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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 7




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 7

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


Blinking rapidly, Alpha Atlas turned his gaze to Harper, whose countenance had horribly changed. She was glaring at me when I wasn't even looking at her.

Without hesitation, I proceeded into the Pack house of the Night Wind's through the back door.

“Why were you staring at her like that? Do you know her from somewhere?” Harper continued. She was very curious to know why I drew Alpha Atlas's attention.

Gulping hard, Alpha Atlas snapped. “No! It's nothing.”

“Alpha Atlas!” A voice interrupted, and they turned around to see Alpha Marcus walking towards them, and holding hands with Natalie, whose face beamed with a smile.

Marcus continued. “What a pleasure to have you here? Hope your drive out here was fine? My castle is tucked deep into the woods.”

“It took Marcus years and plenty of millions to build Night Wind castle from the ground up.” Natalie smiled.

“Beta Jackson?” Alpha Atlas called, ignoring their statements.

Immediately, Beta Jackson stepped forward and handed a parcel in an envelope to Natalie.

She took the envelope, and opened it right in front of them. A gasp escaped her lips on seeing the content of the envelope. “Oh, my gosh! What? Alpha Atlas, you're giving us two million dollars? I… we…” 

Alpha Atlas interrupted her. “That's just a birthday present to Alpha Marcus. Just a pocket change, shall we?”

Natalie pointed at Harper, who sneered at her. “I bet she's your mate. Am I right?”

“Obviously.” Harper snapped, and Alpha Atlas shook his head as they walked into the castle of the Night Wind Pack.

Alpha Marcus was fuming in annoyance. Gently, he grabbed Natalie by the arm and whispered with a fake smile on his face. “What the hell are you doing, Natalie? What's the showoff for? Don't you dare embarrass me.”

“Is something wrong, Alpha Marcus?” Atlas, whose attention was drawn to their whispering, asked anxiously.

“Nothing. Let's go to the banquet.” Marcus replied as they took the lead. Harper followed them while Alpha Atlas turned to Beta Jackson. “That girl from earlier. The one with the trash. I had a strong connection with her a while ago. Find out who she is. She's the first girl I've ever had this connection with.”

“Yes, my Alpha.”


I walked into the slave's quarters, sweating profusely. Of course, I wasn't worried because of the order Marcus had given the kitchen not to give me food, Karina would always sneak out to give me some cookies and cakes too.

Likewise, I was standing in front of her door about to knock when I heard someone groaning in the room. Without knocking, I barged into the room and found my friend Karina on the ground, groaning in excruciating pain.

Bending over to her, I grabbed her arm. “Karina, are you okay? What's going on? Look at me, what's happening to you? Do you need me to get the Pack's doctor?” 

She forced a smile. “Are you kidding me, Allison? Why would the Pack's doctor attend to an Omega slave like me? I'll be fine, Allison. I'm just having an acute stomach-ache.”

“I'm scared, Karina. I'll be leaving the Pack soon, but I wouldn't be comfortable knowing that you're not okay.” I cried out as I helped her to the mat.

She sniffed hard. “I'll be fine, Allison. I was selected among the servants who would serve the guests at the banquet. You know that I can't work in this condition, right?”

“Of course, you can't. Just tell me you're not feeling well. Look, I won't let you leave this room like this all in the name of working.” I shook my head in disagreement.

Karina tried to get up, but couldn't. “I'll be punished, Allison. Do you want that?”

After a few minutes of silence, I broke the silence. “You know what? I can stand in for you. I mean, I'd replace you in serving at the banquet. Karina, you need a break, okay?”

“Thank you so much, Allison. I don't know what I would have done without you. On the table, that's some omelet for you. I stole that from the kitchen.” She smiled weakly.

I hugged her tightly before leaving to change into the servant's attire. I'd literally do anything to make sure Karina was okay.

In Natalie's bedroom, she stormed into the room in annoyance. One of the servants, Amelia, who happened to be her favorite, walked into the room with a glass of milk shake for her. “Your milkshake, ma'am.”

She took the glass and drank the content up at once. “It's our engagement party, and Alpha Marcus won't treat me like his soon-to-be Luna, huh? This is so annoying.”

“Ma'am, can I say something?” Amelia asked.

Natalie glared at her. “What do you want to say? I hope you're not here to ask me for a favor because I'm already in a terrible mood.”

“No, ma'am. Actually, early this morning, I overheard the discussion between Alpha Marcus and Allison.” She started.

Narrowing her eyes, Natalie asked curiously. “Discussion? What discussions are you talking about?” 

“I overheard Alpha Marcus telling Allison that he's her mate, but he rejected her, and maybe she accepted or begged. I didn't hear that clearly.” Amelia whispered.

Anger engulfed Natalie and she growled in annoyance. “What? My Alpha is her mate? I can't let her keep being in this Pack house. I'll do whatever it takes to have her kicked out.”

Meanwhile, at the party, they were having. Having filled their glasses with wine, Alpha Marcus stood up for a toast.

“To Night Wind Pack and to my engagement party.”  They clinked glasses together.

Natalie spotted me, and smirked. Probably, it was time for her to make me suffer like she always says. “Hey, Allison! Get me a glass of champagne.”

I rushed off to get the champagne, and walked towards them with the glass of wine she ordered. 

Trickily, she kicked me in the leg and tripped. Immediately, the champagne threw all over Harper's dress.

“Holy sh*t!” Harper yelled in annoyance.

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