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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The President Daughter -Episode 22



(No Lower Class Needed)

The President Daughter -Episode 22


    Avril POV:

Mother of his child? This bitch must be crazy.

"What are you talking about Izzy? It has been good six years we last saw each other." Ace said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Listen baby, I birth your child here with my womb." She said and I laughed out loudly.

We eee

She glared at me and brought out a knife from her back pocket.

"It was you, he is rejecting me because of you. What have you done to him?" She asked.

My eyes widened. What is she doing with a knife?

"Little Izzy, drop the knife." Ace said and I glared at him.

"You're an asshole Ace, what have I not done for you? You want her over me? Thank both die together." She said.

I took a deep breath and thought of a quick plan, this girl is a psychopath and she can hurt anyobe of us or herself right now.

While Ace was trying to speak some sense into her crazy head, i moved to her back and quietly snatched the knife from her.

"You bitch!" She yelled.

"Oh yes." I quickly called the police while Ace held her from running away.

The police came and we both gave our statements before they took her away.

I sigh heavily and throw myself on the couch.

"Why are you here?" Ace asked and I frowned. I fold my hands around my chest and watched his eyes follow the little action.

He took in a sharp breath and looked away.

"Why are you here Avril, the last time I checked we had a misunderstanding." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is that it? We had a misunderstanding and you stopped answering my calls, you stopped going to work and here you are staying like a super hero in a crowded beach." I said sarcastically and stood up from the couch.

"I apologized baby,I did right? Forgive me." I said and grab hold of his hand… "Look at me." He looked at me and raise an eyebrow.

"I……..I am ready to visit any hospital of your choice, I want to have my memories back. The memories of both of us." I said and he winched.

"Really?" He asked me and I nodded. I wanted that much.

I want him so much.

"Okay, we will be visiting somewhere tomorrow then." He mumbled.

My heart leaped at the thought of regaining my memories.

What was he like back then?

How much did I chase him?

Did he hurt me?

"Do you haveany food here? Im hungry." I said and he chuckled.

"Yes, I have some sandwich remaining." He said and I stood up going to a certain direction.

"You don't even ask for the kitchen." He said and I laughed nervously.

"Where is the kitchen, please." I asked

"Come, I'll show you." He said and led the way.

He look really really hot in his gray sweatpants and black T-shirt. I felt like ripping them off his body.

I glanced around the huge kitchen and caught a breath.

Wow! The kitchen is really huge for one man.

He dished out the sandwich while I watch him moving around, his muscle ripping through in his tight shirt.

I can't help but think about the time when we had s3x,now I really want him.

I pushed myself away from the door and held over to him.

I touched his shoulders and squeezed them lightly.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Taking care of what's mine." I replied and he quickly turned around.

"Stop your games Avril, I really am.not in theood right now." He said to me. I trail down his body from his shoulder to his hipbone and then grab hold of his already harden manhood.

"F%%k." He cursed and tried to step away from me.

"Now why will you wanna do that lover boy? I'm here with you. I need you Ace.* I said and he sighed.

He grabbed hold of me hosted me up again the kitchen counter.

"You know just how to push me,don't you?" He asked and I chuckled.

"The perfect seductress for you." I said and bite his earlobe.

He groaned and pushed up my skirt.I chuckled loudly and held on his shoulder.

He slammed his lip on mine and kissed me, he sucked on my bottom lip and bite it lightly.

"F**k, I miss you so much." He said and started undoing my shirt.

He yanked my shirt open and stared at my boobs.

"Mine." He said and buried his face on my Boobs.

"All yours baby, all yours." I moaned out as he s**k on it.

He fiercely turned me around and bounced my skirt to my hip then slap my a** cheek.

"Mine." He growl.

"All yours." I assured him.

"When am done with you today, you'll remember everything naturally." He growl and smack a**cheek again.

I llaughd loudly and await the pleasure that follows.


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