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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Fluctuating Hope - Episode 8





Fluctuating Hope - Episode 8

Written By Amah's Heart& Blessing

The chitchat took longer than I expected, that is why my sisters got tired of waiting for me and had to walk out of the sitting room leaving only me, my mom, Auntie Cynthia, and Malvin who is nonchalant.

In the midst of the chitchat, Auntie Cynthia asked me some vital questions about my school which I answered intelligently and got her so impressed. 

She indicated interest to sponsor my education and asked that I come over to her house during my free time so that we will discuss more on it.

Me I don't understand what she means by free time because I Debby can go anywhere right here and now, but I figured that she is only following courtesy.

Well for me I have inwardly decided go over tomorrow along with my last session's results, that way she would be reassured that I am worthy of her sponsorship hence she isn't wasting her time, resources or sponsorship on me. 

She just came at the right time when all my hope was lost. And yes! I am bubbling with joy and I feel like an heavy weight has finally been lifted off my chest!

God indeed works in mysterious ways, wow! I still can't believe that just few days ago I was crying, overthinking and feeling sad on how to start seeking an academic suspension but today my story is taking a different dimension.

Thank you so much Lord, I will love you forever and always. I inaudibly spoke to my heart in a way I ensured to pour all of my love, emotions and appreciation to God Almighty.

And with tears cascading my eyes, I knelt in front of Auntie Cynthia to thank her profusely for being a vessel that God is probably going to use to wipe my tears and troubles away.

" Thank you so much Auntie Cynthia for even considering it in your heart to help me... I really do appreciate it with the whole of my heart and words can't express how happy I feel.." I said whilst sniffing and then continued with my head bent

"... Once again I thank you so so so so so so so so much Auntie.. my God will continually bless you abundantly" I shrilled as I just couldn't help the emotional outburst

" Ah! what up with all this drama.. comman Momma my butt is kinda hurting from this Goddamn chair.. this girl and her house stinks the living hell outta me, ah wanna go home.." Malvin retorted as he carelessly threw the cigarette he was smoking on the sitting room floor as though it is a trash can

I watched in silence as he stood up from the chair he sat and walked up to his mother to get the car keys that is on the stool directly situated in front of her

" ... I'll be waiting in the car momma.. you can meet me there when you've taken care of this whole fuck up.. gosh!" Malvin concluded and walked out of the door banging it close

Wow! So I Debby Thompson is now a fvvck up simply because I am kneeling to thank my helper? Chai! I have súffered eh

I am boiling in ânger which I am sure is enough to boil yam but I kept it under control, yet that didn't stop my thoughts from wondering in soliloquy;

What exactly is wrong with that despicable spoilt brat?

He is undoubtedly a shåmeless smøker, very rude and prideful

And you know what is more shocking? It is the fact that Auntie Cynthia didn't even bother cautioning him, instead she is even trying to make excuses for him, just wow! 

" I am sorry about my son's behavior, he is mostly like that when he is very tired.." Auntie Cynthia said and paused to take a breath before she continued

".. it's okay Debby, you can get up already.. I am not God that you should be kneeling for!" She said smiling and I feigned a smile as I got from the floor to retake my seat beside my mother who has been unusually quiet.

After everything, I and my mother walked Auntie Cynthia over to her lovely black Jeep that was packed outside; and I saw the Malvin guy sitted on the passengers seat punching on his iPad with a chewing gum in his mouth, he just sat there acting like we were non-existent

What a spoilt brat! I thought and afterwards joined my mother to wave Auntie Cynthia goodbye and she zoomed off.

We went back inside and everywhere was bubbling with jubilation from my siblings, the only person who wasn't looking so excited was my mother which got me wondering why. 

I kept asking her what the problem was but her response was that ' I am fine ' of which I know that it is a blatant lie but I had to let the sleeping dog lie.

When my father came home from his side hustle, my siblings broke the goodnews to him but in his usual nonchalant manner, he had just shrugged and wished me good luck which was obviously not from the deepest part of his heart.

Well, I Debby have already gotten used to his nonchalance hence I didn't allow his behavior or that of the Malvin guy steal away the joy in me. 

I am obviously happy that it glowed all over me and I couldn't wait to see the blessings that tomorrow brings.

University of Abuja here I come again. I kept singing happily throughout the day and even before going to bed that night. 


The following day, I went to see Auntie Cynthia as planned and she welcomed me warmly with words and refreshments.

Afterwards we dived into talking about my education, that is when I showed her my results and she nodded in satisfaction at my good grades.

" This is so nice Debby.. you are intelligent and I like that you are my friend's daughter.. don't worry okay, I will be in charge of taking care of your academic expenses from now henceforth" Auntie Cynthia smilingly said looking at me and I shrieked out in excitement

" Oh my God! Thank you once again ma'am.. you're an angel sent from above, I won't ever get tired of thanking you enough Auntie.. thank you!"

" You're welcome Debby.. you should know that as Maggie's daughter, you are also like a daughter to me.. so consider this as a mother to a daughter favor.. and please make sure you study hard okay?" Auntie Cynthia said to me and I nodded in understanding

" Sure I will study hard Auntie.. I promise I will make you and my mother proud, never will I let you or mummy down.. thank you and God reward you once again Auntie Cynthia!" I said in appreciation to Auntie Cynthia who laughed it off and slowly the topic of discussion was changed to chitchat about random life matters.

After our short chitchat, she showed me around her exquisite mansion and finally took me to her husband's office to introduce me to him as her friend's daughter whom she is going to be a sponsor to.

The office was top-notch furnished with flashy paintings, office lights, puffy expensive cushions, a big plasma screen on the wall, a mini bookshelf, a computer set and a telephone.

In the middle of the office were two office chairs with a designated table which demarcated them; one for the boss which is Mr Bernard and the other I guess is for visitors.

I was offered a seat by her husband whom I earlier got to know that his name is Bernard Nyeye, he is a fair good-looking middle-aged man with beards.

Shortly after I sat on the chair in front of him; the chair meant for visitors like myself, Auntie Cynthia did the introduction.

After the introduction, the man kept looking at me in a manner which I wasn't too comfortable with; his eyes kept surveying my body lustfully (or maybe it is my imagination deceiving me) whilst his questions were slightly strict that I begun nursing the feeling that maybe he did not like me at first glance

After the question and answer session with Mr Bernard, he  smiled for the first time since I came in before saying to Auntie Cynthia who sat on his thighs 

" She is indeed an intelligent girl.. I like her and I believe she is worth the sponsorship dear!" Mr Bernard affirmed and I released the breath I never knew I was holding in.

Oh God! I am so happy and it just seems more like a dream come through for me who never saw any favor coming.

Indeed I am relieved that at least there's no stumbling block to Auntie Cynthia helping me.

After the short discussion and following Mr Bernard's dismissal, I stood up and slowly left the office with Auntie Cynthia behind me.

On our way out we came across Malvin who is smoking as usual, immediately he saw me his face tighten into a frown

" Buff! I can't believe I am seeing a dramatic buffalo in my Popsy's house today.. Toh!" Malvin said and blew the smøke from the cígarette on my face and I coughed out loud with watery eyes due to the effect of the smoke he blew on me

" ..wow! also a dramatic chicken too?.. Hay you! I want you to get the hell outta my house, you motherfucker pig!" Malvin retorted sarcastically in his American accent; an accent which I never took notice of until now that he spoke to me

He spoke all this dëmeaning words whilst looking at me with disdain as though I really stïnk!

" That's enough Malvin! I won't tolerate you insùlting Debby ever again... so stop it and apologize to her right now!" Auntie Cynthia uttered in an authoritative voice but Malvin scoffed and walked out on us without bothering to apologise to me as his mother authorized.

I guess the Malvin guy is worst than I actually thought him to be but anyways that is their family headache not mine. I thought as I feigned a smile at Auntie Cynthia who kept looking pitifully at me before apologizing on her son's behalf

" I'm so sorry Debby, I promise to talk to Malvin about his behavior towards you.. I am apologising on his behalf please try not to take it to heart okay?"

" It's okay Auntie Cynthia.. I understand that it is because he grew up in the states that's why he is this way.. I am not angry so there's no need for the apology" I lied with a plastic smile on my face to hide my true feeling and Auntie Cynthia heaved before responding

" I am glad to know that you are an understanding girl Debby, thank you so much... anyways it's getting late so I will ask the driver to drop you off at home.. send my regards to Maggie" Auntie Cynthia said in concern whilst looking at me smiling

" Ah I will ensure she gets it! Thank you Auntie Cynthia for your thoughtfulness and the reception.. I appreciate Auntie!" I expressed genuinely and we both walked over to the garage where fleet of cars were lined.

She gave the necessary instructions and directions to the driver, afterwards she waved me goodbye as the driver drove off with me who is sitted relaxedly on the passenger seat.

(Do not take credit of this work)

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