all too well how much he enjoyed teasing me. Sometimes, I found it endéaring, other times, it was simply irritàting. It was exasperating when he knew I wanted him, yet chose to tease me instead. But, paradoxically, his teasing only made me love him more. Not that I would ever admit that to him.

TBC 📖✍️

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