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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 30




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 30

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


“What? You're just being paranoid.” Marcus snapped.

Angrily, Natalie got up from the bed, and replied. “Oh, I'm being paranoid, huh? What was I thinking? Oh, God, I f****** knew it. You've always loved her. This was always about Allison.” 

Turning away his face, Alpha Marcus buttoned up his unbuttoned shirt without saying a word. Natalie continued. “Did you ever love me? What am I to you, Marcus?”

Ignoring her questions, Marcus got up from the bed, and said. “You know, you're right. I can't let him have her.”

With that, he walked out of the room, leaving Natalie to cry her eyes out as she called him. “Marcus! Marcus!!”

This was probably her worst nightmare. She had always wished that there would never be a day she will fight for Alpha Marcus's love with a slave like she puts it.

“When is the awaited moon going to work? Is it until Allison steals my man away from me?” She gritted her teeth.

Meanwhile, Alpha Atlas and I were lying on the bed, with a duvet covering my bare body and his arm wrapped around me. I've never felt so safe until today.

Well, he was busy kissing my earlobes and making circles on my stomach… that feels so tickle.

Just then, a heavy knock came on the door. Beta Jackson's voice was heard screaming to Atlas. “I'm sorry, Alpha. Alpha Marcus insists on seeing Allison, he says it's time-critical.”

Atlas raised his brows, and turned to me. “You don't have to go if you don't want to.”

I shook my head in disagreement as I got up from the bed with the duvet wrapped around my chest. “I should end this for good.”

In a few minutes, I was dressed in my nighties, and putting on Atlas's jacket. Furthermore, I walked to the balcony, where Marcus was waiting for me. Without sparing a glance, I asked. “What do you want, Marcus?”

Dropping his glass of dry gin on the table, he continued. “You can't go with Atlas. You don't even know him.”

I snapped. “He's my mate.”

“Just stay, Allison. I know we've had countless ups and downs.”

Scoffing, I replied sarcastically. “Ups and downs? You treated me like a slave for years, you watched your fiancée abuse me and you did nothing. On my 18th birthday, you rejected me.”

“I'm an Alpha, Allison. I can't just be with whomever I want. You should understand that. We can make it work, okay? I'll marry Natalie, but I can move you to a secure place. You don't have to leave like this.” 

Clenching my fist in annoyance, I snorted at him and replied. “What are you saying right now? Are you saying that you want me to be the other…” I paused because anger didn't let me complete my statement. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “I just came here to say goodbye, Marcus.”

His eyes grew tender, and he held my wrist. “Allison, I've always loved you.”

“What?” I twitched my brows at him.

He sneered and replied rudely. “I said, I love you, goddammit!” 

“F*** you, Marcus. Screw you! How could you say that? You can't treat me like a piece of trash, and then tell me you love me.” I yelled at him.

“I already told you that I'm willing to compromise, what more do you want?” He freaked out.

“This is how you show your love, huh? Well, no, thank you, I don't want it.” I replied.

He grabbed my arms and replied. “Stop pretending. You don't think I see it, huh? You disobey me, give me that s*** attitude just to get my attention. Well, you gave it. Just stay. We can work this out.”

I snatched my arm from him, glaring at him in disgust. “I never wanted your attention, and I don't want it now. Just let me go.”

Without hesitation, he grabbed my wrist. “Stop pretending.”

“Let me go!” I winced in pain as his grip was so firm that I couldn't move my wrist.

A voice interrupted. “Stop it. Don't you dare hurt her again.” It was Atlas, he punched Marcus on the face, and he fell on the ground, before Atlas turned to me with tenderness in his eyes. “Allison, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

I shook my head, swallowing an invisible lump in my throat. “No, I'm fine.”

“Let's go, Allison.”

With that, he held my hand, and we walked away while Marcus struggled up from the ground. 

As we walked down the hallway, I was quiet and lost in thought, and Alpha Atlas noticed the expression on my face. “Are you sure that you're okay, Allison?” He asked with so much concern.

“Uh… I'm fine. Alpha Atlas, I'm just thinking if I'll be able to fit into your world. I mean… I'm just a slave, I don't think I'm suitable to be your Luna.” I bit my lips.

He smiled calmly, wrapping his arms around me. “To others you might be a slave, but to me, you're my healer and the only Luna that I want. But what matters is what I think… It's about us.”

“Thank you, Alpha. Where… where are we going? I mean, the conference is not over yet.” I raised my brows.

With a mischievous smirk, he replied. “Don't you want to get eaten out by me, huh?” 

I blushed, and looked away from him. That spoiled brat! I gulped nervously, and mumbled. “What… what are you talking about?” 

We walked out of the castle. There was already a waiting Lamborghini outside the castle. Beta Jackson stood in front of the car. We got to the car, and Beta Jackson proceeded to open the car door for me, but Alpha Atlas opened the door by himself… just for me. He signaled to me. “Please…”

With a slight nod, I got into the car and Atlas got in too, while Beta Jackson walked to the other side and hopped in. Putting on the seatbelt, Beta Jackson speeded off. 

I kept staring out of the window in astonishment. You wouldn't blame me as I have never left the Night Wind Pack castle except on the night I was kidnapped.

“Wow! Is that…?” I paused, turning to Atlas, who was smiling at me.

“A movie theater.”

Clasping my palms over my mouth, I kept staring at the tall, beautiful building. “This is the first time that I'm seeing such a beautiful building.”

“If you want, tomorrow I can take you shopping… to an enormous mall where you'd pick anything you want.”

“Is this a dream, Alpha?”

He smiled. “No, it's not. Call me Atlas.”

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