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Naijamedialog Pointing Hand

Pizza Girl Season 2 Episode 18


Pizza Girl Season 2 Episode 18

(She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him)
©️Authoress Ti Fe

                     MRS DANIELLE 

I walked into the house and I saw Isaac laughing. I heard everything Diana told him, and I knew if I didn't tell him myself he would never believe it.

"She is right Issac. You are my son." I said and they both looked at me.

He laughed and then stopped trying to catch his breath.

"Guys trust me, I know you are trying to cheer me up about my parents. It's actually working, so let's stop all these okay? You won, I finally laughed." He said and I walked closer to him.

"I would never joke about this to you. It's the truth." I said and his smile changed to a confused face.

"Diana what's going on? I said I am okay now, so tell her to back off. You won okay?" He said laughing again and Diana stood up.

"Isaac I know this is hard. But it is what it is." She said. I wanted to talk but when I saw him raise up his hand I paused.

"Okay, what is this all about again?" He asked looking serious now.

"I am your mother..." I said and he cut me off.

"Don't Bullshit me!!!!" He yelled and we both shivered in

"Isaac." Diana called.

"Don't! What are you trying to do? Manipulate me? Diana my parents has been dear for 20 years!" He yelled and I shook my head.

"Not your parents, just one of them truly died. I am your mother, and that mark on your body, I have the same." I said pulling down my blouse to show him.

"Okay I have had enough! Get out!" He said and I was so shocked.

"Isaac please. Why can't you see she is saying the truth? Why don't you believe?" Diana asked.

"That the woman that popped out of nowhere is my mother that has been dead to me for more than 20 years? That Enoch, that I have always hated is my brother? That my girlfriend's mother is the cause of my miserable life on the street! Eating trash, sleeping in the sun and rain for 20 tears! No I don't believe!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Isaac I swear I didn't abandon you. I searched everywhere for you, after Caroline took you away from me, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find you." I said in tears.

"So you gave up?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I never did." I said walking close to him.

"Don't you dare! I don't believe any of these. The Paper works or the marks." He said throwing the paper away.

"If you don't believe them, what about the connection we felt when we first met?" I asked and he couldn't say anything.

"Isaac she didn't mean to." Diana said in tears.

"She didn't mean to but your mother did!" He yelled and Diana gasped breaking into more tears. She didn't see that coming,neither did i.

"Go away. My mother would remain dead to me." He said turning his back.

"Isaac you said you have never felt the love of a Mother, I am ready to make that happen, to mwje everything right, if you give me the chance." I said and he looked at me.

"That would never happen! I have survived 20 miserable years of my life without parents. Thinking they were dead, and then after I am beginning to be who I am and be with who I love you come out of nowhere claiming I am your lost son?? Doesn't that sound crazy to you?" He asked in tears.

I knew he was angry and full of rage, and I could do nothing about it.

"Go." He said walking away.

"Issac." Diana called and he rose up his hand shunning her.

"Go with her too! I don't want to see anyone! I want be left alone!" He yelled ran to one of the rooms and slammed the door against our faces.

"I knew this would happen, I knew." Diana said falling into the couch in tears.

"Diana he doesn't hate you. It's your mom." I said and she looked at me.

"Don't you get it? Anytime he sees me, it will always remind him of my evil mother. I knew this would affect us, we shouldn't have told him anything." She said and I shook my head.

"Of course we should have! Diana I have weeping and grieved over my lost son for years! Now he is here and I won't tell him the truth because of you? That's selfishness Diana." I said feeling angry and hurt.

"I am sorry Danielle. I just don't know what to do. If Isaac breaks up with me, I would die. I won't survive it." She said and I nodded.

"I understand, and I thinkI know what to do." I said and she looked at me.

"Anything. Anything that would make him not to hate me." She said standing up.

"We need Caroline to talk to him." I said.

"What? That's a disaster." She said and I shook my head.

"It's not, it's a distraction. Isaac can't hate you if Caroline is there for him to hate. It would make him understand that you know nothing about all this." I said and she nodded.

"Okay,I will talk to her. She needs to apologise." She said grabbing her phone.

"No not yet. Isaac needs time to digest the whole story. And I should be the one to talk to Caroline, I am the mother here." I said.

"But I can't just stay here and do nothing." She said and I nodded.

"You are doing something. You are helping me break this news to Enoch. I would take care of your mother and your mom." I said and she nodded rapidly.


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