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Witches Lust 3 - Episode 12 & 13




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 12 & 13

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+ contains f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Before I was trapped and bounded to this necklace by Christen’s mother, I spent thousands of years roaming this earth and during my travels, I’ve never came across any supernatural being like this little brat, Ebinoluwa.

For her to have this unlimited power at this age frightens me, Too much power can led some one astray and I feared that something like would happen to her but then her sudden change surprised me even more… I couldn’t understand it… Just moments ago, she swore to change the past by making sure her parents never met and now She’s giving a prophecy to young Wuroala telling her about the future of her descendants.

Curiosity got hold of me and I decided to ask the little hybrid what was the reason behind what she just did,… As soon as we left this timeline, I interrogated her.


Solomon ➡ Ebinoluwa!! Why did you do that?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Do what?


Solomon ➡ You know what I’m talking about.


Ebinoluwa ➡……….


Solomon ➡ Answer me!!


Ebinoluwa ➡…. Before I answer you.. Can I ask you a question, Solomon?


Solomon ➡ Sure, what is it?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Do you hate humans?


Solomon ➡ Yes I used to hate them.. I hated them even more when one of it resulted to the death of your Grandmother.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Why!? I thought she was the one that trapped you in this necklace.



Solomon ➡ Yes.. She did that.. But she was the nicest witch I’ve ever met.. She was kind and sweet. It’s such a shame she had to die this way.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Then what made you stop hating humans?


Solomon ➡ Your father.


Ebinoluwa ➡ How? I don’t understand.


Solomon ➡ Your father may be human but he’s more than that… Despite the fact your mother was a witch, an embodiment of evil and darkness.. He looked pass all that, and loved her. Even when she tried to kill him, he never for once gave up on her.

Any reasonable man would have abandoned your mother after going through such pain and suffering but he stayed. He even had to risk his life for her. After I saw what he did, I changed my views about humans.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I see.


Solomon ➡ Tell me girl… Why do you resent your father?


The little hybrid witch kept quiet for a while before giving me an answer. I couldn’t blame her for the way she’s behaving,… Her ancestors have always hated the humans and they bear a huge grudge on them, so it makes sense why she’s acting this way and besides, She’s just kid who doesn’t know any better.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I heard that humans were not to be trusted, I heard how they back stab each other.. When I heard about my grandmother’s demise, I swore to myself to hate them as well and since my father was human, I hated him too.. I thought his marriage to my mother was just for beneficial purpose and thought he would abandon her once he was through with her.. But I guess I was wrong about them.


Solomon ➡ What made you change your views about them?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Those people that I saved from Great grandma’s timeline, they were nice to me, despite the fact I was a witch, they didn’t show me any hostility and they even gave me a gift to show their appreciation. Its a shame that they had to die brutally. I realize now that in every living being.. There is good and evil. Not everyone is bad, there can be good people too.


Solomon ➡ So what are you going to do now?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Well.. Since we’re traveling through time… I’d like to go and see what my parents were like before they got married.


After I heard that, I smiled to myself realizing the little brat is now starting to have a little conscience, This time travel has sureproved useful, at least, it’s making the girl more compassionate and less of a monster.



After living the other timeline, I soon appeared in the future, that is the future where my parents were yet to see each other.

I appeared at the same spot as I appeared in the previous timeline but this time around it was different, there was no thick vegetation. Everywhere was dark after I appeared in this timeline, as I looked around, I decided to take a walk, There was no one in sight except the sound of crickets that filled the atmosphere, my cats kept following me steadily as I walked through the forest, The little cat 🐈 began to make some funny noises, I turned around and saw it was laying on the ground.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Come on let’s go. I don’t have time to pet you.


Little cat ➡ Meow!!


I sighed and began to think what to do with the cat, then in that moment an idea hit me, I casted a transformation spell on the cat turning it into a pebble, after it had transformed, I took the pebble and placed in my pocket.

I continued walking with my cat until we found my grandparent’s house, I quickly hid in one of the bushes as I saw my mom in her younger form casting a wind spell, and in that moment, I saw my dad in his younger form as well staring outside the window with my mom’s necklace in his hands as it shone bright… This must be the first time they’re meeting because there was no understanding in their eyes, just shock, after a brief moment, Mom disappeared and Dad locked his window in fright.

Days passed since I arrived in this time line, I stayed and watched the lives that mom and Dad spent together.. Mom was too snobby back in her younger days and dad was a bit too curious, I wondered how he wooed and captured her heart, I wasn’t always around when they’re getting too intimate, It’s embarrassing to watch them getting too cozy.

I too had fun watching them though.. It was like watching a film about their lives, In order not to affect the timeline, I decided to erase my essence and suppress my magic powers so that nobody would notice me. I didn’t have a hard time staying alone, I used my magic to find a comfortable place to sleep and a good meal to eat.

Months passed after I came to this timeline and I watched everything unfold between my very eyes, My parents struggle to maintain their relationship, Aunt’s Rose savagery and the eminent battle with the Rogue Wizard, Lucas, I was also present when the Witch Council gave my dad that tough options to choose.. It was hard on mom when Dad chose his family over her and to make things even worst, his memory was erased.

I nearly cried experiencing that moment, It was cruel to erase all those wonderful moments from my Dad’s head… The Council had no right to do that, Separating my parents was enough but wiping my father’s most cherished memories was just too cruel. Solomon appeared when he saw I was disturbed.


Ebinoluwa ➡ How could they do this? It’s not fair.


Solomon ➡ At least being alive is better than death.. Your father was even lucky.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Even so their judgment was too harsh.. How did my dad get his memories back.


Solomon ➡ I really don’t know.. He told your mom that they suddenly started coming back.


Ebinoluwa ➡ It doesn’t make sense.. Nothing can break the Supreme witch’s spell… Hold on.


In that moment an idea hit me.. The rules of time traveling is never to do anything that would alter the timeline, So far I’ve done just that but there’s a mystery behind my father’s memory restoration.

So I quickly left this time and went to the next, just a few years after my parents separation, as soon as I got into that timeline, I quickly went and looked for my father’s whereabouts and later found him.

This time around he had grown quite older and was more calm then his past self, as he has retired to his bedroom and slept, I teleported inside the house and decided to restore his memories, Solomon as usual appeared to stop me.


Solomon ➡ Little witch… Haven’t you been warned already? If you change the slightest thing in this timeline, you’ll affect the future.. What’s the use of restoring his memories.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m not returning his memories, I’m just simply going to cancel Orisaye’s spell..


Solomon ➡ But won’t that bring back his memories?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yes it would but not gradually.. The memories will appear like dreams to him, it will take quite a while before he remembers everything.


Solomon ➡ Are you sure this is right?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 100%.


After that, I flickered my hand and casted a small bust of Crimson light on the tip of my finger , as soon as I did that, I placed that finger on my father’s forehead removing Orisaye’s spell once and for all. It would take time for his memories to returned but until then I hope it doesn’t drive him crazy when he starts seeing them in his mind.

After I was done, I left this timeline and went into nearest future to see what had happened.


Jumping through timelines was sure amazing, it’s like closing your eyes for some seconds and then you’ll find yourself in someplace else once you open your eyes.

As soon as I got to this timeline, I made lots of encounters that nearly affected the timeline but somehow I felt like all this was bound to happen and most of my encounters was my father.

The first encounter I made was with my Dad which nearly led to his death, We met in the middle of the road and he began to inquire about the necklace around my neck, I smiled when I saw that he recognized the necklace, his memories must have returned. Somehow he got terrified and took off in his car in haste, his panic led to his momentarily accident but I saved his life before he gave up the ghost.

My second encounter was with my father yet again but this time around, I met him in an unfortunate circumstances inside a hollow cave, His bones were broken and he was paralyzed, I used my mom’s healing magic and saved his life yet again. This time around we talked in great length, My father wanted to know who I was, I told him some few things but I never revealed my identity. Considering the events of this timeline, My Parents and the other witches were caught up in a hot tangle with Satania and the shape shifting witch, Monife and from the way things were going, Satania was winning.

Back in my timeline, my mom told me about the tool Satania used in causing trouble back in her time, if I remembered clearly, she called it the *Trinity of Sin*.

After I heard that story, I did a research on it by reading Ancient witch history books 📚 and found out a lot about it.. The Trinity of sin was a gift from Satan to Satania for her loyalty, The Trinity of sin was an entity that can never be destroyed except by an Entity of the afterlife namely Hell.

But there was nothing to show how it could be destroyed, Fortunately when this Black book came into my possession, I learnt about spells and curses that where from both this world and the next but the only thing that could destroy the Trinity of sin was the demon king Belial.

Belial was the king of the third circle of hell and he was second to the Satan and only he can help once he learnt that his sworn enemy is up above the land of the living.

So I played my part and successfully helped my Dad to get into hell to get the assistance they needed to win this fight, and once he had gotten what he needed to vanquish Satania, I moved to the sidelines and watched as Fate took its course on the matter.

Everything turned out well, but there was one heavy loss and that was the death of Aunt Rose.. I myself couldn’t believe it when she sacrificed her life,… Her actions actually proved what I told Solomon, in among the evilest of being, a little good can be found as well, besides nobody is born to be evil forever.


After I saw everything, my resentment for my dad was gone, The least I could do was appreciate what he and my mom went through, Mom lost her magic powers and her immortality thanks to the Supreme witch but what I learnt from this was that no sacrifice is too high for the ones you truly love and as long as love exists, everything will be alright.

Before I could return to my own timeline, I decided to take one last look at my youthful parents,.. I followed them quietly to another unknown Island where they went to celebrate their union, I stood watching them admirably from a safe distance where they wouldn’t see me. Solomon appeared by side watching the view as well.


Solomon ➡ Isn’t that a lovely sight? This is the second time I’m seeing this.


Ebinoluwa ➡ … I’m sure glad I travel back in time. Is this how you remember it?


Solomon ➡ Of course.. And if I remembered clearly.. A small cat appeared out of nowhere, up till now I still wonder where it appeared from.


As soon as Solomon mentioned cat, my mind quickly went back to pebble in my pocket, I brought it out and canceled the transformation spell returning the cat to normal.. I looked at the cat and realized that was the younger version of my cat.. It was my cat all along.

I picked her up and rubbed her softly before teleporting her to my parents.. Solomon, my cat and I watched as my parents picked the little cat and took her into house.. Everything was finally in place, nothing was affected in the timeline, everything was perfect just as it was meant to be.


Solomon ➡ Okay Ebinoluwa.. Let’s go home.. We’re done here.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Okay..


Solomon ➡ Don’t worry.. A year from now.. You’ll be born and that tiny cat would have grown bigger.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I know.. Tell me Solomon.. Who gave me my name?


Solomon ➡ Your father..


Ebinoluwa ➡ What does it mean? It’s kind of long.. Why would he give a name like that?


Solomon ➡ its a very Yoruba special name.. The meaning of the name is * The girl with all gifts *. The name suits you.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Girl with all gifts.. I like it. Do you think I’ve lived up to my name?


Solomon ➡ From what I’ve seen so far.. You have. Your parents would be so proud of you.



Ebinoluwa ➡ Really? … Do you think my father hates me? You know.. for being cold to him through out these years.


Solomon ➡ Your father loves you.. He cherishes you, Never has he had anything regret about having you as his daughter ! Now it’s your turn to do the same.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Thank you Solomon, for telling me all this.


After that, I picked up my cat and casted the time travel spell to take myself back to my timeline and in the blink of an eye, I was back in my school. Everything was just as it was, the break time hour was still going on, it was like I was never gone in the first place but the only change was the little height I got after spending months in the past.

Before anyone could see me, I transformed my clothes back into my uniform, as for my cat and the book of spell, I teleported back home and then went to back to my class as soon the bell rang 🔔.



After driving for some minutes, I arrived at my daughter school finally. I parked my car and went into the school to meet Mrs. Serene, I just hope Ebinoluwa hasn’t done anything crazy this time around.

The school was already over when I walked in and students were rushing to the gate so as to go home. I went into the administration block and headed straight the principal’s office.

Mrs. Serene was tapping on her laptop when I walked in, we exchanged pleasantries and she offered me a seat. After that, She began to talk about my daughter.


Serene ➡ Afternoon Prof…. Sorry for calling you at this time.. I’m sure you must be very busy.


Riley ➡ There’s no need to apologize.. Has Ebinoluwa done something?


Serene ➡ Not exactly but there was some commotion in her class,.. Her teacher and her classmates claimed to have seen bats, they were all hysterical and everyone is pointing hands on your daughter.


Riley ➡ Bats???


Serene ➡ Yes but there was nothing when I got there..


Riley ➡ So what do you think? Because in my opinion, this must be hallucinations.


Serene ➡ That’s what I thought.. But it’s not possible for everyone to have the same hallucinations. Tell me sir.. Is your daughter into some kind of witchcraft?


I froze when I heard that… This b-tch was getting a clue but there’s no need for me to worry.. Ebinoluwa is powerless, besides its not they’ve seen her cast magic.. They can’t prove a thing.


Riley ➡ Excuse me!? Are you saying my daughter is a witch!? She’s a kid.


Serene ➡ A highly smart kid.. Too smart in fact. Her behavior and calmness is that of adults… Just this morning, some seniors came and reported to my office that Ebinoluwa had viciously assaulted them.


Riley ➡ And what was your opinion?


Serene ➡ I didn’t believe it.. It’s not possible for a small girl to beat this big seniors all by herself.. After all this is the real world, not an action film.. Miracles don’t happen in the real world.


Riley ➡ You’ll be surprised to know how wrong you are Mrs. Serene. Miracles do happen and there are some unknown forces out there in this world unseen by human eyes.


Serene ➡ I don’t believe in the unknown Prof. Riley.. I only believe what I see.


Riley ➡ Well.. Its a shame… So what now?


Serene ➡ Well, your daughter will be monitored closely and if anything like this happens again. I’m afraid I’ll kick her out.


Riley ➡ Fair enough..


Serene ➡ If I ask.. I’d like to see her mother. I’d like us to discuss about Ebinoluwa.


Riley ➡ Well, her mother is a very busy woman.. I doubt She’ll have the time to see you.



Serene ➡ What a shame… Alright have a good afternoon Prof. Riley.


Riley ➡ You too.


After that, I left the principal’s office and went to Ebinoluwa’s class, as I got there, I saw her alone in the class sitting quietly, she was reading a book and she seems to be focused on it.

I smiled 😊 to myself and felt proud to see her focused she was in her studies, just as I was about to enter the class, Ebinoluwa noticed my presence, she took her bag and approached me, I thought she was just going to walk pass me but then she did something unexpected.

She gave me a tight warm hug following back with a greeting.. I froze on shock not believing my ears… Was this really happening? Then in that moment, she began to cry 😢 silently, I bent down and asked her what had happened. God! She looks so cute when she cries.. I’ve never seen her cry since the day she was born.


Riley ➡ Shush. What’s wrong ? Did something happen?


Ebinoluwa ➡ (crying) 😭.. I’m… sorry.


Riley ➡ Sorry.. For what??


Ebinoluwa ➡.. For being a rude to you.. I know you must hate me for being such an awful daughter.


Wow! Mrs. Serene was right.. This girl is too smart for her age.. But I couldn’t help but wonder she had changed so suddenly. Whatever the reason is, I’m glad she’s no longer her former self.


Riley ➡ Haba! That’s not true.. I don’t hate you.. I never have. And you’re not awful.. You’re my daughter, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.. And I’ll always love you.. Okay?


Ebinoluwa looked at me and smiled.. God! She’s just a carbon copy of her mother,.. She gave me another hug after that, moments later, we left the class premises and went out of the school, as we got outside, we entered the car and drove home. Finally, my relationship with my daughter is starting to get better, I can’t wait to see Christen’s face when I tell her about this.



Morning guys…. Hope you’ve enjoyed this episode and understood the mysteries of the previous Season.

Next episode ➡ Hunter’s Feast

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