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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Clash Of Love - Episode 26




Mother vs Daughter

Clash Of Love - Episode 26

Written by Chidinma Ihemenandu


( She woke up when she heard a knock on her door followed with a loud shout of her name, she doesn't need a soothsayer to tell her that it was her mums voice and it must be 2pm now, she picked her phone and check the time, is already 3:30 pm, wow how time flies..... She climbed down from her bed and opened the door for her mum)

 I thought you were dead because I have been standing here knocking and screaming your name for ages now, Just hurry up and bring out your packed bags, the vehicle to convey us is here alread

( Still sleepy and robbing her eyes, she signed amidst yawning)

 Okey mum and returned back to her room, she sat back on her bed and started thinking of every happy memories she shared with her father in her room and in the house generally, she thought of her once loving and caring mother and how they enjoyed this once very peaceful and loving home together, it pricked her heart on how negatively her mother just changed without remedy. She heaved a sign as the thought of her father's safety crossed her heart "Be safe dad" she whispered and wiped out the tears that has circled in her eyes. She was too weak to leave the room she had stayed for close to 13years, her bed and every corner of her room which she can easily run into in darkness and collect whatever she wants to without hindrances, she knows everything in her room by heart. She went into her small portable bathroom, she smiled at how neat and sparkling it was. 

 She remembered when she often hides in there when she plays the game of hide and sick with her father.... This bathroom of hers is her private world and also a times her study room... She most a times stays there to study, she either sits in the bathing tub or she sits on the toilet sits and honestly it does works for her because it enhances her understanding and gives her great knowledge, inspiration and insights on what's she is studying. Oh how she's gonna miss her little secret world. She is sure gonna miss her wonderful room very much... She can't help but lay down back on her lovely, soft contented bed 

Just then her mums voice pierced into her solemn and memorable moments with her room...... She jerked up and carried her bags then started going out towards the sitting room... without looking, she pumped into her mum who was already on her way to her room to check what's holding her

What has been keeping you in there? 

Eem.... Nothing really I am sorry mum for taking too much time

 You've just got to hurry.... Do you have any other things left in there?

 Yes mum, just two more bags.

Two more bags! Her mother exclaimed. What for, I only asked you to pack few things and you just packed the entire stuffs in your room.You know what, just come with this bag the rest remains in this house.

No mum.... My important stuffs are in there, I can't afford to leave them here

Don't worry, there are more pretty and interesting things in our new home, every thing you can ever think of or needed is already there so trust me you won't be needing all these

 I am sorry mum.... I can't leave these things, they are so dear and attached to me.

why are you so stubborn, just leave these things here and that's final she shouted!! 

That means I ain't going nowhere without my stuffs mum, my dad bought most of it so I sees him through those things you want me to leave behind. 


(The driver who was to convey them was standing there without mother and daughter noticing his presence all that while.... As Treasure wanted to shut the door to Delights room, knowing that it might cause more misunderstanding between them which will as a result cause more delay to him, he quickly intervened.) 

Please ma'am, that's okay just let the kid bring along her stuffs, you will do the same if you were in her shoes and besides she might throw them in the trash by herself after seeing better things in her new home.

(Treasure was angry and highly irritated at the man's defense,, she could do nothing more but to leave the door handle. She hissed and look at Delight disgustingly)

I  give you five minutes to get into that vehicle otherwise I am living you here for good!!

( She walked out very furious and regretted ever calling that driver and giving birth to such a pain in the a$s of a daughter called Delight)

 Thank you mister for coming to my rescue, I appreciate it sir...... She said smiling at the middle aged man

You are welcomed my daughter, I did what I did because I saw reasons with what you said, and honestly you reminds me of my last daughter.... Very stubborn, bold brave and determined just like you. Common lemme help you with your remaining bags. 

Thank you again sir, she said happily as she leads him into her room

(they carried the bag and headed towards the vehicle........ The man arranged everything and starts the car and drove off towards the location Treasure directed her to go)


(It was an hour and 30 mints drive before finally arriving their destination..... They alighted the vehicle and Treasure with a bunch of keys headed towards the gate motioning the driver to bring their luggage and follow her. She opened the giant gate and went in, Delight and the driver followed suit

Treasure was filled with smiles as her eyes sparkles. she beams with joy spreading her hands apart singing and swinging around as she shouts for joy. Whaoow!! This is my magnificent house, welcome home baby T.

Delight never bothered to look at the house but just kept starring at her mother in hate and anger...... Her behavior is very irritating because she is not worth been her father's wife. Angrily she said."Will you just opened the doors so that I can go in? I am tired of standing here.

Treasure stopped and looked at her daughter Delight with no expression on her face... after some minutes of starring at her she burst out Into laughter

***Oh what a pity, if only Treasure knows that nothing belongs to her***




What could be the cause of her laughter Delight wandered..... Not only Delight, even I myself is wandering what the cause of baby T's laughter could be.

I know you must be wondering too!!!🤣

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