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Clash Of Love - Episode 17




Mother vs Daughter

Clash Of Love - Episode 17

Written by Chidinma Ihemenandu

Dad, this one you brought me to barr. Franky Frank's office hope you are not planning to file mum for divorce? 

Smiles no dear or those she deserved to be divorced? 

Yah sought of but I think you can still give her one more chance because every one deserves a second chance

Really, you are right Delight dear, your smartness and intelligence is beyond your age that's why you are my favorite little baby, Barr. Frank said touching her cheek


Yes uncle franky, I will be a lawyer like you too

(They all laughed)

Please barr. Let's begin, Jude said

(handing her the video) 

Delight, watch this please

Wow! Is it interesting barr? 

Just watch and tell my dear, Barr. Frank replied 

(She began to watch the video, at first she thought it was a joke but the more she watched the more perplexing it becomes to her, before you knows it, tears has began flooding her eyes like streams of water, she didn't say a word, she watched the two different videos and for 15mints she just kept crying, her father can't condole it any more and just sneaked out from the office leaving his daughter and the barr. behind.... After few minutes she screamed so loud)

Nooo oooo! Dad why did you do this to me, I trusted you so much with my life, I begged you not to and you promised me that you won't, you lied to me that you love me and will not allow me to suffer but you deed another thing at my back, you betrayed and cheated me, you never kept to your promise,you just as good as your wife and you too deserves each other... Both of you are not worthy of me! you ain't worthy to be my parents especially you dad, I thought I can confide in you but you are no better..... I don't wanna ever set my eyes on you both ever again...... She ran towards the door, turned the handle and made to run away, Frank tried to stop her but she was almost running out but very unfortunately rather fortunately for her she ran into the open arms of her father who has been standing at the door eavesdropping at her conversation with Frank( With tears in his eyes he embraced her but Delight shrugged to get free and her father wouldn't let her go.

She cried the more and hit her father's chest who at this time has bent to her level)


I hate you dad, you lied that you loved me but you didn't, you promised you won't steal from your company but you deed, you did it because of that woman that hated you with passion, now she has sworn to hand you over to the law, that means I don't have parents any more if she succeeds... Oh dad why! why!!! 

Is OK my princess, don't view me that bad, I did everything for a purpose and that's the main reason I brought you to this place, I want to show you something

No I don't wanna see anything, I don't wanna be part of your dirty games dad!!

Please calm down and listen to your dad my girl, don't arouse people's suspicion now

Common darling, let's go back to my office so we can explain everything to you

** Reluctantly she followed them back to FrankS office*

Then the barr. Brought out the divorce papers and explain everything to her, telling her that her dad didn't embezzle from his company rather he is making use of his assets

Is that true dad, I don't wanna believe this, I need proves before I can believe it

(the barr. Smiled) you are indeed a  potential lawyer Delight (he brought every documents patterning to Mr Jude's transactions and handed it over to her..... She took her time to go through each of them and scrutinize them one after the other when she was satisfied, she hugged her father)

Dad I am sorry for doubting you, I guess I overreacted.

No darling you did the right thing (kisses her on her forehead)

Well, I feel sorry for mum but she deserves what's coming her way, she doesn't deserve my dad, she is evil so she will pay for her deeds.

You are right dear, your dad has given her much chances to turn a new leave but she rather choose to be more wicked and ungrateful in her life.

My mum is an ingrate barr and I have warned her severally to be good but she just can't be good

So what are you saying my angel of light, should I go ahead with my plans? 

(the little girl hugged her father for a while then kissed him on his forehead) Yes dad I think you should go ahead, you are a good man so I am fully behind you dad

Wow!thanks my angel, what will I ever do without you??

Thanks Delight for the encouragement you gave to your father, your wisdom is undisputable, so you also have a role to play here.

Tell me uncle, I can do anything for this to be a success. She said excitedly 

Very good, this is it, your dad is gonna be away for five years or more but all these while you are gonna stay with your mum. 

Hmmm!! Is that all, but that's not a big deal, though there might be a problem

What? (her father and barr said in unison)

If I stay with my mum, I will be interacting with my dad and mum might find out about the game, so is either dad takes me with him or I pretend that I don't know my dad's where about

That's it, you are a good actress so you gonna pretend that you don't know anything Okey..


No no, I want to go with you dad, I can't stay comfortably with mum for she cares less about me

No Delight, you can't go with your dad because if you does, your mum will try all her possible best to find you and at that our plans will be discovered

Yes princess, please stay with your mom for the meantime, I won't be gone for long, I will come back for you my angel please

OK dad I will because I trust you but please don't leave me for long.

I promise my light I won't.

OK dad..... I will do it,

Yes! Yes!! Thanks Delight you just made everything very easier for your dad. The Barr. commended her excitedly 

(Smiles) uncle Franky, I  can do anything for my daddy

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