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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Cursed Alpha - Episode 14




The Cursed Alpha - Episode 14

©Pinky Presh Chi❤️ma


“Did Harper threaten you?” Aunt Maggie's voice smacked me out of my thoughts the moment she entered the room.

Actually, her voice has been resounding in my ears ever since she said them to me in the hallway. I wanted to talk back to her, but I think it's inappropriate for a slave like me to talk back to the Alpha's mate… I guess Harper is.

Furthermore, I smiled faintly at Aunt Maggie, who reciprocated with a mild smile as she dropped the tray she was carrying on the table beside me. “How did you know, Aunt Maggie?”

“Oh, dear! I watched her and Atlas grow up, there's no way I can't predict what she'll be able to do, Allison.” She snapped.

I scratched my head. “She asked me to stay away from the Alpha. Aunt Maggie, I don't have any form of relationship with the Alpha. Actually, I'm just a commodity that he bought for himself. I'm surprised that he gave me such a furnished bedroom, and he hasn't hurt me yet.” 

“Atlas might look cold, brutal, and callous, but he will never do those mean things to you as long as you behave well.” She replied. 

Upon hearing that, I breathed heavily in relief. Of course, I would definitely be on my best behavior. I can't escape from here, and that's a fact. The security in the pack is so tight. My eyes caught with the cup on the tray. “What is this?”

“I heard from Beta Jackson that you caught a cold last night, so I brought some medicine for you.” She said as she picked the cup, and handed it to me.

With my face squeezed, I gulped down the content of the glass. It was so bitter. “This is so bitter.”

“I made the medicine myself, so I can attest to it that it is very effective.” She gave me some candy.

Tears filled my eyes the moment I saw the candy. I looked at them with a faint smile, and tears gradually rolled down my face. Aunt Maggie held my hand. “Allison, are you okay? Why are you crying? Is it because the medicine is too bitter? Oh, dear! That's why I gave you some candy.” 

For the first time in so many years, I felt so loved. If I had a mother, I can't really remember because all I recall is that I was left in front of the gate of the Night Wind Pack when I was still young. Likewise, I don't know how it feels to have a parent. But Aunt Maggie made me feel like I had a mother. “I… I apologize for being emotional, Aunt Maggie. I just can't remember the last time I had candy.”

She stared at me with so much pity. “Poor child! If you want many candies, you can always tell me, and I'll get them for you.”

“Aunt, it feels like a dream to have someone care about what I like or what I don't. All my life, at least the ones I remember, there's never been anyone caring about me. Thank you so much, Aunt Maggie.” I sniffed hard.

She bowed her head, and raised it after a few minutes. Then, I saw tears in her eyes and as she spoke, I could sense it in the tone of her voice. “My dear, I was once married, and I had a daughter too.”

I raised my brows. “Where is she? Knowing her will give me a sister.”

“I wish I knew her myself.” She laughed with a trace of sadness.

I was confused. What does that mean? Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked. “What… What do you mean?”

“I was once married to the powerful Alpha of Blood Moon Pack in the South, and we had a child… A beautiful daughter. But I lost her when an enemy attacked the Pack. They took her away, and I never saw her again. That was part of the reason I got rejected and ripped off my title as Luna. I was stranded, and Atlas's father saved me.” She paused, and wiped her tears with a tissue.

Deeply moved, I cried out. “This is so sad.”

With a smile, she nodded and continued. “That was how I was taken in by the Cold Moon Pack. Atlas was still a child, so I nurtured him. But I have never for one day stopped looking for my daughter. I hope I find her soon.” She said as I hugged her tightly and reassured her. “You will find her, Aunt Maggie. You're so nice.”

Meanwhile, at Alpha Atlas's chamber, he stood in front of the wall clock and watched the clock ticking. Immediately, it was 7pm. He growled in pain, and fell to the ground. His Beta stood at the other end, watching him groan in pain.

This is the pain he has been going through ever since he became the Alpha. Beta Jackson couldn't bear to watch him, he gnashed his teeth.

A few minutes later, the pain subsided. Alpha Atlas got up from the ground and walked straight to the mirror. He stared at himself with sadness written all over him.

Suddenly, he gasped. His left fingers and hand were still intact. It was long, filled with thorns and hairy as usual.

“My Alpha, your left hand… it didn't transform.” Beta Jackson exclaimed.

Alpha Atlas replied. “She touched me. She held my hand before leaving. Allison held my left hand.”

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