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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 42 & 43




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 42 & 43

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


My Fight with Osira sure felt like fighting a Siberian tiger with bare hands, If it wasn’t for Solomon, I would have been dead, after I vanquished my formidable enemy, My body went limp and I soon passed out on the ground.

To be honest, I thought I was dead cause Solomon warned me of the consequences of passing the limits of using his power. Just when I thought I wouldn’t wake up, I was soon awoken by the sound of moans and smacking sounds.

The sounds began to get louder forcing me to wake up, I opened my eyes slowly and gently only to see something rather unexpected.

Just a few meters away from me, Rose and her friend Nancy, were busy kissing and jamming their pu–ies together, Both ladies were covered in sweat that made them look so hot.

I lay still and kept watching what was going on between the two sl-tty vixens and before long, my d+ck was starting to stir up.

Both ladies increased their tempo slamming each other’s c+nts hard, They began to s-+-k on each other’s bre+sts nibbling on their n+pples. After that, they kissed and kicked each other’s neck making sweet sensual m0@ns.

If not for the loyalty and love I have for Christen and the fact that I’m married to her, God in heaven knows that nothing would stop me from joining these two. The sight was just too tempting to ignore and not to mention that my d+ck was so hard, it was poking my trouser trying to come out. I kept watching the er+tic scene unraveling before me, Both ladies were just busy touching and fondling each other’s bodies especially the bre+sts and the luscious a** unstop, All I could do was see, but touching in my case is prohibited.

Minutes later, Both ladies reached c--+-x and came hard on each other, after they were done, Rose looked at my direction and smiled.


Rose ➡ Hey RILEY… Did you enjoy the show?


Nancy ➡ You mean he was awake this whole time!?


Rose ➡ Absolutely! Just take a look at his huge hard mast. It’s look like it’s ready to explode. (Laughs)


After hearing all that, I sat up and looked down trying not to stare at the n+ked bodies before me but Rose didn’t make things easy for me, She stood up from where she was and approached me, she sat next to me putting her sweaty arms around my shoulder.


Rose ➡ How was your nap?


RILEY ➡ How long was I out?


Rose ➡ A few hours… I watched your fight with that demon.. I have to say, I was impressed. You even took a big risk borrowing Solomon’s power!


RILEY ➡ Can you please put some clothes on??


Rose ➡ Relax! There’s nothing wrong in seeing me n+ked.. Besides this isn’t the first time you’re seeing me like this.


RILEY ➡ Where’s Lionel?


Rose ➡ He left an hour ago to see your parents.


RILEY ➡ I need to leave!


Rose ➡ Just rest!! It’s a miracle you’re still alive.


RILEY ➡ I can’t stay… Whoever sent that demon won’t stop until he/she finds me… I need to go and check if Christen is alright..


In that moment, Rose’s phone rang and she reached out grabbing her phone, she checked who the caller was and then answered the called.

At first, the mood on her face was a bit lit with merry from the fun she just had, but then her mood suddenly changed to shock, she immediately stood up widening her eyes and opening her mouth slightly before long, she ended the call and smashed the phone to smithereens with one squeeze.

I was wondering what happened cause I’ve never seen Rose looking this shocked before, something must have happened.


RILEY ➡ Rose!? Who was that? What happened?


Nancy ➡ Rose… Are you alright? You look pale.


Rose didn’t reply us, instead she waved her fingers and the shadows in the room mounted on her body and transformed into a long black robe, after that, she covered herself and sat next to Nancy covering her mouth tightly as if she was going to vomit, shortly after that she looked at me squarely in the face.


Rose ➡ RILEY..


RILEY ➡ Yes?


Rose ➡ Oh f+ck…. Your…


RILEY ➡ What? Just tell me already.. Did something happen?


Rose ➡ Your parents are dead and My little sister, your wife has been kidnapped by one of the D5.


After I heard Rose said that, I thought I was still asleep thinking maybe all this was still a dream, I pinched myself really so hard that I was peeling off my skin, I realized that I wasn’t dreaming and as I looked at the face of Rose, I knew she was serious.

Immediately after that, I couldn’t feel my legs in fact ; I felt limp all over and soon an immediately dizziness began to bombard my head.


RILEY ➡ (Hyperventilating)


Nancy ➡ Oh no…. When did this happen?


Rose ➡ An hour ago… It was Ebinoluwa who saw everything, she saw her mother being taken.


RILEY ➡ Take me to her… NOW! I need to see this for myself.


Rose ➡ RILEY.. I’m not sure if this is…




Right in that moment, Rose snapped her fingers and in a twinkle of an eye, I saw myself a distance away from my parents house.. There was a little crowd gathering in front of the place and an ambulance was there as well.

I ran there with all my might running as fast as I could to the place, as soon as I arrived there, my parent’s corpse were about to be put inside the ambulance, I wanted to see their faces but I was held and intercepted my Lionel!


Lionel ➡ RILEY! Don’t.


RILEY ➡ Lio… Let me go.. I want to see their faces.


Lionel ➡ Trust me!! You don’t want to.


RILEY ➡ Jẹ ki n lọ arakunrin, jẹ ki n ri oju awọn obi wa… (Let me go brother, let me see them.)


Lionel ➡ Gbẹkẹle mi, iwọ ko fẹ, ri wọn yoo jẹ ki awọn nkan buru…… (Trust me, you don’t want to, it will only make things worse)


RILEY ➡ I don’t care… Just let me see them.


As Lionel and I struggled, Someone came behind me and tapped the back of my head, before I knew it, I collapsed on the ground and everything went dark.



Despite how unfortunate things turned out that afternoon, Not every knew what had happened, especially Oliver and Esther.

After Christen had left the guild, Esther begin to rebuke Oliver for the way he spoke to his sister, Oliver who didn’t want to displease his lover, tried to get back to her good graces.


Esther ➡ I’m honestly disappointed in you!! How could you speak to your sister like that?


Oliver ➡ I’m sorry luv, But you know I’m right.. I’m just looking out for her.. Things aren’t the same like they used to be.. Times have changed. She’s a married witch with a family to look after, She look lose a lot of that if she gets involved with this.


Esther ➡ Well, you could have at least told her in a simple and polite manner! Now you’ve just hurt her feelings.. I’m not happy honestly.


Oliver ➡ Come on Esther.. Don’t be like this.. I said I’m sorry.


Esther ➡ It’s not me you’re going to apologize to.. It’s your sister.


Oliver ➡ Okay, okay.. I will.. Please don’t be mad okay?


Esther ignores him and sits on the chair 💺 looking sideways, Oliver teleports in front of her and begins to touch her thighs and kiss her.

Unable to resist her lover for long, Esther accepts his kiss wrapping her hands around his neck. Seeing that Esther has succumb to his advances, Oliver tries to pull down his trouser to penetrate her but Esther stops him half way.


Oliver ➡ What!?


Esther ➡ Don’t even think about it.. We just had s+x minutes ago. In fact we’ve been having s+x all morning, That’s 30 times in a row.


Oliver ➡ Come on Luv , you know how I feel around you.. I can’t control myself.


Esther ➡ Well, FYI… I’m tired. Instead of us having s-x unstop why don’t we do something else?


Oliver ➡ Like what?


Esther ➡ Investigating Zico juice company?


Oliver ➡ Now!?


Esther ➡ Do you have anything better to do?


Oliver ➡ No but can’t we leave it some other time?


Esther ➡ If that’s the case, then you can forget about us ever having a relationship.


Oliver ➡ You can’t be serious.


Esther ➡ Try me.. Either we go for the investigation now or you can kiss goodbye to our relationship? You choose.


Oliver ➡ Alright.. Let’s go.


After that forcefully persuasion, Both Oliver and Esther leave the guild and head straight to the Zico juice company.

After a 25 minutes drive, Both of them finally arrived at their destination, as soon as they park the car, they both headed into the building.

Unlike others who had to wait for an appointment, Both Oliver and Esther waltz into the place like VIPs and this was all thanks to Esther enchanting mermaid charm and beauty which made the security personnel drool like mindless puppets. Finally, they both arrive at the office of the CEO of Zico juice company, Oliver opens the door and walks in with Esther, and they both come face to face with Chief Adejumo A.k.a (Bellona; in disguise).

Seeing the two unexpected guests in her presence, Bellona feels disturbed as she realizes who her guest were but still she maintained her cool.


Bellona ➡ Good afternoon..


Oliver ➡ Afternoon Chief….


Bellona ➡ Ajedomu??… Sorry Adejumo.. How may I help you?


Oliver ➡😒 Right… We’re from NAFDAC!


Bellona ➡ NAFDAC??? What’s that?


Upon hearing that, Both Oliver and Esther look at each other before looking back at the disguised Bellona suspiciously.


Oliver ➡ It’s an organization that investigate on matters such environmental cleanliness.


Adejumo ➡ Oh… Yes, yes.. Don’t worry.. Everything is clean here.. You have nothing to worry about. You can tell the Agency that the company is germ free.


Esther ➡ Oh we will, besides the NTA crew will be here soon.


Bellona ➡ NTA?? Are they too investigate in environmental cleanliness?


Esther ➡ Alright!!! Quit the act!


Bellona ➡ What act??


Oliver ➡ We know you’re not Chief Adejumo and the necklace on your neck looks more than ordinary… It must be a disguising necklace 📿. Who are you?


Bellona ➡ This is ridiculous… I’ll call security.


Oliver ➡ There’s no need!! Which ever way this goes.. You’re coming with us the easy or the hard way.


Bellona ➡ D-+-n it… Looks like my gig is toast.


In a blink of an eye, Bellona kicks the office table at the faces of both Oliver and Esther,.. With a powerful swing of his arm, Oliver smashes the table to bit but before he realizes it, Bellona had already taken her escape with Esther hot on her heels.

Oliver too soon leaves the office and chases after them, he eventually catches up with them as they both bulldoze through people in the company.

Bellona who’s in the lead runs like a thief in a market square desperately looking for a way to escape, She soon gets into the storage warehouse where all the Zico juice are kept and begins to manipulate the juice using her water magic. Esther and Oliver soon join her in the storage only to come face to face with a big octopus like 🐙 creature made out of the Zico juice, they soon spot Bellona a few distance away from them and is now in her real form.


Bellona ➡ (laughs) I have to hand it to the two of you… You really outsmarted me.. But that doesn’t change anything.. I won’t let you two capture me.. Prepare to DIE!!!


With a flip of her fingers, Bellona makes the juice monster attack both Oliver and Esther, Esther jumps out of the way, while Oliver uses fire magic to juice monster.


FHOOOM!! 🔥 🔥 🔥


As Oliver blasts the juice monster, Bellona adds her magic to the liquid trying to make it overcome her opponent but Oliver adds his own magic to the fire as well increasing the intensity and heat of the fire 🔥. As the two show off their powers, Esther uses that opportunity to sneak behind Bellona and with one slash of her claws, she scares Bellona’s face making her squeal in pain, Esther too uses water magic on the juice and conjures a whip in which she uses it to coil and Bellona and swing her around smashing her around the warehouse.

Minutes later, Oliver overcomes the juice monster by evaporating it into thin air, after that he charges in to help Esther capture Bellona but before that could happen, a Black portal opens and in that same moment, a black lightning emerges out of the portal hitting both Oliver and Esther hard.

The impact of the lightening attack sends both of them flying backwards and landing hard on ground painfully.

As Oliver tries to get up, He sees Amon stepping out of the portal and notices a big scar on his face, Amon stares at him menacingly before grabbing the half conscious Bellona. In a blink of an eye, Amon steps into the portal with Bellona and disappears right before Oliver’s eyes.


Esther ➡ Uh.. What happened? Where’s that sleazy b-tch?


Oliver ➡ She’s gone.. Someone took her.. They must be the D5.


Esther ➡ I can’t believe she’s gone.. We almost had her.


In that very moment, Aunt Jezebel appeared right in front of Oliver and Esther, they both were startled by her sudden appearance.


Oliver ➡ Aunt Jezebel!? What are you doing here?


Aunt Jezebel ➡ It doesn’t matter.. Meet me back at the house.. Something very unfortunate has happened.


Esther ➡ What happened?


Aunt Jezebel ➡ the D5 kidnapped Christen and brutally killed Riley’s parents. This is a grave matter that must be settled don’t be late.


After that statement, Aunt Jezebel disappears leaving Oliver and Esther in a state of shock and disbelief, before long, Oliver grabs Esther’s hands and teleports out of the storage warehouse.



Fours days had passed since that unfortunate and brutal incident occurred, Without further delays, The burial and funeral ceremony were carried out and my grandparents were finally buried and laid to rest.

I was surprised to see the large number of people that came to the Funeral, even the Supreme Witch was there of course but she came in disguise. It was really a sad day for everyone especially my Dad and Uncle, who looked miserable and awful, everyone felt pity for them and gave them their condolences.

My mom was yet to be found despite the frantic search that was being conducted, her absence made my dad look even more miserable. He wasn’t himself and he could barely even eat or concentrate on anything except me, He would always try to cheer me up and assured me that mom would be found but despite that, he himself was even more disturbed than I.

After hearing what happened, The Supreme Witch order my Aunt Rose to keep an eye on us and that she did. Aunt Rose made terrifying shadow monsters to kill any threat that approached our house.

And speaking of Aunt Rose, she too wasn’t too happy about this, in fact she was very, very, pissed off. Immediately she heard that one of the D5 was using the Zico juice company as their place of operations, She went on a rampage that night and destroyed the company, nothing was left of that place. As if that wasn’t enough, She set a 24/7 curfew around Ibadan and Oho in order to find the D5, She herself scouted around these places day and night to find the D5 and my mom.

As for me, I was no different from the Dad and Aunt Rose, I was emotionally troubled and I really didn’t care much about anything else. Throughout this past 4 days, I didn’t go to school, in fact I didn’t want to go to school again.

It was sad that despite the spells I’ve learnt I couldn’t save my mother who was just a few meters away from me, I should have attacked earlier and maybe I would have saved her. Just when I thought all hope was lost, something astonishing happened to me.

On the fifth day after that horrible event, I decided to go out and get some fresh air, after I was done wetting my pillows with tears.

After I left the house that night, I headed straight to the Iroko tree to feel some comfort. As soon as got there, I flew upwards and sat on my favorite branch staring high into the sky.

Shortly after that, I began to cry once more covering my face with my knees, as I was busy sniffing and weeping, I heard a very deep voice consoling me.




I looked around in fright and saw no one, In that moment, I heard the voice once again.




Ebinoluwa ➡ Who are you and why are you hiding? Show yourself!


In that moment, The Iroko tree began to move, I quickly flew down and stared at the tree in shock as it emerged out of the ground, The tree was very big and large, It was like giant with a human form, It had eyes, nose and a mouth. After it fully showed its true self, The tree bent down and looked at me.


Ebinoluwa ➡ My Goodness… You’re.. You’re…


TOK ➡ Yes Ebinoluwa .. I’m the Tree of knowledge.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I can’t believe this… After all this time.. You were here under my very nose.. How did you know my name?


TOK ➡ How should I not??


Ebinoluwa ➡ I still can’t believe this.. Does my mother know you’re alive, like does she know you talk and move around?


TOK ➡ NO! She doesn’t.. By the way, I’m sorry for your loss.


Ebinoluwa ➡ (shocked) How did you know??


TOK ➡ My roots are connected to almost all the tree in Ibadan, Whatever the trees hear, I do too.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Wow.. So do these tree move as well?


TOK ➡ No.. I’m the only one that can do that.


Ebinoluwa ➡ You know my mother was kidnapped right?


TOK ➡ Yes.. I’m sorry for that too but you don’t need to worry… She’s still alive.


Ebinoluwa ➡ WHA… You know where she is?


TOK ➡ No.. But I can feel her essence and she’s quite far from here. All you have to do is look harder.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Look sir.. Or whatever your name is… Do you have a name?


TOK ➡ I go by many names.. Tree of knowledge, the Ancient one, etc.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Okay. Is it fine if I call you Tree?


TOK ➡ No problem.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Okay Tree.. I have lots of questions to ask you.


TOK. ➡ Hold on.. Before I answer your questions.. Let’s go for a walk.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Won’t people see you?


TOK ➡ We’re in a forest and the atmosphere is dark.. We’ll be fine. Climb on my shoulders.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Okay.


In that moment, I teleported myself up on the tree’s shoulder and as soon as I did that, The tree began to walk away slowly making the ground tremble with each step it took.


TOK ➡ So Ebinoluwa, what question do you want to ask me?



NEXT episode ➡ Forbidden Knowledge.

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