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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 45 & 46




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 45 & 46

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


The wind howls in the silent night and the full moon shines brightly all over the Nigerian nation. Somewhere at the rocky plains of Jos, Both Ebinoluwa and Rose stand over the half conscious Dagon, who’s had been freed from Ebinoluwa’s magic and now bound and stretched open like a ram for slaughter by Rose’s shadow magic.

After getting tired of waiting for Dagon to wake up, Rose conjures a thorn whip with her magic, She viciously slashes the Wizard mercilessly tearing off his flesh.






Feeling the slash of the whip on his skin, Dagon screams out loud into the night wriggling like a worm trying to scratch the place the whip landed, Ebinoluwa looks away but Rose grabs her face and turning to its former place.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Aunty.. I can’t..


Ross ➡ Shush!!! Don’t feel sorry for this murderers… They killed your grandparents and kidnapped your mom.. They deserve no mercy.. I want you to watch as I make this dog suffer. Learn to inflict pain on those that try to mess with you or anyone you love.


After saying that, Rose quickly turns around and stomps her right foot on Dagon’s d-ck very hard.. Dagon’s eyes pops out widely as he screams out painfully wriggling harder trying to break himself free. Rose laughs out harder enjoying herself.


Rose ➡ (laughs) HA, HA, HA, HA!!! My goodness… It seems you’ll no longer be able to reproduce! Your t-sticles has popped!


Dagon ➡ You… D--n… B-tch!! I’ll…. ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!


Infuriated by Dagon’s insult, Rose tears out his d-ck and t-sticles off his body squashing it in her hands as she stared viciously at him. Seeing the horrible sight, Ebinoluwa turns around and vomits 🤢 excessively.


Dagon ➡ (crying painfully) AHHHHHH!!!


Rose ➡ (laughs wickedly) HA, HA, HA, HA!! That’s it… Keep on screaming!!!! Let me hear your agony!!! SCREAM FOR ME.. SCREAM, SCRRREEEEMM… HA, HA, HA, HA.


Rose stomps Dagon’s lower region rubbing her foot on the place, Dagon yells out in pain wishing for this to end quickly, It’s better for him to die peacefully instead of suffering alive.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Aunty… This is too much.


Rose ➡ SHUT IT!! This scum won’t get off that easily.. Have you forgotten what he tried to do to your father? Ehn?… Listen up dead meat… This is how it’s going to go, We can do this the easy way that is if you tell me where your friends are hiding or we can do this the hard way where I torture you to death and still extract the information out of you.. Which one do you want??


Dagon ➡ GO TO HELL!!!


Rose ➡ Hmm, I’ve been there already and it’s very excruciating… So that means you refuse to talk huh? Fine… Let me bring my special doctor, she’s very good at handling patients like you.


In that moment, Rose stretches out her hand opening a black portal a few distance away from her and Out of the portal, her BFF Nancy appears with a bag in hand.

After Nancy comes out of the portal, Rose closes it and hugs Nancy giving her a kiss. Ebinoluwa looks away and approaches Dagon touching his head; In that moment, She sees and reads his memories trying to figure out where the other D5 are hiding, Before long she found what she was looking for and lets go of Dagon.


Rose ➡ What did you see? Have you found your mom?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes.. She’s in the deep forest of Benue, that’s also where the others are hiding.


Rose ➡ Benue!? Those b-stards sure found a nice place to hide.. No wonder nobody could find them.. Well, we know where they are, it’s time to act accordingly and take them out.


Ebinoluwa ➡ We have to go now!! What if my mom is in some kind of pain.


Rose ➡ Listen to me girl!! If the other D5 finds out that we’re coming.. They might run again and we can’t save your mother.. It’s better we do it secretly and smartly. In the meantime, Go to your father and tell him what you just found out..


After hearing her Aunt’s words, Ebinoluwa disappears living the two sinister female beings alone with Dagon. Nancy soon opens her bag and brings out a small tiny bottle that contains some of the world’s most deadly aquatic life forms which was the *Piranha*.


Rose. ➡ Are those what I think they are?


Nancy ➡ Yes.. Piranhas.


Rose ➡ I thought they were extinct?


Nancy ➡ Not exactly.. They were locked away, this tiny monsters are too dangerous to be left swimming around.. So shall I treat the patient, it looks like he’s bleeding out.


Rose ➡ By all means Doctor Nancy, give him your special touch. How bad is this bottle you’re carrying?


Nancy ➡ Don’t worry.. Once your patient gets this stuff.. He’ll be kicking and screaming into time.. This stuff Here is the real deal.


Rose. ➡ Alright then carry on.. HA, HA, HA,!


Laughing out in the silent night, Rose steps back and conjures a chair with her magic sitting down to enjoy the show, As for Nancy, she bends down next to Dagon and pours the contents of the tiny bottle on his wounded r-ctal area, Before long, Something strange begins to happen.

The Tiny contents of the bottle poured on Dagon began to make its way into his body, Shortly after that, Dagon begins to tremble shaking violently as he feels something eating his internal organs on the inside.

In a blink of an eye, Dagon vomits blood and begins to scream as he sees some small objects moving inside his body, He screams louder as the objects started making their way to his head.

Rose watches on excitedly with a vicious look on her face as she fingers herself feeling turned on the display of agony before her, Within seconds, Dagon’s head bursts open and his brain flies out in the open but it was soon devoured by small Piranhas popping out of his head.

After seeing all of this, Rose stands up and begins to clap and laugh wickedly complementing her friend’s work.


Rose ➡ Nancy.. That was beautiful.. Your medicine worked beyond expectations.


Nancy ➡ Thank you.. I’m happy to be of service.. So what now?


Rose ➡ Now, I need to get home and cheer up my Puppet.. He has been brooding ever since his parents died.


Nancy ➡ Sure.. I’ll be heading back now. I don’t want my dinner to get cold.


Rose ➡ Oh.. What’s on the menu? 😏


Nancy ➡ A fat juicy Alhaji from the North… He came from Cross River trying to find a wife.


Rose ➡ Hmm.. He would really taste delicious 😋 but that would be next time.


Nancy ➡ Okay then.. See you around.


Just as both ladies were about to go their separate ways.. They see a Jeep parking below the Rock on which they were on, Shortly after that, Some men came out of the car dragging out a lady who was busy screaming for help, One of the men throw her down pinning her hands and legs while the other rips off her clothes displaying her n-ked body.


Nancy ➡ Hmm, this is bad. Should we help?


Rose ➡ Since when did we start helping humans?? But it wouldn’t hurt to feed on those guys.. I feel hungry all of a sudden. I hope their blood tastes good.


Nancy ➡ There’s only one way to find out..


Rose ➡ Exactly! Sharpen your claws friend.. Dinner has just been served.


Meanwhile here in Ibadan ; Lionel sits in his bedroom feeling very emotional about his parent’s death.

He feels torn apart losing the most important people in his life and in that moment, He remembers his wife and child who had also died in the same manner.

Feeling twisted in with anger and pain, Lionel shouts in anger as he lies on the bed crying silently on the pillow. As he was doing that, Rose appears into the room looking drenched from head to toe, Lionel notices her presence and turns around staring at her.


Rose ➡ Are you crying? Lions don’t cry.


Lionel ➡ Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time is it?


Rose ➡ Watch your mouth, scum! Don’t you dare talk to me in that manner!?.


Lionel ➡ As your steady boyfriend, I deserve to know! Where were you? It’s 12:30 am.


Rose ➡ It seems you’ve forgotten who you’re talking you? Let me remind you.


With one swift movement, Rose pins down Lionel on the bed strangling his neck, she then uses her claws and pierces it on her boyfriend’s left shoulder.


Lionel ➡ (shouts) AHHHH!!!


Rose ➡ Painful isn’t it?.. I could end you right now if I wanted.


Lionel ➡ Go ahead! DO IT!! You’ll be doing me a favor by ending my misery. This life brings nothing but pain.


Softened by Lionel’s words, Rose lets him go and gets off him, She sits in the bed right next to him remembering the pain she felt when her own mother had died as well.


Rose ➡ Sorry for you loss.


Lionel ➡ As if you care.


Rose ➡ Well, I don’t care how you feel but I am sorry for your loss.. I’ve been in the same situation you’re in and nothing’s going to change.. Just let bygones be bygones.


Lionel ➡ Are you saying I should forget about my parents?


Rose ➡ No.. Just stop bothering and weighing yourself with their deaths.. If you let me, I’ll make you feel good and forget about all this pain.


Lionel ➡ And how would you do that?.


With one swift push from Rose, Lionel lies on the bed staring at her, but before he could say anything, Rose mounts on top of him and rips of her wet clothes exposing her lovely luscious bre+sts wiggling them at Lionel’s face. Rose then proceeds by ripping of Lionel’s trouser and boxers grabbing hold of his d+ck, she fondles his nuts softly and then starts stroking his pole nicely.

Feeling turned on by Rose’s hand job, Lionel lets out a loud moan, he stretches himself on the bed enjoying the service he was getting.


Rose ➡ Hmm.. You’ve gotten hard already! Does it feel good?


Lionel ➡ (moans) AHH.. Jesus.. OHH


Rose ➡ I’ll take that as a yes.


After making Lionel’s d+ck stiff and rock hard, Rose then bends down and sucks his pole sweetly, she swallows everything in one swoop almost swallowing her lover’s t-sticles as well.

As the seconds pass by, Lionel’s moans increases as he feels Rose’s tongue coiling around his d+ck inside her mouth, He soon grabs her hair and shoves his d+ck deeper into her mouth, till he felt his tip touching her throat. As for Rose, she kept s--+--g his lover’s d+ck with pleasure, her jaw was starting to hurt but she kept on s--+---g anyway; before long, she straps her hands around Lionel’s @$$ holding him tightly as she fixed her mouth and jaw on his d+ck. Within minutes, Lionel groans out loud and ejaculates dumping his c+m inside Rose’s throat, He twitches hard as he feels Rose’s swallowing every drop of load and as soon as she was done, She moves away from his d+ck staring into his eyes, Her hair was roughed up and her face was sweaty, Seeing that in that manner turned on Lionel making him hard again.

Without hesitation, He quickly grabs Rose by her hair and pins her down on the bed strangling her neck as hard as he can, after that he slaps her face and kisses her mouth lustfully, Rose accepts his kiss exchanging tongues with him, while they were doing that, Lionel parts her legs and strokes his d-ck hastily and with one swift entry, He penetrates Rose hard and deep making her moan out loud.

As soon as he plunged into Rose’s c+nt, Lionel begins to ravish her hard, savagely hammering her pu+y with long deep rapid thrusts of his d+ck!

Enjoying the savage treatment from Lionel, Rose spreads her legs more wider as she grabs hold of the bedsheets tightly. She tries to moan but with Lionel’s hand strangling her throat, she couldn’t.

Minutes pass by and still Lionel and Rose were both f+cking each other savagely, Lionel increases his thrusts pounding Rose harder than ever as he feels her c+nt tightening harder around his d+ck, He soon let’s go of her throat and begins to lick her neck and her bre+sts making her squeal out pleasurably, Shortly after that salivating her bre+sts, he sucks hard on them biting her hard n+pples hard.

Pain and pleasure surged through Rose’s body as she felt Lionel’s teeth on her n+pples, She m0@ns out loud drooling with pleasure as she opens her mouth agape. She soon wraps her hands around her lover’s neck staring into his eyes lovingly.

As both lovers kept having wild s+x in the bedroom, The place was soon echoed by the sound of their moans and smacking sounds of their flesh jamming each other, The atmosphere too was soon filled with the stench of sweat and c+m.

25 minutes later, Lionel reaches his limit finally ej+culating inside Rose, He groans out sensationally as he spurts and unloads his second scream of c+m into Rose’s pu+y. After he was done, He tries to pull out but Rose holds him tightly with her legs.


Rose ➡ Where do you think you’re going?


Lionel ➡ But.. I’m done. I can’t go on anymore.


Rose ➡ (laughs) Really? Well I’m far from done.. I’m so close to c+mming and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you leave without making me c+m.


Lionel ➡ But babe, I’m spent.


Rose ➡ Oh no.. You’re not, you still have some juice let in you.. Either you satisfy me or lose your precious d+ck. You choose.


Lionel ➡ My God! Okay, can I get some of energy pill 💊 or drink?


Rose ➡ Hmm, I know someone who does. Let me make a call.


In that moment, Rose grabs her phone and quickly dials Bimpe’s number and waits for her to pick the call. After some seconds, Bimpe answers the call.


Bimpe ➡ Hello.. Aunty Rose, what’s up?


Rose ➡ I’m in need of something from you.. Do you happen to have that s+x enhanced concoction with you?


Bimpe ➡ I do.. When do you need it?


Rose ➡ B-tch.. I want it now!!!



Its been 4 days now and there still was no sign of Christen or the D5, I just hope she’s alright?

Never in my life have I felt so disturbed or sad as I am right now, First my parents were killed and now Christen was kidnapped, The devil had sure stuck me with a dose of double bad luck.

After that horrible tragedy, I finally buried my parents, I couldn’t cry at the funeral or the burial bur whenever I was alone in my bedroom, I would cry out loud expressing my saddened emotions.

I tried to be strong and tough but the burden was too much to bear, I could barely even eat. Despite how sad I was, I did my best to look strong in front of my daughter, I’m her father and I’m suppose to ensure her that everything was going to be alright.

But even with the absence of her mother, Ebinoluwa didn’t look that much disturbed, she was just quiet not uttering a single word. Sometimes, she stay in her room all day long without even coming out.

I sent a message to her school principal about the loss we just had and the lady was kind enough to come over to the house and pay her respects, Even some of my mother’s church members came to my house to show their condolences but there was one I wished she hadn’t come and that person was Deborah.

Immediately she came to my house, She began to gossip with her friends asking questions about Christen’s whereabouts.. I never told anyone about Christen’s kidnap, I would just tell them that she was in the bedroom sleeping or over at her parent’s house. But even with that, Deborah wouldn’t let things rest, she would keep asking questions and even pointed out Christen wasn’t present at the funeral or the burial. In the end, I had to send her out, But that wasn’t the worst to come.

On the fourth day of my parent’s burial, I was alone in the bedroom turning and rolling over on the bed. The place wasn’t the same without Christen and I could perceive Christen’s sweet smell all over the bedroom even on the bedsheets. I grabbed hold of the bedsheets sniffling it for long up to the point I almost choked on it.. I just plain miss her.

In that moment, My mind went back to the D5, I felt enormous rage and hate for them, swearing vengeance upon them wherever we clashed, Thanks to the magical glove that my father in-law gave me, I would unleash hell on them with it.

As I was deep in thought, Bimpe appeared in my room wearing a sl-tty lingerie, I didn’t even notice her presence until she mounted on my laps.


Bimpe ➡ Hey Darling!




Bimpe ➡ I’m here to cheer you up.. Your Brother is getting a good special treatment from Rose, so I thought I’d drop by and hive you the same equation treatment. Kiss me lover.


With one swift movement, Bimpe reached down and French kissed me., I tried to push her off but she stuck onto my like a magnet not to mention the brute strength she has.

I admit she looks hot and attractive and I’m really turned on but I can’t do this.. Not with her, She’s my wife’s cousin and I can’t cheat on Christen on my the worst days of my life. What kind of man would I be if I did that.


RILEY ➡ Bimpe!! Stop! That’s enough.


BIMPE ➡ Come on lover! Don’t be a spoiled sport.




Bimpe ➡ What’s wrong with you,? Why do you ruin every good moment I try to have with you?


RILEY ➡ I’m a married man!! And I love my wife.. Don’t forget, I’m human and I’m a Christian.. I can’t cheat on my wife, she’s your cousin for that matter.


Bimpe ➡ Listen fool, You may be human but you’re part of us now.. We’re the onky family you’ve got left.. And besides if you’d cooperate and just enjoy the fun, Christen wouldn’t need to know.


RILEY ➡ I’m sorry. I just can’t.. Find someone else to satisfy your urge not me.


Bimpe ➡ It’s you I want! And one of these days.. I’m going to have you. Christen can’t be the only one to have a morsel like you.


RILEY ➡ Just go please.. Just leave me alone.


Bimpe ➡ Good night, RILEY.. Until we meet.


I never said good bye to her, I just sat on the bed and watched her disappear out of my sight.. I wonder what’s wrong with these witches, Why do they have to act like sl-ts all the time? Christen is good enough for me and I don’t any other h---y witch.

Seconds after Bimpe was gone, Someone knocked at the bedroom door, I went and opened it to see who it was, It was my daughter Ebinoluwa.


RILEY ➡ Hey Ebi.. Is everything okay?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes dad.. I’m fine. Did Aunt Bimpe offend you? I heard you shouting at her.


RILEY ➡ Don’t mind your Aunt.. She’s just trying to cause trouble.. So what brings you here?


Ebinoluwa ➡ I know where mom is?


I froze with shock as I heard that, I quickly knelt down close to my daughter putting my hands on her shoulder looking at her in the eyes.


RILEY ➡ You know where your mom is?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes.. She’s in the deep forests of Benue. Aunt Rose told me to come and let you know.


RILEY ➡ Let’s go.. Let’s go save her.


Ebinoluwa ➡ No! That would be unwise and dangerous.. My suggestion is that we let the council know about this information.


RILEY ➡ Alright then.. Can you teleport us to your Aunt Jezebel’s house? She needs to know this as well.



Next episode ➡ Christen’s Rage!

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