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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Mafia's Ruination - Episode 13




The  Mafia's Ruination - Episode 13

Subtitle; {Between Love and War} 

Authoress Rejoice            


Alice's POV

I blinked my blurry eyes as soon as I opened them. Rubbing the back of my fingers over my eyes, I opened them again and realized that I wasn't lying in my bed but on Alexander's lap.

Last night's memory flooded my head, and I remembered what happened.


Alexander was on top of me, hovering over me. He used his hand to hold himself up to avoid squishing me.

Our eyes locked, but his kept going from my eyes to my lips. His gray eyes didn't hide what he wanted; it was glaringly clear that he wanted me the way I wanted him.

Our lúst and desire for each other were mutual. I wanted him, and he wanted me.

As he leaned his head closer and closer to mine, our lips were barely an inch apart when loud music from the TV sounded.

I wanted to break that TV and shàtter it to pieces for interrupting us. 

Yesterday wasn't my day at all. First, it was Alex's phone, and now it is the stúpid TV.

Sooner or later, I'll get Alexander Romano.

We binge-watched up to three seasons of Vampire Diaries before I started dozing off. I tried to get to season four, but I don't know when I fell asleep.

Waking up on Alexander's lap wasn't on my to-do list, but unsurprisingly, I liked it.

Sleeping Alexander is so calm and more handsome than I ever imagined. My hands yearn to touch him, but before I could properly sit up to touch his face, he opened his eyes.

His sleepy eyes intertwined with mine, and I gulped.

A smile habitually spread across my face. "Good morning." Sitting up, I faced him. "How was your night?"

He massaged his neck, turning from left to right. "Not bad."

"I'll tell the maid to prepare breakfast for us; go shower."

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, getting up from the sofa.

I watched him climb the stairs to his room. His backside was as delicious-looking as his front.

God, I've never been so sexually hungry before. When I have him, it will be the happiest day of my life.

**End of Flashback**

After taking a long, long shower to cool my nerves, I was finally relaxed and not drúgged up on Alexander.

Picking up a hoodie and sweatpants, I ventured downstairs.

He wasn't there. Of course, why would I even think he would be downstairs?

He must be in his room "working"; he overstresses himself too much.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't have fun any day in his life. Well, luckily for him, I'm here to change that.

Climbing back up the stairs, I barged into his room without knocking.

Huge mistake on my part.

Alexander was half naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked like a water god, standing so strongly and firmly on the floor with droplets of water on his body.

The droplets of water glistened on his abs, enhancing them more than they should. His hair was wet, falling over his forehead.

My hungry eyes traveled all the way from his face to his legs and then moved back to the V-shaped part. The towel prevented me from seeing the end of the V, but it didn't stop me from imagining it or how it would feel deep inside me.

"Are you done?" His seductive voice echoed through the corners of his room.

"Huh?" Stumbling, I muttered under my breath. My eyes were glued to his delicious abs, his six-pack abs I desperately wanted to lick.

God, save my life.

"Are you done eye-ràping me?" He asked again, dragging me out of my delusional dreams.

"What?" I scoffed, folding my arms and piercing a hard gaze at him. "I wasn't eye-ràping you, okay? You're not that handsome."

That proud and cocky smile appeared on his face, and he hummed softly, approaching me.

"You're lying," he said, pinning me to the wall. Why does he always do that? Doesn't he know I'm trying my possible best not to jump on him now? Does he know how hard that can be? He trailed his thumb on my cheek, igniting flames in my body. "Your body reacts to me, so that's a big lie, Kitten."

I bit on my bottom lip, blocking the moan from escaping. He is right, but he doesn't have to know that.

His eyes fell on my lips, his thumb saved my lower lip from my teeth. "Don't do that."

"What?" I breathed out.

"Your lips." His breathy whisper blew air into my eyes. "Don't bite your lips."


I need to know. He knows my body reacts to his, so I need to know what to do to make his react to mine.

He attacked my neck with his mouth, and that erupted the moan from me. I lifted my head to give him more access, but he stopped suddenly.

"Today is Monday, Kitten," he said, his voice strained like he was holding himself from doing exactly what he wants. "I need to go to work."

And just like that, the tension in me evaporated, but he still pinned me to the wall.

"You look funny when you are angry, Minx." I tried not to let his nickname get to me, not this time. "Like that woman in the movie."

What? Rose's mother, why would he say that? I'm beautiful, and I refuse to be called otherwise.

"I haté you."

"No, you don't."

"And how would you know that?"

He smiled, leaning in closer to my ears. "If you hatéd me, then your body wouldn't want me as it does. You should work on your lying skills, Princess." Before he backed away, he bit my earlobe. "See?" He had a good reason to be proud of himself because he was righter than right. "Liar."

Slowly, he backed away and entered his walk-in closet. Winking at me, he shut the door.

Alexander, I'll make you roil with so much hungér and make you want me more than ever; you'll see. I'll find what will make you want me even more, and then you won't be able to resist me any longer.

Biting on my lip, I tried to think of something then it clicked.

He doesn't want me to bite my lip, why? Maybe because it makes him want me more.

Way to go, girl. You're really smart.


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