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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The Billionaire's Enchantment - Episode 27 & 28





The Billionaire's Enchantment - Episode 27 & 28

Subtitle: His Unsophisticated Girlie

GENRE: Billionaire/CEO Romance. 


             ★HIS REQUEST★

Noah faced Birdie after he closed the door and sighed out loudly before shaking his head,he ignored her and started walking to the dinning,Birdie ran after him and blocked him from going further by standing in his front.

"What" Noah asked. 

"You want to say something" Birdie muttered almost inaudibly. 

"Right I want to say something, are you that dumb?" Noah asked and she looked up. 

"W.....why?" She asked. 

"She wanted to slap you and you closed your eyes expecting the slap on your face? Gosh I thought you talk to other people the way you speak to me, what am I? Your playmate? If I didn't show up, you mean she would have slapped you? Now if I say you're a......." Birdie placed her palm on Noah's lips.

"Don't say it" She mumbled,staring at him innocently. 

Noah pushed her hand off. 

"Next time if she try to bully you, speak up. She have no right, she's just my secretary,okay?" 

Birdie nodded and touched her tummy. 

"I'm hungry,can we eat now?" She asked and Noah scoffed. 

They both sat down facing each other, Birdie checked the time after they dished out the food. 

"Ahh" She gasped. 

"What" Noah groaned. 

"It's....past ten already" she said,showing him her phone screen. 

"Why is your phone so broken?" Noah asked and Birdie immediately dropped it. 

"It's.... " Noah took the phone on the table and checked it.

"Whoa.....you're sure going to be a good understanding girlfriend to your future boyfriend,you can definitely date a poor guy without any complain" Noah said, nodding his head. 

"I never said I was going to date a poor guy" Birdie snapped. 

"Oh,I guess you're planning to date someone rich" Noah said,dropping her phone back.

"Yes,I want my husband to be rich" Birdie said and Noah choke on his food as he laughed out,he took the glass of water and sipped from it before he continue laughing. 

"What's funny?" Birdie asked. 

"Husband?" Noah asked. 

"Of course" Birdie replied,chewing her food. 

"You should be thinking of how to get a boyfriend now....you don't even Have a boyfriend,you're dreaming of Husband? Gosh she's funny" Noah shook his head. 

"I'm just saying what I want" Birdie muttered.

"Alright" Noah said and continue eating 

"What type of girl do you like?" Birdie asked. 

"A lady" Noah replied and Birdie glared at him.

"Alright,a girl. Stop giving me that eyes" Noah said and Birdie rolled her eyes. 

"Tell me the kind of girl you want" She said. 

"A girl who can spend money" Noah grinned.

"What? Just that?" Birdie asked. 

"Of course not,it's just part of it. I'm insanely rich if you don't know,but I have no one who is willing to spend it,aside the one I give to the orphanage homes sometimes.  So if I have a girlfriend,I'm going to give her one of my credit cards,and I'm gonna tell her to do anything she want with it,so I definitely need a lady who love money alot" Noah grinned and Birdie scoffed. 

"I don't believe you" She muttered and Noah chuckled.

"But i'm serious,other things I want....uhm.....i don't really care if she's pretty or not,but because I am Chris Noah,the public will really expect high of my girlfriend. A lady who's outspoken, bold, someone who will love me for who I am,not because of my look or my money,and someone I can show my emotions in front of her, someone who gives me a shoulder to lean on." Noah said. 

"I wonder if you were describing someone you have in mind already,is there someone like that you know?" Birdie asked. 

"No" Noah shook his head. 

"So that's all?"

"No....and finally.... Someone really cute,with cute cheeks and lips,I love kissing a lot. And someone with big Boobs,I love them also" Noah smiled and Birdie dropped her spoon . 

"You should have kept that to yourself!" She half yelled. 

"Why? You asked me,why can't I tell you?" Noah asked. 

"Big boobs and cute lips,why are you telling me all these?" Birdie asked. 

"Hey,why are you angry? Because you don't have big ones? I wasn't describing you in the first......"

"Goodnight" Birdie stood up. 

Noah immediately stood up also and grabbed her hand.

"Fine I won't say a word again" He said and Birdie sighed. 

"I'm done eating,let me just go. It's late already" Birdie said and Noah bite his lips. 

"Fine" He released her hand. 

"I will take you home...."

"No,your guards should do that. Rest well" Birdie faked a smile and grabbed her bag,she walked out. 

"Whoa....I guess she's mad at me. But she was the one who asked me,why are girls so difficult? Geez" Noah rough his hair and looked at the table. 

"I'm alone again" He mumbled and sat down to finish his food but he lost his appetite.

He stood up and went upstairs. 



"Seriously? Cute lips and big boobs? Is he trying to show off or something? Someone who can spend money?" Birdie scoffed as she walked to the bus stop. 

She have been repeating these same questions since last night,she couldn't even sleep.

"Congratulations to him tho, he will definitely find one" She scoffed again. 

Someone suddenly held her hair. 

"Ahh!" She turned back to see Adam. 

"What!" She shouted. 

"Are you walking to your restaurant? You've passed the bus stop already" Adam said and Birdie looked up.

"Anaconda...." She fold her fists angrily.

"Did someone make you mad?" Adam asked as they started walking back to the bus stop. 

"Yes,I was so mad that I couldn't even sleep" Birdie said. 

"Oh wow,you must really be angry" Adam muttered. 

"But I will be fine" Birdie said and Adam nodded. 

As soon as they got to the stop,the bus appeared and they entered. 



"Can you please show more of the bag you're carrying?" Adam said to the model. 

"Sure" She smiled at him and continue posing for the cameraman. 

The other models were also getting ready in the room.

Noah Came in and everyone immediately bowed,

"Hi Noah" A female model came out of the dressing room and walked straight to him. 

"Juliet,I thought you couldn't make it because of your busy schedule" Noah said with a smile as they hugged each other,Vivian rolled her eyes. 

"I can't ignore money you know" Juliet whispered and Noah chuckled.

"You look cute" Noah said,checking her out. Vivian's eyes widened,did he just said she's cute? 

"Thank you. I got my package last week. Aren't you spoiling the models too much?" Juliet asked. 

"I don't think so" Noah shook her head. 

"Gosh,I look so hot in the magazine,I got countless calls" Juliet said and Noah smiled. 

"You were really a perfect match for it Juliet" Noah said. 

"Thank you,I just finished up here,I have a lot of things to do" Juliet said and immediately her guards followed her. She's one of the most popular models in the highest rank,she's super expensive. 

Noah stood on the same position,looking at the activities going on.  The camera flashes sounding every second from different angles all over the models. 

"Can you maintain such savage look one more time? Right yes....your hands down please,alright....now give a smile....yes...."

"Sir" Vivian called Noah's attention and he turned. 

"Here are the list of the years top celebrities,for our ambassador contract........" 

"We need just two this year,recommend the best and show me before sending an invitation....Both gender" Noah muttered and went out of the studio. 

Vivian sighed and ran after him. 

"Sir......" She called and Noah stopped again,he faced her. 

"I already told you to cancel all my schedules today Vivian,I'm not in the mood to attend any meeting or interview" Noah said. 

"Can you please give me a date? I will send it to them right away,I keep getting their calls" Vivian said. 

"Pick any other date from this week,I will be available" Noah said.

"Oh.....okay" Vivian said. 

"And also.....stop coming to my house unannounced" Noah muttered and walked away. 

Vivian looked up and swallowed,she bite her lips and scoffed.

"Seriously" She muttered and went to her office,she sat down in front of the desktop and started everything Noah instructed.

"Gosh,I have lots to do" She sighed. 


Noah was resting his head on the chair he was sitting on when suddenly he heard someone at the door. 

"Come in" he muttered and the door opened. 

"Boss" One of his guards entered. 

"What's up?" Noah asked. 

"There's a girl downstairs,she said she have to meet you or she won't leave" The guard said. 

"A girl?" Noah asked. 

"She said her name is Arya" 

Noah rolled his eyes and rest back without saying a word. 

"Boss....what should we do?" The guard asked. 

"Let her stay there,she will leave when she get tired" Noah muttered coldly and closed his eyes. 

The guard bowed and left the office. 



The door to Waylon's office opened and his PA entered. 

"Sir,you have a delivery from the restaurant......"

"Let her in" Waylon immediately said and the PA went out,a minute later the door opened again and Birdie entered. 

"Hey cute one" Waylon smiled and waved.

"Hi" Birdie also smiled and walked over to him 

Waylon left his table and went to sit down somewhere else,he tapped the table at the center. 

"You can put the food here" He said. 

"Oh" Birdie immediately did.

"Enjoy your meal"She said and turned to go.

"Hey" Waylon immediately grabbed her hand and she turned back,he pulled her to sit down 

"I ordered because I want to eat with you" He said 

"Huh?" Her eyes widened. 

"That's right,you haven't had lunch right?" Waylon asked and Birdie shook her head. 

"Then,let's eat together" Waylon smiled. 

"But.... "

"No but,you didn't even congratulate me after my award,I was hurt" Waylon muttered. 

"I'm sorry,I totally forgot,and I don't have your contact....."

"I will give you right away,so eat with me as a gift" Waylon said. 

"Okay" Birdie smiled. 

They both dig in and started eating. 



👥 Goodnight boss

👥 Bye sir

The staffs greeted one after the other as Noah passed with Vivian. 

"I'm meeting with someone,so take care of things till tomorrow,I'm not coming back" Noah said. 

"I will do that sir" Vivian replied. 

"You can go now,you don't have to walk me to the car" He said and Vivian stopped following him. 

The guards already opened the car door for him,he was about getting to the car when Arya appeared in front of him making him stop 

"Uncle" she called in a pitiful voice,her eyes look so red and sad like someone who have been crying. 

"Uncle?" Noah raised his brows. 

"I don't remember having someone who call me that" He said. 


"Leave" Noah told her and Arya took her lips in. 

"I got admission into a university but I can't go" Arya rushed her words.

"I need your help" She looked at him with teary eyes. 

"It's actually too late now,it's past the deadline of my school fees payment so I can't go again this year,but still........don't ignore me anymore.........help me" She pleased. 

Noah was staring at her coldly with no emotions.

"Does your father know you're here?" He asked.

"No" Arya shook her head and sniff. 

"Your mom?" Noah asked 

"Nobody is aware uncle......"

"Don't call me that,I'm not your uncle" Noah muttered and Arya gulped. 

"What am I supposed to help you with? Money?" Noah asked and Arya looked at him.

"Part of it" She muttered.

"What else?" Noah raised his brows. 

"Can you just give me a chance to be your sister? To prove myself that I want to be your family......."

"I don't need families,if you need my help,come to the company and meet with my secretary,she will give you the appointment and time you will be able to meet me,not this way" Noah said and went into his car. The guards closed it and also entered. 

Arya stared at the car until it left her sight. 

Adam was watching from the entrance 

"Why is she here?" He thought but he didn't call her,she walked out of the company unable to control her tears. 



Evelyn opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Welcome....." She greeted but the smile on her face disappeared when she noticed Axel has a cold face on. She moved back and he entered,he closed the door loudly and faced her again. 

"Someone was here last night" He said 

"Huh." Evelyn asked 

"A lady was here last night and you lied to her that I was not home!!" Axel yelled at her and she bite her lips. 

"When did that start? Why did you fúcking lied even tho I was home?! Why!" Axel yelled again and she swallowed. 

"I'm.....sorry.....I just.....I'm sorry" She said. 

"Are you crazy?" Axel asked in a calm tone. 

"I guess you've found another job somewhere" he muttered and went upstairs. 

Tears started falling down Evelyn's eyes,last night one of Axel's bitches came as usual,but she doesn't even know what cake over her to lie and send her away. 

She wiped her tears and left the living room. 



Noah was already checking the time in the sitting room,

"Where is she?" He muttered. 

The moment he heard the door bell,he stood up and walked to the door,he saw Birdie from the door cam video and he smiled before opening the door. 

"Hey bug......"

"Here's your order,thanks for patronizing our service,enjoy your meal" Birdie said and bowed after handing over to him.

"What's wrong with you?" Noah asked in confusion.

"I'm here to deliver your food,what do you mean? Goodnight" Birdie muttered and turned to go. 

Noah grabbed her hand and dragged her in. 

"Eat with me......"

"I'm sorry I can't,I already ate enough today" Birdie said bluntly. 

Noah dropped the food on the table and faced her. 

"What's with the attitude?" He asked. 

"I ate enough today,for real" Birdie said. 

"Who did you ate with?" Noah asked. 

"Waylon" Birdie replied 


"Same reason why I've been eating with you,why are you asking?" Birdie asked. 

"Must you do everything you do with me with him?" Noah asked. 

"What am I doing with you?" Birdie asked and Noah scoffed. 

"What exactly are you angry about?" He asked. 

"I'm not angry" Birdie muttered.

"Then watch me eat if you can't eat,I hate eating alone and......."

"It's late,I need to go home before my granny start getting worried" Birdie muttered. 

Noah sighed and roughed his hair.

"Tell me why you're mad at me,you're obviously mad" He groaned. 

"I'm not angry........"

"Is it because of what I said last night?" Noah asked and Birdie looked at him,she rolled her eyes and looked away again. 

"I see....that's why" Noah mumbled and bite his lips. 

"I see no reason why you're angry bug,I was only answering your question,so why is this my fault? Fine I take back what I said,are we good now?" Noah asked. 

"I'm going home" Birdie said. 

Noah grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. 

"Sleep beside me tonight" He said and Birdie's eyes widened. 

"What.....what.....but.....it's not raining" She stuttered. 

"I don't need the rain at this moment,I just want to have a peaceful night" Noah said,staring at her lips. 

Birdie said nothing. 

"You don't have to be mad about what I said last night,your lips are pretty" Noah said and Birdie's heartbeat increased. 

"Sleep beside me" Noah said and she looked up,their eyes locked. 

"Please" Noah pleaded and she swallowed. 

Did he just said please??!!


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