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When I Fall Inlove-Episode 24




When I Fall Inlove-Episode 24

Writen by Ruthie Lee


    I stopped reading and glanced  around the room.. Wait what?

This can't possibly be true.  If this guy's story is real, that means Kathleen can be dangerous too.

 I decided to continue reading and regretted it immediately I started reading


    ;*;  "Ymir knew how I felt for her wasn't ordinary but by her compelling powers, I didn't have a problem being under her spell because she was worth dying for. Ymir didn't take advantage of my love for her and she always wanted to be by my side.

 Well I was obsessed with her and she didn't have a problem with that, she loved my everything, we interacted with each other more than interaction it self, we made love everyday and it was the best moment of my life, until one day, I came home to see the house empty, Ymir was nowhere to be found. She never liked going out so I didn't start to wander around in the street yelling her name like she's a child.

 I decided to wait, maybe she'll come back home, but then I waited till it turned hours, hours turned days and days turned to forever. I suddenly became a mess as Ymir left me. I hardly shower, or should I say I never shower, I laid on my bed all night crying and screaming at the top of my lungs for Ymir to come back. I wanted to know where she was. And I wanted her to come back. I was missing her to death, every night I still see her in my dreams, we still made love and when I wake up the next day I feel worse.

I live in an apartment in a five story building, I lived at the 4th floor I didn't know my neighbors heard me every night when I cry and scream at the top of my lungs, they all filed a complaint against me without my knowledge.

And then the day I finally lost it, I decided to take matter into my own hands, I was tired of waiting for Ymir to come back, I wanted to be free from the kind of pain I was feeling and it was worse than grieving over someone's death, a feeling where you feel like the person you need most is close to you but you still can't hold onto that person, I decided to end my life by hanging myself.

 Just for my action about to take place, the complaints my neighbours have been sending to the police, finally came to them and they came to me.

 The cops stopped me from what I was about to do and believe me when I say it wasn't an easy thing I went through.

But anyways I finally got through ymir through the help of a therapist, I would have written his name because he is the best but just for personal reasons.

He helped me get through my trauma, even though he didn't believe I actually lived with a siren, no one believed i did, but I know what I know. I finally got through ymir but still I couldn't forget her moments, it was just like a phase that happened to me. And that is my story guys, till now no one knows where ymir is, I don't know if she's going to come back or not but I hope she doesn't. Guys I'm not saying sirens are dangerous, they might be dangerous without them knowing, but they're just unique in their own way, this is my story and this is real.

Thank you all for reading...


 I looked at Mary who seemed happy biting her stuff toys, well yeah, she's already stuffed with food, looking happy not actually knowing what her daddy is going through. 

 I dropped my phone I didn't for once doubt this guy's story I just read about, it all seemed to true and kind of similar to what I'm having now. 

So the only reason I'm dreaming about Kathleen is because I kissed her? 

 A knock on the door made me flinch and I raised my head up to the door to see Kathleen standing there with one of her brightest smile. 

"Breakfast is ready sir, Joseph" she said cheerful. 

Leaving Mary to crawl around the living room, Kathleen and I ate breakfast. 

"So how did I do?" she asked. 

"The egg is great but the bacon is half cooked." I tell her. 

 "Oh, I didn't want to get if burnt" she replied. 

"To me a little burnt bacon is the best!" I said and she smiled. 

"Next time, It will be a little burnt bacon, trust me!" she grinned. 

 I ate quietly without saying a word, and each time I remembered the encounter guy's story, I just sighed. 

"Sir, Joseph, I heard up here that when people are sick they're taken to the hospital, shouldn't you go to the hospital?" Kathleen caring for me was sweet. But she's the main reason and f*ck all this I am going to tell her. 

"I am not sick Kathleen!" I dropped my fork. 

"Then why are you so dull? Your face looks like you're not happy!" Kathleen sighed. 

"Kathleen, as a siren, do you posses any powers?" I asked and my question made her pause. 

"What's wrong?" i asked seeing her freeze. 

"Nothing." she smiled. "I never thought you'd be so curious about my being or what we do! Or how we live!". 

Well I'm glad she's feeling great about this cause I'm feeling way opposite. 

"Now do you posses any power of any kind you'd like to share?" I asked. 

"Well, I don't think so, though I know my mother never forgets to tell me there is power in our eyes, and sometimes I do feel it when I look at someone eye to eye but I just don't understand how it works, I mean people think we posses powers of all kind but I just don't see any power they're talking about " Kathleen shrugged. 

"What if you have it in you, what if you posses a power from your kind but you don't know how to use it!" i blurted. 

"Then I rather be just how I am now cause I don't want any powers of any kind. Honestly" Kathleen drank a bit of water from her cup and licked her bottom lip making me look away as fast as I could. The sight was too... Familiar. 

 I turned back to her. 

"Kathleen, last night, what did you wanted to ask me?" I finally let the cat out of the bag. 

She suddenly bent down her head. 

If it's the same answer as my Dream, then this is probably not okay. 

Then there's no difference with her and Ymir. 

"Why are you suddenly asking about that sir, Joseph, we've past that so let's just put it aside!" she laughed nervously. 

She's nervous. 

"No. I want to know!" I said sternly and she sighed. 

She dropped her fork. "I was just being silly last night, I didn't know why I wanted to ask that, it was stupid of me and now thinking about it is making me feel shy!" 

"And what was it you wanted to ask me, come on, tell me, it can't possibly be something I can't possibly give is it?" I raised my brows at her. 

She glanced down and looked up at me again. 

"Kathleen, spit it out!" I stated. 

"Fine!" she grunt. "I wanted to ask if  we could.... If we could kiss!" 

And that was it. Kathleen was already in my head just like how Ymir was in that guy's head. She doesn't even know she's in my head, I saw what she wanted to say to me in my dream. How is this even possible. 

"Just like I thought!" I mumbled angrily. 

"Just like you thought? Did you already know... it was what I wanted to say?" Kathleen asked. 

"Kathleen I've almost had sex with you two times in a row in my dream!" saying that out loud was like tasting something bitter than gall. 

 Kathleen's face got red immediately I said that and she froze on her spot.

"I... You... We... In your dreams?" she gestured a whole bunch of unreadable things with her hand.

"Yes, we, in my dreams! Care to explain that?"

"But sir, Joseph... It's your dream not mine, how do you want me to explain".

I'm a little shocked since she seemed to know what sex is and not asking what is it and how is it done, just like she does on almost every simple words I make in a sentence.

"Kathleen, you've done something to me that you're not aware of, so can you please make it stop!" I sighed.

"Make what... Stop? I don't understand what you're saying sir, Joseph, you're having a sex dream about me and still you want me to do something about it, and how can I possibly stop something, I'm not aware of!" Kathleen stood up.

Wait. Is she suddenly getting angry. I should be the angry one.

I stood up angrily.

"You have to be aware, cause how can I possibly get any good sleep when you're almost everywhere, you've messed up my head, and you're suddenly getting angry, I should be the angry one!" I yelled.. "It's your dream, its none of my business!" Kathleen stated angrily.

"None of your business, you might have spell me up with one of your siren voodoo and give me bad dreams every night."

"Bad dreams?" she gasped like she just received a smack on her face.

"Yes, bad dreams, do you know how angry I am after waking up from having that kind of dream, having to fight the urge not to kiss you every time I see you?" I yelled suddenly regretting I said that.

I glanced at Mary who has suddenly froze on the floor and was now watching Kathleen and I scream till we get bored.

"Fight the urge to kiss me? Why would you do that?" Kathleen asked.

Okay that is one heck of a stupid question.

"I used to be married and I have a daughter I'm a man of dignity!" I stated.

"It's not like I'm complaining or anything, I'm not asking you to fight the urge." she rolled her eyes.

Wait! Is she indirectly telling me to kiss her.

 Kathleen walked closer to me.

She smiled. "Since you're a man of dignity then, fight the urge!"

Her smile faded and before I knew it her lips was all over mine.

It was real.

Hell away with dignity.

I couldn't fight any stupid urge cause I was lost in the kiss before it even begun.


T. B. C

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