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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 22




Johnson Jr.2 - Episode 22

Written by Sadiq infinity

NoticeThis story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.



I went down quickly straight to the door and opened it for Vivian, My God! She looked wonderful and attractive! She wore a small black gown and a veil which she used in covering her face, I welcomed her in and asked if she wanted anything but she refused, She sat on the couch crossing her s+xy legs, Despite her age, she was still radiant as ever!


Johnson ➡️ Vivian what a surprise! How did you know my house?


Vivian ➡️ I asked Mallam Garba and he showed me the way! How are you feeling?


Johnson ➡️ Oh, i’m great, I take my time to relax and enjoy the good things in life.


Vivian ➡️ And what are those good things?


Johnson ➡️ Money, luxury and most importantly women!


Vivian ➡️ Hmm, Johnson you still haven’t changed!


Johnson ➡️ What can I say? So how’s the child?


Vivian ➡️ Oh, he’s fine, he’s sleeping at home, the funny thing is he and Fred don’t get along, they don’t share this father and son connection.


Johnson ➡️ Well, that’s because Fred is not the father!


Vivian ➡️ Hmmm, I hope you haven’t told anyone about this?


Johnson ➡️ Why should I? I should be asking you the same thing!


Vivian ➡️ I haven’t,……. Johnson can I use your bedroom, I need to change into something kinky!


Johnson ➡️ Ohh, sure take your time, my room is Upstairs!


Vivian ➡️ It won’t take long, I’ll be back in a jiffy.


I watched Vivian as she went up to my room, Her hips and ass were just too tempting, God! If only I could bang this lady one more time, I started to think about the days we would have s+x at her house, the way she moaned and squealed to my every touch and t--+ -t! God! Thinking about that made my d+k hard!

As I was busy thinking about the lewd things Vivian and I did, a text blinked in my phone, it was from Regina,


” Hi Johnson, we got the drug dealers at the location you told us about, it was fun watching Joe mowing down those bastards, some of them escaped but we caught your friend Oga James! Nice work for bringing those files”


I felt excited, finally I just stopped the spread of Nightshade in this area before it even started! I just wish I was there to see what that Gorilla would do to those caught, it will be a fun thing to watch, I deleted the message in case of emergency.

Just then, Vivian called my name from my room, I went to see what was happening, as I entered my room, I saw Vivian half naked, she pulled her gown down to her stomach she was exposed! I stared at her luscious breasts, they looked so plum and fresh, she covered them with her hands as she noticed I was glaring at them.


Vivian ➡️ Johnson, don’t just stand there, come and help me removed this gown, its stuck to my belly.


Johnson ➡️ Ohh, sure but how did you manage to wear it?


Vivian ➡️ Quit asking questions!


I helped her pull it off and to my surprise it wasn’t stuck cause it came off easily, Was she planning to tease me? I bent down and pulled the gown from her body, She wore a s+×y G-string pant, My d+k became hard as my face was staring straight at Vivian’s @$$, and she asked me to pull off her p+nts, I was bewildered but I didn’t hesitate, I pulled down her p+nt and rubbed her thighs softly as I did that, She m0@ned softly, tightening her legs together, I could see from under her c-+-t was starting to get wet, So I pulled down my shorts and rubbed my hard d+k on her ass, She stood still as she felt my d+k in between her @$$, She knew what was happening and started to twerk her @$$ on my d-+-k.

I grabbed her arms twisting them behind her as I continued rubbing my d+k on her ass, She also twerked her ass harder on my d+k, Suddenly my d+k mistakenly slided into her p_$$y, and Vivian yelped in surprise, her p-+-y was tight around my d+k as I started thrusting it slowly into her.

Vivian laid on her stomach on my bed as I thrusted her p_$$y from behind, Her c-+-t was too sweet for my d+k, I pinned her head down and started Pounding her harder, Vivian screamed and m0@ned grabbing on to the bed sheets, She pushed her ass upward to collide with my d-+-k, she tightened her c-+-t even harder making my d-+-k throb like crazy, I spanked her ass hard as I hammered her p_$$y harder and faster.

Vivian soon came hard squirting on my d+k.


Vivian ➡️ God! This is amazing, I’ve missed your d+k Johnson!


Johnson ➡️ I’ve missed your luscious body even more.


Vivian ➡️ Pull out I want to…


Johnson ➡️ That’s not fair, I haven’t c+m yet.


Vivian ➡️ I know, I want to s-+-k your d-+-k.


I pulled out from her and sat on the edge of the bed , Vivian crawled towards me and grabbed my d-+-k stroking it, She was good at giving hand jobs, and I loved the way she works her thing.

She then put my d-+-k inside her mouth s--+---g it hard, she took the whole slab of meat down her throat making my d-+-k twitch inside, I pushed my d-+-k deeper into her mouth and she handled it like a pro!

Saliva drooled down Vivian’s chest and boobs, she never slowed down for a minute, Her eyes were filled with tears as she choked and stuffed her mouth with my d-+-k, I groaned hard pushing my d-+-k faster into Vivian’s mouth cause I was about to c-m, but she pulled her mouth from my d-+-k and pressed my d-+-k in between her breasts, She rubbed it hard and fast, making my d-+-k twitch like crazy.

As soon as I was going to c-m, I grabbed her hands and pinned her on the bed shoving my d-+-k inside her mouth, releasing all my c-m inside her mouth.

Vivian’s mouth was tight around my d-+-k as she swallowed and s-+---d off the remaining c-m from my d-+-k, I never felt this insane pleasure with any woman! I mounted off Vivian and laid flat on my bed, breathing hard, I was spent and I was feeling drowsy!

Vivian mounted and laid down on my body, smiling at my face!


Vivian ➡️ Hmmm, that was fun!


Johnson ➡️ We can do this again if you want!


Vivian ➡️ No we can’t!


Johnson ➡️ Why? Is there something wrong?


Vivian ➡️ No! But the reason why I came here is to tell you that I’ll be leaving this country soon!


Johnson ➡️ What? ?…….. Why?


Vivian ➡️ Well, Fred and I divorced, and with the money I’ve been saving lately its enough for me to start a new life.


Johnson ➡️ Divorce? Since when? Why didn’t you tell me?


Vivian ➡️ Look, he found out the child isn’t his! He secretly went for a DNA test and found out, I later realized he was sterile, out of anger he asked for a divorce, Even Ifeoma is gone, she left since last week!


Johnson ➡️ But why go to overseas? You can stay here and start a new life!


Vivian ➡️ I can’t, besides my family won’t accept me after what happened! They’ll ridicule me and disgrace me but its okay, I’ll be fine.


Johnson ➡️ But where do you stay now?


Vivian ➡️ Oh, I rented a house nearby. Its not far from here, and I won’t stay for long because I’ll be leaving here by the end of the month.


Johnson ➡️ I’m sorry about your marriage, its all my fault.


Vivian ➡️ No don’t apologize, you’ve given me something, special in my life. And I’m grateful for that.


Johnson ➡️ So when can I get to see the kid?


Vivian ➡️ anytime you want, Well I have to go, I have to go and check on William!


Johnson ➡️ William? Is that the name of our child?


Vivian ➡️ Yes, and point of correction, its mine not yours, you said you don’t want anything to do with the child.


Johnson ➡️ Its funny cause I’ve heard that before, anyways good night!


Vivian ➡️ Good night.


Vivian got dressed and soon left the house! I was so sorry for her ended marriage, it was my fault, and I hope Ifeoma forgives me, and not to mention the kids I have with four different women!

I’m sure bad to the bone, I wish Vivian could stay, cause I would really miss her, if only I was responsible enough I would have married her or maybe Kate…. Kate… Kate, God! Its hard to choose who among this women was I going to stay with? Each of them has her own special thing that attracts me but who should I choose?

As I lay on my bed thinking about Vivian and Kate, the lights went off! Everywhere was dark, and what surprised me was that our neighbors had light! I went down to check the fuse to see if it had blown off, as I went outside, I noticed that the fuse chamber was damaged and this was done by someone, cause there was no smell of rubber or wire to indicate the place was damaged by transformer.

Just then I heard someone inside the house! Who could that be? So I went back and entered from the kitchen door, I tiptoed quietly, so as not to make any sound, I peeped and saw a guy dressed in black his face was covered with a skiing mask, he was roaming about the place looking for something, in his hands there was a big jack knife, Right there and then, I knew he was looking for me, Someone sent this bastard to kill me, and I knew who it was! So I went back to the kitchen and took a pestle, I tiptoed slowly waiting for the guy to come my way, But the idiot went upstairs to my room, So I followed him quietly waiting for him to make a move.

As soon as he reached my room he entered and scattered all my stuff, I followed him in, raising the pestle to drop it on his head but luck wasn’t on my side.

As soon as I landed the pestle hard! The idiot dodged swinging the knife at my face, he cut my cheek but it wasn’t fatal, he was fast but I had the better weapon, His eyes widened with surprise and agitation, he watched my every move waiting for me to strike, I swung the pestle at him but he dodged again, I kept on swinging the pestle at him but he still dodge my attack, I ran towards him trying to bash his head but I lost my footing and fell hard on the floor, The idiot seized his opportunity and rushed at me with his knife, he mounted on me and dropped the knife on my fave but I dodged, I grabbed his hands and pushed them back, he pressed on hard trying to push the knife into my face, I stared at his eyes, they were filled with the intent of kill, We wrestled with the knife displaying our strength and stamina, He tried his all to push the knife but I persisted and maintained my hold, I began to get tired so I did what any reasonable human being would do and that’s to Cheat.

As we were still in our struggling stance, I spat into his eyes, making him drop his guard, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer banging my head on his nose, He shouted in pain dropping the knife, I kicked him off me and kicked his knife under the bed.

We quickly stood up facing each other , Since there was no weapon, it was time for normal hand to hand combat, ( Mortal Combat ) .

He rushed at me throwing a punch at my face , it was painful but I Gave him a much bigger and devastating blow in his stomach, He groan clutching tight to his belly, I rushed at him giving him a knee to his fave, he shouted in pain and anger, As if he was possessed, he shouted and ran towards me, he grabbed my legs raising me high into the air and landed me hard on the floor, My head hit the floor hard, making me dizzy, He clutched my neck trying to choke the life out of me, I soon punched him in the stomach, he loosened his hold on my neck and gave me the opportunity to strike back, I quickly stood up and slapped the life of out him, He fell on his back and holding his cheek in pain!

It was the time to finish the bastard, I was going to give him a fitting Brutality for his end, I reached for my pestle and send him to the after life but as I turned around the bastard took to his heels, I chased after him with the pestle in my hands, The idiot had an amazing agility, he jumped all the way down from the stairs but his ankle got hurt as he landed hard on his feet, I rushed down quickly and aimed at him throwing the pestle at him before he could escape through the front door.

The thing landed on his head knocking him out cold, I went to check if he was still alive and fortunately for him, he was.

My dad soon came from work, as usual with a lady, he was surprised to see a stranger on his door step!


Mr. Johnson ➡️ Son, what’s going on? Who’s this man?


Johnson ➡️ He’s a thief and a killer, quick let’s tie him before he awakes which I highly doubt.


As my dad and I tied him, His phone fell from his pocket, I took it and check to see if I could find anything useful, just then a text blinked on his phone and it was from T-gun!


“Are you done killing the bastard? If you’re done meet us at his police b---h house, I’m going to enjoy myself till I kill her too, hurry up don’t be late. ”


I couldn’t believe it! T-gun is going to Regina’s house, I have to warn her fast.

I took my phone and ran off straight to her house!

Oh f-+-k! I don’t know where her house is!


To be continued...

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