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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

The President Daughter -Episode 16



(No Lower Class Needed)

The President Daughter -Episode 16


         Avril's POV:

I stir in my sleep, a hand was around my waist holding me tightly.

I slowly open my eyes and I saw Ace sleeping soundly.

Upclose he look absolutely sexy. My eyes darted to his lips and I blushed hard.

My mind went back to our romantic moment of last night and I blushed hard.

He…..he makes me feel things that i don't normally feel with Ishmael.

Since I started dating Ishmael I've never cheat on him, but they all change since i met Ace. He changed everything.

I guess I have my own imperfections as well.

I bought up my hand and caress his cheek, he stir calmly and slowly open his eyes. 

"Good morning." I smiled at him and he stared at me for awhile before smiling back.

"Good morning," he said back.

"How was your night?" I asked.

"Beyter since you're here beside me." He said causing me to blush. He ruffled my hair and I glared playfully at him.

"The jet will arrive by 10, so get ready sweet." He said and I nods.

I was happy but also sad, we are returning to America but I won't be with him like this anymore. I'll go back to my boyfriend, my real boyfriend.

"What are you thinking about?" Ace asked, I shook my head and wrap the duvet around me before walking inside the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and took my bath then I open the bathroom door but couldn't find Ace anywhere.

Where the hell is he?

I sat down before the vanity table and stare down at myself, there is this after s*x glow on my face.

I sigh and took my dryer then started blowing my hair dry. 

After which I walk to the closet and retrieve my suitcase, I open it and pick up a white camisole and blue jeans and wear them after wearing my matching set of pant and bra.

After Wearing my clothes I carried my packed suitcase and walk out of the closet.

"Where were you?" I asked Ace who was busy on his laptop.

"Went to prepare this for you." He pointed at the table and laying there is two mugs of coffee. I felt my heart raced at the thought of him making coffees for me in the future.

I pick up the two mugs and went towards him then hand over one to him before sitting down beside him.

"So what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Replying some important emails, I'll be through soon so that we can go out for breakfast." He told me. I glanced at his laptop and back to his face. I bite my lower lip and smile. He look so f**kable while working.

I keep myself busy with my phone as he work on his laptop.




We were already heading to the airport where the jet is waiting for us.

"How many jets do you have?" I asked him.


"Fi……..five! How can you afford such amount of properties?" I asked in disbelieve.

I know that he is rich, but not this much.

He chuckled and open the car door for me. I didn't even know that we've got to the airport.

"I have more than enough money sweet." He said, a hint of boost in his voice.

"Show off." I mumbled and he wrote in a laughter.

"You miss Banaras is sure a show off, remember bossing me around back then." He said and my face hit up.

How can i forget?

The pilot collect our suitcases and Ace leas me inside the jet.

This place is heaven. I look around in awe, so beautiful. Everything is pure gold sparkling.

"You like it?" He asked and I nodded violently, I fear my neck will break.

Come let's seat.

A hostess walk towards us and smiled at Ace.

"Good morning Mr Fairweather, how was your day?" She asked him.

"Fine Arley." She nods and smiled at me.

"Hello your excellency, I'll be your hostess in today's flight. If you want anything I'll be right here. Enjoy your flight." She said and I smiled back at her.

I glanced at Ace and he was still working. 

I send my mom a quick text before switching up my phone and Ace did so as well.

"What about your laptop?" I asked him.

"Working." He simply replied. I shook my head with a smile.


"So when am I seeing you again?" Ace asked as I got ready to get inside the car that a guard brought.

"See me again? Ace you must have forgotten but I have a man in my life." I said and he sigh.

"Sweet, we can talk about this over dinner tomorrow. Okay? I'll text you." He said and walk closer to me.

He lowered his head and I instinctively closed my eyes in anticipation.

He placed his lips on mine and kissed me slowly. He broke the kiss and smiled.

"See you later sweet, take care." He said and shoved me inside the car then close the door.

"Take care," I mumbled as the car drove off. I look back too see him wearing his sunglasses and got inside his car.

Am I falling for this man?


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