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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 6 & 7




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 6 & 7

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+ contains f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


Being a witch has it’s advantages and among it is knowing when something is wrong… The explosion that happened last night wasn’t just a natural phenomenon, An atomic bomb’s explosion wouldn’t make me flinch but this explosion is a sign of a bad omen.

So after Riley and Ebi were gone, I decided to go out and investigate.. Any wife would have listened to her husband’s advice to stay at home and I appreciate the fact that Riley was looking out for my well being and i get the fact that I’m powerless but I can’t sit down and watch as another crisis erupts… I’ve spent 211 years in this world and I finally have something that I truly love and treasure dearly, I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit down and watch as soon evil mad power being comes and takes them away from me.

So after I was done dressing, I teleported out of the house,… Seconds later, I appeared inside the witches guild which disguised itself as a Micro finance bank here in Ibadan … As I looked around the place, I remembered decades ago when I saved Riley’s mom as she came to request for a loan.

In that moment, My brother Oliver approached and welcomed me, we hugged and then exchanged pleasantries.


Oliver ➡ If it isn’t my little sister… Christen.. It’s so good to see you.


Christen ➡ Thanks Oliver.. You’re looking well.


Oliver ➡ You too.. It looks like Riley is taking care of you well.


Christen ➡ He’s doing his best.


Oliver ➡ So what brings you here.?


Christen ➡ Can we talk in your office?


Oliver nodded and led me into his office, as soon as we got in, I told him about my worries.


Christen ➡ Did you hear last night’s explosion?


Oliver ➡ Yes.. What about it?


Christen ➡ I think there’s something ominous about it… I’ve been getting unpleasant vibes since that explosion.


Oliver ➡ Christen.. You’re overreacting. There’s nothing to worry abo….




I slammed my hands on his table and glared at him.. Oliver shivered as I did that.. I know he knows something about this explosion, every witch or wizard should know something is wrong!


Christen ➡ Don’t play dumb with me brother. You honestly can’t expect me to believe you don’t know there’s something wrong.


Oliver sighs and adjusted himself in his seat, after breathing out slowly, he looked at me straight in the eye.


Oliver ➡ You’re right. There’s something dark about last night’s explosion.. But I’m afraid I can’t tell you.


Christen ➡ Why??


Oliver ➡ The Supreme witch ordered that the incident behind the explosion should be kept a secret… Not everybody knows what caused the explosion.


Christen ➡ Well.. It’s not like I’m going to tell anybody.


Oliver ➡ I’m sorry… I just can’t tell you.


Christen ➡ So that’s how’s it’s going to be? Fine.. I’ll find someone else that will tell then.. Have a good day.


I left Oliver’s office and soon left the building, If Oliver was so secretive about the issue then it must be devastating, whatever that caused that explosion must be really, really bad.

As I came out of the building, I began to walk down the streets, I wanted to feel some air before I teleported to some place else, it’s been a while since I came out in the open like this.

As soon as I came across a traffic jam, I saw Altros swirling around in the sky like crows and vultures, They were so many in number that they looked like a swarm of bees.

I couldn’t help but wonder why they’re here? Could it be that these people are about to die? I looked around to see if they was any danger that was about pose a threat to the lives of these people but after a while, I didn’t seen anyone suspicious.

Just as I was about to summon Ovarkt, a stranger stood beside me trying miserably to woo me.


Amon ➡ My… Aren’t you fetching?


Christen ➡ Excuse me?! What did you just say?


Amon ➡ I said you look ravishing! In all my life, I’ve never seen such a feminine perfection. I’m completely enchanted by your beauty.


Christen ➡ Look! I don’t know who you are but you better get away from me before harm befalls you.


Amon ➡ (laughs) Darling.. Nothing can harm me.. I’m a force to be reckon with.


Christen ➡ Is that so? Well if you don’t mind.. I’d like to you leave me alone.


Amon ➡ You reject my advances? You will be mine… I must have you.


Christen ➡ Are you for real? Listen fool.. I’m married and I’m blessed with child… So you better back off cause I’m getting irritated by your presence.


Amon ➡ Such fire in you.. Do you have any idea who you’re talking to? I could take your life witch?


I was surprised when I heard that… How does this stranger know I’m a witch?… Something isn’t right.


Christen ➡ How did you know that I’m a witch?


Amon ➡ Every supernatural being recognizes one of their own.. It’s been eons of years and during those times, I’ve never seen a goddess like you.. I must have you. What is your name witch?


Christen ➡ Go to hell, b-stard.


Just as I was about to leave the place, the b-stard grabbed hold of me and teleported both of us to a thick forest region in some unknown location, He pinned me on a tree and began to f-ndle my body, he grabbed my bre-sts and a** smiling admirably as he did that.


Amon ➡ By the devil’s lust.. Your body and fruits are fascinating.. It’s perfect for breeding… With this body of yours.. I’ll have you bear me hundreds of children. I MUST HAVE YOU WITCH!


In a blink of an eye, the b-stard latched his lips on mine trying to kiss me, I closed my lips to avoid his, but the B-stard was persistent, so I quickly bit his lower lip making him jump back, as soon as his guard was down, I gave him an upper cut beneath his jaw sending him flying and crashing through trees,… It’s been a while since I punched like that, I may have lost my magic but not my strength.

After that, I teleported out of the place and soon appeared at the meeting center of all supernatural beings, The place was renovated making it look classy, As soon as I got there, I went straight into the building to find my cousins.

Everyone looked at my direction as I walked into the place, it was like they were seeing a stranger, I hated being stared at like that, I soon found Judith, bimpe and Simi sitting together, the three of them were eating fried human hearts and kidney which was covered in sweet smelling tomato stew 🍅. I took my seat next to them exchanging pleasantries with them.


Christen ➡ Hello everyone!.


Judith ➡ Oh Christen… Long time no see.


Simi ➡ (speaking Yoruba) O n wo gbese Christen (You’re looking s-xy christen)


Christen ➡ Thanks… But what’s with the change of dialect?


Bimpe ➡ Don’t mind her.. So how’s Riley?


Christen ➡ Why are you asking of my husband?


Bimpe ➡ You know why obviously… We have to three that gang b-ng we did last time ( Check season 2)


Simi ➡ Absolutely.


Christen ➡ You’re both crazy if you think I’m going to share my man with you.


Judith ➡ You both should leave her alone.. How’s our little niece?


Christen ➡ Still the same… Listen.. There’s something I want to ask you guys… It’s about Yesterday’s explosion.


As soon as I said that, All of them stared at me with shock in their faces, They quickly grabbed and dragged me out of the place, as soon as we got outside, they teleported me and them to mount Kilimanjaro 🗻.

As soon as we got there, Simi threw a slap at my face.


Christen ➡ Ouch! Are you mad?


Simi ➡ You’re the one who’s mad?.. Do you have any idea what you were about to get us into?


Christen ➡ What is going on?


Bimpe ➡ Christen.. You can’t be talking about that… Orisaye promised to send anyone to the dark void if they were heard talking about the explosion.


Christen ➡ That’s what I want to know.. There’s something bad about it.. I can feel it and I know you all do.. Something tells me you three knew the reason behind the explosion.


Judith ➡ Christen… You can’t get involved in this.. You’ll put yourself in harms way.


Christen ➡ Tell me what is going on?


Bimpe ➡ Last night three witch councils betrayed the Supreme witch and broke into the Sacred vault and stole the book of forbidden spells.. In that book, was a spell to a portal that can access the gateway of hell and break free the Diabolic five.


Christen ➡ Who are they?


Simi ➡ In a simple term.. They’re bad news.. Doomsday if you like to call them… They’re rogue witches with crazy magic power that was a threat to the existence of the witches and as well the humans.


Judith ➡ And now they’re back! But nobody knows where they are.. And the book of forbidden spells is also missing..


Christen ➡ Is that it?… Why not track them and hunt them down?… They’re no different from the others we’ve beaten before.


Judith ➡ That’s where you’re wrong… These ones are strong… Unlike Lucas and Satania who relied on some artifacts to help them destroy the world, these ones don’t need anything.. They crave pleasure in annihilation and destruction.


Simi ➡ Orisaye warned that nobody should be stupid to confront them, let alone one of them… They’re dead strong.


Christen ➡ What nonsense talk.. That’s how it was said about Lucas and Satania and they were dealt with.. Why are these ones any different?


Bimpe ➡ Look! Even the Supreme witch herself was trembling at the mention of their names.. Christen don’t be stupid.. You’re powerless and vulnerable, even if you had your magic you can’t possibly deal with them.. These five are just as crazy and powerful as Rose.. Cause she’s the only witch to made everyone tremble while she was alive, Not even the Supreme witch is being feared like the way Rose was.


Christen ➡ So what if I’m powerless?.. Have you seen the death occurring in Ibadan… People are dying.. I’m a married to a loving husband and blessed with a kid and you expect me to think everything is alright… Something must be done.


Judith ➡ Something is being done.. Orisaye is handling the matter but for the sake of your husband and child, don’t do anything stupid.


Judith was right.. I should be careful.. Maybe I should let the professionals handling it.. But even so, I have to make preparations for safety precautions… Luckily for me, Riley and I live in grandmas house and it’s enchanted, the entire structure itself is magic.. I’ll have to go and meet Aunt Jezebel so that she can help me out with some adjustments.



The news of the death tolls rising has made everyone in Ibadan to be in a state of unrest and worry especially the University of Ibadan.

Here in the institution, The students lament and moan those that didn’t make it to lectures, lots of students were either reported dead or missing, even some of the faculty members are absent from work. With the campus population reduced and the continued death rising, everyone was in a state of fear.

Riley who’s in his office, is being occupied with some files that were to be submitted to the senate, just as he was working on them , he gets a surprise visit from his brother, Lionel.

The two brother’s exchange handshakes and pleasantries, after that Lionel keeps quiet looking worried. Riley notices his mood and asks what’s happening?


Riley ➡ Hey Lio, what’s wrong?


Lionel ➡ 😟 😟 😟 😟 😟


Riley ➡ Are you alright?


Lionel ➡ Something happened!.. My wife and son are… (sobs)


Riley ➡ Calm down brother.. What happened to them ?


Lionel ➡ Well, they went last night to spend the night with their relatives… So this morning.. I called my wife to see if she had taken our son to school but she didn’t answer… I thought maybe her phone was dead but then I got a call from my wife’s cousins… He told me that my wife, my son and their relatives were… (Sobs loudly)


Riley ➡ Lio… What happened?!?




Riley ➡ Jesus Christ! Have you called the police?


Lionel ➡ The police came… They said they couldn’t find the suspect.. The shocking was as I was on my way, Someone called and told me the police were k-lled in the same manner as well… Riley… Something bad is going on.


Riley ➡ God!… I’m sorry for your loss.


Lionel ➡ I don’t need your sympathy… I’m going to find who did this and k-ll him.


Riley ➡ You don’t who did this?… It may be a group of serial k-llers.. It’s better you stay out of this.


Lionel ➡ What are you saying?? My wife and son were brutally murdered and you suggest that I do nothing. Tell me what if something were to happen to Christen and your daughter?


Riley keeps quiet feeling hurt by his brother’s words, he too would have thought about doing what his brother wanted to do if something happened to Christen but he realized that would be a suicide mission… Christen was right about everything, another evil had emerged in Ibadan, He felt sorry about his brother’s loss and wished he could tell his brother about the existence of dark supernatural forces but unfortunately that won’t be possible because Orisaye the Supreme witch had casted a death spell on him, if he were to utter any word about any supernatural beings to any stranger, he would die instantly and that is a risk he couldn’t take…


Riley ➡ Lio… I’m sorry about your loss… Please don’t do anything without the involvement of authorities.. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to find who did this … I swear it… Please promise me you won’t carry out any solo revenge mission. Please.


Lionel keeps quiet for a while and then nods to his brother.. After that, he stands up and leaves the office.

After his brother’s departure, Riley shakes his head in pity wondering who could be the being responsible for the death… In that moment, he gets a call from the Principal of his daughter’s new school.


Serene ➡ Hello… Prof. Riley.


Riley ➡ Afternoon Mrs. Serene.. Is something wrong?


Serene ➡ Yes.. Sir.. I’m afraid you’ll have to come quick.. It’s about your daughter.


Riley ➡ Jesus… I’ll be on my way.


After that, Riley ends the call and quickly adjusts his table, he packs the files and put them into his briefcase 💼, as soon as he does that, He picks his car keys and rushes out of his office and heads straight to the parking lot.


Meanwhile, somewhere around Oyo, Bellona disguises herself as a rich woman and enters a huge orphanage building with dozens of strange looking men in black suits each of them carrying 6 cartons of juice ,… As she walks inside the place, she meets the warden and gives him the juice as a donation and then walks out of the place… As soon she’s far away from eye sight, she snaps her fingers and the men melt and turn back to water.. In that moment, Damon appears behind her and grabs her from behind.


Bellona ➡ Oh… It’s you my love.


Dagon ➡ It’s me.. Were you expecting someone?


Bellona ➡ No… So what brings you here?


Dagon ➡ What did you put in those beverages?


Bellona ➡ Oh. The usual.. It’s a sea magic parasite of my making… Anyone that drinks that juice is as good as dead in the next 3 days..


Dagon ➡ You sly mermaid… Your work is absolutely cunning! You make me fall in love with you every time.


Bellona ➡ Oh… Kiss me darling.


Sooner after that, Both of them kiss lustfully for some minutes before they eventually stop.


Dagon ➡ Ah.. It’s good to be back. Very soon this place is going be ours.


Bellona ➡ Aren’t you worried about the Witches finding us?


Dagon ➡ They can try… Besides they’re all kids.. What could they possibly do to stop us? Once we’ve gotten our strength back.. We will annihilate anyone that gets in our way.



Next episode ➡ Return of Rose.

The Diabolic five

Amon ➡ (Wizard)

(Magic power) ➡ Death curse.

Has the ability to s--k out life force using telekinesis and has the ability to cast a death spell curse that covers a wide span area.


Dagon ➡ (Wizard)

(Magic power) ➡ illusion and mind control

Has the ability to create an illusion so real, you can’t tell the different, and has the power to control minds of living beings.


Bellona ➡ (Mermaid)

(Magic power) ➡ Water manipulation and curse creation.

Has the ability to control water and manipulate it into any shape she wants and also creates powerful curses.


Legion ➡ (Ghoul)

Ability ➡ ( illusion and death traps)

Creates illusion to fool his prey or uses trap to catch his preys and feed on them.


Drystan ➡ (Wind demon)

Naked to the human eye, this being feeds on human life force once he touches them.

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