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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

My Name is AKA - Episode 54





My Name is AKA - Episode 54

Written By Amah's Heart.

Mr Law wanted to know if I have forgiven him for real and if yes, then I should come back home for the weekend 

He got me a gift

I wasn't going anywhere.

The last time I visited I met Becca again, she's a real estate agent, according to Mr Law

Very beautiful as usual and tall.

What I didn't understand is why she was practically staying over in his house.

Their rooms were close to each other and Mr Law said she's a friend

He said she also wanted to show him some properties he maybe interested in.

This was the second time I'm meeting her and she haven't finished showing the properties ever since.

I wasn't ângry, jéalous or bitter whenever I see them together or even when they drive out and returns late.

My last visit was on my school holiday, I wanted to spend at least two weeks but I stayed for just four days before making up my mind to return back to my school lodge.

I saw Amara who has started lesson the same place I went to

She said she was saving her money in her bank account.

Mr Law pays her well, just like when I was working for him.

She used some for shopping, to get some fine things for herself 

She also bought a big android phone.

I wondered if she's really saving or spending as the money comes 

It was Sylvester that talked her into starting a lesson since she run shift with another staff.

Sylvester told her about the place I went for lesson

Amara quickly registered and started there

Uche was tutoring her as expected.

 Amara filled my ear with how much she likes uche because he's so cute and he also loves her too.

I try to tell her that I have had encounter with Uche when he was my lesson tutor and wanted to date me.

I realized how much distraction that will bring to my studies and cut him off.

Amara wasn't listening to anything I was saying.

She sees me as one who is always against her happiness.

I have learnt to allow everyone make their mistake and learn their lessons.

If I try to correct her and it's not working out then I hands up.

Amara is very difficult and doesn't listen to reason or advice.

I understand her better now and refused to force my knowledge on her.

I will pray for her from a distance, just as I'm doing for Mr Law.

He thinks I'm taking this faith and Christian thing serious.

I have try talking to him. He kept saying it's bush!t

He loves God quiet alright and everyone should be allowed to live and pray as they understand.

He had try touching me like he used to do in the past but I strongly turned him down 

Is really a good thing that I can resist his touch now, more than before.

I usually melt whenever he is close, I lose control at his every touch but not again

However he choose to live or how many women that he decided to be with doesn't affect me like it used to.

I know how I try to control my anger when I first saw Becca in one of the weekend I came visiting but she later left the following day.

When I was on holiday and decided to return back to spend a week or two with them, I was a bit surprised to see her again.

It was no longer Emily

Becca was in charge and she was endowed, well endowed and she doesn't fail to hide it.

She never wears cloths without showing off cléavage

He bøóbs poops out in each dress.

She choose the perfect cloth that reveals her wonderful shape.

She was also rich and has her own car.

I was talking to Nneka over the phone and described that Mr Law's new woman was the real hot chic

Nneka said that most of them have gone under the knífe, they did surgery to arrive at such excellent body shape

It could be possible but it doesn't matter because she rocks her body so well and I know she will have lots of male clients and admirers 

Mr Law isn't just the only one but he's the man of the moment

I'm glad that I no longer feel beaten or less of myself whenever I see this type of ladies with him.

That was why I left quietly without informing him.

My peace of mind means the world to me and I don't want it to be tampered with.

I don't want to be in competition with any lady over who will win Mr Law's heart.

With the kind of women that comes around him, I may not even stand a chance.

He still says that he loves me and I do love him too but not without limit 

He's a good man and knowing that alone is enough for me

My walk with God is far more important to me and I don't want anything that will jeopardize that again.

He called to find out why I have to leave without informing him.

I told him that I just wanted to go back to my lodge because I had nothing doing at his place.

He said I act intimidated anytime I see another woman with him.

He said I need to get rid of my low self-esteem

Whatever he said, I'm not going to argue.

I don't know how you claims to love someone but brings in other women and say they're friends and I shouldn't feel threātened with their presence.

Maybe I'm overreacting, it's probably how love works for some people but definitely not for me and that's why I decided to just ignore and focus on what matters most in my life.

That won't change the fact that I still respect him and will always do.

Maybe that's how they live abroad or individual differences and understanding of what love is.

To Mr Law's kind of love is romantic, séxual attraction, affection and friendliness. That's the worldly kind of love which I also used to practice with him

But knowing deep things of God has made me come to understand that in 

1st Corinthian chapter 13 verse 4 to 8

It clearly says that Love is patient and kind, it respect and filled with light

 love does not envy or boast,

 it is not arrogant or rude.

 It does not insist on its own way,

 it is not irritable or resentful,

it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Daniel opened my eyes to that Bible verse and it became one of my favourite.

That's the kind of love I choose to practice and live with.

After calling to scold me for leaving

He later called again to ask how I was doing 

He asked if I have had my night shower, he wanted to know what I was wearing

He proceeded to know if I was putting on any úndies and if we can do video call

It sounds romantic to him and it was gradually leading to a heavy desire which is another means for the dev!l to penetrate.

I would have relaxed and enjoyed the chat, do video calls and exposé some bøóbs in a bid to please him and put him in the mood.

But I'm not longer a slave to things of this world and I refused to allow such négativity take over my mind.

I told him I was feeling sleepy and if he wants to talk or chat dírty then I'm definitely not the right girl for that.

I insisted I was going to bed and he ended the call.

He called again the following day that I need to loosen up, I was seriously getting boring

I agreed and apologies but not without telling him I had some school work I needed to sort out.

I wasn't afraid to loose him or maybe he gets ângry and stop paying my school fees, probably feels discouraged from sponsoring me

No, I didn't flinch because I was doing the right thing and I know God will make another way for me to finish school if Mr Law fails to help

I refused to compromise my faith to please my flesh or please Mr Law

After several days he called again to say that he understands why I was ângry, he mentioned I was jéalous of seeing Becca with him.

Even after telling him that I had no issue with whoever he choose to be with, he didn't let go.

He apologized and said I should try and come and spend a weekend with him, he try to patronise me by saying he got me a nice gift

I told I was busy with my final year exams and wasn't coming

I don't know how tired or boring he gets each time he calls but that's the woman I have become.

I don't know how the influence of Daniel helped me to escape those school trouble but I'm deeply grateful.

Daniel is far away in another country and we haven't spoken for several months but I carried on the mantle of the Lord Jesus

I'm a child of God and everything I do should portray that I'm a daughter of a heavenly king.

After graduation, I don't know what the future holds, the labour market can be scary but I'm positive that it will all work out to my favour.

I feel the holy spirit telling me that Mr Law will come pay me a surprise visit next weekend with a special gift

I don't know what the gift might be

It's a week to my convocation ceremony

I have been chosen as the valedictorian for the day

I will be delivering the valedictory speech and I feel really honoured

I wish Daniel will be around to see me on that day.

I also wish Mr Law will be there too like he promised to

But I don't bank on his promises because he can disappoint unexpectedly


I also hope Mama Zaram can see me now.

She haven't been feeling well, she said it's arthritis, it attacks her joints and she's unable to move about like before

I sent some money back and also looked forward to sending more so that proper treatment can be given to her.

She said my parents have been trying to reach me.

She gave my Mom my number when she came pleading

I know it was them calling sometimes ago

 I have blocked any line they try use in reaching me.

Amara have been communicating with them and begged me to pick their call but that isn't happening anytime soon.

That's my decision and nothing will change that.

Mama Zaram is the only mother I cares about and I assured her that I will try all I can to make sure she bounces back to health.

And mostly, she will be in my prayers.

I have been practicing my valedictory speech with Dami.

She said I'm doing great.

I have prayed and practiced and will continue to practice.

I thank God for the journey so far and no matter what comes, I'm confidence that I will certainly scale through.

For greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world.

(Do not take credit or Plagiarize AMAH'S HEART stories)

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