Theme: His Weakness
The Killer's Bride Episode 6
Xander's POV
I smirked seeing the stood killer run away. "It looks like that guy is gonna need a mama, he should cry to." My mum said from behind, and I chuckled.
"From the look on your face, it tells me that you really do enjoyed the show." I said to her, sitting down on one a couch.
"Of course I enjoyed it, I am so proud of you my daughter. Seeing how strong you are, I'm happy you didn't let your father bad morals corrupt you." My mum said smiling, her hand going under my chin. I smiled back at her.
"The last thing I would do mum, is to let dad way if thinking affect me, I am not like him and I will never be anything like him." I assured my mum.
"That feels so good to hear, well.... Aren't you forgetting something." She asked, I looked around the house, jogged my memory to see if there was anything I'm actually forgetting, and to he sincere I don't think I'm forgetting anything.
"School, you are forgetting school, Mia." She informed me. Ughhh, I hate school. I'm a very good fighter, and I have also finished school, I'm not the little girl a lot of people think I am. I was home schooled and when I and mum ran away from my dangerous mother, this was the only way to cover our tracks. Nobody knows my true identity, in their eyes I'm a high schooler and someone who knows how to fight little karate. You see my opponent always underestimate me, and that's why they always end up running back to their mama's crying.
"Don't you even dare give me that look young lady. I want you to go into your room, have your bath and get ready for school." My mum instructs, looking me right in the eyes. I hate school, I hate going to school.
I lazily got up from the couch, having a sad face on. A good fighter like me shouldn't be subject to school, ugh.
"Bye mum, I'm off to school and make sure you take care of yourself, and do not forget that I love you so much." I yelled stepping out of the house, waving good bye to my mum.
"I love you too darling, and please, try to stay away from fights." She yelled from inside the house, and I had no reply for her, cause i know i won't be able to keep away from fighting, if there's a person in need of saving. I don't know why she would always asks me to keep away from fight, when she get well knows that I'm a fighter and she's also the one asking me never to turn away from a person that needs saving. I guess she's trying to say those words for our neighbors to hear.
I got on my motor cycle, and drove to school, just a friendly reminder, I hate school. I was already halfway to school when I heard someone shouting, "Help, Help, Somebody, please save me." I stopped my bike immediately, without taking off my helmet, i hurriedly got down from my bike.
I walked into the alley I heard the voice coming from, when I got there a woman or should I say, a young girl was tied to a chair. I couldn't see her face cause it was covered with her clothes. "Hey, are you alright. What happened to you, and who is responsible for this." I questioned, already untying the rope tied around the lady.
"And the community saviour, comes running to the rescue." A male voice said from behind me, a gun touching the back of my head.
I know that voice, very well, ugh. "Charles take that fake gun off my head." I drawled, I turned around to look at him. "How can you always tell it's me. This time I disguised my voice to be thick and manly."
"Yeah, your voice really sound muscular." I replied him, my voice lazed with sarcasm. "Anyway, you can free yourself Sylvia, I aren't doing that for you." I said, already walking out of alley.
Charles must have stayed back to untie Sylvia, because they both came out of the alley together.
"Well.... See you guys at school." I wore my helmet, then drove off. Those two idiots, charles and Sylvia are my two best friend. Charles and Sylvia are siblings, when I was a new kid in school, those two would never let me be. I had told them thousand times back then, that I didn't want to be friends with them but they never listen.
I tried being rude, I ignored them, but that wasn't enough to get them faraway from me, and slowly, I began to like their company, and sooner they found out I'm a fighter and also the neighborhood hero.
"Hahahahahahaha, wow, this is so funny. Tell me the story again." I said laughing really hard, my hand on my stomach.
"Xander, it's not funny. I got beaten by a girl, and to worsen the case I ran away from her, like a scared chicken. This is the most embarrassing day of my life, and it's not funny." Chan said angrily, he took a huge gulp out of the wine bottle in his hand, looking really angry.
"Come on Chan, you can't tell me it's not funny, cause you know it's funny. Besides I told you to be prepared. Remember what master use to say back then, he would always say, never underestimate your opponent, even if your opponent is as small as an ant, they could be full of surprises.
"Yeah, lecture me, lecture me Xander." Chan rolled his eyes at me, gulping more wine down his throat. Oh geez.
"So... Shouldn't you be preparing to fight her again, you know you are supposed to kill her, right?." I said.
"I'm not fighting her." He said simply, too simply.
"What, but why. You were giving an assignment and you are supposed to finish that assignment." I said shocked, he would even think of quiting, assassin's never quit.
"Well.... I'm quiting this one. I will be at home if you need me." He got up from the couch, and waled away, I watched him leave my house. Wow, It looks like that girl really gave him a good kick. Things just get interesting.
All day long i couldn't think of anything else but that beautiful sexy fighter in the bar. I can still remember the way she fought flawlessly, her moves where unlike any type of move i have ever seen. How could a mere lady fight three men, how could a lady fight so well and good. How could a mere lady, heat up Chan that he is so scared to fight her again. I have heard of ladies fighting, I have heard of assassin's that are ladies, but I never thought I will find one that's so skillful, for her to beat up Chan, it means she's good.
I stared at the ceiling, my hands folded below my chest, my mind refusing to think of anyone else but her. I have never felt like this before, I don't even know what this feeling is!
I got up from the bed, paced around the room repeatedly then i finally made up my mind, I'm going to see this girl myself, I need to see how really good she is. I'm going to fight her.
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