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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 59 & 60




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 59 & 60

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Sitting alone in his bedroom, Lionel looks at the wall clock hanging in his room, he checks the time and saw it was 12:00am sharp.

In that moment, He stands up and goes close to his window looking outside to see if Rose was in the premises.

After seeing she wasn’t outside , He went back and sat on his bed again feeling worried and disturbed. Shortly after that, he reaches out and opens the drawer close to his bed and brought out a bible.

After swiping through the pages of the holy text, Lionel stops at Exodus chapter and begins to read it quietly in his mind.

Suddenly as he was caught up in his reading , a powerful gush of wind appears out of nowhere and slams the bedroom windows open scattering the things inside the room, Lionel tried to stand up and close the window but the wind pressure was too strong.

Moments later, the wind disappears leaving the room in a messy state, Lionel looks around the room and then mumbles some curses under his breath before he begins to tidy up the room.

As he was almost done straightening out the bedroom, Rose appears instantly into the room startling Lionel her unexpected entrance.


Lionel ➡ JESUS CHRIST!!!


Rose ➡ Relax.. It’s just me.


Lionel ➡ Do you know what time it is?


Rose ➡ So? The night is still young.. Don’t be so uptight.


Lionel ➡ YOU HAD ME WORRIED!! Why are you acting like this is normal?


Rose ➡ That’s because it is normal.. Don’t forget.. I’m a witch, not a human. We witches love roaming in the night. So better get used to it.


After that, Rose shoulder-bumps Lionel pushing him aside, she heads straight to the toilet leaving Lionel to stare at her with shock on his face.

Realizing that his efforts of trying to bend Rose to his will was in vain, Lionel removes his clothes leaving only his singlet and boxers on. He then climbs the bed and lies down, reading his bible once more.

In that moment, Rose comes out of the toilet wearing a sexy transparent nightie which showed her luscious packages, she lets her hair fall behind her back and then she takes her sit in front of Lionel’s dressing mirror brushing her long hair nicely.

Lionel who notices his lover’s appearance, gets distracted by her stunning figure, he quickly puts away the bible and continues staring at Rose.

His eyes didn’t even twitch at all while he glared at Rose, his d+k soon kicks hard as he sets his eyes on her well rounded bre-sts and her refined @$$, He quickly puts his right hand inside his boxers stroking his d+k nicely.

After brushing her hair, Rose soon joins Lionel on the bed and starts chatting on her phone, ignoring Lionel, who was hoping for some bed-matics action.


Lionel ➡ Rose.


Rose ➡ 😒


Lionel ➡ Rose.


Rose ➡ 😒


Lionel ➡ ROSE!?


Rose ➡ Yes. You were saying?


Lionel ➡ Look.. Please drop the phone.


Rose ➡ (drops phone) Alright.. What is it?


Lionel ➡ I want to..


Rose. ➡ Talk!.. Okay then.. Carry on.


Even though she wasn’t doing anything, Rose was making things difficult for Lionel who was at first unable to say a single word. But after a while, He soon finds his voice and speaks to Rose.


Lionel ➡ Look.. I’m not trying to spoil your fun or anything but your actions are getting out of hand.

You’re a wild card Rose and if our relationship is to stand for a very long time, you need to change your ways.


After hearing Lionel’s words, Rose bursts out laughing really hard, Lionel wasn’t expecting this reaction, instead he wanted Rose to think about what he said. As soon as she was done laughing, Rose stares directly at Lionel’s face with a mean glare.


Rose ➡ Change my ways? Really? You want me to change because we’re together? That’s not going to happen.


Lionel ➡ But I thought love meant sacrifice.


Rose ➡ (laughs) HA, HA, HA,… Sacrifice? Really? Don’t delude yourself human.. I don’t care about that.

I’m the baddest of the bad and the evilest of the evil.. I don’t feel sorry or pity and I don’t give a d-+-n about what people think .. I just do as I please.


Lionel ➡ You’re lying. You may be evil as you’ve said but deep down, you’re a good person. There’s some good in you, I know that


Rose ➡ SHUT UP 😡!!! YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING….. I’m 530yrs old and through out my life I’ve seen lots of evil things… I’m proud to be evil… And I’m not going to let you feel my head with such thoughts of goodness.


Lionel ➡ No one is born to be evil and that includes you… I know the reason why you behave like this..




Lionel ➡ It’s because of your mother isn’t it?




Infuriated by the mere mention of her late mother, Rose shouts in rage and grabs Lionel’s throat pinning him down on the bed, She tightens her grip around his neck choking him out slowly.


Rose ➡ Who do you think you are to exploit my past huh?? Do you have any idea what I can do to you now?


Lionel ➡ Tell… me.. Rose…. What were you like before your mom died?


Rose ➡ ENOUGH!!!


Rose tightens her grip harder and begins to suffocate Lionel, who barely shows any sign of struggle.

Despite feeling his throat being at the edge of being snapped, Lionel continues to toy with Rose’s mind.


Lionel ➡ Go… Ahead.. Do it.. K-ll me.. You’re evil aren’t you? You have no pity and remorse….. right?


Rose ➡ Don’t push your luck Lionel.. I will do it.


Lionel ➡ what’s…. stopping.. you? Do…It.


Rose ➡ What’s your angle? Why are bringing this up all of a sudden?


Lionel ➡ I… can’t…breathe..


Rose loosens her grip a little giving Lionel a time to recover and the chance to explain himself.


Lionel ➡ (coughs) Koff.. Koff.. Koff…. You’re scary and terrifying but deep down, Your heart is kind.

You asked me what was my angle? Well, here’s my answer.. I’m just trying to see if I can make you stop all this merciless k-lling that you’re doing.

You’re a good lady Rose..I know that even if you choose not to admit it to yourself.


Rose ➡ Listen to me… Nothing you say will change who I am.. Don’t you get it? I love being me, being evil makes me feel alive… I cannot stop, and I will never stop.

Haven’t you heard of the things that can’t be changed.? Well, I’m one of those things. It’s better you start realizing that, If you truly love me then you’ll have to bear and tolerate me as I am but if you can’t.. You’re free to find someone else.


Lionel ➡ I love you, I truly do but how will things work out if we’re so different?


Rose ➡ I don’t know.. But I’m willing to give it a try if you will.. The Risks are high but it worth the shot.


Lionel ➡ (sighs) I’m willing to take this next step with you.. I just hope things work out for us.


Rose ➡ I certainly hope so. Now then, why don’t we put the rest of the night hours to good use.


Lionel ➡ What do you have in mind?


Rose ➡ Brace yourself boy.. It’s going to get a bit wild.



My Goodness! What a woman, after being overtaken by lust, Rose let’s go of my throat and mounts herself on top of me . She reached down and shared a kiss with me, then her hands soon their way inside my singlet rubbing my chest softly.

Aroused by Rose’s soft hands, I wrapped my hands around her waist, bre-sts and a** fondling them softly. I reached up to her latching my mouth on one of her bre-sts.

Rose moaned out sensually as she feels my warm lips on her n+pples , she trembled excitedly and pushes down me staring down on me. Her face was clouded by a naughty smile as reached inside my boxers bringing out my d+k which was already stiff and rock hard.

The feeling was too much for me and my patience was running out, Rose realized how edgy i was and then went ahead to strip off her pants and then connected her p_$$y with my d+k, I m0@ned excitedly tightening my grip around her slender waist and pulling her down onto my d+k , Rose on the other hand squealed out pleasurably as she feels my d+k piercing her pink p_$$y.


Rose ➡ (moans) OH YES.. you’re… OHH… you’re deep inside me Lio. Now sit back and relax Luv, c+m as much as you want.


Shortly after that, Rose began to move her waist slowly and seductively, I held her waist tightly fixing her in one spot, her p_$$y was tight around my d+k and it was sweetening me beyond anything I’ve ever felt.

Nothing ever felt great in that moment, here I was in the bedroom making love to the wildest and dangerous witch probably in all of Ibadan, Its a shame I couldn’t get her to change her ways but after tonight, I’m going to own her, I’ll make her my woman, She may be a powerful witch but I’ll going to make her loyal and submissive to me.

Before long, things got intense between us, Rose’s hips began to move faster and her p_$$y got tighter, the feeling was too good for me to lie on the bed flat, so I began to push my waist upward making my d+k penetrate her deeper.

As our tempo increased, we began to generate smacking sounds that echoed the entire room, Rose’s body was busty but not heavy, as she bounced harder on my d–k, her body began to tingle tremendously and her luscious br+sts bounced uncontrollably making enticing sounds.

Seeing her full milky bre-sts bounce the way they did turned me on even more, I grabbed her nightie and ripped it to shreds allowing me to reach out and s-+-k her bre-sts. I hugged Rose very tight s---+--g her bre-sts and at the same time Impaling her p_$$y with my d+k.

We stayed in that way for about 5 minutes, kissing and f+king each other non stop, we also did some other interesting things like licking each other’s faces and necks and telling each other bad naughty words. Before long, Rose achieved her first org-sm, she came really hard on my d+k and then passed out in my arms after that.

My d+k was still hard and I wasn’t even close to ej+culation, so I turned her around and laid her on the bed adjusting her for the m+ssionary style. Immediately I parted her legs open, Rose woke up from her temporary slumber and wrapper her hands around my neck staring into my eyes.


Rose ➡ I’m all yours tonight.. Make me squeal with pleasure.. Br–d me if you have to..


Lionel ➡ Are you s….


Before I could finish, Rose placed her finger on my lip and then reaches out giving me a lustful kiss 💋. She grabbed my d+k, stroking it softly before plugging it inside her p_$$y, as soon as I felt the tip touching her pinky, I pushed everything inside with one swift push.

Hearing Rose scream with ecstasy made boosted my libido, I began to r-vish her hard, pounding my d+k all the way into her p_$$y.

Despite the rapid thrusts of my d+k, Rose welcomed it happily spreading her legs even more, She wrapped her hands around my sweaty @$$ burying her nails in my flesh, she stared into my eyes defiantly urging me to rip her apart and I complied with hesitation.

As time went by, Rose and I kept making love to each other harder and harder, We f–ked like b+asts during a mating season hoping we could last like this forever, Our moans and captivating smacking sounds echoed the room and the bodied was covered in sweat and saliva, even the bedsheets were soaked with our fluids and the bed itself could barely contain us as we did all sorts of er-tic things to each other.

Finally our tango soon reaches its c+---x and it was a wonderful one. After pounding Rose’s p_$$y savagely making her moan like a sl+t, I finally reached my limit and my org+sm was near. I increased my thrusts into her p_$$y and pulled her lovely hair hard as I pressed my lips tightly on hers and in a blink of an eye, my d+k twitched tremendously allowing me to ej+culate at the last minute, I groaned out loud as I released waves of thick sticky c+m inside Rose’s w-mb. The sensation was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, through my life, this was the best ej+culation I’ve ever had.

After emptying my coconut sacks, I laid on top of Rose k—ing her romantically, We fondled each other’s bodies as we shared that wonderful k-ss.


Rose ➡ By the Devil’s Curse, that was amazing.. I’ve never been f+ked like this… Ever.


Lionel➡ I just admit.. You’re the best f–k I’ve ever had. I love you.


Rose ➡ I love you too.. Okay, time for round 2.


Lionel ➡ What??


Rose ➡ Come on… We can’t stop now.. We still have a few hours before the sun comes out.


Lionel ➡ But I need to sleep.. I have work tomorrow.


Rose ➡ Darling.. As long as you have me.. You don’t need to work.. Money isn’t my problem, I have lots of it.. What I need from you right now is intense loving and f+king.


Lionel ➡ Oh Lord.. Give me strength.


Rose ➡ (smiling wickedly) Amen! 😈



As the saying goes, *There is no better planner and organized being than a woman*, Men may claim to be superior but without us, they’re nothing and the circle of life wouldn’t exist.

Just as we planned, RILEY and I made preparations for our little trip, Ebinoluwa wasn’t too enthusiastic about the trip but she showed no objections about going.

Days ago before the Main day arrived, I’ve been thinking about the place we could go and enjoy our vacation but nothing seem to come into my head, so after a long thought, I finally thought of the best place for us to have our little vacation and quickly made arrangements for it.

Once Everything was ready, I waited patiently for today to arrive and as soon as we were done packing up our little luggage, I teleported us to the place.

The place I planned for us to enjoy our vacation was on a yacht ⛴ . Riley was speechless when we teleported there instantly, what even surprised him even more was that the yacht was floating in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

There wasn’t a better trip than this especially when everywhere was quiet and calm, the ocean was calm and there wasn’t any waves 🌊 in the area.

So after we all settled in and changed into lighter clothes, Riley began to ask questions about the yacht.


Riley ➡ Uh honey.. If I may ask? Just how did you come to possess this boat?


Christen ➡ It’s a yacht, darling.. Not a boat.


RILEY ➡ I know that.. Just answer the question.


Christen ➡ Magic.


RILEY ➡ What? I don’t understand.


Christen ➡ I answered your question.. Magic is how I got this yacht.


RILEY ➡ Okay..


Christen ➡ Anymore questions?


RILEY ➡ Nope.. Let’s just enjoy the sun.


After that, RILEY and I laid back on lawn chairs relaxing and stretching our limbs in the heat of the sun.

That afternoon was sure great and sun was glorious, there was absolute silent and quietness, Although there was one individual that didn’t enjoy the peaceful tranquility of silence and that person was Ebinoluwa.

I couldn’t blame her cause she’s a kid and deserves to be playing with her age mate, It would be unfair not to consider her feelings. So later that afternoon, I decided to check her out and see what she was up to, I saw her at the end of the yacht quietly practicing her wind 💨 magic in the vast openness of the ocean.


Christen ➡ Ebinoluwa!


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒 Yes mom.


Christen ➡ Kiloshé now?.. What’s eating you up?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Isn’t obvious!? This vacation sucks…


Christen ➡ Well, your father and I are enjoying ourselves.. Don’t you like it here? It’s great.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I did at first but too much silence can be boring.. It wouldn’t hurt to be among people even if it’s just a few.


Christen ➡ (sighs) Okay.. Fine. You can leave if you want but don’t go somewhere far.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I won’t.. In fact, I’m going to check on Morenike.


Christen ➡ Okay o.. Greet her parents for me if you get to their house.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I will.. See you guys later.


In a blink of an eye, Ebinoluwa disappeared instantly and leaving me and her father alone on the yacht.

After her departure, I went back to my resting place and saw Riley awake, smiling coyly. At first, I had no idea why he was reacting that way but as soon as I sat on my lawn chair, He moved closer to me and began to touch my thighs and in that moment, I knew what he was gunning for.


Christen ➡ NO RILEY…. DON’T!


Riley ➡ Why are you been so uptight?


Christen ➡ We talked about this.. There will be no s+x on this trip.. Besides we did it 3 times yesterday.


RILEY ➡ Indeed we agreed we wouldn’t have s+x on this trip as long as Ebinoluwa was around but now that she’s gone.. I guess we can tango a little.


Christen ➡ No way.. My body can’t handle anymore of this love making.


RILEY ➡ Come on.. It won’t take long.. Besides I’ll be gentle. Since I’m not working today, it’s fair if I spent quality time with you.


Despite my rejections, RILEY still tried to take advantage of me, His hands were now fondling my thighs and bre+sts, It didn’t take long before I gave in to his touches and submitted to his advances.

RILEY soon mounted upon me as he finally made me submit to him, he planted his lips against mine kissing me passionately, I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling me closer to me. Before we could advance to the next level, Aunt Jezebel appeared out of nowhere, interrupting our fun.




Christen ➡ AUNT JEZEBEL !?


Jezebel ➡ Sorry for the intrusion.. But there’s a very urgent matter that we all need to attend to, get dressed and follow me.



Next Episode ➡ Beginning of the End.

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