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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Clash Of Love - Episode 25




Mother vs Daughter

Clash Of Love - Episode 25

Written by Chidinma Ihemenandu


(Treasure was ranting in fury as she parades the whole house looking very worried and upset. The news of her husband disappearance left her in the state of insecurity, she wouldn't want to jeopardiz and allow Jude to come back and snatch her wealth from her)

No never, I worked so hard to get this, I won't let him return (she exclaimed so loud without even knowing and that attracted the attention of Delight)

Mum what is it? I had you screamed so loud just now what happened to you, or is my dad in any kind of trouble, has he been caught?

Treasure looked at her once sweet little adorable and respectful daughter for sometime, she had mixed feelings towards her now and wondered how she has grown so bold and fearless to challenge her in everything thing she said. She is my problem now but not to worry I know I can still handle her the way I want, I just don't have her time as of now

Mum, I think I will return to my room since you don't wanna talk to me(she started going back to her room)

Delight, have you finished packing your things?

Yes mum I have..... So when are we leaving?

I need to make some arrangements for a vehicle that will convey some of our properties to our new house, I just have to put some calls through but trust me before 2pm,we are gonna leave this damn house to my mansion (the thought of the new house her husband bought in her name made her heart gladdens and so sweet, she smiled exposing her white neatly arranged set of teeth and she momentarily forgot about her fears of her husband's return)

Mum Delight called her bringing her out from the world of her fantasies and luxury

Yes dear.... OK just go and watch some movies until the vehicle arrives

Mum.... Please can I go and visit my friends now to bade them goodbye, I promise to be back before 2pm please 

No way Delight, I have told you that you ain't gonna go to your friends, you know how rumors spreads and I know by now they must have heard that your dad embezzled his company money, was arrested and now he has escaped and on a run..... So they will make a joke and caricature of you and our family and I wouldn't want such thing please

But mum, my friends are good and understandable fellas, they won't dare mock me.... Please let me go

How good and respectful your friends are is obvious because I can see them in your attitudes. I am not going to repeat myself again if you don't have any movie to watch just go and read your books or take a nap.


(Delight was so angry at her mum not conceding to her visiting her friends, Her main intention was not really to bade good bye to her friends but she wanted to use that as an excuse then she will go and visit barr. Franky Frank in his office and inquired from him about his dad, to know if he successfully escaped and where he is currently at. She looked at her mum in hate and went into her room banged and bolted the door.

She was worried sick about her father, his phone is at home and in her mums custody and nothing to reach him with. I wish I am with barr. Mobile number contacting him will be much more easier.... But all the same I just pray and hope that my dad's plans are going very successful and as planned. 

She prayed silently for her father's safety after which she played games with her phone and then slept off.

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