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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 8 & 9




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 8 & 9

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+ contains f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Bringing me to this new school is another mistake my parents made, sooner or later, something will happen and I will be kicked out.

After my dad dropped me off and went to work, I was led to the classroom by Mrs. Serene, she went in front of me making sure I was following her. While we were going to my class, Senior students and teachers who were present around the classroom area began to stare at me, I read their minds and heard them calling me awful names, They too must have heard about my troubles with my previous schools, I ignored them and continued following Serene.

Soon we got to the class I am supposed to be, The kids here were quite taller than me, Mrs. Serene introduced me to my class teacher, Miss. Kemi and then introduced me to the classroom.


Serene ➡ Good morning students.. This here is Ebinoluwa Riley, please make her feel at home. I’d like you all to welcome her.


Students ➡ Good morning Ebinoluwa, Welcome to primary 5.


Serene ➡ Good… Ebinoluwa now, reply them in a polite manner.


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒😒


Serene ➡ Ebinoluwa!?


I kept quiet after that, The reason why I didn’t reply is because I didn’t want to and besides the little ants were looking at me as if I was some kind of plague.

Mrs. Serene left the class afterwards and Kemi took over from her, she showed me my seat and I went straight and sat down. Everyone looked at me as I sat down, I ignored them and pretended not to notice them.

Kemi was a English teacher and it was her period and what she was teaching the class was letter writing, Instead of bringing out my note, I brought out the black book I found in the forest, I quickly used a transformation spell making it look like an English text book.

A wise human once said that *Knowledge is power*… He was right, absolutely right.

While the other students were busy learning letter writing, I’ve been reading this book of spell and was getting more and more knowledge about the mystic arts and forbidden witch craft.

The spells and enchantments that were in this book were very powerful and too dangerous to use.

The first spell I learnt was the advanced transformation spell,… If any witch/wizard uses this spell to transform into anything or anyone, the spell will last for as long as they want, if its for life. But in order to cast this spell a great magic power is needed.

The second spell I learnt was the curse or seal removal spell, it wasn’t that hard but it says under the guidelines that only the Supreme witch can use this spell.

The next spell was the Reality alteration spell,.. This spell was so similar to illusion spell but unlike illusion spell which you’ll use it on your victim’s mind, this spell is used to fool your victim’s sight or vision making him believe what he sees it’s true, he can never tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not real.

The next spell is the infinite illusion spell, in order for this spell to work, the victim must be in a state of slumber. Once this spell is casted, the victim will never wake up from sleep, he’ll neither be dead or alive, unless if the caster cancels the spell. The illusion he sees in his dream will be his reality.

The next spell on the list was the Time manipulation spell, and only wizards who use time magic can use it, but that wasn’t a problem for me cause I’ve seen Aunt Judith’s magic. Under this spell, there are categories on how to use to use it. First of all there’s the :

a) Time traveling spell : This spell can allow the caster to travel through time in a split second.

b) Reverse spell : this spell allows the caster to reverse present time for as long as possible and change it’s course.

c) Infinite spell : The spell literally pauses the life span of any living thing, making it unable to age or die. The only problem is once the caster of the spell dies or cancels the spell, the victim of the spell will turn to dust.

The next spell I read about was quite disturbing, no wonder this spells were forbidden.. They were too dangerous and would cause untold chaos and destroy the very essence of life.

The soul taker spell was the next one on the list, the spell allows the caster to drain the victims soul and make it his own, not only does the caster remain young for a limited time but it can also grant him limited immortality.

Another thing I saw in the pages of the book caught my attention, it was the casting of seals and curses all of different kind. Among these seals and curses, I saw one that caught my attention, it was called the * Trinity Seal *. I’ve heard about It before but I’ve never seen anyone use it but thankfully this book showed how it was be to used and canceled. It’s amazing to see that such a seal was powerful enough to block any witch’s magic, I also saw that there was a page for magic artifacts that were hidden all over Ibadan.

There was so many spells in this book and it was hard for me to read them all but I’ve managed to master some of them and I was tempted to try out some of them.

My Aunt Rose who was with me, guessed what I was about to do and egged me to go for it.

After last night, We both decided to keep her return a secret from everyone especially my parents, she didn’t want anyone to know that her soul was trapped in a cat’s body, so in order to make sure her return was kept a secret, I decided to keep her by my side, I even brought her with me to school using a camouflage spell to make her invisible from the eyes of people except mine. During our time together, Aunt Rose had told me all about her life till the day she died sacrificing herself for my father, despite the stories I heard about her, she’s quite an interesting witch. I love hearing the way she talks about her past especially when she was devouring people, it always thrills me.. I wonder what it feels like to eat a human?


Rose ➡ From the look on your face.. You want to try some of this magic spells huh? Go for it.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Are you sure? Mom says it’s not nice to use powerful magic on innocent humans.


Rose ➡ Oh.. Please what does your mother know? Have fun while you’re still young.. Besides it’s not like you’re going to kill anyone.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Alright then… Here goes.


I thought hard on the spell I was going to use, there was so many spells to try and all of them seem cool. So I finally made up my mind, and decided to try the advanced transformation spell, I looked around and saw each of the students holding their English text books, I made some signs with my hand and poof! Disaster struck.


Everyone in the class shouted and ran for their dear life, including Mrs Kemi, I used the transformation spell to make their books look like serpents, I laughed so hard as I saw the way they reacted, I quickly canceled the spell, when I sensed Mrs. Serene and some of the security guards heading towards the class, as they got in, they’re were surprised to see me calm as a sunny weather.


Serene ➡ Jesus Christ! Ebinoluwa… Why didn’t you run? Didn’t you see your classmates running for their lives. Where are the snakes?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒😒


Security guard ➡ Ma.. I don’t see any snakes.. Maybe the students are hallucinating.


Serene ➡ Hallucination? That’s impossible, everyone can’t get the same hallucinations.


Security guard ➡ Well, there’s certainly no snakes here.


Serene ➡ Alright, tell everyone to return to the class room.


Minutes later, Everyone came back to class and we continued from where we stopped, Mrs. Kemi was staring at me ever since she came back to the classroom, her clothes were quite messy, and I later learnt that she fell hard on the ground while running out of the class.

I laughed inside my mind and I decided to try another spell, this time I decided to try the Reality alteration spell, I had no idea how it works but I quickly casted the spell.. Suddenly, our glass windows smashed to pieces and what followed next was the entry of thousands of bats, Mrs Kemi took off like an antelope and the students started to scream, the bats looked real and I could even touch them.. Some of students began to run while the others fainted due to shock.. I smiled to myself when I casted this spell, it was fantastic.. I quickly canceled the spell when I sensed Mrs Serene heading towards our class in a hurry with Kemi behind her.

As soon as I canceled the spell, everything was back to normal in an instant, the bats were gone and the window was intact as if it had never been touched, Mrs. Serene walked in looking around and then looked at me before looking at Ms. Kemi.


Serene ➡ Aigbagbọ (unbelievable) ! What’s the meaning of this Kemi? Ṣe o ya were? (Are you mad?)…. Where are the bats?


Kemi ➡ I swear ma… They were in here.. As you can see some of the students have fainted.


Serene ➡ I don’t believe this.. You said that window broke, well here it is, untouched without a crack.. Besides bats don’t come out in daylight.. It’s impossible. Ebinoluwa.. Did you see any bats?


Ebinoluwa ➡ (nods negatively)


Kemi ➡ Don’t believe her ma.. That girl is a witch.. She’s cursed.


Serene ➡ Watch your mouth. Maybe the security guard was right. Maybe it’s hallucination.. Better go home and rest. Your period is almost over.


Serene walked out of the office and Kemi soon followed her out, We heard the bell ring and I realized it was break time.

While everyone went outside to play, I stayed inside the class with Aunt Rose reading the book of forbidden spells. I was reading some spells when Aunt Rose asked me a very unpleasant question.


Rose ➡ Why do you resent your father?


Ebinoluwa ➡ I don’t.


Rose ➡ Don’t lie to me kid. I read your mind and saw you have a unhealthy relationship with him.


Ebinoluwa ➡ He’s human. and I hate humans.. Humans are annoying and complicated.. Everything about them is just irritating. I wonder what mom saw in him.


Rose ➡ I can’t blame you.. Unlike your mother you have the true grasp of what humans are… That’s why I show them no mercy.. But your father is different.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Not to me.. He’s just every single one of them… How I wish I could go back in time and prevent their reunion from ever happening.


Rose ➡ If you do that, you’d change everything and alter time, you would never be born.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Well, it’s better than having a human as a father.


In that moment, Some senior students came into the class heading towards my direction, from their coyly smirks, I knew what they were up to, As they got near me, they surrounded me putting me in the middle.

I sat still waiting to see what they would do next.


Female SS 1 ➡ Omo.. So na the girl be this abi?


Male SS 1 ➡ Na she o… See as she fine.


Female SS 2 ➡ But na juju she dey carry.. See the necklace wey dey for her neck.


Male SS 2 ➡ See as she sit down quiet like one innocent soul.


Female SS 1 ➡ Oya.. Hold on.. Hey little girl I’ve been hearing some rumors about you.. Is it true you’re a demon child?


Ebinoluwa ➡😒😒😒😒




Ebinoluwa ➡ I don’t talk to illiterates.. So now if you’ll excuse me.. I’d like to be alone.


Everyone of them was surprised by what I said, One of them slapped the book away from my hands, shouting at me.


Female SS 1 ➡ You little b-tch… I’m going to show you pepper.. Just because you’re small doesn’t mean that I can’t deal with you.. I see your mother has failed in her duties to teach you respect… Well.. I’ll just have to do that myself.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Just get on with it.. You’re wasting my time.


The Girl snapped and raised her hands trying to slap me, before that could happen, I snapped my fingers activating the * Rebounce spell* on myself.

The Rebounce Spell is a spell of my creation, It’s similar to Counter spell magic but unlike Counter spell magic that works against magic attacks.. The Rebounce spell works only on physical attacks.

The Rebounce spell allows the caster to be safe from any physical attack, once the spell is activated, the attacker will be the only one taking the hit, For instance A activates the Rebounce spell on himself and B is planning on attacking A, so instead of A getting hit with B’s attack, B will be the only on the receiving end of his own blow.

So as soon as I activated the spell, The Girl’s slap diverted back to her face.


The girl fell and fainted after getting hit with her own slap, Not realizing what was going on, the others attacked me as well with blows but they too got the same result as their friend.

I looked at the four of them and shook my head in pity, I closed the book and took my bag heading towards the door, But before I could leave the classroom, One of the senior students took my chair and threw it at my direction, the chair boomeranged and went back to his place hitting him instead.

After I left the classroom, I went straight into the toilet and teleported to Aunt Jezebel’s house to have my break.


Aunt Jezebel was in her dungeon working on some spells when I appeared, she was startled by my appearance cause she wasn’t really expecting me. Her house was a place where I would unwind and relax, she always gives me sweet delicacies like bat soup, snake stew and fried crispy toad meat.. She also shows me some magic spells that would really helping me a lot like this * Regenerative healing spell * and powerful magic barriers to keep me safe from harm but I really don’t need barriers, I have my own effective defense mechanism.


Jezebel ➡ Demon lord! Ebinoluwa you nearly scared me to death.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Sorry. Do you have any of your delicious delicacies.. I’m hungry.


Jezebel ➡ Hmm, so you’re now in a new school huh?.. Do you like this one?


Ebinoluwa ➡ I hate it.


Jezebel ➡ It’s better you get education.. It’s very important.


Ebinoluwa ➡ But I don’t like it here.. The humans,.. They irritate me a lot.. Why can’t I go to a witch school?


Jezebel ➡ That’s your parents decision.. Besides you don’t need to go to a witch school, you have me and your aunts to teach you magic.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Hmph!


Jezebel ➡ Naughty girl… Come let me see what I have in the kitchen.. I’ll be leaving now.. There’s someplace I have to be right now.


Ebinoluwa ➡Okay..


I followed Aunt Jezebel to her kitchen where she brought out some fried grasshoppers laced with salt and pepper 🌶, she poured some for me on the plate and gave it to me.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Thank you.


Jezebel ➡ There’s some honey in the cupboard if you want. Once you’re done, go back straight to school, and remember don’t touch anything.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I won’t.


After that, Aunt Jezebel left the kitchen and went to her room, she took some stuff from there and then teleported out of the house.

As soon as she was gone, I began to take a tour her house, She had lots of doors that let to secret passages to her private chambers.

Being a former witch council, I’m sure she must have hidden lots of secrets that she doesn’t want people to know. While I was roaming within the house, I spotted a door which was quite inviting, there was something about it that was seems to attract me, But the only problem was there was a sign on it that said * Do not open*.

I really wasn’t one to obey the rules cause where’s the fun in obeying the rules all the time. I decided to ignore the rule and see what was behind that door, but before that could happen, Solomon appeared to warn me.


Solomon ➡ Don’t you dare open that door.. Why are you so stubborn?


Ebinoluwa ➡ Why don’t you go back into your cell and mind your business demon.


Solomon ➡ You’re so stubborn. Your Aunt said that you shouldn’t touch anything.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I’m not touching anything.. I’m just opening this door.


Solomon ➡ Don’t you dare open that door.


Rose ➡ Oh please shut your mouth Solomon.


Solomon ➡ The cat can speak??


Ebinoluwa ➡ It’s not just a cat. It’s Aunt Rose.


Solomon ➡ Rose is dead.


Ebinoluwa ➡ That was before but now she’s back.


Solomon ➡ It can’t be… Rose is dead.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Whatever demon.. Get out of my way.


I went passed him and opened the door, I opened it slowly and cautiously making sure there wasn’t some kind of threat inside the room, I finally got into the room and saw the place was misty, and amidst the soaring mist was a huge crystal at the far end of the room, I approached the crystal slowly to take a good look at it.

As I got closer, I was surprised to see there was a woman in it, She looked neither alive or dead and she had a very striking resemblance to mom.


Ebinoluwa ➡ My.. Who’s this woman? She looks quite alike like mom.


Rose ➡ Oh Mephistoph.. My beautiful figure.. It was kept intact.


Ebinoluwa ➡ That’s you?!? But how? It’s been 10 years.. Your body should have rot by now.


Rose ➡ But it didn’t.. This is the eternal crystal.. It keeps anything inside it intact and well.


Ebinoluwa ➡ So what now?..


Rose ➡ Now,… I really don’t know. This crystal is unbreakable.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yeah right.. But spells can be broken.. You know what spell cancels out all magic?


Rose ➡ Yes… * Crimson light spell *.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Exactly.


Rose ➡ And how do you intend to do that?.. It’s a powerful magic that requires years of practice.


Ebinoluwa ➡ Yeah right.. I don’t need practice.. All I need is to see it or experience it. And lucky for us.. I have that book that can show me all that. Brace yourself Aunty… You’re about to get your body back.



Next Episode ➡ A Travel back in time.

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