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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Fluctuating Hope - Final





Fluctuating Hope - Episode 20

Written By Amah's Heart& Blessing

I clocked twenty-four years of age in my final year second semester in school and Mr Bernard and my family went all out to celebrate my birthday.

It was an extravagant celebration that I can't forget in a hurry, not solely because of its extravagance but for the love of the people who threw the surprise birthday party for me.

I was in shock to see Aunty Cynthia in attendance because we hadn't spoke since the last encounter at her house a year and few months ago

Well Aunty Cynthia apologized to me for her attitude and for every hurtful words she said to me that day  

According to her, she sent Malvin back to the States after he almost molested one of the female workers in the house and she realized her mistake in her failure as a mother to instill the right morals in her son

I forgave and accepted her apology and with that done, we kept the past behind us as we enjoyed the celebration which had me smiling all through thinking of how far I have come in this phrase called Life.

Sometimes I still can't believe it is my final semester in the university and that my four year course of study is almost drawing to an end  

And for this, I have God and people like my family and Mr Bernard to be grateful to for their individual support 

Everyday I don't cease to thank God for everything and for how far he has brought me; from being at home wishing to be in school, to getting frustrated by my father, the Nyeyes, scholarship and loans platforms to finally being in my final year in the university.

It is still hard to believe that I will soon be a university graduate. Indeed time does flies.

Four years ago this would have merely been a wish and a fantasy but thank God I was relentless in my pursuit for excellence.

Thank God I never gave up on my dreams to be educated, now I can become that successful professional accountant I have always wanted to become

The semester's examinations came and passed, and soon it was the signing out day for all final year students.

Typical of students, a sending off party was organized as a form of celebration for our freedom from the university after four strenuous years

The date and time of the sending out party was fixed at night and although I am not a party kind of person, I decided to attend tonight's party to make the most out of my last year in school to have fun and celebrate my victory over the female gender discrimination in terms of education.

It is in the signing off party that I met Bryan my good-looking, loving and supportive husband. 

I had arrived the party a few minutes late and after getting a bottle of soft drink, I sat down quietly on a chair to observe the party's environment.

There were tons of activities going round; ranging from students dancing, singing, drinking, smoking and shamelessly smooching without a care in the world.

Normally I came to the party to have fun and merry but the reserved and introverted me couldn't get myself to do what others were doing shamelessly 

I found it immoral so I sat there and watched in silence whilst moving my head to the music beat from the loud speakers

I felt a slight touch on my shoulders and flinched feeling scared considering the stories I do hear of some of the ugly aftermaths of parties like this

I turned to know whom the touch came from and I met a fine young man smiling at me

" Hello Miss"

" Hi.. please how may I help you?" I asked feeling scared of talking to a stranger, I was careful not to sound rude since all I wanted was just to dismiss him as fast as possible to avoid stories that touches the heart

" Well my name is Bryan Udim.. and I have been observing you since the moment you walked in.. that is why I came to compliment God's creation of you.. you look beautiful Miss"

" Thank you for the compliment Bryan.. My name is Debby Thompson" I said smiling back at him in a bid to be friendly

" Debby Thompson.. such a beautiful name.. it is no doubt that it as beautiful as you are.. well actually Miss Debby I.."

According to him, he observed me for quite sometime before approaching me on the table when he saw me quietly sitted and watching students dancing instead of joining the crowd. 

Bryan further explained that he was equally a reserved and an introverted person, which had immediately attracted him to me as he observed that I had his kind of personality 

We spoke some more and that is where I got to know some vital information about him;

Bryan is from my state and was also a final year student like me but he was from a different department - medical science.

After the party came to a close, since we connected so well Bryan extended a hand of genuine friendship towards me

At first I was skeptical about accepting his offer of friendship after what happened with Ray but in other not to appear rude I obliged and we exchanged phone numbers.

That is how our friendship blossomed into a love story that later led to a beautiful marriage after my service year.

As I usually fantasized when I was a teenage girl, my husband Bryan became the first man who deflowered me on our wedding night as a couple

Bryan was proud of me for keeping myself despite the temptations that filled the path of purity and his love for me multipled in threefolds.

Six months after my marriage to Bryan, I went ahead to acquire a one year Master degree outside the country and came back to my state after its completion.

I applied for a job opportunity in a reputable accounting firm and due to my qualifications and business connections, I was accepted without much stuggles

That is where I worked as an accountant and with Mr Bernard's connection I was soon promoted to the position of an accountant general after working in the firm for a year.

The new position came with a huge pay and it pave for huge contracts which elevated my status in the society.

The once young Debby Thompson who had nothing but wistful dreams soon had tons of investments, businesses and landed properties shattered in desired choiced countries. 

I lived my dream and my parents and siblings weren't left out as I ensured they were well taken care of in their respective destinations.

We do have a family reunion once in a month and my father keeps using the reunion as a medium to apologize to me over again for his attempt to be a stumbling block to my career dream

Well I don't hold grudges and God knows that I had forgiven him long ago so I kept assuring him to let bygones be bygones until he finally stopped with the constant apology.

In all I am grateful that God showed up for me at each point in my life and on days in which I thought I couldn't go on.

even when my hope was fluctuating and finally failed me, he smoothened my path to education and bestowed on me tremendous favour and good connections.

God melted Mr Bernard's heart and changed my father's ideology for my overall good.

And each year I celebrate my anniversary with Bryan, my son and my two beautiful daughters, I can't help shedding tears of joy and genuine happiness.

Now, I can no more count my numerous blessings because Life smiled at me and has indeed made me a success story. 

Yes, it was more of a survival for the fittest and I am glad to know that I Debby Thompson emerged as a conqueror.

(Do NOT take credit or Plagiarize)

The End.

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