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Witches Lust 3 - Episode 68 & 69




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 68 & 69

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


War brings nothing but disaster and sorrow, no matter what the reason might be, There’ll always be sadness and loss.

For about an hour, Our own forces kept fighting back Amon and his demons, we did our best pushing them back and dwindling their numbers gradually, and from the way thing were going, Victory was definitely going to be ours.

While everyone was caught up in the moment of war, I was busy focusing my attention on my husband. For a while, I had my sights on him but then suddenly I couldn’t see him anymore. Oliver was in the middle of the field fighting off demons, and I realized his hands were pretty full, so there was no way he could concentrate on Riley.

Rose soon noticed the worried look on my face and reminded me to focus on the war.


Rose ➡ Worried about your candy stick? Focus jor! This is a war not a social gathering!


Christen ➡ I know.. I know..


Rose. ➡ Good, and besides.. Riley will be fine. Just keep slaughtering these demonic pigs and send them back to where they came from.


Rose and I kept fighting and defending in continuously without a respite, everyone fought bravely and as time went by, the armies of the demons began to reduce.

Then suddenly while we were in the heat of battle, an explosion went off at the top of the mountain where Amon was. We were all curious to know who went up there cause Whoever the person is, he/she must either be courageous or stupid.

Moments later, We all froze in shock as we felt a powerful evil dark aura, it was so intensifying that even the demons began to cower in fear, they all stopped fighting and knelt down making weird noises.


Christen ➡ What is going on??


Rose ➡ Someone very powerful is up on that mountain.. Whoever it is, he/she is insanely strong.


Christen ➡ Who cares? Let’s end this demons.. This is our chance to wipe them out.


Rose ➡ Good idea… Oh oh…


Christen ➡ What?


Rose ➡ Look up.


Christen ➡ Oh Mephistoph!


As we looked high at the top of the mountain, we saw Demons of all kinds descending from the mountains in droves, they were disorganized but their numbers were too much and the worst part was this demons were a lot more stronger than the ones we fought with earlier.

Immediately they got to the ground, They ate the demons that we were previously fighting ; they ate them up in one swoop and then turned their attention to us and made their move to attack.

Upon realizing the danger that was heading our way, I quickly made a strong hold with several tree roots by using magic, I made it so strong that even an atomic bomb couldn't easily destroy it.

The demons struggled and began burning the roots with their flames trying to get to us but their efforts were futile, so they began to climb the barricade I made, crossing over to our side.

Unfortunately for them, this gave us an opportunity to pick them off one by one, Judith made it easy for us by manipulating time making the demons to move slowly like tortoise 🐢. Rose wasted no time in attacking them with her shadow magic by stabbing them with long black spikes, she even threw eradicated them with her ominous forbidden magic which was “Dark matter” which spread through the demons like a plague eating them off randomly.

I too also attacked the demons by crushing the life out of them like tomatoes with the tree roots, I also casted my own magic which was “Nature’s call” upon them, summoning the rodents and snakes within the area, In a matter of seconds, dozens of snakes and rodents gathered around the demons, biting the flesh off their skins.

Although, the demons fought back hard, fatally wounding some of us, Rose too was attacked by a demon, it tried to slash her head off but she dodged in the nick of time but she got a little scar on her cheek.

Sensing the injury on her facial skin, Rose became furious and lashed out her anger on the demon tearing him to pieces with her magic, she then went on and casted a spell the shadows around the area by turning them into death mat ; Any demon that was standing on the shadow was skewed like suya meat by giant spikes that emerged from the shadow.

It was quite a bloodbath and within seconds, All the demons were eradicated but despite that more descended from the mountains heading towards us, There were even some winged demons among those that approached us and their number was t times greater than the ones we defeated.


Bimpe ➡ Oboi.. I don tire o, my legs are killing me and my body is sticky with sweat! I could use a sauna right about now.


Simi ➡ Sauna? Are you okay, Bimpe?


Esther ➡ Will you both keep quiet? We have company.


Oliver ➡ Here they come.


Swooping in like legion of soldiers, The demons charged towards us with fury in their eyes. But before they could land their attacks on us, something rather strange happened.

We all had no clue what just happened but right before our very eyes, the demons were being pulled back right back to the top of the mountain, everything happened as if time had been rewind backwards, Judith was asked if she was responsible for this but she said no and immediately the demons retreated back to the mountain, There was a devastating explosion that turned the mountain into specs of dust ; We were all surprised and shocked about what happened, there was no demon in sight and the mountain itself was gone, leaving a big open space.

As soon as the dust was clear and everywhere was quiet, we spotted two people in the rubble and became alert. At first we thought it might be Amon but as we got closer, reality began to unfold itself.

I was shocked beyond belief when I realized those two people were RILEY and Ebinoluwa, both of them were unconscious and covered in dirt, I was even more surprised how they survived this devastating explosion, but I soon saw my necklace on Ebinoluwa’s neck and sighed with relief.

In that brief moment, I approached the two of them and grabbed Ebinoluwa checking her vitals, there was a little bump on the side of her face which showed she had taken a punch but it wasn’t that serious.


Rose ➡ Is that Ebinoluwa?


Esther ➡ How did she get here?


Christen ➡ AHH.. My little angel. Thank goodness you’re okay.


Bimpe ➡ Uh Christen..


Christen ➡ WHAT?


Bimpe ➡ It’s… RILEY. He’s dead.


Christen ➡….. DEAD!?!


Hearing that tragic news made my heart skip a beat, Dizziness got hold of me and my head was struck with a tremendous headache, It was as if the world world crashed down onto me.

I quickly passed Ebinoluwa to Esther and approached Riley’s corpse, as I got near him, I slowly fell on my knees and touched his face; His skin was pale and his body was empty, there was no sign of life in him.

I later saw the big hole in his stomach which resulted to his death but despite that , I still didn’t accept the fact he was dead, I tried to wake him up but he didn’t stir, his body was cold and stiff.

I wanted to say something but the words got stuck in my throat, I was too disturbed to think anything else.

Eventually, I was finally convinced that he was dead for real and the realization made me react in a disorderly way. I moved away from Riley’s corpse and began to walk aimlessly scratching my hair like a mad woman ; My heart beat got faster and I began to hyperventilate, everyone looked at me in pity that they reached out trying to hold me but before they could get hold of me, I screamed out in angrily and then passed out from immense shock.



2 days later……..

Life is short and priceless, it’s very valuable which is why people are often reminded to spend it wisely. A great battle was fought and was won against the forces of Evil but it came at a great cost.

Through out my life, I wasn’t really close to my Dad until this whole Diabolic 5 began causing trouble, His death was felt by all those who knew him and they wished him a peaceful hereafter.

24 hours after the war, The Supreme witch returned everything back to normal and then altered the memories of the people of Ibadan making them think that this whole incident was nothing but a terrorist attack, everything that connected with the current supernatural crisis was erased and wiped out so that people wouldn’t know what happened.

24 hours later, Dad’s funeral was held in the church where my Grandmother used to attend, there was quite a lot of gathering in the church ; Many people came to the church podium and gave wonderful speech about my father, some even shed tears especially Aunt Bimpe. She didn’t really say much, she just say some things about Dad and then ended her speech by pronouncing her love to him, only a few people knew what she meant.

After the funeral, Dad’s coffin was taken away to be buried right next to his parents, Mom wasn’t present during all this, she was at home dealing with her emotional trauma.

Minutes later, Everyone converged at the burial ground and listened as The Church’s Pastor gave a short brief speech over Dad’s coffin and it was quite a touching and inspirational.


Pastor ➡ Death is not the end of man.. No, its a journey to the next life which is the hereafter. I know you’re all sad about this loss but what the deceased needs right now is your prayers, not your tears or grieving.

The body may be dead but the soul is immortal and it will venture into the hereafter and await God’s judgment. I don’t know Riley that much but from what I hear about him, He was a good man with loving parents and a happy family, he’ll surely be missed and he will be remembered.

Pray for this man so that his soul can finally rest in the garden of paradise. Remember, the soul is never lost, it is reborn and forever immortal.


After that wonderful speech, a short prayer was conducted and once it was over, Dad’s coffin lowered 6 feet deep into the earth. I watched in silence as the coffin was toppled up with fresh sand and immediately the grave was covered up, Everyone dispersed and went back home.


3 days passed since Dad’s burial and things haven’t been the same without him, Life was kind of boring and Mom’s trauma was getting worst.

Ever since dad was buried, Some people came to her house to pay their condolences but Mom wouldn’t even see them, she locked herself in the bedroom and stayed there ; The only time she came out was when she wanted to eat or bath, in fact the only reason why she ate was because of the baby in her w-mb.

Every night, she would cry silently calling out Dad’s name, asking why he had to leave her alone in this world ; She said a whole lot of things and I was starting to get worried about her sanity.

Lots of people came to console her especially Esther and Rose but that didn’t help either cause Mom ended up sending them away ordering them to leave her alone.

I wasn’t different from the other cause Mom was oblivious of me, It was like she never knew I existed, all she ever cared about and pined for was Dad’s presence and nothing else.

All this didn’t bother me at all cause I had Morenike to keep me company and speaking of Morenike, she was now an official member of our family.

After The Supreme Witch returned everything back to normal, a search was conducted by Aunt Jezebel to find her family members since her parents were now dead. Unfortunately, the search ended when it was found out that Morenike wasn’t the child of her parents, she was in fact adopted by her supposed parents after they found her outside their door step, covered in a blanket.

Aunt Jezebel took her time and told Morenike the truth in a suitable manner that won’t make her freak out. Morenike didn’t react when she heard the news, she just kept quiet and sulked for 2 days before she got over the shocking news.

One night, I was in my room sleeping peaceful when Morenike woke me up and told me that Mom was crying again. I told her to ignore my mom but she kept on insisting that I talk to her.


Morenike ➡ Ebi… Your… mother… is… crying o.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Let her be jor… She’ll be fine.


Morenike ➡ I don’t… think… so.. She.. She’s.. very… sad… You… should..talk… to her.


Ebinoluwa ➡ (sighs) What do you want me to say to her? Nothing I say will change her feelings… I know her very well.


Morenike ➡ But you… should… at least.. try.


I hate being disturbed when I’m sleeping especially at night ; Normally, I would ignore all this and go back to sleep but Morenike’s persistent made me not to. Eventually, I got out of the bed and went out of my room heading to my Mom’s room, as soon as I got in front of her bedroom door, she was still crying.

Hearing her cry like that made my heart ache, It was getting out of hand and it was only a matter of time before she tried to do something stupid like committing suicide. I left the bedroom door and headed back to my room, I just didn’t have the courage to face her while she was in that sad state. Before I could get back to my room, I felt someone’s presence in the living room and so I went to check it out.

Aunt Rose was sitting comfortably on the couch, drinking a full glass cup of ‘Fura ‘ when I walked in, she pretended as if she didn’t notice my presence.


Ebinoluwa ➡ It’s rude to enter someone’s house without permission, Aunty.


Rose ➡ You cocky little brat! Who cares? How’s your mother?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Still crying like a child that lost her candy.


Rose ➡ (sighs) Can you blame her? I’m worried about her.. She isn’t supposed to be stressing herself with traumas.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Me too.. I’m afraid she might do something to herself.


Rose ➡ Don’t worry.. Christen isn’t like that and besides what you should be worried about is her heart. If this keeps going, she might die.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Isn’t there anything you can do to help her? I’ve lost my dad already, I don’t want to lose mom.


Rose. ➡ You seem awfully calm about all this. Aren’t you sad about your father’s death?


Ebinoluwa ➡ I am but eventually all life must someday come to an end.. It’s the law of life and nature.


Rose ➡ Nonsense… Here I am. I was dead once but now here I am ; well and alive with a child in my w-mb. You know, you’re too young to understand the concept of love but you will when you grow up and when you do, you’ll see how crazy and beautiful it is.

Before your parents met, Christen was a bore and was no fun at all, she always kept to herself and never did anything serious with her life, I was afraid that she might die a virgin but things took a great turn when she met your father, I’ve never seen her more happier and lively than when she was with him. She was like a whole new person with a new lease in life, I think being with your father made your mother feel more alive and their relationship gave her life purpose. It’s a shame there’s nothing we can do to bring him back.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m afraid you’re wrong.. There is a way that we can bring him back.


Aunt Rose looked at me sharply and adjusted her sitting posture, she stared at me with her sinister eyes waiting to hear what I was going to say.


Rose ➡ Go on.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Like I say there is a way but it’s quite dangerous, it might work and it might fail.


Rose ➡ Oya nau.. Go ahead and give it a try.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Uhm.. Bring your hand.. There’s something I’d like to show you.


Aunt Rose stretched out her hands and grabbed hold of mine and in a blink of an eye, We disappeared out of the room.

Seconds later, we appeared in an abandoned Plastic factory 🏭 which was located in some remote spot outside Ibadan. The place was in need of construction but nobody would spend his money on a building that was in the middle of nowhere. Aunt Rose was curious and she began to ask questions, I ignored her and lead us both into the factory where I showed her what I was hiding from everyone during these past few days.

Here before our very eyes was my father’s corpse which was encased in a crystal the same way Aunt Rose’s body was handled while she was dead.

I couldn’t live with the fact that my father had died so I decided to bring him back by using the knowledge given to me by the Tree of Knowledge. It was tough trying to perfect the *Witch Mutation* experiment cause I didn’t want to turn my dead father into monster and after hours of research , I finally broke through the experiment and found out why Evilyn had failed so many times.

Evilyn used a small portion of her blood and synthesized it with the pond of immortality which was located in Calabar and the only beings that knew it’s location were the mermaids and of course the demons. So I sent Eegun to help me fetch some and he happily obliged bringing it to me in a matter of seconds.

Immediately I got all the materials I needed, I began to work on the experiment but first I had to do a trials by mixing my blood sample with some random blood samples I acquired from dead corpses.

The experiment was a disaster 🌋, each blood mixture failed when I checked them under the micro scope, The bloods I mixed with mine ended up turning black, so I then eventually gave up.


Rose ➡ Bloody Lucifer!!! Ebi… Is that who I think it is?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes. That’s father.


Rose ➡ I see you’ve preserved his corpse well..


Ebinoluwa ➡ Well, I don’t want it to get rotten.


Rose ➡ So how long have you been working on this?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 3 days and so far, Nothing has worked.


Rose ➡ Tell me.. What happened?


I took my time and told Aunt Rose everything from the beginning to the end, I told her about my encounter with the Tree of knowledge, the Witch mutation itself, and also the failed experiments I’ve been facing. As soon as I was done, Rose walked towards dad’s corpse and then stared at him for a while before giving me an answer.


Rose ➡ Have you tried mixing your blood with your father’s blood?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Uh.. No.


Rose ➡ (smiling) Try it then.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I don’t know.. I don’t want to turn him into a monster.. Maybe it’s best if I leave him…


Rose ➡ NO! Don’t you see!? The reason why your experiments failed is because your blood isn’t compatible with them.. You have the blood of your father in your veins.. This experiment might work on him.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m not sure.. This risk is too big to take, If this goes wrong, the consequences might be grave.


Rose ➡ At least it’s worth the shot! It’s now or never and if you ever want to see your mother’s smile, I suggest you better take this giant leap. So what’s it’s going to be?


Ebinoluwa ➡……. Okay. Let’s go it.



Through the history of mankind, Everyone had been afraid of death and we each want to know what lies on the other side. The Egyptian who were polytheists were the first Africans to believe that there is life after death and that souls would be punished for their deeds in this world. The concept of life after death was being explained in very known religion except for some few.

Well, I for one I’m the only human to have experience two death in one lifetime. The first time I died, Rose sacrificed her life for me just to please her own sister but now that I’m dead again, I guess this is it for me, no more resurrection.

After my demise, I found myself in a dark silent place, There was no one around but me I couldn’t move and I was just stuck in one place.

I didn’t even remember anything, my head was blank, everything was oblivious to me. Then suddenly, I found myself in a certain place but this time around everywhere was fills with light and there were other souls like me, all of us stood quietly roaming about absentmindedly.

In that moment, I saw my mom standing right next to me, she was alone and was staring upwards without a care in the world, the painful thing was I didn’t recognize her nor did she recognize me.


Sara ➡ Beautiful isn’t it?


Riley ➡ Yes.. It is.


Sara ➡ It never gets dark in here.. Every where is so quiet


Riley ➡ Why are we standing around here for?


Sara ➡ Judgment day. It’s not yet time.


Riley ➡ I see.


It was tragic that I couldn’t recognize my mom, God knows how much I missed her and how I wanted to talk to her.. I wanted to apologize for not being there for her and also wanted to give her a proper goodbye.

We stood side by side with each other for a while until I was approached by Death himself.

Never in my life have I seen a creature so horrifying and fearful, if I were still alive, I would have died just by gazing at it.


💀➡ You human!


Riley ➡ Yes?


💀➡ Your time isn’t up.. Come with me, you must leave at once.


Riley ➡ Where are you taking me?


💀➡ Back to where you came from.


Before I knew it, I was dragged out of the place forcefully and against my will, This place wasn’t paradise but it was closest to one and I wanted to stay with my mother despite the fact I didn’t recognize her, Nobody even paid any attention to what was going on except my mother, she watched until I was dragged out of the place and in a blink of an eye, I was back into the dark void but this time around death was still with me.


💀➡ Your life isn’t over, it’s going to be a while before I come for you and when I do, You’ll be stuck here permanently.


Riley ➡ Why are you doing this? What’s going on?


💀➡ It doesn’t matter.. Go.. You have a long life ahead of you human.. Fate has plans for you but the life you’re going back to won’t be the same. Good luck!


After that, Death disappeared and I found myself falling downwards heading towards a ray of light which got bigger and bigger as I kept falling.

In that moment, my life flashed before my very eyes, and in that instant, I fell into the ray of light and then found myself in a deep slumber. I had no idea what just happened but the next thing I was knew that I heard Ebinoluwa’s voice calling my name ; I thought I was dreaming but as I gradually opened my eyes slowly, I saw her by my side holding my hands, tears fell from her eyes as I looked at her face.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Daddy!


Riley ➡ Ebi.. Why… are…you.. crying?..


She didn’t give me any reply, she just gave me a right hug, crying silently on my chest. I wrapped my hands around her trying to console her.

In that moment, I spotted Rose standing right next to us, she had that sinister smile on her face as usual.


Riley ➡ Rose..


Rose ➡ Welcome back to the land of the living Riley.. Now let’s get you dressed, you have a beautiful emotional wife that truly needs saving.




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