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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Clash Of Love - Episode 9




Mother vs Daughter

Clash Of Love - Episode 9 

Written by Chidinma Ihemenandu

Hello Barr. Frank, do you have any appointment by 12noon?

Hmmm! I don't think so 

OK then I will text you where we gonna meet at before 12 because I have a trivial issue to discuss with you.

OK no problem, I will be available by then

Thanks, bye.


Hello Sandy bae, how you doing dear? 

I am fine Treasure, what's up with you, didn't hear from you again, what's going on or are you backing down on what we have already mapped out plans for yet again? I don't quit understand what's wrong with you, I am getting tired of your flimsy excuses already 

No not like that Sandy, just hear me out first

You always have excuses Treasure and I am tired of it please 

Please hear the latest gist again first bae

OK lemme hear it, hope is gonna be different from the rest?

Yah, I am so happy bae, he just agreed to do it! (excited) 

What, I don't get the gist, who agreed to do it and what did he agree to do?

Oh you have forgot so soon darling, Jude my mugu hubby has agreed to embezzle the money from his company 

Woooww! Really I am so happy for you, I am dancing over here already I can't wait to squash the cash with you

Yah bae, we are gonna run the town and squander the cash, a mugu is a mugu, and Jude is the mugu! 

But seriously bae, this calls for celebration we need to celebrate this main! 

Yah sure, you know what Sandra, phone cynthia and tell her that we are coming over to her crib to toast and celebrate in advance for the plenty cash that's on air arriving

Right on it Treasure bae, hang up let me call her 

OK, we will meet you in your house so that we could go together

OK no problem will be waiting, just hurry up because my heart is pumping too much blood to Cruz the town 

Hahaha .. you are such a bad girl Sandra

Lemme get freshned and change to some

 thing breathtaking and I will join you soon. 

Alright bye Treasure ... 

Catch you soon Sandy..... 

.......................................... *...*

(At 12 noon, Jude drove home praying that his wife won't be at home, luckily for him his prayers was answered, he quickly rushed in took what he came for and rushed out of the house..... He drove off and called Barr.Frank to meet him in a hotel off town

Jude, I have been here for 20 minutes now, what took you so long and why did you ask us to meet in this far distance? 

My dear I am so sorry, please let's go and have a sit first and drink something chill

OK no wahala Bar. Frank replied 

(After some minutes of drinking and gisting about Lagos traffic and some minor issues, then they go into the business of the day)

Well once again Barr. I am very sorry for wasting so much of your time already, just that I went home first to get a very important thing and as for the distance I brought you, well it is for confidential matter, Hope you don't mind much Barr.? 

No sir, we are here already so let's get down to the business that brought us this far

OK thanks Barr. I appreciate your compliance..... Firstly look at this

Pals, what do you think that Mr Jude went home to get, and also what confidential issues does Mr Jude wants to discuss with the Barr.??

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