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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Witches Lust 3 - Episode 4 & 5




Witches Lust 3 - Episode 4 & 5

Written by Sadiq Infinity

Notice: This story is Rated 20+ contains f_ul languages and $ex in writing.


10 years had passed since I married Riley and I have to say Life was great. Being with him was like finally having eternal peace, and joyful moment of my life was when we gave birth to our daughter Ebinoluwa. I felt so happy and excited.

Riley and I lived peacefully and loved each other dearly and we did our best to live the life we wanted, but there are times where things get a little bit complicated.

Ever since I lost my powers, I had to manage and live like a human and I have to say being a human sucks. I couldn’t do my magic and I couldn’t do the things I had done before, also I had to do this housework stuff… If I had my magic, I would have just cleaned the house with a click of my fingers but now I had to use my hands to do everything.

But all this was just a tip of the iceberg.. The real problem I’m currently facing is those hypocritic church ladies that follow Riley’s mom to my house, whenever she comes visiting.. They would come and bother me with noises and sometimes spoil the house I worked so hard to clean… I felt so mad that I wanted to blast them but I couldn’t shout at Riley’s mom, unlike the others, she’s different, she’s calm and quiet.

Among the women, there’s nobody that turns me off like that mosquito b-tch, Deborah… I wonder why I didn’t kill her back in the day.. Her main reason for coming to my house, was just to taunt me.. She was jealous of the good life I was enjoying and then she would began to talk trash behind my back.

I swore to deal with her when I had the chance, and another problem I faced was ridicule from the other witches who mocked me for losing my powers.. I couldn’t confront them because I was at a disadvantage.. Ever since Rose was gone, these young witches have been sprouting their pride like peacocks, everyone of them was trying to be like Rose but they’re nothing but talk. So in order to avoid any problems, I decided to quit my job and confine myself at home, sometimes I go to my favorite spot to enjoy some fresh air whenever I was tired of staying inside the house..

My biggest headache was my daughter, Ebinoluwa… She may look like an angel but she’s a heap of trouble.. The surprising thing is that she looks so innocent but the trouble that piles up behind her is unbelievable… Over the years, Riley and I have done everything we can to put her in school, I was against it but it’s better she gets education, but every school we take her, trouble follows, The teachers would report to us that certain calamity had befallen them, I suspected that Ebinoluwa had magic powers cause ever since I gave birth to her, she showed no signs of magic but yet something odd always seems to happen Wherever she goes.

My major concern was her unhealthy relationship with her father, For some reason she doesn’t seem to like him.. She never talks to him or even says a word, she would just stare at him like he was some kind of stranger. Despite her attitude towards him, Riley continues to try to win her over.

Being married isn’t easy but at least I got what the life wanted and I don’t complain about it.

Later in the evening, I was here in my bedroom brushing my long hair softly, it was a habit that I had recently cultivated over the years, Whenever I was alone at home, I would prep myself up looking beautiful every day before Riley comes back … It always turns him on every time he comes back from work, and I would use that opportunity to get whatever I want and he never denies me anything I ask for.

So just as I was about to round up brushing my hair, Riley came into the bedroom looking exhausted, He dropped his briefcase 💼 on the bed and laid down flat breathing hard.


Riley ➡ Evening Honey… You sure look beautiful as always.


Christen ➡ Evening Darling… You sure look tired!


Riley ➡ Yeah…. Lecturing isn’t easy.


Christen ➡ Well… Relax your wife is going to take care of you.


I dropped my brush and climbed onto the bed, I crawled and mounted on Riley’s thighs, I slowly removed his coat and unbuttoned his shirt, after that, I rubbed my hands all over his manly chest massaging him slowly.


Riley ➡ Ohh… This is better..


Christen ➡ Are you enjoying yourself?


Riley ➡ You already know the answer… My.. You look so hot tonight.


To my surprise, Riley grabbed my a** pressing it softly, I felt his hard er+ction touching my pu+y, I can’t believe he had gotten so aroused quickly.


Christen ➡ Honey… You’re getting too excited..


Riley ➡ I just can’t help it.. You’re just too attractive. Come on it’s been a while since we had any affair.. Let me make love to you.


Christen ➡ Hmm… Is that what you want?


Riley ➡ It’s what we both want.


Christen ➡ (giggles) Alright then… Take your prize, Love.


As soon as I said that, Riley turned me around and laid me on the bed, He mounted on top of me and kissed me passionately putting his hands around my a** and bre-sts, While we were kissing, He began to unbelt his trouser, he soon pulled it down and parted my legs,. Just as he was about to penetrate me, A Big boom went off startling both me and Riley… We quickly stopped what we were doing and listened.




Christen ➡ Did you hear that?


Riley ➡ Yes… It sounded like a bomb!


Christen ➡ No… It’s not a bomb… There’s some ominous about this sound… I don’t like it..


Riley ➡ Come on… There’s nothing to worry about.


Christen ➡ I’m not sure…


Riley ➡ Relax… Nothing will happen this time.. Besides.. Where’s Ebinoluwa?


Christen ➡ She’s in her room.. Wait?… I haven’t seen her at all.. Let’s go check her room.


Riley and I left our bedroom and went to check on Ebinoluwa.. As we got into her room, she wasn’t there… My heart leaped as I saw her bed empty, her cat 🐈 wasn’t inside the room either.. She must have gone out but where?


Riley ➡ Where is she?


Christen ➡ I.. I… Wait! Hold on!


Within a blink of an eye, I teleported out of the house and appeared close to the Iroko tree, I looked everywhere but she wasn’t there… I was starting to get afraid when I heard a faint noise just a fewer meters away from where I was, I ran to where the noise was and I saw my daughter with her cat.


Christen ➡ Oh Mephistoph! Ebinoluwa… You almost scared me to death… Are you okay?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒 I’m fine..


I went over to her and hugged her warmly rubbing her hair softly, the cat too walked around us meowing loudly.


Christen ➡ Okay… Let’s go home.. Your father is getting worried.


Ebinoluwa ➡ I don’t want to go home yet.. It’s too early to turn in.


Christen ➡ Enough young lady… It’s 11:30 pm. Any child would have been far asleep by now.


Ebinoluwa ➡ But I’m half witch.


Christen ➡ Don’t forget you’re half human.. Let’s go.


After that, I grabbed her hands and picked up the cat and teleported back home, Riley was relieved when he saw all of us.. He wanted to touch Ebinoluwa but she dodged him and went onto her bed, the cat followed her onto the bed staring at us menacingly… There was something about it’s stare that looks very familiar.

Immediately Ebinoluwa tucked herself to bed, we closed the door and went to our bedroom.


Christen ➡ Don’t feel bad about what she did.. I’m sorry.. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.


Riley ➡ Don’t worry… She’s just in her childish tantrum, once she gets older, she’ll stop. Her cold attitude sort of reminds me of Rose.


Christen ➡ (chuckles) Oh.. Darling.. Nothing ever bothers you.. I love you.


Riley ➡ Love you too… So can we continue from where we stopped?


Christen ➡ No… Ebinoluwa might be listening on us… So we can’t.. But I’ll make it up to you.


Riley ➡ It’s okay… Let’s get to sleep then.



God what a night!! It didn’t turn out as I expected but it was great, especially when my wife was right next to me.

After getting up from the bed, I took my bath and wore my clothes… Today is the day I’m enrolling Ebinoluwa into a new school, and I hope it works out this time.

After getting dressed, I went downstairs to the dinning table,.. Christen had already served breakfast when I arrived, My daughter who’s already on the table was busy eating her food slowly and calmly, it was rare to see children her age behave like this around the table, it’s too bad her manners aren’t as good as her table manners… Ever since this child of mine was born she had never greeted me but still she didn’t respect me in any way, I’ve been waiting for the day she’d greet me but I finally gave up about the thought and got used to how things were.

Just as I was about sit down, Christen came towards me and we both shared a kiss before sitting down,… As we were eating our meals, I brought out my phone to check the news, That has been my morning routine ever since I married Christen, I always checked the news to see what was going on around the world.

I could have bought a TV and be watching it every morning but Christen and Ebinoluwa would certainly react in an unpleasant way, so I decided to stick to my phone.

As I logged into Phoenix browser and read the headlines of today’s news, There wasn’t much about the FG but there was a lot of buzz about the explosion that happened last night.. Local authority had went to the scenes unable to tell what had happened, and another shocking thing I read was about 1,000 people were found dead just last night.


Riley ➡ Jesus Christ! 1,000??


Christen ➡ What happened?


Riley ➡ 1,000 people died last night.


Christen ➡ Oh Mephistoph! Cause of death?


Riley ➡ Unknown.


Christen ➡ I knew something wasn’t right about that explosion.. There’s something evil about it.


Riley ➡ We can’t be sure.


Christen ➡ 1,000 people died last night and the cause of their deaths is unknown! Isn’t that strange!? It’s been decade since we saw something like this. I have a feeling something evil is on the move.


Riley ➡ Christen! We’re not sure and don’t make any moves.. Things are different than before… We have a lot to lose here.


Christen ➡ (sighs) I know…


Seeing how worried she was, I reached out and grabbed her hand rubbing it softly.. I have put her mind at rest and make sure she doesn’t go around taking risks. I too have a feeling something bad is happening but it’s better we stay off and keep our heads down.

God! I wish Rose was around.. I bet she’d handle whatever is going on.. And I can’t go to the others and ask them for aid.. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them.

After we were done eating, I got up and told Christen to get Ebinoluwa ready for school,.. This is a new school she’s going to be enrolled in and I hope everything will be okay this time around.. Before we left, Christen removed her necklace and put around Ebinoluwa’s neck, I was surprised she was still fine despite the fact she was half human. After that, We left the house.


On our way to the school, I turned on the car stereo to listen to the news and after hearing the news radio station, I’d say all wasn’t well.. Lot of people were crying on the radio about their loved ones off the stereo unable to listen to the cries of pain and agony.

Moments later, we finally arrived at the school, as soon as I parked my car, I decided to talk to Ebinoluwa before we went into the school premises.


Riley ➡ Ebinoluwa… How do you like your new school?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒


Riley ➡ Okay.. There’s something I’d like to tell you… You’re good girl and I don’t believe a word about what the previous schools said about. So please whatever happens.. Don’t say or do anything.. Just behave okay? I promise to buy you something good if you behave here in this school.. Okay?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒😒😒


Ebinoluwa didn’t say anything, She just looked away, I sighed and went out of my car, she too soon came out and we both went into the school premises… The moment we got in, the staffs were looking at us as if they’ve seen trouble.. This wasn’t surprising cause ever since the incident in Ebinoluwa’s first school, The owner of the school had spread what happened in his own academic facility. Every school we went to, would be staring at us as if we were monsters.

Seconds later, we got into the principal’s office to talk about Ebinoluwa’s fees and the rest. The Principal was a woman, whose name was Mrs. Serene Abiola.

She looked like she was in her mid thirties and she was quite a fetching woman, despite hearing about the tales about Ebinoluwa, she didn’t reject Ebinoluwa’s entry into the school.


Serene ➡ Good morning Prof. Riley..


Riley ➡ Good morning Mrs. Serene.


Serene ➡ And this must be your daughter Ebinoluwa! Good morning young lady.


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒😒😒


Riley ➡ Forgive her…. She’s too shy. She isn’t confident around people.


Serene ➡ It’s okay…. Please have a seat.


Riley ➡ Thank you.


After Ebinoluwa and I sat down, Serene and I began to talk business.


Serene ➡ I’ve heard about your daughter’s antics but I assure you.. I don’t believe any single one of them.. They’re nothing but wild rumors.


Riley ➡ Yes… I was happy when you granted her admission into your school.


Serene ➡ Well sir.. Education is our top priority.. That’s what a lot of kids are lacking these days.


Riley ➡ Excellent… Also how secure is your school?


Serene ➡ It’s tightly secure.. As you can see there are flesh eating dogs and tough looking security men.. Not even the devil can threaten this place.


The moment Serene said that, Ebinoluwa chuckled silently,… I was surprised cause this was the first time I see her react like that.


Serene ➡ Is something funny young lady?


Ebinoluwa ➡ 😒😒😒


Riley ➡ Uh.. As we were saying.. So everyone is safe then?..


Serene ➡ Yes sir.. There’s no need to worry.. If there’s any trouble, we’ll call the police immediately.


Riley ➡ Well. If anything happens.. Just give me a call. Here’s my card.


Serene ➡ Alright sir… Okay Ebinoluwa.. Come let me show you your new class.


After that, I left the office and went straight to my car, as soon as I got into it.. I turned on the engine and drove off to work, as soon as I hit the road, I turned on the stereo to listen to some music, before I could switch to the next station.. Another news came in reporting that 500 people had dropped dead in Oyo province this morning… Just what in the world is going on?



What will you do if you had a daughter like Ebinoluwa?

Next Episode ➡ Fear and Chaos

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