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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 49 & 50




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 49 & 50

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Here in the Dark Forest, Iyunloye sits comfortably on her wooden chair sipping a glass cup🍷 filled with fresh warm human blood when her pet serpent bursts out of the ground and crawls towards her spitting out the half conscious Amon in front of her.

Despite what just happened, there was no look of surprise on her face, She just kept sipping her bloody drink for some seconds before talking to her Guest.


Iyunloye ➡ My… You’re a mess, Amon!


Amon ➡ (groans) Urhh…


Iyunloye ➡ What was that? I can’t hear you.


Amon ➡ Who are you?


Iyunloye ➡ I’m the witch that saved your life… Christen really decimated you good.


Amon ➡ Do you know who I am?? I could destroy you.


Iyunloye ➡ (laughs) Really?? I’m not sure you can.. You couldn’t even beat Christen.. So much for the Diabolic 5.. It seems the stories about you were nothing but lies.. To be honest, I’m pretty disappointed.


Infuriated by Iyunloye’s words, Amon rushes towards her trying to attack her but her pet serpent quickly smacks him hard pinning him hard on the ground. Amon tries to use to his magic on the serpent but it didn’t work!




Iyunloye ➡ Oh.. It’s me… I am the reason why your magic didn’t work… My magic is Nullification.


Amon ➡ How do you use it??


Iyunloye ➡ It’s a secret that I don’t share with anyone.


Amon ➡ What do you want with me? Why bring me here?


Iyunloye ➡ Now, you’re asking the right question!!…. Let him go my pet.


After hearing Iyunloye’s voice, The serpent lifts it’s enormous tail off Amon and pulls back sliding back into the forest.

As soon as the serpent was gone, Amon stands up and faces Iyunloye defiantly, Iyunloye too stares at Amon while sipping her drink and as soon as she’s done, she throws the cup and stands up from her chair approaching Amon, as she gets close to him, she stares at him coyly and whispers into his ear 👂.


Iyunloye ➡ Follow me.


Iyunloye walks away after that leaving Amon standing and contemplating ; Seconds later, Amon follows her steadily to where she’s going.

After walking through the forest for some minutes, Both of them arrived at a pond, the water looks clean and the amazing part of it was that there were some n+ked witches inside the water swimming gracefully and happily.

Amon stares at the beautiful witches lustfully, He swallows hard and begins to get aroused as he fixes his eyes on their plumb succulent juicy bre+sts and well rounded a** shimmering in the pound.


Iyunloye ➡ Do you like a what you see?


Amon ➡ Who are these witches?


Iyunloye ➡ They work for me! Why don’t you get in and let them bathe you.


Amon ➡ I don’t need anyone to bathe me.


Iyunloye ➡ Oh shut it.. Just get in and enjoy yourself.


With one quick push, Iyunloye throws Amon into the pool to bathe, as soon as he lands inside the pool, the witches descend on him and began to bathe him washing and scrubbing all the slime and dirt on his body. Once that is done, The witches begin to give pleasure to Amon the best way they possibly could, Some were rubbing their bre+sts on his body, while some were polishing his d+ck and @$$ with their lips and tongue.

While getting bombarded with pleasures from all angles, Amon begins to moan pleasurably enjoying him, his d+ck reacts to the stimulus getting hard and thick by each second and before long, Amon ej+culates hard on the faces of the witches s--+---g his d+ck.

Iyunloye watches the service Amon was getting with satisfaction and as soon as she sees Amon achieve org+sm, She orders the witches to leave and removes her robe joining Amon in the pool n+ked as well.


Iyunloye ➡ Hmm, your tool is quite magnificent.. I hope you can wield it well?


Amon ➡ Why don’t you come and see for yourself?


Iyunloye ➡ Alright then.. Show me.


Amon smiles mischievously and approaches the eager Iyunloye grabbing her waist and then landing a lustful kiss on her lips 💋.

The h+rny witch accepts his kiss wrapping both her hands around Amon’s d+ck stroking it nicely.

Twitching pleasurably by feeling Iyunloye’s hand, Amon turns her around forcefully and grabs her hips, he positions his candy stick between her c+nt and thrusts it deep with one push!

Iyunloye moans out loud feeling the swift and hard entry of Amon’s d+ck, her c-nt tightens harder around his d+ck as he begins to ram her hard from behind.

With each passing seconds, Amon pounds his d+ck savagely into Iyunloye hitting her most sensitive parts, he tightens his hold on her waist and stares down enjoying the view as Iyunloye’s @$$ bounce on his d+ck, as he feels her c+nt tightening his d+ck, Amon begins to slap her b+tt cheeks thrusting harder into her c+nt.

Before long, the moans and smacking sounds echoes the area they’re in, and their wild f+ck keeps getting more and more intense.

Unable to control herself, Iyunloye moans harder than ever pushing her @$$ backwards towards Amon’s d+ck, she twitches and drools pleasurably as she feels the tip of her guest’s d+ck hitting her w0mb. Amon too increases his thrusts ramming harder into Iyunloye’s c+nt with all his might.

After some minutes of intense f+cking, Amon’s eventually reaches his limit, his d+ck twitches hard inside Iyunloye c+nt as he’s about to have a tremendous org+sm.

Iyunloye senses he’s about to c-m so she quickly pushes him and bends down in front of him stroking and s---+--g his d+ck hard ; In a matter of seconds, Amon ej+culates hard spurting out all his c+m on Iyunloye’s face.


Amon ➡ (groans) AHHHHH! That feels good!


Iyunloye ➡ Hmm, you were good but not good enough.


Amon ➡ What did you expect?


Iyunloye ➡ Forget it.. Let’s get out of the pond and head back to my place.


After washing and cleaning themselves, Both Iyunloye and Amon leave the pond and head back to where they first met.

As soon as they got there, Iyunloye wear a black silk robe and sits on her wooden chair while Amon stands n-kedly staring at her.


Amon ➡ Do you mind if I ask what’s your name?


Iyunloye ➡ My name is Iyunloye. Mistress of the forest and I share your vision.


Amon ➡ Really?


Iyunloye ➡ Of course.. That’s why I saved you. But from the looks of things, You’re alone and outnumbered and the best part of all this, everyone think you’re dead.


Amon ➡ So what now?


Iyunloye ➡ Well.. I’m here to help you fulfill that vision.


Amon ➡ And how can you possibly do that?


In a blink of an eye, Iyunloye snaps her finger and behold! A red gem 💎 appears in her hands, Amon gasps as he sees the gem, the gem before him was something he and his comrades tried to possess, It was the DEVIL’S EYE.

After glaring at the gem, Amon approaches Iyunloye trying to collect the gem but she quickly makes it disappear from her hands.


Iyunloye ➡ Not so fast, Amon.


Amon ➡ (shocked) How did you possess this gem??


Iyunloye ➡ Oh. I forgot to mention, I’m a guardian of magical and supernatural artifacts.. The council put me in charge and I must say, they don’t keep count of the thing they put me to watch.. I doubt if they know about this gem and its limitless power.




Iyunloye ➡ Watch your tone fool! Don’t forget you’re in my domain.. This is my house and if I want, I can get rid of you right here and now.. So please don’t be stupid.. I’m trying to help you but first you must help me with something else.


Amon ➡ Okay.. What do you want?


Iyunloye ➡ You have hundreds of demons minions at your disposal.. Right?


Amon ➡ Yes..


Iyunloye ➡ Well. I want you to send them to middle of the Bermuda Triangle, there is something very valuable in that place.


Amon ➡ What is it?


Iyunloye ➡ It’s golden jar! Have them bring that Jar to me and you’ll have your gem! This I promise you.


Amon ➡ Why should I trust you?


Iyunloye ➡ I saves your life didn’t I? And I share the same vision as you! I want the humans eradicated. Plus, I’m the only chance you’ve got to make this work.


Amon ➡ Alright then.. I’ll…


Iyunloye ➡ Hold on!


Amon ➡ What?


Iyunloye ➡ Take this!


Iyunloye throws a metal object at Amon, who grabs and observes it. He stares at the object for a while and asks what it is.


Amon ➡ What’s this?


Iyunloye ➡ Lucifer’s compass.


Amon ➡ What?


Iyunloye ➡ The object in your hand is a compass but it’s called * Lucifer’s Compass *.


Amon ➡ What does it do?


Iyunloye ➡ It will lead you to the Jar. Just strap it around your wrist.


Amon ➡ Alright then.. But I can’t go yet.


Iyunloye ➡ I know.. You’ll have to stay here until all the tension has lowered down. Once happiness is back into the world, that’s when you’ll make your move and before this year runs out, The world will be yours.


(ROSE) 🔯

What a night!! I might say it’s the best night of my life.. Finally, Christen is no longer that soft touch, she’s finally unleashed her dark side and it really make my day for her to reach her full potential.

A week after the night, Things got a little bit quiet, but Aunt Jezebel went around and told the Council about what just went down between us and the D5, She even took the encased Bellona to show the proof of what she was saying.

As a member of the Witch council, I was summon to the hall to come and give my own testimony about the issue, They still couldn’t believe we overpowered the D5 all by ourselves.


WC1 ➡ So Rose, You’re saying that you and your Aunt, together with your brother defeated this group?


WC3 ➡ Unbelievable.


WC5 ➡ This group are known to be lethal and dangerous…


Orisaye ➡ Quiet!! Let her speak!


Rose ➡ Thank you, your eminence…. I don’t blame you for doubting our story… After all, what can you expect from a bunch of cowards? (Laughs)


WC1 ➡ INSOLENT B-TCH ! You dare address us in that manner??


Rose ➡ (laughs) Oh.. I’m sorry.. Did I hurt your feeling?… Ha, ha, ha, ha.


Orisaye ➡ Rose.. Be serious.


Rose ➡ Sorry your eminence… Well as I was saying.. You all let stories cripple you with fear and cowardice. Honestly, you all sat here while the humans suffered at the hands of the D5, I don’t care about the humans but I don’t like the idea of letting some old fossils claiming they’re invincible and unstoppable… Nobody in this world is unstoppable.. Nobody! Not even the devil himself.

So when. I heard about the D5 and how powerful they are.. I decided to test them and see if the stories are true.. They were dangerous but powerful, they’re not.

The first D5 member I killed was a Ghoul.. It was funny to hear him scream as I ripped off his head. As for the other one called Dagon.. The poor b-stard.. He was a disappointment.. He couldn’t even put up a good fight.

One by one.. The D5 fell and they couldn’t even put up a good show, it was then I realized the stories about them were just empty lies..


Orisaye ➡ What happened to Drystan?


Rose ➡ The Wind b-stard!? I trapped him in the ESCC. As far as I know.. He’s dead.


WC1 ➡ So how did you kill their leader and capture his lieutenant?


Rose ➡ Oh we used a surprise attack.. We struck them from all sides and ended them before they had the chance to retaliate.


Orisaye ➡ Where is the body of Amon!?


Rose ➡ He was eaten by a giant snake! He’s dead.


Orisaye ➡ He’s not.. He may have used that to escape..


Rose ➡ But your eminence…


Orisaye ➡ SILENCE!!! FIND HIM.. If I see his body, then I’ll believe he’s dead.


Rose ➡ Alright your eminence… What about Bellona?


Orisaye ➡ She’s be dealt with.. She’ll be sent to the dark void for all eternity.


Rose ➡ Why not send her back to hell?


Orisaye ➡ No.. That mistake won’t be repeated!! She came back from hell thanks to the traitorous acts of some of our council members.. But once she’s trapped in the Dark void, she’ll never be able to return.. EVER!… What I want you do now is find the body of Amon… Do whatever it takes to find it.


Rose ➡ Sure your Eminence. I’ll do whatever I can to find him.


Orisaye ➡ Good…. Meeting dismissed.



Finally! The Diabolic 5 are no more, every last one of them had been wiped out thanks to effort, teamwork and little bit of witchcraft.

24 hours after the extermination of the worst agents of Evil, God showered 🚿 Ibadan with a heavy rain drops, deafening thunder claps 🌩 and bolts of lightening. It rained heavily for hours unstop but the rain eventually stopped at 7:00am the next day.

The rain wasn’t just a storm, It was a rain of blessing, Cause after that rain fell, Ibadan was back to it’s former beautiful self.

For the first time in months, The Sun finally shone itself upon the population of Ibadan sparkling everywhere with its lovely rays, The mists and dark clouds were gone, and there was no more unhappiness in the faces of the people, Everyone was happy and full of life, There was no more sickness and any calamity of any kind.

Markets, shops, Business organizations began to open and there was no more curfews, quarantines or lockdown. The State Govt even reopened entry and exit out of the city. The Rain wasn’t just any normal rain, It was a Rain of evil purification, it was a sign of good will and fortune sent by God, it was a second chance given to us by God to start afresh and forget the hardship and pain we faced months ago.

Despite all this, There was one person that wasn’t feeling all this all, and that person is my wife, Christen.

Speaking of Christen, though she got her powers and immortality back, she wasn’t herself at all. Ever since that night, She has been quiet and avoiding everyone including me and Ebinoluwa.

Her behavior is quite obvious, she was still shaken by the death of my parents and it’s been taking a toll on her, In fact she barely eats or drinks anything, She just leaves the house and spend hours sitting under the Iroko tree, She sometimes doesn’t sleep at all, she would just stay awake and sit on the roof staring at the stars shedding tears.

As her husband, I did whatever I could to console and soothe her but nothing worked not even Ebinoluwa could get to her. I got worried and asked her family members for help but not even them could do anything, It was Rose that suggested that best thing I could do was leave her alone to herself, saying she would get over her emotions.

One night at around 1:00am , I was on the bed sleeping, Suddenly I woke up and rushed to the toilet to ease myself, While I was emptying my bowels, I realized Christen’s bed space was empty and from the looks of it, She was outside either on the roof or at the Iroko tree.

As soon as I was done easing myself, I washed my d-ck and went out of the toilet and soon left the room. I had to check on Ebinoluwa before I left the house. As I got to her room, I saw the little Angel fast asleep with her black cat tucked right next to her, After that, I left her room and soon went out of the house.

Immediately I got outside the house, The atmosphere was very chilly and the surrounding was silent, I checked the roof and saw that Christen wasn’t there, So I took a long deep breath and jogged into the forest heading straight to the Iroko tree.

Minutes later, I arrived at the place and saw Christen standing with her arms folded, she was staring up into the sky absentmindedly. I called out to her 4 times but she didn’t answer me, so I got close and stood next to her.

The temperature was dropping drastically and atmosphere was getting chillier by the minute, Christen’s clothes were very light and wasn’t even shaking, she just stood boldly not feeling the cold. So instead of me freezing myself to death, I decided to cajole her to get over her emotions.


RILEY ➡ Christen! Honey!


Christen ➡ 😒😒😒😒


RILEY ➡ Come on.. Christen.. Talk to me.


Christen ➡ 😒😒… What do you want me to say, Riley?


Riley ➡ Why do you keep punishing yourself like this? My parent’s death wasn’t your fault.


Christen ➡ But they didn’t deserve to die like this. They didn’t.


Riley ➡ I know.. But that’s life, it’s sometimes shows us it unpleasant and ugly side. I love my parents and I wish I could reverse what happened to them but that’s how fate works.. We all die in the end.


Christen ➡ Well.. I don’t want that.


Riley ➡ But Christen you can’t fight Fate.


Christen ➡ I know.. What I’m saying is that, I don’t want to lose someone I love in this kind of horrible way. First my mother, then now your parents. If death is coming let it be in the natural way.


Riley ➡ Well.. You don’t have to worry about that any more.. The D5 are no more, they won’t be bothering anyone ever again. Our life will be just the way it was before.


Christen ➡ No it won’t.


Riley ➡ Why?


Christen ➡ Because things are different now.. I have my powers and immortality. That means I’ll no longer be ageing like a human.. I don’t want this.. I want to grow old and die with you.


Riley ➡ Well.. I appreciate your concern but like I said.. That’s life. There are things that we can’t change, no matter how much power or money we have. You’re a witch and I’m human. But let’s not worry about that.. Let’s focus on the present, because it’s all that matters.


Christen kept quiet and looked down feeling a little bit unhappy, I pulled her close to me and lifted her face slowly staring into her eyes.. After that, I gave her a passionate kiss and hugged her, Christen held me tight placing her head on my chest. Shortly after that, Christen separated from me and staring at me nervously.


Riley ➡ What’s wrong?


Christen ➡ There’s something I have to tell you.


Riley ➡ Okay.. What is it?


Christen ➡… I’m… pregnant.


Riley ➡ 😦 Come again?


Christen ➡ I’m pregnant!!


Riley ➡ Really? You’re pregnant!? So that’s why you weren’t eating..


Christen ➡ Yes.. My taste buds have changed again. No more human foods.


Riley ➡ (laughs) I know.. Back to milk and honey 🐝… Oh I’m so happy. I love you.


Christen ➡ I love you too.


Filled with so much excitement, I grabbed and pulled Christen giving her another kiss, we were so into the kiss that we didn’t notice Ebinoluwa standing behind us, It was her cough that startled us.


Ebinoluwa ➡ (coughs)


Riley ➡ JESUS! Ebinoluwa.. What are you doing here?


Ebinoluwa ➡ It’s very cold out here.. You will both freeze to death.


Riley ➡ Good suggestion.. Ebi.. Your mother is…


Ebinoluwa ➡ I know.. I heard you from a mile away.


Christen ➡ Aren’t you excited?


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m not so sure… Boys are so annoying.


Riley ➡ Boys?? What are you talking about?


Christen ➡ How did you know the child is going to be a boy?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Instinct! Can we get to the house? I need to get up early for school.


Christen ➡ We will darling.. We will.


After that, Ebinoluwa approached us and gave Christen a hug rubbing her stomach, I too hugged both of them and in that moment, We all teleported back into the house.

Who says we all can’t have a little magic in our lives, Everyone deserves it.



Next episode ➡ P.T.A MEETING !

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