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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Johnson Jr. - Episode 1



Johnson Jr. - Episode 1

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+  f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


(The Johnsons family, a family that's loves s€x and sleep with white women, Black men with huge d+cks and stamina and endurance like that of a horse! Ladies and girl are soon to be s€x hunted by this family.........) 

              The Johnsons

My name's Johnson, yes Jack Johnson but just call me Johnson, I come from well a nice but crazy ass family, let me explain, every male born in our house is a s€x craze person believe its a genetic inheritance passed from our great ancestor, who slept with every S€xy lady he could, it was told he was a slave in the slavery era, the wife of his master(white men) called him every time to satisfy her lust because her husband is what you may call, a guy with disability 😂 and not only did our great g satisfy her, he also had a big d+ck, and when I say big I mean very Biiiiiiiigggggggg d+ck. 

So that's the story, to be precise I like girls myself and I fuck their brains out truly, I inherited my ggs big d+ck, yes! Every year, there was an initiation ceremony in our family, for u to be a complete Johnson you must sleep with a lady and not just any lady a S€xy lady and if you fuck a white lady or fair lady you get more respect in the family, So when I had my initiation, I had no one to fuck with and all was at stake, I don't sleep with a lady and soon, I'll be fucked! 

It so happens that before the time of my initiation ran out,it was 10 in the night,   I was walking on the street when I saw this beautiful fair lady (Jackpot) walking on the road absent minded, well she was Sexy and all but she was in her mid 30s and she was looking all shaged up, I followed her to wherever she was going till she reached a house, she walked into the house and just stay close at her door to see what she was doing, a little while she started complaining about some thing..... 

Woman ➡ What a day, no one look care for me and I'm all alone, no kids, no  friends nobody and my husband! What a waste. 

Damn! This lady is married, and what kind of husband would leave his wife alone in the house. 

Suddenly, a car parked near the house, and I quickly ducked out of the way, and a man emerged from it, Seriously the guy looks beats, maybe he's a banker, he walked straight into the house and forget to close the door. 

Man- ➡Vivian am home, sugar. 

Vivian -➡ohhh😒 hi darling! How's work? 

Man-➡  Its tiring! 

Vivian ➡So are you.. 


Vivian➡Nothing... (Prick) 

Man➡Baby let's go to bed and make some love. 

Vivian ➡if you say so. 

They went in their room to fuck and luckily the house was not a storey building so, I went to where their bedroom window was located and it was even better cause I could see the action. They started their love making or love disaster cause, the guy just pushed the lady on the bed and pulled his trousers and started pounding his wife, the lady was just there on the bed not enjoying  the  moment, and the stupid fool was just asking stupid questions and pounding away.... 

Man➡You like it huh? 


Man➡how do you like my big dick? 

Vivian ➡😒

Man➡I'm  gonna f+ck ur brains out. 


Man➡I'm gonnnnnnnnna c-c-c-c-ummmmmmm! 



Believe me it was disastrous, the fool only lasted 2mins and he thinks he got a big d+ck, Honest it was like a small pencil, how could he make her pregnant with that! 

He slept off and his wife stood up went to the toilet and took a bath, she was obviously h+rny but there was nothing she could do, so she want to close the door but seeing this as an opportunity to satisfy her and myself and get my respect in the house, I had to take action. 

She came close to the door to close it, then I came in, shut the door then kissed her, she didn't fight back and it gave me the green light to go on. 

I kissed her neck and played with her pussy, I inserted my fingers in it, Damn she was wet, I sucked her b00bs and played with them, I tore her night gown, pushed her on the sofa, and  removed my clothes, she was my d+ck and was amazed, no talking just working, she grabbed it and started sucking it, 😮 😮 Wow she was good, my head was light and I wasn't feeling myself, she sucked it good but she wasn't going deep enough, I pushed her head deeper and she swallowed my dick whole,  she did something I've  never seen, she licked my @ss, Boy it was sensational,  after 5mins I came in her mouth and I spread her legs, Damn she was wet, I went inside her slowly cause her p+ssy was tight, so after I went in her, I stroked inside  her p+ssy little by little, she was moaning now and after she adjusted to my d+ck, I increased my tempo, I thrust in her fast and hard, I pounded her p+ssy like life depended on it, she was moaning and screaming louder now, she held my ass encouraging me to go deep, I opened her legs wider and fired deep, her boons we're shaking up and down, I sucked them both, I pulled her hair and pounded her good,. 

Vivian ➡Y-yessssssss, yeses, yes f+ck me up, f+ck! Yes, destroy me, oohhh pls make me cum, I'm yours, I'm ur birch pls f+ck me yes, yes, yes, ohhhh, I'm c-cummming. 

She came hard, this was obviously her first orgasms, she looked tired and she wanted to rest but I didn't cum so, I pulled one of the sofas pillow and I adjusted her @$$ for the d+ggy.

Vivian ➡what a-a-re you doing? 

I ploughed her from behind and I dug deep, i pushed in her balls deep and she was mo@ning and screaming, I spanked her @$$, pulled her hair and kissed her neck(this feeling is great 4 ladies). 

Puck! Puck! Puck! The sound of our coliding flesh was music to my ears, I fucked her to my fill and when I was about to c+m, i quickly adjusted her missionary style and sank deep into her, I pounded good and deep and. After a minute, I released my cum into her womb. 

Wow that felt good


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Hope it will be  entertaining

Read Rated story  WITCHES LUST

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