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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 26 & 27




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 26 & 27

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Martin Luther King Jr once said :

*To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it.*

There’s a whole lot of truth and sense in what he said and it’s because of ignorance, the people of this world suffer greatly.

I really wanted to help to purge out this evil that was infesting Ibadan and it’s people but doing that as I am would be suicidal and stupid.

From personal experience, I’ve seen and felt what these Witches can do and just one of them is enough to lay this world to waste especially witches like Rose.

Rose is the very definition of a loose cannon or a ticking bomb, after nearly being killed by her, I know she’s a force of nature and I’m sure if she was here, she would have done something about this.. It’s not like she cares about humans, but there’s nothing she hates more than someone hunting down her own prey or someone trying to establish dominance in her territory.

Unfortunately, Rose is dead and her sister/my wife Christen is powerless in terms of magic but her super strength is still active so is her teleportation powers but that’s not enough to fight the evil we’re currently facing.. Apart from Rose and Christen, I’m not sure if there’s any Witch/Wizard that could step up and vanquish this great plague cause from what I’m seeing the witches aren’t doing anything , Oliver isn’t of much help, he’s nothing like his two sisters, as for Bimpe, Simi and Judith, they’re all on the same page with Oliver.

It’s sad really, watching as people suffer and die and not being able to do anything .. The death and sickness was too much that Ibadan was regarded as a *Death zone*… Medical organizations here in Ibadan couldn’t explain what was going on, and to cover up their shame and failures, they began incite doctors to inject the infected patients to death. Soon their atrocities were exposed and it resulted to a bloody conflict between the patient’s relatives and the doctors… Just then things were about to get out of hand, Religious leaders and traditional herbalist interfered in the matter saying this wasn’t a disease science could cure only Spiritual and supernatural processes could be used to save people’s lives.

Just when everyone thought this was worst case scenario , The weather atmosphere 🌥 around Ibadan began to get scarier and darker.. First there was the mist surrounding the whole city and then there’s the dark clouds ☁️ hovering above the city, it’s been a while since anyone last saw the sun. The entire city was starting to look like a ghost town, Before long, People started evacuating out of Ibadan claiming they were seeing ghosts and monsters, the other supernatural beings such as the Ghouls and mermaids weren’t making things anything easier either, They used this opportunity to hunt down people and feed on their flesh. Before long, the entire city was in a state of Peril and the Government had tried their best to ensure and make people believe that they could handle the situation but eventually they too gave up and abandoned the people, and as of this present moment, It’s every man for himself.

Fear had gripped the people of Ibadan so much that it was making them go crazy and hysterical, seeing the situation of things, I did the best I could to protect my family and to also avoid facing the devil in the face for the third time but this time around the devil found his way back to me.


One morning, I was in the theatre hall lecturing the students about dark ages, when a stranger who happens to be sitting amongst my students raised his hand, before could ask of his name, He threw a question at me.


Dagon ➡ Excuse sir.. Is it true that super-naturals exists?


Riley ➡ Sorry.. Your question isn’t relevant to the topic I’m lecturing.


Dagon ➡ Oh it is. I’ve read that there have been sightings of supernatural beings during the dark ages like Witches for instance.


Riley ➡ Look , I think you’ve been watching too many supernatural films.. But I can’t say Super naturals don’t exist, it is a fact that they live among us.


In that moment, Tosin one of my best students interfere politely objecting everything about the topic the stranger had just brought up.


Tosin ➡ Excuse me sir but with all due respect, Anything based on the supernatural is just a tale of fiction.. It’s never real, it’s just an idea made up make people believe that there’s a higher power amongst us… To be honest, it’s nothing but utter nonsense and crap.


Dagon ➡ So if you saw or witnessed a supernatural event, how would you react?


Tosin ➡ If you’re talking about magic. It’s all an act… Anything that doesn’t have a basis in science or Science can’t explain.. Its meaningless and unreal.


Riley ➡ So you’re saying God and Satan aren’t real? The invisible forces of good and evil don’t exist?


Tosin ➡ Yes sir.. They don’t.


Riley ➡ Aren’t you a christian?


Tosin ➡ No.. I’m a scientologist. Science is my religion.


Everyone gasped in the class as they heard that.. To be honest I wanted to punish her but this is a democratic class and everyone is entitled to say whatever is in their minds.. In that moment, all the respect and admiration I had for the stupid girl vanished from my mind.

The stranger kept quiet and stared at Tosin for a while before walking out of the class but as soon as he got to the door, he whispered some words and then vanished.

I was startled when I saw that but before I could even make a move, something strange began to happen.

The students in my class were mating with each other, The theater hall had turned into a harem! I couldn’t believe what was going on, I tried to make them stop but they all gave me a deaf ear, before long the sound of moans and smacking sounds filled the hall.

Before I could get turned on by what I saw, I left the hall in a hurry but as I got out of the place, I saw something even more shocking.. The entire faculty were having s-x with each other from the lecturers to the students, all of them were f-cking in different styles and poses. I stood amidst this madness wondering what was going on.. The stranger that walked out of my class was responsible for this but I couldn’t help but wonder what he did that turned everyone into crazy s-x freaks.

In that moment, I quickly hurried to my office to avoid being tempted by lust, Just as I was about to get into my office, Tosin sneaked up behind me grabbing hold of me, I thought she was trying to escape this madness but it seems I was wrong, she too had been affected by the sudden madness.


Riley ➡ Tosin.. Is everything alright?


Tosin ➡ (dazed) Come on darling… Make love to me.. F-ck me Professor.. I’ll be your sl-t if you want to.


Riley ➡ TOSIN!? Are you nuts? Let go of me.


Tosin wasn’t listening to me, her senses were gone all she wanted was to get f-cked, she pinned me on my office door grabbing hold of my t-sticles pressing it fondly, She surprised me by giving me a French kiss 💋. I tried to push her off but the b-tch was strong.

Suddenly I began to feel strange, my visions began to get blurry, Christen’s face began to appear on Tosin and before long Tosin was transformed to Christen, and soon my entire office transformed into my bed room.

For a while I thought I was in my bedroom with Christen, I pulled her onto the bed kissing her romantically, then in that moment, Both Amelia and rukky showed up as well laying on the bed, all three ladies were naked before me, they were rubbing their luscious bre-sts on my face urging me to f-ck them.. I began to wonder why Amelia and Rukky were here, I thought they were dead.



Rukky ➡ Relax babe… We’re going to make you feel good.


Amelia ➡ Yes love.. We are at your disposal.


Christen ➡ Of course darling.. Our bodies is yours to do as you please. Is there anything you’d like us to do for you?


Rukky ➡ Would you like a BJ?


Amelia ➡ Or a bre+st massage?


Everything looked and sounded so real, this was like every man’s dream, and I would have to f+ck all three ladies but something was off.


Riley ➡ Christen.


Christen ➡ Yes my love?


Riley ➡ Where’s Ebinoluwa?


Christen ➡ Who? I don’t know whom you speak of?


After I heard that, I knew this was all fake, Everything here was just an illusion, someone was playing with my mind. I shouted out loud pushing all the women off me, and as soon as I did that, everything returned back to normal, I was back to my senses but unfortunately I was the only one back to normal.

I found myself laying on the table with Tosin on top of me, She was riding me hard and moaning sweetly, her wonderful bre+sts were in display and were bouncing wildly.. I moaned feeling the tightness and warmth of her c+nt around my d+ck. This would have been fun but unfortunately I’m a married man, I can’t cheat on my wife.

Immediately I grabbed Tosin, I unhooked her from my d+ck and tied her with the cell tape in my office, I soon gagged her with my tie and took her out of my office.

Just as I was about to go and keep her in a safe place, Something zipped past me hitting both me and Tosin, she was soon knocked out due to the collision of her head with the all, as of me I was fine.

I soon staggered up trying to check on Tosin if she was alive, in that moment I heard an applause from behind, as soon as I turned around, I was surprised to see it was the stranger from my class.


Riley ➡ You!!! Who are you and what do you want?


Dagon ➡ Extraordinary… I couldn’t believe you broke out of my illusion..I must say I’m impressed.. Only a few have managed to break free from my illusions.. You’re no ordinary human.


Riley ➡ So you’re a wizard!?


Dagon ➡ My goodness.. So you know about our kind? Impressive. How come you’re still alive?


Riley ➡ It doesn’t matter.. Just tell me who you are.



Dagon ➡ Well.. My name is Dagon.. One of the members of the Diabolic 5, and my magic is based on illusions as you’ve just experienced… I casted my illusion in other places and everyone in this institute targeting their nutty fantasies, Just look at them f-cking like animals in the jungle.


I froze when I realized he’s among the Diabolic 5, confronting him would be a very stupid move, the only thing I can do now is get as much information I can get from him, I just hope he hasn’t read my mind, hopefully I hope I will survive this.


Riley ➡ What brings you here to this institute?


Dagon ➡ I’m a curious being.. I love seeking knowledge no matter how little it is.. It was fun killing people but I was getting bored so I decided to come here and listen to your lecture.. It’s quite interesting really.


Riley ➡ So tell me.. What’s your mission? Why are you doing this to us?


Dagon ➡ It’s simple you b-stard.. We just love hurting your kind… Your screams and cries of anguish is music to our ears. But don’t worry. Once we acquired the artifact we need.. We’ll put you all out of your misery.


Riley ➡ What artifact is this? What’s it called?


Dagon ➡ DEVIL’S GEM.. With it’s power, we’ll transform this city into a copy of hell but unlike hell there will be no fire.. Just suffering and pain for you humans.. Our kind will roam free and EVIL will rule.


Riley ➡ Sorry that’s not going to happen.


Dagon ➡ (laughs) What are you going to do? You can’t do shit.. As of now.. I’m going to hurt you so bad until you die.


As quick as lighting, Dagon rushed towards me slapping me hard across the face, He sent me flying across the hall and I crashed close to one fire extinguisher..

Dagon approached me again trying to hit me but I used the fire extinguisher swinging it hard on his face three time.




On the fourth swing, I gathered all my strength and smashed the metal on his face making him stagger back in pain.. Dagon was dazed and hurt by my attack, so I used that opportunity to run for my life.

As I ran out of history department, I realized even the students within the campus were having jungle s+x with each other, I increased my speed heading straight to the parking lot. As soon as I got there, I saw my brother’s car park right next to mine. I signaled him to turn around but he didn’t understand. He came down from his car asking what was going on.


Riley ➡ Lionel get back in the car now!


Lionel ➡ Kíloshèle? What’s wrong? What’s going on in this university? Everyone is busy f-cking including the gate man.. What happened?


Riley ➡ I don’t have time to explain.. We have to leave now.


Lionel hesitated for a while before entering his car, I joined him as well sitting in the front seat, in a matter of seconds we were soon driving and heading straight to the gate.


Riley ➡ Faster.. Faster!


Lionel ➡ Relax.. What’s happening?


Riley ➡ Uh. It’s complicated.. You wouldn’t understand.


Lionel ➡ Oh yeah? Did you happen to encounter a witch inside the department?


Riley ➡ What!? No.. It’s not.




I nearly hit my head as Lionel unexpectedly hit the brakes of his car, He stared at me with anger bursting out furiously.




Riley ➡ How’d you…


Lionel ➡ It doesn’t matter… How could you not tell me this? Why did you keep this from everyone? You knew the cause of this death plague and you kept quiet!!! Now my family is gone and it’s all because of this Witches and devils.


Riley ➡ I’m sorry Lio.. You wouldn’t understand..


Lionel ➡ Understand what??




Out of the corner of our eyes, Lionel and I saw Dagon heading towards us with speed… Lionel pressed the pedal and drove like a bat out of hell, despite our speed, Dagon caught up to us and kicked our car like it was a football.

Our car rolled continuously as if there was no end, after some seconds later the car stopped, both Lionel and I were hurt and bruised. We tried to get out of the car but the enormous pain in our bodies wouldn’t let us. Dagon laughed wickedly as he approached our car.


Dagon ➡ (laughs) Oh… Just look at you both… Don’t worry.. I’m going to crush you both to death.


After saying that, Dagon jumped high in the air, I knew what he was about to do cause once he lands on our car, we’ll crush like like tomatoes.

Lionel and I braced ourselves for the worst death we’re about to get, the only thought in my mind was how my mother and Christen would react if they saw us crushed to pieces. I closed my eyes painfully wishing that some miracle would happen.. Within that moment we heard a loud boom like a explosive punch, after that I saw a big hand made of shadows raising our car up back to its normal size.

Just as I was wondering what was happening I heard a very scary and familiar voice, I turned around and gasped in shock as I laid my eyes on Rose.

She stood staring at us both with that usual evil smile on her face, She was scary but it was sure nice to see her once again.. Besides.. How the hell is she even alive?


Riley ➡…. ROSE!?… HOW..


Rose ➡ Hey Riley… Miss me?


Riley ➡ (speechless) 😨😨😨😨😨


Rose ➡ Excuse me kids.. I need to take care of something.



AFter being punched heavily and unexpectedly by Rose, Dagon is hurled in the air by the impact of the punch, he crashes into a nearby GMC car making the car to explode.

Seconds later, Dagon slowly staggers up and faces Rose who stares at him defiantly. He stares at her murderously before addressing her with hate.


Dagon ➡ You b-tch! Do you know who I am?…


Rose ➡ I know who you are.. I read your mind the moment my knuckles landed on your face… You’re Dagon of the Diabolic 5.. To be honest.. I expected something more challenging not weaklings like you. But I have to say.. I’m impressed with how you guys dismantled Ibadan.


Dagon ➡ You will pay for what you did Witch!


Rose ➡ (laughs) What are you going to do? Kill me??… Your comrade Legion found out first hand what I’m capable of.. It was a joy to hear him scream painfully.. I can’t wait to hear yours.




With one giant leapt, Dagon jumps and hurls himself at Rose blasting her with green bolts of fire, She quickly makes a big shield with her shadows and then makes a very big hammer, slamming Dagon like a tennis ball.

The impact makes Dagon to fly high in the air crashing right back to the burning car, Rose rushes at him with speed blasting him with thunder bolts. Dagon jumps out of the way trying to cast his illusion spell on Rose but he meets an unexpected turn of events.


Rose ➡ (laughs) Ha, ha, ha, ha,… You fool! Did you really think your illusions will work on me? I’m a shadow and Shadows can’t be affected with cheap magic like urs… Let me show you what real magic really is.



After making that chant, All the shadows within the campus gather above Rose’s head forming like dark clouds, the shadows gather so much that it was starting to look like a black hole. Riley and Lionel who were still trapped in the car looked on gasping at the extraordinary event unfolding in front of them.

After all the shadows gather, Rose whispers some words and her eyes become green glowing immensely, she snaps her fingers and then the shadows transform into an army of dark ghosts charging straight Dagon,.

Trying one last time, Dagon casts his illusions but as he stretches his hands out, one of the ghosts bites his left arm and in a matter of seconds, his arm rots and disintegrate.


Dagon ➡ AHHH! What Witchcraft is this?…


Rose ➡ I call this *Plague Curse*.. Anything these ghosts touch, dies and rots away.. And that’s what’s going to happen to you.


Dagon ➡ No… I won’t stand here and die.. Today you’ve won but I promise you.. I will have my revenge.


In a blink of an eye, Dagon escapes and he teleports out of the place,… Realizing Dagon has escaped, Rose cancels her spell returning the shadows back to normal, soon everyone that was f-cking in the campus return back to their senses.

Minutes later, Riley and Lionel get out of the car, and thank Rose for saving them.


Lionel ➡ Thanks for coming.


Rose ➡ You’re welcome.. Did you miss me?


Riley ➡ Hold on.. What’s going on here? Have you two been seeing each other and for how long?… Rose how are you alive?. I saw you die.. You sacrificed your life for mine. None of this make sense.


Rose ➡ Don’t worry.. Everything will be explained soon.. But in the meantime.. Let’s go see my little sister.



Next episode ➡ Sister’s Reunion

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