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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 18 & 19




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 18 & 19

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Death really is a heart breaker, and it leaves us with a scar to remind us that every step we take in life, leads us straight to his trap.

It was a sad day in Riley’s household, and nobody felt that sad moment more than Lionel, I could understand what he was going through because my mom was taken the same way his family was taken. I really felt sorry for him, I decided to attend his family’s burial and funeral despite the fact I hated anything that has to do with crowds. But even as I attended both occasions, I kept my distance, I just couldn’t bear the deafening cries from the late bride’s family.

Things were going smoothly so far but then I got followed and stared upon by Deborah and her nosey church friends.

Ever since I showed up with Riley and my daughter at the funeral, They were looking at me not blinking an eye.. I began to wonder what their problem was, even in the sad hour, this b-tches were gossiping and backbiting. I ignored them as usual but the things they said about me made me very furious. Even though I was quite far from where they were, I could still hear their every word, crystal clear.


Deborah ➡ Just look at that Ashawo! Just look her dress.. Pr-stitute!


Tolu ➡ Hmm, I wonder o.. I just hate her.. Who the hell does she think she is? Who’s her father!? What gives her the right to act so high and mighty?


Adeola ➡ Can you blame her? Can’t you see how good she looks? Her husband is taking care of her a lot… I bet he must be lavishing money on her.. Lucky Olosho.


Deborah ➡ Lavish what?? Don’t forget her husband is a Professor.. Profs are stingy.. They like money too much.


Tolu ➡ Adeola might be right… Maybe Riley is lavishing money on her.. I bet she uses it to take care of herself.. Can’t you see how her body is glowing and the way men are staring at her. Ever since she gave birth tens years ago.. She’s barely changed.


Deborah ➡ Maybe she’s bleaching her skin or doing those expensive plastic surgeries.


I was hoping that would be the end of it but I was wrong.. Even as we went back to the house for the funeral ceremony, This hypocrites were still on me.

Riley and I together with our daughter stayed in the car to avoid the unpleasant noise, He soon left us and went after his brother who was acting strangely… Ebinoluwa and I stayed in the car and waited for Riley to return but there was no sign of him.

Afterwards, Sara came out and saw us in the car, She invited us back into the house to join her, I had no choice but to follow her, the moment we got back into the house, I began to hear murmurs and unpleasant remarks, especially from Deborah and her cronies.

Moments later, My daughter and I sat at the far end of the room minding our business, People that were present in the room were busy feeling the holes in their stomach, most of them had no table manners, they were just eating and drinking greedily… What despised me the most was the little gossips and stares I was gotten from people, Some useless men were busy talking about $-x and how they did it with their wives while some were staring at my direction scratching their d+cks.

(Speaking of $-x, It’s been a while since Riley and I had one,.. We’ve been so preoccupied lately and he’s been trying to make love to me but I’ve been keeping him at bay.. Well, lucky for him, I’ve been in the mood for some time now and I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him tonight)

It was a shame that this occasion was filled with idiots and selfish people, Instead of gossiping or staring, they should be praying for the departed, I wonder why humans these days have no respect for the dead?

In that moment, I was approached by one of the late brides relative, I noticed his stares on my @$$ since this occasion started, He sat opposite us and began to smile sheepishly at me. I turned my face away from him and pretended not to notice him.



Frank ➡ Hi.. It’s such a sad day huh?.. Are you Lionel’s relative?


Christen ➡ 😒😒😒😒


Frank ➡ Well.. Can I at least know your name?


Christen ➡ My name isn’t cheap.. I only give it to those who deserve it.


The man flinched by my words but still he was determined to win me over.. If only this guy knew who I really am, he would stop talking to strange women.


Frank ➡ Well, my name is Frank. I’m a member of the late bride’s family.. It’s a shame she had to die so young.


Christen ➡ Yes… But that’s life. The unexpected always happens.


Frank ➡ Yes… Is this girl your sister? She looks so much like you.


Christen ➡ No.. She’s my daughter.


Frank ➡ Daughter? Wow.. I must say she looks very lovely like her mother.


I felt pissed by this Monkey’s disturbance but what pissed me off the most was what he was saying in his mind, he was saying dirty things and narrated the naughty things he would do to me.. I decided to put a full stop on this Ape before he starts doing anything stupid.


Christen ➡ Look!… I’d like you to keep a distance and I’m not in need of your company… I’m a married woman.. My husband won’t be pleased to see you here. So Vamoose.


Frank ➡ Don’t get me wrong.. I’m just trying to be friendly.. My intentions are pure.


Christen ➡ Oh please! I’ve seen men like you and I know what your intentions are.. So please leave before I disgrace you.


Frank ➡ It seems what people said about you is true… You’re nothing more nobody.. Don’t think your charm and beauty will last.. Within some years, you’ll be nothing more than an old prude.


Christen ➡ Try telling that to your mother, at least she’s the one who’s old. Not me


Feeling pinched by my words, Frank left angrily, and went back to his former place but before he could get there, Something rather embarrassing happened to him, somehow he tripped and fell heavy on a table filled with piles of plates but that wasn’t just all, He broke his arm and ribs,.. I was surprised to see that such a small fall could cause this damage and I thought to myself that this fall wasn’t just an ordinary fall, some kind of supernatural force was behind it.

While I was scouting around the room with eyes trying to sense out who’s a witch, Deborah and her friends crossed over to my side to gloat as usual, they all stay where Frank sat and began to ask me silly questions.


Adeola ➡ Christen.. How are you?


Tolu ➡ You’re looking good o..


Deborah ➡ What’s the secret behind your skin glow and beauty?


Tolu ➡ Are you using expensive creams or do you have a plastic surgeon?


Adeola ➡ Anyways! Isn’t it time you had another child?


Deborah ➡ Yes.. The more the merrier. (Laughs)


Tolu ➡ Maybe she’s afraid of losing her lovely frame. (Laughs)


The rage I felt in that moment was enough to make me lose my mind and snap their feeble necks if I wanted to but I restrained myself trying not to kill someone during this occasion, But then suddenly something happened.


Adeola screamed and jumped hard in the air running around the room people wondered what her problem was trying to calm her down, she was desperately reaching behind her back trying to remove something, she soon then removed her clothes and removed it in the middle of the gathering and before long, a big black snake emerged from it.

The sight of the snake made people react the same way Adeola did, they ran helter skelter trying to run away from the house, the snake then quickly crawled towards our direction heading for Deborah and Tolu.. As soon as they saw the snake, They stormed out of the room like mad women shouting the name of Jesus!

I laughed so hard watching all this drama, it was exactly what I needed to get this women off my back, as soon as everyone left, The snake crawled back to my daughter hands and it slid inside her clothes.. I smiled and rubbed her hair before we too both teleported out of the house.

Seconds later, we appeared back into our house and decided to relax, Ebinoluwa wanted me to braid her hair, so I decided to use the free time I had to do it..

Shortly after I started plaiting my daughter’s hair, Bimpe, Simi, Judith and Esther appeared into the room, their moods was a little bit tense and after we exchanged pleasantries, I asked if something was wrong.


Christen ➡ Is something wrong?


Bimpe ➡ I don’t know how to say this..


Christen ➡ Say what?


Simi ➡ Rose’s body is gone.


Christen ➡ WHAT?? GONE?


Judith ➡ Farabale! Aunt Jezebel is handling the situation.


Christen ➡ How can I calm down!? How did my sister’s body get stolen?


Bimpe ➡ That’s the mystery.. There was no break in or any traces left..


Christen ➡ Who would do such a thing?? Who would take my sister’s body and for what?


Esther ➡ Calm down.. Everything is going to be fine.


Christen ➡ Can you all please just leave?.. I need some time alone… Take Ebinoluwa with you.


Esther ➡ Christen..


Christen ➡ JUST GO!!!


They all stood and stared at me before taking Ebinoluwa away… As soon as they were gone, I headed straight to my bedroom to calm myself down! I’ve been too emotional decades ago and I promised Riley, I wouldn’t let anything bother me.. It breaks his heart to see me cry and as much as I don’t want to do that, I couldn’t help myself but to cry.. Rose was my sister and her corpse was the only thing left of her.. Whoever stole her body must be after something but who would do something like this and what’s his reason.

Minutes later, I decided to take a bath to cool my head, after the shower 🚿.. I came in front of my wardrobe trying out some s-xy bikini Riley had brought for me during our honey moon… While I was trying one of them on, I felt Riley’s presence in the house and he was making his way up to the bedroom.

I tried to cover myself but it was too late, Riley had already came into the room.


Riley ➡ Hey honey.. I’m… WOW!


Christen ➡ Hi.. Welcome back. Sorry we left without you.


Riley ➡ No.. It’s okay. Where’s Ebi?


Christen ➡ She left the house with her Aunts… Uh sorry for the display.


Riley ➡ What display?


Christen ➡ This display! It’s inappropriate isn’t it.


Riley ➡ Inappropriate!? Says who.. You just look as fine as ever… In fact you’re so hot.


Christen ➡ Really?


Riley ➡ Yes.. Come.. Let me show you how serious I am.. I’m going to show you a good time..


Without wasting anytime, Riley removed his clothes and approached me swiftly, He took me in his arms and gave me a long loving kiss , his hands were already on my waist and @$$, he soon took me up in his arms and laid me gently on the bed.. He swiftly turned my around making me lie on my stomach, before long I let out a sensual moan as I felt his hands on my b+tt, he was rubbing it softly and nicely, before I knew what was happening, Riley buried his face deep between my b-tt cheeks s-+---g my c+nt.

I squealed out excitedly feeling good all over, It’s been long since I got this treatment from Riley, his tongue was sending all kinds of pleasurable jolts into my body.

As for Riley, He held my waist pushing his tongue deeper into my pu–y, his tongue skills has greatly improved over the years.. After some minutes, he made me c-m so hard making feel weak all over.. I had to rest for some minutes, before I got back up..

Riley who’s d+ck was already hard has rock squatted in front of me, I stared at his d-ck with admiration, It was quite bigger than last time and I wondered how good it will feel like inside, so I reached out and grabbed his throbbing d+ck s--+--g it nice and slow just like the way Riley loves it.

Riley moaned as he felt my lips around his d+ck, he was still squatting when I was giving him BJ, my hands were already behind his b-tt holding it for support, he grabbed my hair pushing my head forward, I kept s--+--g his banana wetting it with my saliva, Riley felt good and kept pushing his d-ck into my mouth.. Just as I was about to make him c-m, He pulled out of my mouth and ordered me to lie down on my stomach.. I did as he wanted and waited for what was about to happen,.. I twitched as I felt Riley’s middle finger deep into my pu+y.. I brought out the finger and shoved it into my mouth making me s-+-k it.. It was nasty but I loved the way he was treating me, after that, Riley stretched out my b-tt cheeks and penetrated his d-ck inside my c-nt.. I exhaled letting out a sweet moan as I felt his d-ck plunged in deep into my c-n+. The feeling was just too good I couldn’t resist drooling.

As soon as he was buried deep inside my pink void, Riley began to pound me hard, his thrusts were slow but deep.. His hips moved nicely making his d+ck plunge in deeper into my pu–y, His d-ck was driving me crazy that I moaned with each t--+-t, my c-nt was tightly wrapped around his d-ck holding him inside me, I pushed my @$$ upwards so that his d+ck could go in deeper.. Before long, Riley’s thrusts got faster, he pinned my hands on the bed ramming me hard like a h-+-y bull, His rapid thrusts made me scream hard grabbing on to our bedsheets.. Our moans filled the room and it was accompanied by the captivating smacking sounds caused by the collision of Riley’s d+ck on my b-tt cheeks.. Unable to control his lust, Riley grabbed my hair pulling my head up planting his tongue deep into my mouth, I accepted his kissing locking my tongue onto his as well.

Minutes went by as we kept f-cking and we still remained in our normal position,, Riley’s thrusts had gotten deeper and his d+ck was throbbing inside me, both of us were sweating excessively and our bed was soaked… Within some seconds, Riley groaned and ej-culated inside my pink pu_y.. I lay down still feeling his warm c-m pouring inside my w-mb, The quantity of his s-men was a lot that was dripping out of my c+nt.. Riley soon pulled out afterwards and laid down next to me, I noticed his d-ck was still standing and I myself wasn’t yet satisfied, so I reached out laid on his chest grabbing his d+ck. Riley looked at me with disbelief in his eyes.


Riley ➡ You can’t be serious… You still want more?


Christen ➡ Yes.. Let’s go one more round.. This time I want you to last longer so that your c-m can get really thick for impregnation.


Riley ➡ You want another baby?


Christen ➡ Don’t you.



Jesus.. What a night! Having $-x with Christen was wild and exciting, we ended up having about 5 rounds before she was satisfied, On a normal circumstances it won’t be possible but thanks to Bimpes enchanted $_x libido concoction, I was able to manage that… I was glad that Christen wanted another child, it was time we expanded our number.. I just hope that this child won’t give me the same headache as Ebinoluwa.

After dropping off Ebi at school, I drove straight to work, while I was driving on the road, I realized something rather strange.. The weather in Ibadan was a little bit dark, there was no sun light and atmosphere was very misty, it was dark to see on the road because of the mist.. So I quickly turned on my radio to hear what was going on.

According to the weather report, Ibadan is likely to get series of weather changed and most of them was heavy rainfall and dark cloudy atmosphere just like the one we were having now, Then suddenly in an instant, Rain began to fall, and the current was very strong.. I had to drive carefully so that I wouldn’t get involved in a car accident.

On my way to the campus, I saw something rather unexpected, it was the old woman that I helped yesterday, here she was standing in the middle of the rain.. At first I didn’t want to stop thinking about what happened yesterday but then I pitied her condition and decided to give her a lift, I pulled over next to her and opened the door.

The old lady stared at me looking surprised when I beckoned her to get in.. She wasted no time in getting into my car, after that, I drove off.


Riley ➡ Ekasan ma.. How are you?


Old lady ➡ I’m fine my son.. Thank you very much.. You’re a very kind person.. And you’ll surely be rewarded.


Riley ➡ Thank you ma.. If I may ask.. Where did you go yesterday? After I saved your life that is.. I couldn’t find you.


Old lady ➡ Well my son.. I had other things to do.. Sorry for not thanking you yesterday.


Riley ➡ Don’t worry.. It’s the thought that counts.


Old lady ➡ I know… Can I ask you something Riley?


My hands froze on the wheel as I heard the old lady call my name.. I knew something was odd about her.. Could it be that she’s a witch?


Riley ➡ Who are you and how do you know my name?


Old lady ➡ I know you’ve already guessed it.. I’m a witch. I see you’re not afraid of me.


Riley ➡ No.. Why should I?


Old lady ➡ You’re right.. After all you do have a witch as a wife.


Riley ➡ Will you stop reading my mind?


Old lady ➡ I’m not… If you don’t know you’re famous amongst witches.. The first human to mate with a witch.. How times have changed.


Riley ➡ What do you want?


Old lady ➡ Nothing.. Please let your mind be at rest.. I’ll soon be getting off.. I mean no harm but if I may ask.. Do you love your family?


Riley ➡ I do.. Very much, with all my heart.


Old lady ➡ So you’re willing to die for them if it came to that?


Riley ➡ Yes..


Old lady ➡ No hesitation.. Impressive. It’s rare to see a human such as you.. I’ve spent thousands of years walking amongst your kind and all I see is self interest and greed, everyone is busy looking out their themselves and their needs.. Only a few have a good heart such as you.


Riley ➡ Why are you telling me all this?


Old lady ➡ You see Riley… I’ve seen and heard about you and your adventures with Christen… It’s quite daring but our collision yesterday showed me see your future.


Riley ➡ You’re a time witch.


Old lady ➡ Yes but I only predict futures.. And I’ve seen yours… There is death in your future Riley.


My heart skipped a beat as I heard that… Death in my future?.. Why is this old witch telling me this.. What’s her angle? The reason why I’m alive today is because of Rose’s sacrifice. She gave me a second chance and I can’t afford to waste it.


Riley ➡ Can it be prevented?


Old lady ➡ No.. This isn’t something you can control or change.. But death isn’t the only thing I see… There’s transcendence and spiritual reincarnation. Not only will you die but everything about you.. Your humanity will be lost.


Riley ➡ Reincarnation? So will I be resurrected?…


Old lady ➡ No… This time around you stay dead… Your humanity will be gone forever every part of your humanity will disappear from those who know you.


Riley ➡ Why did you tell me this? Why? How will I die then?


Old lady ➡ Like you just said.. You’re willing to die for your family, this is how you will die.


Riley ➡ God! I shouldn’t have stopped to pick you up, Do you know what I’ve been through and the sacrifices made for me to be alive… For ten years I’ve been happy with my family and life like any normal human being.


Old lady ➡ Normal? Riley you have no idea how wrong you are…. You’ve ceased to be a normal human being ever since you picked up that necklace in the forest… You’re a supernatural being just like us.. The only thing difference between you and us is your humanity.. You’ve seen things and done things that no man of the generation can do.. So stop calling yourself normal.. Great men are different from normal men and you my son are no normal man.. Just so you know.. Your days as a human is numbered.. If I were you.. I’d live it to the fullest because what comes next after that is ..


Riley ➡ Is what?.. Tell me.


Old lady ➡ I can’t.. You’ll have to find out.. Good bye Riley… Just your life while it lasts.


Immediately she said that, She disappeared out of my car, I have to pull over to the side of the street and park! I couldn’t believe I was going to die permanently this time around… It was hard to swallow but then I realized my death wasn’t just going to be in vain.. Something terrible is about to happen to my family and if it means I’ll have to die to protect them.. Then so be it.



Sorry for the late post… My phone has been having some issues…..

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