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Moana Mulan - Episode 59 & 60




Moana Mulan - Episode 59 & 60

( The King's Slave... )

GENRE: Royal Romance. 

Written by Summer Gold R



"I'm really going crazy coz of you" He muttered and hugged her waist,with his eyes closed. 

Moana took her lips in and looked down at him as he kept hugging her,at first she wanted to stay still without doing anything but then she began stroking his hair gently.  She could feel just total excitement in her belly as she did that,she have never gotten a gift that expensive from anyone,but now not just anyone,it's the king. 

While stroking the hair,King Cyrus raised his head which made her stop. 

"Is there anything else you want again?" He asked her,staring straight into her bright pretty eyes,Moana shook her head negatively. 

"You've done more than enough for my family already,I was supposed to be here because of their debt but now......"

The king shook his head telling her to stop which she did. 

"That's for your parents not you, I want to do a lot of things for you,more than you've ever imagined,don't ask me why" He stated and Moana managed to smile just a little,she can't definitely show the full joy to the king because she might just scream too much.

"Thank you my king" She said. 

"Can you learn to call me by......"

"No I can't my king,i'm sorry" Moana immed disagreed before the kind could even land. 

King Cyrus took her hand and made her sit down on his laps. 

"Are you uncomfortable here? In the palace?" He asked a little bit slowly. 

Moana said nothing for some minutes before speaking up.

"I....heard what happened to the princess.......because of me" She muttered,avoiding the King's face. 

"Because of you??" King Cyrus asked again and she nodded. 

"She hurt you first" The king said.

"I know....but I'm just your slave...."

"Can you remove the just? You're not just....should I give you another position then? I'm even tired seeing this on you" The king said,touching her uniform. 

Moana bit her lips. 

"And then,even if you're just a slave,I can't get married to a toxic woman,this city shouldn't be ruled by such queen either" King Cyrus said and Moana looked at him.

"Sounds like you have someone else in mind" She uttered.

"You got me" the king said and Moana nodded,hiding her jealousy.

King Cyrus smiled seeing that.

"Was that jealous just now??"

"No,no" Moana shook her head. 


"I should go,....it's late already" Moana stood up from his laps.

The king wanted to persuade her to stay but then he decided to let her go,he gave her a nod and stared at her as she pulled down her blouse to cover up the waist chain. 

"Goodnight my king" She bowed and then turned,his eyes were on her till she was out. 



The whole hall was booming with loud Screams from the fans as they sang along with the female artist,the concert hall was filled up with millions,she's a very popular singer known as Yerin. 

Jimmie and Brielle were also sitting and watching,the only difference is that they weren't singing along. 

"Are you a fan of this girl?" Brielle asked loudly and Jimmie faced her. 

"Girl? She's thirty" Jimmie replied and Brielle rolled her eyes. 

"She's a girl or she's not,is she a man?" 

"Oh please" Jimmie laughed.

"You don't wanna stay here? Should we go somewhere else? Seems like my almighty girlfriend is not enjoying like I imagined" Jimmie said.

"I love the song" Brielle confessed.

"Best way to enjoy a concert..." Jimmie stood up and gave her his hand also to hold. .

"Where are we going?" Brielle asked. 

"Joining people having fun" He said and she smiled before holding him,he pulled her up,they were the only ones sitting after all. 

"Just try to vibe with the song" Jimmie whispers to her.

"Like this,look at me....." He joined the fans to scream and Brielle laughed. 

"You call that a scream? Listen...." She screamed out so loudly that Jimmie had to block his ears.

"Don't do that again" he said and they both laughed. 

At last,Brielle had so much fun,she danced so much that Jimmie was surprised and after about an hour the concert came to an end,they walked out of the hall hand in hand. 

"How do you feel?" Jimmie asked. 

"Great!!" Brielle said excitedly and Jimmie smiled. 

"Now I feel like I have a boyfriend,I'm always the one who try to do things with you" Brielle pouted and Jimmie kissed her. 

"Jimmie???" Someone suddenly called and they both turned to see a girl,Brielle raised her brows. 

"It's really you" The girl smiled.

"Hi,Carmen" Jimmie said dryly.

"Oh,your sister?" Carmen looked at Brielle and her eyes widened. 


"What do I expect from someone whose name is Carmen,more like Carmel" Brielle said before Jimmie could introduce her. 

"I'm not here to battle words,It's been a while Jimmie" Carmen smiled.

"If you can't respect my girlfriend then I don't think I have anything to say to you" Jimmie said and held Brielle's hand.

"Let's go" he said and Brielle smirked at Carmen. 

Carmen looked at them since they were out of her sight.

"Who's that hot dude?" Her friends came over to her. 

She ignored them and walked away,they ran after him. 

"Who's she?" Brielle asked when they entered the car.

"The girl I told you about" Jimmie muttered.

"She's pretty" Brielle blurted out. 

"Of course she is....." Jimmie already talked before he discovered that it was a trap,he looked at Brielle to see her glaring at him.

"So she's prettier than me??" She asked. 

"Is she crazy? Prettier than you? Oh please,your hair alone is prettier than her" Jimmie said and Brielle smiled. 

"A kiss" She pouted and Jimmie kissed her before sighing out. 

"Jimmie wait,ice cream" Brielle pointed and Jimmie stopped the car.

"You know it's quite late right? You should go home"

Brielle pouted. 

"Hey,you should go" he said.

"But,what about you?" Brielle asked. 

"Don't worry about me and go" He opened the door to get down. 

Brielle hugged him tightly. 

"I love you so much,I love you alot" She said. 

"Love you too" Jimmie kissed her hair and broke the hug. 

"Goodnight" Brielle waved. 

"Go" Jimmie whispers when she didn't start the car.

"I love you!" She grinned. 

Jimmie nodded and waved at her,she drove off finally. 

Jimmie also took a taxi and Left. 




"How far? You unlocked it?" Elliot asked Moses from the living room.

"No I'm trying to get a drink for myself,stop questioning me and go open it" Moses snapped.

"You're just useless dude" Elliot snapped back. 

"F**k your d*ck and the pu**y thou fucket" Moses said. 

"I'm going to f**k your sister soon" Elliot said. 

"I will prepare your burial,I'm sure C will invite the royals to attend it" Moses said. 

"Dude calm down,you don't even have a sister" Elliot came in.

"Oh sorry I forgot" Moses muttered and Elliot glared at him. 

"I was imagining" Elliot laughed.

"I hate you and I'm not even kidding I swear" He said. 

"I love you,sorry kidding" Moses said and kept on laughing. 

The door opened and King Cyrus entered. 

"Dude!!!" Elliot screamed trying to rush to him but he raises his finger up. 

"You can't disrespect me in my king's wear" King Cyrus said.

"Yes your Majesty,nice to meet you" Moses and Elliot bowed.

"You're blessed" King Cyrus grinned but almost immediately they both jumped on him. 

"Hey!! Get down or forget your heads!!" The king yelled. 

Immediately the door opened and some guards rushed in,Moses and Elliot released him. 

"Hey,get out" Moses said to the guards and the king laughed when the Guards didn't answer.

"I'm fine,you can go" he told them and they left. 

"This is the palace not that mansion" He smirked and went in. 

Moses and Elliot faced each other. 

"Should we just kidnap him?" Elliot asked. 

"Was thinking the same" Moses muttered. 

Minutes later,they heard the door open and then footsteps. 

"My king...can I come in?" They heard the soft voice. 

"Come in" Elliot faked Cyrus voice and Moana entered,she almost gasp when she saw them. 

Elliot and Moses stared at her speechlessly too. 

Moses eyes went from her face down and then back,same with Elliot.

"Who are you?" Moses asked. 


King Cyrus entered the sitting room before Moana could talk. 

"Hey,why are you here?" He asked. 

"I came because...." 

"Not now,later" He said.

"Oh.....I'm sorry my king" Moana bowed and immediately walked out. 

"Ohhhhhh!!!" Elliot and Moses exclaimed and Cyrus rolled his eyes.

"You're f**king that girl,you can't tell me anything else" Moses said. 


"Of course you are" Elliot laughed. 

"No I'm not....."

"You are!" They said at a time.

"Gosh,seriously I'm not" Cyrus groaned. 

"Okay,you're planning to" Elliot said. 


"Then I will take her number,she's sexy" Moses stood up.

"Do you wish for death or something?" Cyrus asked and they laughed,he scoffed.

"Finally he confessed...."

"I'm not f**king,I like her,for real" King Cyrus said and they both stopped laughing.

"Like...you fell fot her?" Elliot asked and he nodded.

"Oh now I see it's true you broke the Engagement,I thought it was rumors" Moses said. 

"I did" King Cyrus muttered.

"Gosh,that girl is hot for real. But how are you gonna do this? Those rules will definitely fry your head" Elliot groaned. 

"Don't worry about that" Cyrus said. 



Moana was among the maids cleaning up the kitchen after the day's end but Amelia wasn't there. She could hear the maids gossiping about her as usual,she didn't say a word like always though,she just wanted to finish up and leave. 

The maids all turned when they heard footsteps entered the kitchen,they all gasped unbelievably when they saw Jerome and Jericho. 

👥 Oh kill me!

👥 They are so handsome!!

👥 Why are they here?

The maids kept murmuring among themselves. 

"Moana?" Jericho called and she raised her brows.

"Please come with us" Jerome said. 

Moana dropped what she was doing and followed them,the maids scoffed. 

"The king want me?" Moana asked. 

"That's right" Jerome muttered,they were silent after that,Moana just walked behind them,they followed somewhere else different from the way to the king's chamber,she wanted to talk but then she decided to keep quiet. 

Finally they approached a car and Moana got more curious about what's going on until Jericho opened for her. 

She saw King Cyrus in and her heart skipped a beat,he smiled at her. 

"Get in" he said calmly.

"But,my king...."

"Don't argue and just come in Ana" He cut in. 

Moana sighed and entered,maintaining alot of distance between them which the king noticed. 

Jerome closed the door and the driver started the car,King Cyrus kept looking at the nervous Moana but she didn't even raise her head. 

"Ana" He called and she managed to look up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"I'm fine" Moana muttered 

"Then,why did you keep such distance?" 

"You look like you're going for an important party putting on that,I don't want to....." King Cyrus shifted closer to her before she finished and she looked at him with a confused eyes. 

"Don't try to stay away from me" he said and hold her hand. 

"I'm sorry" Moana muttered.

"Well I'm not going to a party,I'm going out with you" King Cyrus said and Moana's eyes widened. 


"Who else would I go out with?" He smiled and Moana bit her lips. 

"I told you to stop acting this way toward me" The king sighed out.

"But I guess it's gonna stop tonight" he added and Moana looked at him confusingly.

'What is he planning?' She wondered. 



After what seems like forever,The driver drove into the penthouse and Moana gasped,she immediately looked out of the window seeing the tall building covered with different beautiful lights,she followed it up with her eyes and imagined that it would have up to 100 floors. 

The name was written boldly and decorated with light on it....CROWNS PENTHOUSE. 

"Ana,get down" King Cyrus said when the driver opened the door for him and he stepped down,Moana also followed him but couldn't stop staring and looking around,,the king had to hold her hand and took her in. 

"You're welcome your majesty!!" Numbers of mouths and voices all chorused at a time,they also greeted Moana but she was too busy staring that she didn't notice. 

"Take care of her and bring her to the suite" King Cyrus said to one of the ladies there and turned to Moana. 

"Follow her" He said. 

Moana didn't argue this time around,she followed the lady and King Cyrus was followed by some guards also. 

Moana entered a big washroom with the lady.

"Please make use of it while I prepare your dress" The lady said nicely.

Moana was confused but she entered as instructed,she started taking off her clothes and then she had a perfect bath,she wrapped the towel around herself before going out,she met the Woman in the dressing room.


"Wow,you look so perfect" The lady said after Moana finished dressing up.  It's a one shoulder Haute Couture Dress. The boobs were totally closed but other side of the chest side was made with net covered with diamonds stones. 

It brought out her perfect shape,he'd flat tummy did a great job,she was looking incredibly hot. Her hair was done also,she stared at herself in the mirror and smiled. 

"Do you love it?" The lady asked and Moana nodded. Thank goodness she know how to walk perfectly on heels beforehand. 

"Shall we?" 

Moana followed the lady out. 

They used the elevator and they reached the last floor in no time. 

"Please go on,his majesty is waiting" The lady said. 

Moana passed the way the lady pointed at and began walking slowly till she entered the suite which looks like a mansion on it's own,definitely the most luxurious suite in the penthouse. 

As she entered,she met the king staring at a painting on the wall,but then turned when he heard her step.

His mouth went open checking her all over,he wasn't expecting anything less but then she made him speechless and amazed.

"My king" Moana called,she already got to her front but he didn't even notice. 

"Ana" He breathe out. 

"The dress is perfect,I love it so much" She said and turned around taking the king's breath away. 

"But then,why are we here?" Moana asked. 

"I thought,you will be uncomfortable if I do this in the palace" King Cyrus said and Moana listened quietly. 

"Ana" He held her hand gently,looking into her eyes. 

"I know you don't want to be in trouble,you don't want any problem,I can't even promise there won't be any,but then,I don't think I can wait until the problems are out of my way,I don't even mind keeping this a secret as long as you want,till when you're ready,but can you just be mine??" The king asked and Moana became breathless.

"I want you to be mine,not as anything else but......as my woman. You might not know this but.....I'm in love with you" He confessed.


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