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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 15




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 15

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


“Useless… you all are totally useless.” Alpha Marcus banged his fist on the table in annoyance. He was obviously fuming.

The guards in front of him shivered in fear. They knew how angry he could get. The Beta spoke up after a few minutes of silence between them as Marcus tapped the table with his fingers. “My Alpha, we searched thoroughly all over, but there was no trace of her.”

“Ridiculous!” Alpha Marcus snapped at him, and continued. “That is absolute nonsense. All her life, Alison has never left the Night Wind Pack house, she couldn't have gone far.”

He gulped and continued. “That's precisely what baffles us, Alpha. We searched everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found.”

“My Alpha!” Omega George spoke up.  “I think she might have been killed or taken in by another Pack.”

Alpha Marcus remained silent for some minutes before he replied. “I can never let anyone have custody of my Luna. Allison is mine to begin with, I will never let anyone take her away from me.”

“But…” Gamma Drake tried to speak.

He yelled at him. “Shut up, Drake. You are in no position to tell me what to do. All I want is for Allison to be found and brought back to this castle.” 

“Yes, Alpha.”

Meanwhile, Natalie gritted her teeth in annoyance as she watched the Alpha ordering his men to find Allison certainly. Her heart was shattered into pieces to hear the one she loved say those words. She meant absolutely nothing to him because it's obvious.

Natalie tried to hold back her tears, but she couldn't. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “That piece of trash.” She mumbled under her breath.

“Miss Natalie, I don't think it's advisable for you to keep seeing things like this. Allison might be the one Alpha Marcus loves, but you're the one engaged to him. That's a win.” Claire tried to cheer her up.

Snorting loud, Natalie replied. “Don't you get it? He only got engaged to me because he wanted to make her feel jealous. He has never seen me as his Luna or cared about me. Every single thing he did was because he wanted it to get to Allison. I'm just his plaything, Claire. Why are you trying to make me feel better?”

“I think you should do something about this, Miss Natalie.” Claire lowered her voice to speak.

Furrowing her eyebrows, and asked. “What would you have me do? Claire, you don't understand because you are not the one in my shoes.”

“I heard Alpha tell them to find Allison. Furthermore, I think you have to be ahead of them.” Claire smiled mischievously.

“Ahead of them? What do you suggest?” Natalie asked eagerly.

With a grin, Claire nodded her head. She walked closer to Natalie and whispered some inaudible words into her ear, and Natalie's eyes widened in shock. “What?” 

“Yes, Miss Natalie. That's the only way for you to get back what is yours, unless you want to lose him to Alison.” Claire replied.

Natalie was quiet for a few seconds before smiles escaped from her lips. “You're smart, Claire. I made the right choice in choosing you as my servant.”

“Thank you, Miss Natalie. I'm flattered by your words. I will always do anything and everything to make sure that you get whatever you want.” Claire said.

On the other hand, at the Cold Moon Pack, I was still fast asleep when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Immediately, I jerked up from the bed. It was surprisingly a servant in a uniform. “Good morning, guest.”

I stared at her confused. Probably, because I don't think anyone has ever greeted me this politely. “How… How may I help you? And who are you?”

She smiled. “My name is Sophia, and I'm going to be the one in charge of anything you need.”

“Anything I need?” I raised my brows. If this is a dream, I don't ever wish to wake up from it. Seriously? I'm actually going to have a personal servant of my own? This sounds too good to be true.

She nodded. “Yes, ma'am. It's an order from the Alpha.”

“Are you sure about that? I'm afraid you might be mistaking me for someone else. I'm just a commodity for the Alpha.” I scoffed in disbelief.

Mildly, she replied. “Allison, this is an order directly from Alpha Atlas. You don't know how many people who are dying to be in your shoes, even as a commodity. Actually, Alpha Atlas has never been this generous to anybody except Miss Harper.”

“Really? Fine! If this is really an order from the Alpha, I'll have no choice but to accept it.” I replied, and she smiled. 

“Thank you for making my work so easy. I prepared bathing water.” She said, and I nodded my head uneasily.

I mumbled. “This feels so abnormal.”


The room was dark because the light in it was so dimmed, and very scary. A witch sat in front of the table where a large globe map was placed.

The scary looking witch laughed hysterically and mumbled. “Here she comes.” 

Immediately, the door was opened, and a woman walked in. She had a hood over her head. The witch scoffed, and asked. “What are you doing here? Don't you werewolves despise witches?”

The hood was taken off, it was Natalie. “I have a request to make, witch mother?"

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