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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 23




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 23

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


I was fast asleep, but Alpha Atlas was awake. He peered into my face with a smile on his face. He stared at the mirror in front of him. Actually, I had fallen asleep in his room while trying to help him calm down.

The moment I felt a hot breath on my cheek, I yawned tiredly before opening my eyes reluctantly.

Upon opening my eyes, I saw his eyes, staring directly into my eyes, and I jerked up immediately. I was visibly… probably because I didn't know that I was still in his room or because he was staring at me with so much interest.

“Good… Good morning, Alpha.”

He smiled… I guess this is the first time I'm seeing him smile and not smirk. “Good morning, Allison. How do you feel? Are you okay? You stayed up all night just to make sure that I was okay, I'm sure you're sleep starved.”

“Of… Of course not, Alpha. I'm happy to have kept you company. I'll… I'll take my leave.” I hurried to the door.

Well, he stopped me. “Wait…”

My heart sank. I just don't know why I'm always scared, even if I did nothing wrong. Maybe because I'm used to getting punishment, regardless of what I do.

I turned back reluctantly, and asked. “My Alpha? Is there anything else you want?”

“Do. Not. Let. Anyone. Get. Their. Filthy. Hands. On. You. Again. You don't know how deadly I will be when I get to know that anyone touched you.” He sounded so fierce, and I gulped hard.

Without hesitation, I nodded my head. “Yes… Yes, Alpha.” 

I rushed out of the room, panting hard. Why doesn't he want Jordan to touch me? Isn't it that only a mate gets hurt when his or her mate is having sexual feelings for other people?

Walking into my room, I sat heavily on the couch. Still lost in thoughts when Sophia walked into the room. “Allison, it's time for breakfast.” 

My countenance changed immediately. “Can I not have breakfast with them at the dining table? I don't feel comfortable eating in a place where I'm not wanted.” 

“Allison, do you know how much I wish and pray that I'll be allowed to eat at the same dining table with the Alpha and the rest of the Pack members?” She scoffed.

I snorted. “That's you, Sophia. Do you see the way Harper looks at me? She looks like she's going to strangle me if she's given any chance. Look, I won't be eating with them today.”

“Fine. I'll let Beta Jackson know about that.” She replied.

“Thank you, please bring my food to my room.”


“My Alpha, you don't…you don't look stressed this morning.” Beta Jackson asked as he passed some files to me.

I was grinning from ear to ear, and replied. “I have finally found a cure to my curse. She's my mate, but I don't think she knows. I'm worried, why hasn't she felt the bond yet? I'll definitely get well or better if she acknowledges me as her mate too.”

“My Alpha, I'm sure that she will come around. What's important is that you have found her. You know how long we have been waiting to get your Luna.”

He sighed. “I want you to keep an eye on her. Last night, I was in severe pain because I felt like she was having a sexual encounter with someone else. You know how that will worsen the curse, right?”

“You have nothing to worry about, my Alpha. I'll keep an eye on her for you.” Beta Jackson said in response.


A knock came on my door twice, and I sprang up from the couch. “Who is it?” I opened the door, and my eyes widened.

“J… Jordan?”

“Hi, Allison. Have you forgotten I promised you a workaround?” 

Once again, I couldn't stop myself from staring at him, and drooling. He smiled at me. “Come on, let's go on the ice cream date.”

I was unable to resist him. A part of me wanted to say no, but I just couldn't say it. I found myself following him willingly out of the pack house.

Likewise, as we walked down the path, I didn't say a word. All I did was follow him, and smile at him.

Then, he paused and asked. “Allison, I have fallen for you. If you'd like, I can take you far away from here and never return to the Cold Moon Pack. We can leave America.” 

I shook my head. “We will, but not now.”

Well, this was the first time I didn't agree with him. Then, he kept quiet and I asked. “Where exactly is the ice cream shop located? We have been walking but no sign of ice cream.” 

“Ice cream shop? I already have everything planned out for us, Allison. Don't worry, we are close.” He patted my cheek and kissed it. His kiss made me feel so good.

We walked for a few more minutes before we got to a garden-like place. There was a round table and two chairs around it. It was decorated and there was a bowl of ice cream on the table.

“Did you prepare all of this?”

“Yes, I did. Anything for you, Allison.”

With a smile, I sat the moment he dragged the chair out. Then, I perceived the smell…hazelnuts. “Is this… is this a hazelnut ice cream?”

“Yes. I told you I was going to get you that, right? Come on, enjoy your ice cream.” He asked.

My cheeks were turning red on perceiving it. I wanted to refuse, but I still couldn't. Without a second thought, I scooped the ice cream into my mouth. 

Cold shivers ran down my spine. My face turned red and rashes filled my face. “I… I can't…”

“You have to, Allison. Come on, continue eating your ice cream.”

The voice was intimidating. I found myself eating more of the hazelnut ice cream. I was already choking. Taking another scoop, I fell on the ground and passed out.

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