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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 22 & 23




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 22 & 23

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Roslyn 🌹 .. What a woman,…. I never thought I’d find a lovely woman after my wife died. After she and I met and left that bar that night, we made love at her place.. It wasn’t right for me to make out with another woman on my wife’s burial day but there was something about Roslyn that I just couldn’t resist.

After our first night together, We began to date each other and whenever I was with her, the thoughts of my wife and child began to vanish from my mind, The pain I felt for their loss was beginning to disappear, before long Roslyn took over my heart and every trace of my dead family’s memory was gone completely from my subconscious.

Unlike my wife, Roslyn wasn’t the kind of woman that likes being dominated by men, instead she loves being the dominant one, No man would agree to this kind of thing because a man is suppose to set the example not the woman but with Rose, I couldn’t say no to her or bend her to my will.. In fact, Her very essence frightens me sometimes, whenever she commands, I do without hesitation.

Any reasonable man would have ditched a woman like this but I couldn’t, even if I had the opportunity to do that, I still wouldn’t.

It may seem unreasonable but whenever I’m around her, I feel some kind of exciting vibes and not to mention her bewitching looks that makes her so irresistible. She just drives me crazy and senseless whenever I’m around her.

But it’s not everyday the sun shines on our relationship.. Like I said, Roslyn is a woman of dominance and if things don’t go her way, trouble erupts. Like tonight when I surprised her with an unexpected visit and some couple of gifts.. Most women would love the romantic gesture but not Roslyn, she was furious about me showing up at her house and disgracefully kicked me out of the house.

Sometimes I wonder if she’s human, because I doubt if she has any compassion or sympathy. Immediately she sent me out of her house, I headed back home feeling disappointed.

While I was driving on the road, mists began to appear everywhere, it was getting hard to see and I had no idea which direction I was going.. Then suddenly, something hit my car very hard making the car tumbled and somersault in the air, the car came down hard crashing on the cold hard paved road, I got hurt in lots of places especially my neck which had collided with the driving wheel.

The impact was so terrible and I could barely realize where I was, Before I knew what was happening, the door of my car was torn open as if it was a piece of paper and shortly after that, Something grabbed hold of me pulling me out of the car forcefully and then hurling me at the way into a forest, I crashed into a tree hurting my back.

Never in my life have I felt pain like this, while I was rolling on the ground in pain, Something or rather someone grabbed hold of my throat raising me high up in the air, I struggled trying to break free but the grip on my neck was too tight and too strong, whoever my tormentor is, it’s either he’s demon or he’s gifted with super strength.

Just as I was on the verge of being choked to death, I tried to take a look at my tormentor but i couldn’t see clearly, his grip on my neck was getting tighter and I was running short of breath… Before my life could be stripped away from me, Something appeared at the scene knocking both me and my killer off our feet.

I had no idea what it was cause I was knocked out cold and I was deep in slumber.

After a while later, I woke up and found myself in Roslyn’s bedroom, She was sitting on her chair facing her dressing mirror as she combed her hair nicely, behind her were some horrifying blacks shadows that had figures like humans but they were bigger than an average person.. Fear gripped me tightly as I saw this, my first thought was to run but I wasn’t sure if it was a smart move. What surprised me even more was that Roslyn sat comfortably without any worries, isn’t she aware of what’s behind her? Before I could move an inch, Roslyn turned around staring at me with a devilish smile, her face looked so scary that I nearly shit in my pants.


Rose ➡ I see you’re awake? How are you feeling?


Lionel ➡ 😨😨😨😨


Rose ➡ Hmm speechless… Well, you’re fine now.. I’ve used some healing spell on you.


Lionel ➡ Spell??


Rose ➡ Yes… Spell, as in magic spell… Oh.. I almost forgot.. Let me go get some medicine for you.. Stay right here.


Then Suddenly, Rose disappeared out of my sight like some kind of spirit, It was exactly the same way those Nollywood witches disappear on film… Whoever directed those films must have encounter one before.

Immediately she was gone, I took off like a rabbit out of her house, as I got outside her house, I was surprised to see my car brand-new as if nothing had happened to it but the car didn’t bother me, all I wanted to was get out of here alive.

Before I could go far, Something grabbed hold of me pinning me to the ground, before I knew it, the thing coiled up around me crushing my bones slowly, amidst the pain, I looked up and saw something very terrifying.

It was a very big black snake with bright red eyes, The snake was so big, it could swallow ten people in one swoop.. Struggling was useless at this point, all I could do was pray to God to spare me from evil, the snake glared at me hissing very loudly close to my face, suddenly it widen its mouth trying to swallow me whole, I squealed out in fear as I was about to be eaten alive, Then Suddenly the snake stopped and became quiet, and shortly after that, there was a cynical laugher that sent chills down my spine, I turned towards the direction of the laughter and saw Rose in midair.

She was literally flying though it looked she was walking on air, There was a small tea cup in her hands as she landed on her feet next to me.


Rose ➡ (laughs) ha, ha, ha… Your screams sure brings back fond memories… Like the time when I tortured your brother.. He was screaming exactly just like the way you’re doing now.


Lionel ➡ Please let me go… Please don’t kill me.


Rose ➡ Oh I wouldn’t.. Why would I kill my brother in law?


Lionel ➡ What!? Brother in law?


Rose ➡ Yes… Your Brother’s wife is my little sister… Christen.


Lionel ➡………


I was speechless after I heard that… Christen’s a witch?? It can’t be.. My brother wouldn’t have married a witch but then there is a strong resemblance between Christen and Rose.


Lionel ➡ This cannot be… Riley wouldn’t in his right mind marry a witch..


Rose ➡ Oh.. But he did, he knows she’s a witch even with that, he still married her. So tell me Lionel… Did I say you should stay in the house? Why did you run?


Lionel ➡ What did you expect? Any normal human being would've reacted the way I did.


Rose ➡ Hmm.. Pity. Well enjoy your last moments inside the snake’s belly.




Rose ➡ Why should I spare you? You would tell people about what you saw and I’m sure you resent me now that you’ve seen my true nature.


Lionel ➡ No… You have to understand.. I don’t resent you and I don’t intend on telling anyone about this, in fact nobody would believe me if I did.. If you were human, you’d know how I feel right now. After all seeing all this for the first time is too much for a man like me.


Rose ➡ Well, you’re wrong in the last part.. This isn’t the first time we’ve been together… We’ve met 20 years ago.. Back when you were a university student.. You were so much hotter back then. (Check season 1)


Lionel ➡ I don’t think we’ve…


Rose ➡ Yes we have… The reason why you can’t remember is because your memory about me was wiped out from your mind.


Lionel ➡ What happened between us 20 years ago? I’d like to know.


Rose ➡ Trust me.. You don’t want to.


Lionel ➡ Please… Let me go… I swear I won’t tell anyone about this…. I can help you into the way of the light… You need deliverance.



That was Rose’s reaction when I told her that, Never in my life have I heard such an evil laughter with mockery in it. Rose laughed so hard that when she slammed her right fist on a nearby tree, she left a huge hole in it that made the tree split in two.


Rose ➡ Oh Lionel… You have no idea who you’re talking to… I’m a witch by every standards, I’m 520 years old (52yrs) and I just escaped hell and finally got resurrected… I’ve done lots of bad things to your kind and I don’t intend on stopping and now you’re telling me I need deliverance….. God created good and evil.. Everything in this life has it’s opposite one can’t exist without the other… My sister is the goody two shoes while I am the evil mean b-tch… I have no intention of being good. This is what I am and this is what I want to be…. I LOVE BEING EVIL. (á¹¢e o gba aworan naa… Do you get the picture? )


Lionel ➡ Yes… So are you going to let me go now?


Rose ➡ Perhaps but until then..


She suddenly snapped her fingers and the snake disintegrated into ashes, Just as I was about to get up, Rose grabbed my hand imprinting something on it, It was some kind of symbol, after that she began walking away from me.


Lionel. ➡ What did you do to me?


Rose didn’t answer me, she continued walking away until she got into her house, immediately she got in, the house crumbled into nothing but dark shadowy mist, as soon as the moon shown on it, the mists were gone.

I had to punch myself really hard to see if I was dreaming, I felt the pain and it wasn’t a real, everything that happened was real. After a while, I got into my car and drove away straight to my house.



Death wasn’t the only thing that plagued Ibadan, a mysterious sickness had also hit the population, Medical personnel and renowned biologists here in Ibadan couldn’t understand the nature of the sickness and it’s cause.. Before long, Ibadan was locked down for quarantine, those that were sick where taken to a quarantine centre.. The situation was really bad and the victims of the sickness were getting out of control.

Lots of activities were shutdown in Ibadan and entry and exit of the city was also closed, the only thing allowed in an out of the city was food and supplies.

Despite the fact that the city was on lock down, People still moved around hustling to survive, Academic institutions were still open as well but despite that not everyone took his/her children to school.

Ever since that incident that occurred during our excursion, I’ve been learning and mastering new spells and also finding a way to deal with the terrorizing Diabolic five. After encountering one of them, I learnt and read much on them in the *BOFS*…. The one that attacked our bus was Drystan, a wind demon that kills anyone he breezes through,.. To be honest, he is very dangerous and his ability was unfair because he was made of wind and anyone who practically feels his wind dies in an instant.

Defeating him was going to be quite a problem but thanks to Robin, I just found out the best way to defeat him and that is by using the magical artifact which was the * EVIL SPIRIT CONTAINMENT CHAMBER.. ESCC*

One morning, I was in class patiently waiting for the bell to ring for break time, when I sensed someone staring at me, upon looking at the direction, My eyes met with Morenike, she quickly looked away after that.

Unlike my other classmates, Morenike was different or rather the nerd one in the class, She always minds her business and always obeys the rules, she never does anything that went against the rules and to cap everything up, she’s the most decent student in the class.

But despite her excellent quality, nobody likes her in that class, they avoid her and make fun of her, the annoying part is, she always gets bullied and she does nothing except to keep quiet. I once saw her cry during break time because her food was sabotaged, I felt sorry for her and gave her mine.. She was surprised by my kind gesture and since then has been trying to be friends with me.

I really don’t need friends because I’m fine all by myself, Morenike tried several times to approach me but she was the shy type, She had no friends and was desperately looking for one.

After an hour, Recess was now on play and everyone of the students went out to have fun, as usual I stay in the class because I don’t like doing any rough play.. I was busy reading my book when Morenike finally approached me.

She was trembling and so nervous, I turned around looking at her waiting for her to say something.. I could hear what she was saying in her thoughts but she didn’t have the courage to spit them out.


Morenike ➡ Hi… I’m… I’m… I’m.. Morenike Bolaji.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I already know that.. My name is Ebinoluwa Riley.. Nice to meet you.


Morenike ➡ Thanks… Do.. you.. mind.. if… sit.. next.. to.. you?


Jesus!!! This girl is the epitome of nervous.. Can’t she relax? I’m not going to eat her.. But I must say.. She smells so good. Yum! 😋


Ebinoluwa ➡ Sure.. Have a seat.


Morenike smiled and sat next to me bring out her lunch box, There was a couple of Meatpies and two bottles of Zico juice.. She gave me one of the juice and I collected it thanking her.

Zico juice is one of the best drinks in Ibadan, it’s ingredients is a combination of fruits and despite the chemical mixture, the drink tastes really good and natural. It’s been long since I last had one.. Immediately Morenike gave it to me, I opened it and took a sip but before I could swallow it, I quickly spat it out.


Morenike got startled by what I did and asked what happened… I didn’t answer her cause I was shocked when I sensed there was an unknown mixture in the drink.. Whatever was inside this drink is very dangerous and it was cleverly concealed so that no human being could realize it, I’m half human and also half witch.

The mixture in the drink was very poisonous and it wasn’t a normal one.. I could feel some kind of supernatural element in it but who could do such a thing?.. Morenike was about to drink the juice when I quickly snapped at her.




The poor girl shook with fright and dropped the juice, I quickly grabbed it and tossed it away.. If this poison could be found in mine and I’m sure it’s inside everyone of the juices.

In that moment, a terrible realization popped into my head.. This juice is taken by almost everyone in this city, and they’ve been consuming it without realizing they’re been poisoned and there’s the mysterious sickness that has been eluding everyone.. Oh no!!

In a matter of seconds, I found out the cause of this sickness.. It was the Juice.. Someone was poisoning the drink and killing off the people of Ibadan and I knew who was behind all this.. It was the Diabolic 5, they were definitely behind this.


Morenike ➡ Ebinoluwa.. Are… you… alright? You… look.. pale.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Tell me Morenike… When was the last time you drank this juice before taking this one?


Morenike ➡ Two days ago.. My… mother.. bought… the… carton… for… me.


Oh Mephistoph!!! A CARTON!?? Seriously… This girl and her parents are doomed, after she told me that, I took a look into her internal organs…

(Don’t get too confused, Witches have the ability to see through anything, that’s why we can see the things humans can’t)

After I took a look at her internal organs, I gasped with shock as I saw something like a spider attaching itself to her organs.. It was eating her slowly.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Uhm.. Morenike.. Are you feeling any slight tummy aches?


Morenike ➡ Yes.. But… not… always… Why do you ask?


Before she could realize what was happening, I touched her head and made her go asleep, as soon as she was in slumber, I carried her and teleported her straight to Aunt Jezebel’s house to find a cure for this abomination… If there’s any place I can find a cure, it’s that house.

Luckily for me, she won’t know I’m in the house cause she’s probably out by now.


In a matter of seconds, I appeared straight inside Aunt Jezebel’s room, there was nobody present, so I quickly took Morenike to the chamber when Aunt Jezebel kept her magical potions and medicinal herbs.. Immediately I got there, I came face to face with her.


Jezebel ➡ Ebinoluwa… What are you doing here?.. Is that a human child in your hands? What’s going on?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Aunty.. She needs help… She’s dying.


Jezebel ➡ No, no, no… Take her back… You know the rules.. No humans allowed in Witches realm.. Except maybe for your father.


Ebinoluwa ➡ But Aunty there’s something you need to see.! It’s life threatening and if we don’t so something in time.. World will soon be affected by this abomination.



Next episode ➡ Evil Spirit Contain Next Episode ment Chamber.

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